A good thing a lot of tanks don't do, low level and high level (and why tanks get a bad stigma by default):
Using your ranged skill.
So I don't play PLD but I do play DRK and WAR, using Shield Lob at the pull then hate rotation (including flashes when need be, specially in aoe heavy parties) will solidify hate nicely. All too often tanks facepull and that's the end of that pull because gl getting the hate established while it's running everywhere due to face pulling. So always open with shield lob, especially if you need to relocate, since all too often DPS unload as you pull and if you get that one special healer who loves to spam Medica II or use Medica II before damage even really goes out...rip.
Speaking of DPS:
Use your markings. e.g 1-5 etc. So you can kind of herd your DPS to attacking 1 monster as higher up (where I most see it) DPS love to attack what you are NOT attacking, e.g ninja/drg/mnks mostly (especially DRG and NINs), so as aid, attack all monsters and flash to hold hate. Personally, if they ignore the marks, I let them die..but I'm not a nice person lol.
Boss wise, you should be fine with hate as long as you're not extremely outgeared like say you're i140 and your dps is sync'd from 185, you'll have some troubles but once you get the feel and rotation down you'll even be able to dance around with shield/sword oath.