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Weekly Goals and Accomplishments 7/3 - 7/9Follow

#1 Jul 04 2015 at 9:09 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
I can only assume Valk has fallen off the face of the Earth.

So what are everyone's independence-related goals for the week. Seceding from the British Empire? Or just bum rushing Alexander Normal?

For me, accuracy requirements finally fulfilled, I'm getting set for Alex opening up this week. My static's first official raid is on Wednesday. So hopefully that's not a complete disaster.

Beyond that my AST is 42 right now. I'd like to be 50 by the end of the week. My MCH is 32, currently using my low level roulettes on that. And BLM is 51. I'd like to make progress on all of these.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#2 Jul 04 2015 at 11:21 AM Rating: Good
191 posts
WHM to 53-54, get Aetherial Currents done in one zone and continue MSQ quests which for me have been awesome!!
Pikko wrote:
I'm here with the Sticky Wand of Doom!!

Osanshouo wrote:
What makes an unbeatable game fun?
Your friends.

Crysania Majere 50WHM, 50SCH, 50SMN
Kraken Club - Ultros
#3 Jul 04 2015 at 11:19 PM Rating: Excellent
We made the unfortunate discovery that everyone in the FC leveled either bard or or some flavor of tank to 60 first, so I'm scrambling to get my scholar to 60 next. While also gearing up my bard and picking away at my own tank a little.

In non battle related goals, I need to earn back a lot of gil. It was my best friend's birthday today so I bought her Fat Cat. I'm broke, but she's happy, so it was worth it.

I'm also trying to collect a triple triad card each day. Got lucky and finally got Lahabrea from the silver card packs today. I think he was my last silver, so on to golds! At 51 cards now.
#4 Jul 05 2015 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
I might get to level 60 on my Miner as my first 60. People are paying stupid amounts for ingredients that they are too lazy to go get for themselves. My DRG is level 58 and I'm just about sick of all these fetch and kill x quests. The main storyline is the only thing keeping me going at this point. So, that coupled with the stupid prices people are paying, I just might get to 60 on my Miner first.

I finally gave up on Triple Triad this week. After winning a few dozen matches against several of the new NPCs and not getting a single damn card out of it, I've decided it's not worth the time it takes.

My chocobo hit level 10, so I suppose I should look into gardening up some onions. I did use the free one from whatever quest that was that gave it, but I'm about a third of the way into needing another one, and I never pay for what I can get for myself. I've already got some seeds from earlier crossbreeding, so it shouldn't be too much hassle to get them planted. I just need to remember to log in every day to check on them.
#5 Jul 05 2015 at 2:28 AM Rating: Excellent
My goal is to beat Biz Ex. I am in that frustrating zone (again) where I know the fight inside and out, but now I need to find seven other people who are just as ready.... And that ain't easy.

Edited, Jul 5th 2015 12:17pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#6 Jul 05 2015 at 10:29 AM Rating: Excellent
Thayos wrote:
My goal is to beat Biz Ex. I am in that frustrating zobe (again) where I know the fight inside and out, but now I need to find seven other people who are just as ready.... And that ain't easy.

People can hardly keep up with Bismark and Ravana HM through DF, forget the EX versions. I think I got thrown into Ravana about 4 times last night through my Roulette, kept being the last one alive, every single time. This is what happens when you nerf things like Steps of Faith though, it really enforces that storyline content isn't supposed to be hard. So people just waltz in to every fight expecting it to be a cake walk and just, not dodge anything. When you're on your 5th attempt and you keep dying to the same thing, you're just not paying attention. Finally, vote abandon ensues a few times, get thrown into Hydra, excellent.

What do people do? Tank it in the middle, stand in all the AOEs, avoid adds and not get behind em when he moves to the middle. Everyone dropping like flies. Ended up winning with 3 members alive...Anyways, that's my rage for today /endrant

As for the topic of this thread, I hit 60 and now I'm trying to gear my mnk with some i170-180. I'll give Biz EX a go with a friends static if they have time, beyond that though, I'm not bashing my head against a wall through the PF for now. Might try to get a few more levels on my MCH while I'm at it too.

#7 Jul 05 2015 at 7:48 PM Rating: Excellent
0/9 on PF groups for Bismarck Extreme.

I'm so beyond frustrated right now. I know this fight inside out, front to back.. it's so damn simple... and yet I can't find a single PF group in which people are simply aware of the few actual mechanics.

In fact, probably 6/9 of the PF groups I've had can't even clear the first or second-phase DPS checks.

If I could just have one good party, I'd clear this in like 10 mins... instead, I've burned several hours dealing with others who fail to prepare. Ugh.
Thayos Redblade
#8 Jul 06 2015 at 9:36 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
I can only assume Valk has fallen off the face of the Earth.

Close, spent Friday with family.

My goals that I met:

1. Bard to ilvl 179. Can't do better without a hive weapon.

1a. Side note: Tank died early, blm died at 20% health remaining, and I kited the final boss of Neverreap on my bard in a circle, dodging tornadoes for the win. It can be done.

2. Got paladin to 60, and obtained the sword/shield, chest, and pants ilvl 180, so he is now at about ~160.

2a. Side note. Was running library at lvl 59, healer died early on demon wall, I became healer/tank and used clemency for the win. Super strong spell.

3. Carpenter to 60! But stuck on the final quest where I have to make an adamantite spear or something and it is not in my crafting log. Think I need that master book 2 for it. That craft is still no joke and fieldcraft III is still expensive. 1/3 so far.

4. Botanist to 56. But everyone and their mother is farming the 60 nodes so everything is super cheap, even the rare stuff. Still good to be able to gather the wyvern maps.

5. Finally beat Bismark EX for a messy first clear (pf clear group), then turned around with the same group and got a super smooth second win right after.... with 3 bards and a dragoon. At first I was thinking, oh no.... but the bards were doing excellent dps and the dragoon was pretty good as well. Got the win on the very first run I ever managed to get past the blue/green adds. The dps check is no joke, but when you find a group that can do it, you do it.

6. Tried out Ravana EX, got past the moth adds in my learning group. I consider that a success. I'll get a few alexander pieces and it will be easier later on.

Goals for next week:

1. Every day I have to be able to find the time to do the following:
A. Expert / Trial / High Roulette for Law
B. Low roulette for MCN.
C. Every GC turn-in for crafters/gatherers.
D. Every daily hunt

2. For the week I need to get weekly challenges finished and the weekly hunt.

If I do this, I can expect to gear paladin, level MCN to 50 slowly, and level all my crafters and gatherers to 60 simultaneously. I thought about pushing ACN to 60 so I can knock out a healer job while leveling my SMN (want to try the new skill there) but that is for the far future. So much to do, makes me almost hate level cap increases.

3. Need to join up some folks and run through the alexander normal when it unlocks. Can't imagine normal mode being much more difficult than coil or World of Darkness. We will see.
#9 Jul 06 2015 at 10:02 AM Rating: Excellent
5. Finally beat Bismark EX for a messy first clear (pf clear group), then turned around with the same group and got a super smooth second win right after.... with 3 bards and a dragoon. At first I was thinking, oh no.... but the bards were doing excellent dps and the dragoon was pretty good as well. Got the win on the very first run I ever managed to get past the blue/green adds. The dps check is no joke, but when you find a group that can do it, you do it.

I'm now 0/11 on Bismarck Ex, even though I know the entire fight front-to-back.

I'm just amazed by how bad DPS players tend to be. Two parties ago, each DPS had an i180 weapon, and average iLevels were 172+... yet we didn't even come close to clearing Phase 2, even with limit breaks.

In the last party -- in which our DPS was actually up to par, stat wise -- the DPS players simply couldn't stay out of AoE. We made it to the third phase on our first attempt and did pretty well.. but after that, we couldn't get out of Phase 2 because DPS kept dying.

Seriously, WTF????

This fight is probably the easiest Primal Ex of the bunch. The mechanics are super simple. All that's needed are some decently geared DPS players who know their basic rotations and are aware of the few mechanics.

Why is this so hard? Why on earth am I 0-11 on this?
Thayos Redblade
#10 Jul 06 2015 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
Thayos wrote:
5. Finally beat Bismark EX for a messy first clear (pf clear group), then turned around with the same group and got a super smooth second win right after.... with 3 bards and a dragoon. At first I was thinking, oh no.... but the bards were doing excellent dps and the dragoon was pretty good as well. Got the win on the very first run I ever managed to get past the blue/green adds. The dps check is no joke, but when you find a group that can do it, you do it.

I'm now 0/11 on Bismarck Ex, even though I know the entire fight front-to-back.

I'm just amazed by how bad DPS players tend to be. Two parties ago, each DPS had an i180 weapon, and average iLevels were 172+... yet we didn't even come close to clearing Phase 2, even with limit breaks.

In the last party -- in which our DPS was actually up to par, stat wise -- the DPS players simply couldn't stay out of AoE. We made it to the third phase on our first attempt and did pretty well.. but after that, we couldn't get out of Phase 2 because DPS kept dying.

Seriously, WTF????

This fight is probably the easiest Primal Ex of the bunch. The mechanics are super simple. All that's needed are some decently geared DPS players who know their basic rotations and are aware of the few mechanics.

Why is this so hard? Why on earth am I 0-11 on this?

This is why I really think they need to add an in game parser. That way if you have 4 evenly geared DPS and a couple of em are way behind in terms of damage, you can politely point it out. I'm on MNK myself, and more often then not, other mnks are not doing nearly the amount of things they can be doing. Especially with the new abilities added in the expansion, you really have no time to stand around. If your dodging AOE, you can be build Chakra or advance your GL. While fighting, you can now shoulder tackle from anywhere, use elixir field once it's up and then tornado kick to use when timed properly. That's on top of all the other Blood for blood type buffs and other abilities you had prior to that.

Then you have the people who don't give two ***** about positional atks and only use their off GCDs here and there when they kind of notice they're back up. A healer's bad, you notice it quickly, a tank is bad, same thing. A DPS is bad, you have a pretty good idea, but it's harder to prove it. I know they don't want to introduce a parser cause most people will use it as a "YOU SUCK, LEAVE!" tool, but when parties are wasting your time and you could pinpoint the problem in a few minutes, it would be immensely helpful.

#11 Jul 06 2015 at 4:12 PM Rating: Excellent
Pushing storyline, both for Verdha (3.0) and Waenlona (still on 2.xx). Continue working towards Zodiac weapon for Verdha (maybe not necessary, but I like to finish things I start). Level up primary mains along the way, without any special effort on it unless necessary; that's MNK for Verdha (55 now) and SCH for Waenlona (but trying to keep WHM in sync because of gear sharing).

Verdha's chocobo is probably about 3 weeks from rank 20 now, but lots of fights are adding up.

Everything else is so far on the back burner that the burner isn't even turned on.
#12 Jul 07 2015 at 8:55 AM Rating: Excellent
144 posts
Late to the thread, but thought I'd chime in...

1. Bard, my main, is more than half way from 59 to 60, so I want to hit 60 soon, hopefully tonight or tomorrow.
2. Beat MSQ line so I can start helping my FC on the new extreme primals, dungeon runs, roulettes, and the new Alexander raid. I should be able to do so this week quite easily, though this may partially carryover into next week's thread.
3. Currently at i145 on Bard and will continue to work on improving that.
4. Work on leveling and advancing my new Auri alt and help my wife with her main and her new Auri alt.

That's pretty much it for this week. Once I've finished 1 and 2, I will continue leveling my other classes and jobs, starting with AST and FSH, and going from there.
Primary World: Hyperion
Free Company: Jormungandr
Legacy Member
Main Character: Fialas Dawnren: Level 60 BRD/AST/MNK/DoL, Level 16-50 On Everything Else
#13 Jul 07 2015 at 9:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Finally beat Bismarck Ex last night in a FC party... and even we were having some crazy bad luck, such as rogue twisters surviving after the third phase and tossing us up into the air during Bismarck's end-phase AoE (which resulted in three deaths, requiring a reset).
Thayos Redblade
#14 Jul 07 2015 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Well killed Alexander...

I knew it was going to be easy. SE's been saying that for weeks. Didn't think it'd be quite THAT easy.

Managed to see the entire Ravana EX fight last night, though didn't manage to kill him. Hopefully I can get that done this week.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#15 Jul 07 2015 at 11:53 AM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
Catwho wrote:
We made the unfortunate discovery that everyone in the FC leveled either bard or or some flavor of tank to 60 first, so I'm scrambling to get my scholar to 60 next. While also gearing up my bard and picking away at my own tank a little.

In my defense, I am one of the default tanks of the FC! But, I'm working on WHM. I left a smattering of quests open, so I'll be using those to supplement easy hunts and the daily low level roulette, guildhest, and maybe leves.

I will admit that the length of leveling from 50-60 means that I will probably just focus on PLD/WHM/MNK and let the other battle jobs linger at 50. Maybe work on MCH/AST/DRK too.
#16 Jul 07 2015 at 10:01 PM Rating: Good
Still need to level to 60. So far behind. Will I ever catch up? Nobody knows.
#17 Jul 08 2015 at 7:25 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Finished all of Alexander yesterday. While it was basically a potluck of coil and ct mechanics, it was pretty fun for content that doesn't really offer gear. It made me nostalgic about First Coil.

#18 Jul 08 2015 at 8:23 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Finished all of Alexander yesterday. While it was basically a potluck of coil and ct mechanics, it was pretty fun for content that doesn't really offer gear. It made me nostalgic about First Coil.

Nice! I'm on fourth floor at the moment, hoping to try it today. Have received 0 drops, meaning that I have to run every one of them again until I get a weekly drop.

Second floor is basically one guy dragging bombs away from the group and the rest of the team doing the longest aoe pull ever.

Third floor is the bad guy from Terminator 2 who throws splash bombs on you in the first phase, then turns into a hand and uses electricity (move apart at - + and together at -- or ++) and split damage attacks where tanks stack to mitigate, then splits into two hands, then becomes a giant water tornado that spawns adds that creep to the edge of the map and if they get there explode for heavy raid aoe. Then he repeats again.

Second floor was a little easier than T4 when it was just released, but I liked it a lot. Really fun battle as a bard, because SE just made us aoe gods.

Third floor is harder than shiva ex, easier than ravana ex. That's all I have.
#19 Jul 08 2015 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Yeah lol, the 3rd one was fun being an actual boss fight, but kind of like T13 a lot of damage goes out in a heartbeat, kind of like the second one which it does have the:

"Rely on DPS for 1, Rely on Healers for 2, rely on Tanks for 3 then rely on everyone for 4" kind of flow to it because it really did feel like they focused on the roles for each area which is what I liked about it rather than completely team jump rope.

4 is a bit easier than 3 but it can go south EXTREMELY quickly thanks to the german dolls.

Edited, Jul 8th 2015 8:26am by Theonehio

#20 Jul 09 2015 at 8:58 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Theonehio wrote:
Yeah lol, the 3rd one was fun being an actual boss fight, but kind of like T13 a lot of damage goes out in a heartbeat, kind of like the second one which it does have the:

"Rely on DPS for 1, Rely on Healers for 2, rely on Tanks for 3 then rely on everyone for 4" kind of flow to it because it really did feel like they focused on the roles for each area which is what I liked about it rather than completely team jump rope.

4 is a bit easier than 3 but it can go south EXTREMELY quickly thanks to the german dolls.

Edited, Jul 8th 2015 8:26am by Theonehio

True, beat 4 last night, first group I was top DPS as bard and we died to enrage at 1% on our best go. Second group, destroyed the content, was last on dps on my bard. Wiped it out clean, and extremely quickly. Killed a leg in the time it took the previous group to get one leg to 75% health sort of quick.

The dolls suck, but if the three remaining dps (one gets put in quarantine) pick one up each and the laser guy stands still, a dps can solo a doll and take a single laser and be ok. Need to keep the dolls off the heals. Heals need to separate in last phase, and the guy with the T10 charge icon on his head needs to run to the middle so those fireballs don't beeline towards all the ranged dps and heals stacked in the back of the room.

Edited, Jul 9th 2015 10:07am by Valkayree
#21 Jul 10 2015 at 1:22 AM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Finally 60 on Lin. All skills unlocked. Very happy, though tired.
#22 Jul 10 2015 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
In an effort to boost GC seals for that last Bombard Core, Verdha took up fishing for turn-ins. I'd forgotten how awesome fishing was, going to do a lot more of it again on both Verdha and Waenlona. But... spent a ton of gil on getting GP fishing gear and ultra-low-chance materia melds for the new abilities, which I was totally not expecting to have to do.
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