Spell Line: | Battlesongs |
Level: | 32 |
Target: | Enemy |
Power Cost: | 20 |
Recast Delay: | 30s |
Duration: | 24s |
Range: | 1000 |
Damage Type: | Body |
Source: | Camelot Herald |
Last Modified: | Fri Jun 1 01:51:36 2007 |
Description: | |
Mesmerise (Instant) - Target is stunned and cannot move or take any other action for the duration of the spell. | |
Extra Info: | |
Spells cast by friendly players, resistances to the spell's damage type, or realm abilities such as "Purge" and "Determination" can help to counteract the effect. If the target suffers any damage or other negative effect, the spell will break. This spell can be cast while in combat.
Per Patch 1.89 (05.23.07) - All spells with less than 1000 range in the Minstrel's Instruments spec, Bard's Music spec and Skald’s Battlesongs spec have been increased to 1000 range. |