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Weekly Goals and Accomplishments - 11/6 - 11/12Follow

#1 Nov 06 2015 at 10:28 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
This next week is going to open up a lot of avenues for us. Expect to see a flood of activity returning to Eorzea. With that, what are your plans for patch week?

My goals:

Real life has been complicated lately, has restricted my time in game. When I do get online, running Neverreap for the 850th time to cap eso has made the game boring. However, all of that is about to change. The scope of this patch is so extensive that I doubt I will be able to experience it all in a month, much less a week. But let us explore the options, and I will give a general focus.

1. First things first, the airship quests. We are scheduled to go out on Thursday as an FC. Rewards are random in appearance and stats. Sort of like pink items I guess. I can not wait to experience this.

2. The new dungeons. Must run them both. And the new raid. They added a weekly quest to the new 24 man raid to get the esoterics upgrade items that only drop from alexander savage at this point, so its time to catch up to the static groups again.

3. Lord of Verminion. I've spent a lot on minions recently, holding them in inventory. I've got a lot of them, time to see what they do, or how much they sell for.

4. Hunts are back on the menu. Apparently now 500 of the new seals can be traded for an item, that can then be traded for some pretty nice stuff, including the wyvern mount. Tomestones of law can now be traded for those rare red scrip crafting items (i.e. purified coke)

5. Retainer ventures XIX. Its time to see what the lvl 60s bring back.

6. Lots of minor details in the FC house to check out. I'll start by putting my retainer on the FC lawn in a weapon out - book reading pose.

7. New extreme battle with the knights of the round. I'll check that one out much later.

8. Leveling your jobs has become MUCH easier. Lvl 50 dungeons give xp, the post 50 dungeons give more xp. Tuesday will be good for you if you are between 50-60.

9. No details yet on the new relic quests, but getting a zeta is about to become a cakewalk. 100% drops on dungeon items, can get light running solo. Nice.

10. They eased up a lot on crafting requirements. Doesn't mean I'm more likely to enjoy it, but it is good to keep the crafters crafting. Might drop prices due to increased supply. I like that. My 30 million gil purse is burning.

11. More pvp experience! I've started rolling a pvp match per day into my esoterics gathering, so this should help me level a bit more.

12. Paladins got a little boost. Some tp reduction, the shield swipe attack got taken off the cooldown bar and made instant with a reduction to tp cost and potency. Not bad.

13. New hairstyles and minions on sale for mgp. Bout time I had something to spend it on.

#2 Nov 06 2015 at 10:36 AM Rating: Excellent
I honestly don't know why some people are complaining about this patch... it's actually pretty damn big, considering we're getting a whole new content system added to the game.

In an interview translated on the OFs, Yoshi-P says something like how Exploratory Missions are going to be something that's somewhat new to MMOs. I'm curious to see whether this is actually true, and how this is built out going forward.

Only downside of this whole patch is the coin-flip roulette. I can understand why they wouldn't throw in the two new dungeons with the two old ones -- people would probably ditch the new ones to do the oldies so they could speed through 'em -- but still, settling into a two-roulette pattern is going to get really old.

Otherwise, great patch, and here's to relics being right around the corner.
Thayos Redblade
#3 Nov 06 2015 at 10:45 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Thayos wrote:

In an interview translated on the OFs, Yoshi-P says something like how Exploratory Missions are going to be something that's somewhat new to MMOs. I'm curious to see whether this is actually true, and how this is built out going forward.

These things are what FC's are made for. I love the idea.

Btw Thayos, kill my dupe post. Something messed up happened to the system when I tried to post.
#4 Nov 06 2015 at 4:30 PM Rating: Excellent
I don't even know what I want to have as a goal for this week! *flails around*

1. Tomorrow is Swarm's Girl Gamer Night II, although it's more like a slumber party this time. Nothing getting done before Sunday night either way. If we do log in, it'll be as Grandma and we'll do some silly RP with her in between working on Laurel's quilt and playing Cards Against Humanity.
2. Catch up on anime on patch day
3. Get another craft to 60 before patch day. Get all crafts to at least 58 before patch day.
#5 Nov 06 2015 at 5:11 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Catwho wrote:
we'll do some silly RP with her in between working on Laurel's quilt and playing Cards Against Humanity.

I imagine that this is the british downton abbey version of your card game..
#6 Nov 06 2015 at 5:17 PM Rating: Excellent
I will be out of town for most of the weekend.

If I do have time, then I guess it depends how much help is available in my FC. I still need to beat Ravana Ex, T12 and T13.

Otherwise, I might just level on bard for a bit.. at 54 now, but I don't see much point in leveling further until I can get exp in the level 50 dungeons, which will make leveling much more fun.

Valk, how long do you stay in Northern Than when you level?
Thayos Redblade
#7 Nov 08 2015 at 2:27 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Thayos wrote:

Valk, how long do you stay in Northern Than when you level?

From 40-52 I am in N Than about an hour or so max when I decide to level. The xp is good at that stage.
From 53-60 I spend less time there. I fill the void with hunting logs. I do tend to hang out there at least once a week so I can complete the FATE portion of my challenge log, but never too much. Watching all the Eikon bots leveling, knowing that they are using a computer program to level when I on PS4 have to do it manually sickens me. I can only take an hour of it max.
#8 Nov 12 2015 at 10:13 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Update Time!

Valkayree wrote:

1. First things first, the airship quests. We are scheduled to go out on Thursday as an FC. Rewards are random in appearance and stats. Sort of like pink items I guess. I can not wait to experience this.
2. The new dungeons. Must run them both. And the new raid. They added a weekly quest to the new 24 man raid to get the esoterics upgrade items that only drop from alexander savage at this point, so its time to catch up to the static groups again.
3. Lord of Verminion. I've spent a lot on minions recently, holding them in inventory. I've got a lot of them, time to see what they do, or how much they sell for.
4. Hunts are back on the menu. Apparently now 500 of the new seals can be traded for an item, that can then be traded for some pretty nice stuff, including the wyvern mount. Tomestones of law can now be traded for those rare red scrip crafting items (i.e. purified coke)
5. Retainer ventures XIX. Its time to see what the lvl 60s bring back.
6. Lots of minor details in the FC house to check out. I'll start by putting my retainer on the FC lawn in a weapon out - book reading pose.
7. New extreme battle with the knights of the round. I'll check that one out much later.
8. Leveling your jobs has become MUCH easier. Lvl 50 dungeons give xp, the post 50 dungeons give more xp. Tuesday will be good for you if you are between 50-60.
9. No details yet on the new relic quests, but getting a zeta is about to become a cakewalk. 100% drops on dungeon items, can get light running solo. Nice.
10. They eased up a lot on crafting requirements. Doesn't mean I'm more likely to enjoy it, but it is good to keep the crafters crafting. Might drop prices due to increased supply. I like that. My 30 million gil purse is burning.
11. More pvp experience! I've started rolling a pvp match per day into my esoterics gathering, so this should help me level a bit more.
12. Paladins got a little boost. Some tp reduction, the shield swipe attack got taken off the cooldown bar and made instant with a reduction to tp cost and potency. Not bad.
13. New hairstyles and minions on sale for mgp. Bout time I had something to spend it on.

1. I wrote a brief overview on this in another post. Its fun! I've done easy twice, can't wait to try hard tonight with the FC!
2. Did both dungeons and have been running expert roulette two days now. I like arboretum, but Pharos suuuuuucks. But once you know to kill the slimes over the vents on the second boss you will be ok. And to prioritize killing the gray bombs and slap away remedy bombs on the final boss. Anyway, dungeon gear 185. Bleh. Suppose its good for the retainer.
3. Verminion. Controls wonky on ps4. Seriously why can I select a group with a single triangle push but selecting a single target requires so much effort it qualifies me to fly a 747 jetliner?
4. Traded in my 500 saved ones for a clan log. I've done one hunt since. There is a lot to do and 4-6 clan logs seem so far away. I assume they drop randomly like they used to, but there is too much going on lately for me to waste my time with the early pullers. I'll eventually join the bandwagon.
5. Ah retainer ventures. I've got six guys going out on XIX right now (one miner, one botanist, one fisher, and three battle) and I am gathering great data! I've had two runs each come back so far. I'm liking what I'm seeing. I'll post percentages when I gather more info.
6. Turns out I can't put the retainers in weapon-out pose, but they do have new poses. Added a steward as well. Sells food =/.
7. Haven't tried this yet.
8. Gained about 600k at level 53 off of a DD leveling run and hit 54 mcn. The added xp is definitely welcome.
9. No work on this area. Seems the new relic stuff is for 3.15
10. Haven't crafted a thing so far.
11. No PVP for me. I gain so much eso from the daily + the diadem that I am nearly capped.
12. Haven't ran much with pld so far.
13. Bought the succubus horns with mgp. Great buy. Goes well with the void ark casting coat and hive tome. Me likey.

#9 Nov 12 2015 at 10:36 AM Rating: Excellent
Catwho wrote:
I don't even know what I want to have as a goal for this week! *flails around*

1. Tomorrow is Swarm's Girl Gamer Night II, although it's more like a slumber party this time. Nothing getting done before Sunday night either way. If we do log in, it'll be as Grandma and we'll do some silly RP with her in between working on Laurel's quilt and playing Cards Against Humanity.
2. Catch up on anime on patch day
3. Get another craft to 60 before patch day. Get all crafts to at least 58 before patch day.

Update for me:

1. GGNII was a great success and now I want to play Red Dragon Inn forever. (Instead of role playing as the party going on an adventure, you're role playing them after the adventure is over and they're getting drunk in the tavern. Whoever passes out first loses. So fun.)

2. Anime has been caught up upon.

3. Carpenter at 57; everything else is 58-60. Had a couple of days where there was only CUL starred bonuses at the GC. Meh.

Valk, if you think we can handle Hard mode, Ikaru said that the Bumblebee is ready to go. Not sure about Powerglide.
#10 Nov 12 2015 at 11:53 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Well I...

Got a few hours in on Thordan EX, got a few phases in but no clear. Fun fight.
Ran the two new dungeons
Started on the Vanu Vanu beast tribe quests (rank 2)
Started leveling AST again with the level 50 roulette and leveling roulette enhancements. Getting about 500k from a Lv50 roulette and about 700k from a leveling roulette now. Currently level 57. Might try a Vault just for kicks.
Finished the MSQ. Good stuff, little light on the action, but the story's still good.
Did a Void Ark run, no drop.
Did the FFXI event and glamoured my NIN set to that.
Picked up the new hairstyles from the saucer.
Played a couple games of Verminion.. the controls will take some serious adjustment.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#11 Nov 12 2015 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Well I completed all 24 of the Verminion battles and ran the Arboretum. Still need to run Pharos HM. They better not have changed the music. I'll get Void Ark this weekend too.

Edited, Nov 12th 2015 2:35pm by BrokenFox
#12 Nov 12 2015 at 1:52 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Catwho wrote:

Valk, if you think we can handle Hard mode, Ikaru said that the Bumblebee is ready to go. Not sure about Powerglide.

Absolutely we can. Even if we only take in eight, we are in there with other FC's (at least I think so) so it should be challenging, but extremely doable. If we can handle an S rank, we can handle diadem hm.
#13 Nov 13 2015 at 7:51 AM Rating: Good
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
I did take a break from other games to run Void Ark. Got DRG pants on the first run. I wish I could be surprised by all of the twats that rage quit mid run because of a couple of wipes. The content was less rhan 24 hours old, how dare we all not be perfect already...
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