Spell Line: | Runes of Suppression |
Level: | 46 |
Target: | Enemy |
Power Cost: | 39 |
Cast Time: | 3s |
Duration: | 30s |
Range: | 1500 |
Radius: | 350 |
Damage: | 130.00 |
Damage Type: | Energy |
Effect: | Bonus: -35% |
Source: | Camelot Herald |
Last Modified: | Fri Mar 19 05:27:38 2010 |
Description: | |
Damage and Snare (AOE) - Target takes damage. Damage done is of the spell's given damage type. Target's movement speed is also slowed by the given percentage, which gives the caster more time before the target closes to melee range. | |
Extra Info: | |
This is an "Area of Effect" (AOE) spell which can affect multiple targets in the spell's radius and does less damage the further away targets are from the spell's center. |