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#277 Sep 15 2007 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent

 Allakhazam's Magical Research Realm 
Date of last work unit 	2007-09-15 10:20:12 
Active CPUs within 50 days 	202 
Team Id 	85020 
Grand Score 	309912 (certificate) 
Work Unit Count 	1108 (certificate) 
Team Ranking (incl. aggregate) 	1778 of 80577 
Home Page 
Fast Teampage URL

yup folks, that is over 200 CPUs working for a cure... keep it up.
#278 Sep 17 2007 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
Finally, an update.

As of 2007-09-17 06:14:17 wrote:
Team members 
(within team) 	User 	Score 	WU 
1 	Caeremonia 	31008 	23 
2 	Xan-Diesel 	18107 	64 
3 	Danalog 	18050 	24 
4 	cooterbrown 	15152 	57 
5 	Iamadam 	14812 	49 
6 	singdall64 	10744 	19 
7 	Xantos  	7974 	25 
8 	Tetengo 	7901 	26 
9 	Primal  	6533 	26 
10 	PS3 	        5906 	32 
11 	DragonGift 	5596 	22 
12 	Lemmiwinks 	5176 	11 
13 	Mejinx   	4812 	26 
14 	tkmluv   	4079 	9 
15 	Mutz    	3966 	14 
16 	Weeble  	3966 	21 
17 	Icer    	3755 	7 
18 	aaron32145 	3474 	15 
19 	smitty  	3255 	6 
20 	EienYuri 	3248 	11 
21 	Drulian 	3087 	9 
22 	lubriderm 	2843 	6 
23 	Administrator 	2751 	9 
24 	WintsPS3 	2741 	14 
25 	Dr_Barkingturtle 	2718 	6 
26 	MorningTheft 	2627 	10 
27 	Inferknite 	2595 	9 
28 	PunkFloyd 	2587 	8 
29 	SKudo   	2587 	8 
30 	Kaelesh 	2574 	8 
31 	rubixtoo 	2481 	9 
32 	Regdar-Sylph 	2401 	7 
33 	prefferred_customer 	2276 	7 
34 	Josh    	2244 	7 
35 	Kaain   	2231 	7 
36 	Xtrodinary   	2231 	7 
37 	Mark_E._Deardorff 	2216 	8 
38 	Allakhazam 	2165 	8 
39 	Gawyn   	2119 	7 
40 	ieatkillerbees 	2113 	8 
41 	Jon     	2058 	6 
42 	John_T  	2051 	10 
43 	Heiki   	2033 	7 
44 	Muadib   	1962 	7 
45 	lord_dodobird 	1926 	6 
46 	Aithzarx 	1901 	6 
47 	paztina 	1883 	7 
48 	james_fueston 	1794 	6 
49 	Jake_W  	1790 	6 
50 	Kieri    	1790 	6 
51 	Codyys_Other_Computer 	1744 	6 
52 	Madmurr 	1715 	5 
53 	Ira_Albritton 	1686 	4 
54 	PLDStargazer 	1682 	8 
55 	Jay      	1633 	9 
56 	knipsffxi 	1604 	5 
57 	_ 	        1590 	7 
58 	Faye    	1587 	6 
59 	Francis_Tower 	1583 	6 
60 	Paskil  	1532 	5 
61 	Rainydayzz 	1514 	5 
62 	Narfalicious 	1510 	6 
63 	MAD12345 	1500 	3 
64 	Belkira 	1472 	4 
65 	Exodus  	1412 	4 
66 	Jordster 	1372 	4 
67 	KillerPooh 	1372 	4 
68 	DataRaider 	1372 	4 
69 	rangkar 	1365 	5 
70 	k_work  	1347 	4 
71 	thepit  	1343 	3 
72 	bsphil  	1247 	4 
73 	StubsOnAsura 	1206 	3 
74 	Wint     	1186 	4 
75 	Jackjeckel 	1172 	5 
76 	Mulgrin 	1161 	4 
77 	Wordaen 	1132 	4 
78 	cobaltrocket 	1095 	5 
79 	Bennypopo 	1090 	4 
80 	MHVABear 	1058 	4 
81 	HauptSin 	1058 	4 
82 	Ian     	1000 	2 
83 	Curt_Kaler 	982 	4 
84 	NP_Phreak 	979 	3 
85 	Dragon_King 	922 	3 
86 	wolfen  	879 	4 
87 	ssj4sith 	874 	3 
88 	Lumalie 	872 	3 
89 	Rick    	872 	3 
90 	Messiah 	843 	2 
91 	FenrirXIII 	842 	2 
92 	Enikxi  	818 	3 
93 	SX 	        818 	3 
94 	Phantm  	815 	3 
95 	dperk77 	781 	8 
96 	tony    	728 	4 
97 	MacWho  	686 	2 
98 	Draedon 	686 	2 
99 	Vyodar  	686 	2 
100 	Cyclops 	686 	2 
101 	Denmer  	686 	2 
102 	Leviathan 	686 	2 
103 	nLoD    	686 	2 
104 	RedisSupreme 	686 	2 
105 	Phaeton 	686 	2 
106 	Oort    	686 	2 
107 	Exodus_Home 	686 	2 
108 	Sharonkt 	686 	2 
109 	Godzmack 	686 	2 
110 	Wendy   	686 	2 
111 	Manndar 	686 	2 
112 	Exodus_Office 	686 	2 
113 	DodoBird 	638 	114 
114 	Georgiana 	636 	2 
115 	Greendragon 	627 	6 
116 	Talis   	594 	3 
117 	Allegory 	591 	4 
118 	Cusslnggrunt 	587 	2 
119 	Vkihyone 	584 	2 
120 	jcu     	561 	2 
121 	Spockhelp 	561 	2 
122 	Tomec(PS3) 	551 	8 
123 	Teve_Torbes 	529 	2 
124 	devildoll 	529 	2 
125 	Soracloud 	529 	2 
126 	Brettski 	529 	2 
127 	Katy    	500 	1 
128 	Elneclare 	475 	2 
129 	fraggenjerk 	443 	1 
130 	Martin  	430 	2 
131 	LordDamion 	372 	2 
132 	Ray_Jones 	350 	2 
133 	Balein  	343 	1 
134 	Maximous 	343 	1 
135 	Avneen  	343 	1 
136 	pentsive 	343 	1 
137 	Squirrelyman 	343 	1 
138 	Elbowing_Penalty 	343 	1 
139 	Seneth_Somed 	343 	1 
140 	Neil_Johnston 	343 	1 
141 	TedPfau 	343 	1 
142 	Black_Rose 	343 	1 
143 	Rodrigo 	343 	1 
144 	Christopher 	343 	1 
145 	Hippye  	343 	1 
146 	Longinuszero 	343 	8 
147 	Loweredshadw 	343 	1 
148 	Batfink 	318 	2 
149 	Ikkian  	314 	1 
150 	MooblareigTheBraindead 	300 	11 
151 	PS3gtwo 	287 	1 
152 	Craig   	240 	12 
153 	Dclinc  	218 	1 
154 	gimp24  	218 	1 
155 	Nxtwave 	186 	1 
156 	Darth_Ozzy 	186 	1 
157 	Tomec   	186 	1 
158 	Durhai   	186 	1 
159 	scott   	186 	1 
160 	Alain   	186 	1 
161 	Itzbutters 	169 	1 
162 	Khrystalmyth 	132 	1 
163 	Tilecant 	90 	1 
164 	spanila 	84 	1 
165 	IcehawkFF 	62 	24
#279 Sep 17 2007 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
Also, Be on the lookout tomorrow (9/18) for the Random Contest Winners!
#280 Sep 17 2007 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
Downloaded and running. Thanks for the heads up on this, Kaelesh.
#281 Sep 17 2007 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
8,187 posts
So i kind of joined late...but as of now I am running it. Ive had cancer take the lives of too many people. Not to mention all the other diseases that are currently inflicting people accross the globe.

But, I'm going to be totally selfish and run this program for me! Thats right, I want them to find a cure for Aids. That would be more awesome then watching BT vs Anna.

If you think I'm being /butthurt about're damn right I am.

Edited, Sep 18th 2007 1:05am by Dyadem
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#282 Sep 18 2007 at 3:56 AM Rating: Decent
well what ever the reason, welcome to the hunt.
#283 Sep 18 2007 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
For those of you following the Folding @ Home for Allakhazam Magical Research Realm (Team #85020), I'm pleased to announce the winners of this months random drawing!

It's a giveaway!

Torwards the end of Spetember, I will be pulling 3 names at random from the list (multiple machine users will not be eligable more then once) and awarding prizes! I figured, hey, I started this team, I'll do what I want.

So I will buy the winners, one of three things (my choice):

1: A months worth of premium (if you don't already have it).

2: A snazzy *** Fridge Magnet from the Alla store. (Winners choice)

3: A most radical "Who kamped my karma" Kalander!

On to the rules!

1: Must be an Allakhazam poster! Make sure your F@H name matches your Allakhazam name please! I.E. (Alla)Exodus and (F@H) Exodus_Office (For verification only)
2: Must have completed a WU (Work Unit)

If I don't see your name on the list when I draw the names, you don't get squat! So make sure you are running Folding@Home for Allakhazam Team #85020!
Smiley: grin

Our first random winner is: Iamadam with a most excellent F@H Contribution!

Our second winner is: Weeble! Bringing it home with 21 Work Units done and in the bag.

Our third and final winner this month is: Datarider, pulling in a damn fine rank of 340027 out of 804483 folders.

I've decided to let the winners pick the prizes between the 3 mentioned. PM me with your selection and shipping info within the week (Sunday at the latest or you forfeit your prizes)

Congrats and keep on folding!


As of Tue Sep 18 06:00:00 PDT 2007 wrote:

team	teamname	                        score	wu 
85020	Allakhazam's Magical Research Realm	348679	1248 
Team rank: 1627 
Team members: 
rank	team rank	name	        credit	total	team 
59501	1	        Caeremonia	31008	23	85020 
85770	2	        Xan-Diesel	19105	68	85020 
86929	3	        Danalog 	18736	26	85020 
96297	4	        cooterbrown     16187	61	85020 
99306	5       	Iamadam 	15482	51	85020 
123856	6	        singdall64	11087	20	85020 
145125	7	        Xantos	        8514	27	85020 
151536	8	        Tetengo	        7901	26	85020 
156220	9	        Primal	        7495	30	85020 
174756	10	        PS3	        6117	33	85020 
181891	11	        Lemmiwinks	5676	12	85020 
183273	12	        DragonGift	5596	22	85020 
190673	13	        Mejinx	        5184	28	85020 
203216	14	        tkmluv	        4579	10	85020 
217977	15	        Mutz	        3966	14	85020 
217978	16	        Weeble	        3966	21	85020 
223444	17	        Icer	        3755	7	85020 
231745	18	        aaron32145	3474	15	85020 
236117	19	        lubriderm	3343	7	85020 
238875	20	        smitty	        3255	6	85020 
239089	21	        EienYuri	3248	11	85020 
244941	22	        Drulian	        3087	9	85020 
248977	23	        MorningTheft	2970	11	85020 
250525	24	        PunkFloyd	2930	9	85020 
256147	25	        Kaain	        2792	9	85020 
256821	26	        SKudo	        2773	9	85020 
257640	27	        Administrator	2751	9	85020 
257923	28	        Regdar-Sylph	2744	8	85020 
258039	29	        Wint'sPS3	2741	14	85020 
258917	30	      Dr_Barkingturtle	2718	6	85020 
264311	31	        Inferknite	2595	9	85020 
264603	32	        Josh	        2587	8	85020 
265734	33	        Kaelesh  	2574	8	85020 
266421	34	     Mark_E._Deardorff	2559	9	85020 
268463	35	        Allakhazam	2508	9	85020 
269605	36	        rubixtoo	2481	9	85020 
270375	37	        Gawyn	        2462	8	85020 
270635	38	        ieatkillerbees	2456	9	85020 
274234	39	        Heiki	        2376	8	85020 
279795	40	   prefferred_customer	2276	7	85020 
280091	41	        lord_dodobird	2269	7	85020 
281334	42	        Aithzarx	2244	7	85020 
281680	43	        John_T   	2237	11	85020 
281971	44	        Xtrodinary	2231	7	85020 
282181	45	        paztina	        2226	8	85020 
291027	46	        Jon	        2058	6	85020 
297166	47	        Muadib	        1962	7	85020 
298841	48	        _	        1933	8	85020 
299009	49	        Faye	        1930	7	85020 
306756	50	        james_fueston	1794	6	85020 
306996	51	        Jake_W	        1790	6	85020 
306997	52	        Kieri	        1790	6	85020 
310161	53	Codyy's_Other_Computer	1744	6	85020 
313335	54	        Madmurr	        1715	5	85020 
315287	55	        Ira_Albritton	1686	4	85020 
315654	56	        PLDStargazer	1682	8	85020 
318694	57	        Jay	        1633	9	85020 
320494	58	        knipsffxi	1604	5	85020 
321785	59	        Francis_Tower	1583	6	85020 
325494	60	        Paskil	        1532	5	85020 
326906	61	        Rainydayzz	1514	5	85020 
327315	62	        Narfalicious	1510	6	85020 
328092	63	        MAD12345	1500	3	85020 
330563	64	        Belkira  	1472	4	85020 
336809	65	        Exodus	        1412	4	85020 
337662	66	        MHVABear	1401	5	85020 
339909	67	        DataRaider	1372	4	85020 
339913	68	        Jordster	1372	4	85020 
339917	69	        KillerPooh	1372	4	85020 
340429	70	        rangkar  	1365	5	85020 
341845	71	        k_work	        1347	4	85020 
342135	72	        thepit	        1343	3	85020 
342469	73	        Vkihyone	1339	3	85020 
343464	74	        Curt_Kaler	1325	5	85020 
349756	75	        bsphil	        1247	4	85020 
353878	76	        StubsOnAsura    1206	3	85020 
355970	77	        Wint	        1186	4	85020 
357335	78	        Jackjeckel	1172	5	85020 
358499	79	        Mulgrin	        1161	4	85020 
363674	80	        Wordaen	        1132	4	85020 
367118	81	        cobaltrocket	1095	5	85020 
367561	82	        Bennypopo	1090	4	85020 
370473	83	        HauptSin	1058	4	85020 
372962	84	        RedisSupreme	1029	3	85020 
372988	85	        Oort	        1029	3	85020 
375931	86	        Ian	        1000	2	85020 
378731	87	        NP_Phreak	979	3	85020 
386791	88	        Dragon_King	922	3	85020 
388878	89	        Godzmack	904	3	85020 
391510	90	        wolfen	        879	4	85020 
392422	91	        ssj4sith	874	3	85020 
392680	92	        Lumalie  	872	3	85020 
392691	93	        Rick	        872	3	85020 
399670	94	        Messiah	        843	2	85020 
399765	95	        FenrirXIII	842	2	85020 
402692	96	        Enikxi	        818	3	85020 
402697	97	        SX	        818	3	85020 
403075	98	        Phantm	        815	3	85020 
407681	99	        dperk77 	781	8	85020 
415928	100	        tony	        728	4	85020 
422873	101	        nLoD	        686	2	85020 
422877	102	        MacWho	        686	2	85020 
422883	103	        Wendy	        686	2	85020 
422892	104	        Phaeton 	686	2	85020 
422894	105	        Exodus_Home	686	2	85020 
422895	106	        Sharonkt	686	2	85020 
422900	107	        Denmer	        686	2	85020 
422908	108	        Draedon 	686	2	85020 
422914	109	        Leviathan	686	2	85020 
422922	110	        Exodus_Office	686	2	85020 
422935	111	        Vyodar       	686	2	85020 
422943	112	        Cyclops	        686	2	85020 
422951	113	        Manndar	        686	2	85020 
429922	114	        DodoBird	638	116	85020 
431069	115	        Georgiana	636	2	85020 
432466	116	        Greendragon	627	8	85020 
438603	117	        Talis         	594	3	85020 
439004	118	        Allegory	591	4	85020 
440356	119	        Cusslnggrunt	587	2	85020 
452003	120	        jcu	        561	2	85020 
452005	121	        Spockhelp	561	2	85020 
454702	122	        Tomec(PS3)	551	8	85020 
458746	123	        Soracloud	529	2	85020 
458770	124	        Teve_Torbes	529	2	85020 
458771	125	        devildoll	529	2	85020 
458786	126	        Brettski	529	2	85020 
464118	127	        Katy	        500	1	85020 
470520	128	        Elneclare	475	2	85020 
476875	129	        fraggenjerk	443	1	85020 
479077	130	        Martin    	430	2	85020 
497549	131	        LordDamion	372	2	85020 
504094	132	        Ray_Jones	350	2	85020 
505561	133	        Balein        	343	1	85020 
505562	134	        Maximous	343	1	85020 
505566	135	        Longinuszero	343	8	85020 
505567	136	    Elbowing_Penalty	343	1	85020 
505581	137	        Seneth_Somed	343	1	85020 
505596	138	        Rodrigo	        343	1	85020 
505602	139	        Loweredshadw	343	1	85020 
505615	140	        Neil_Johnston	343	1	85020 
505621	141	        Black_Rose	343	1	85020 
505654	142	        pentsive	343	1	85020 
505664	143	        Hippye        	343	1	85020 
505726	144	        TedPfau 	343	1	85020 
505785	145	        Avneen	        343	1	85020 
505810	146	        Christopher	343	1	85020 
505825	147	        Squirrelyman	343	1	85020 
506001	148	        Chris	        343	1	85020 
513045	149	        Batfink 	318	2	85020 
513902	150	        Ikkian	        314	1	85020 
519715	151	MooblareigTheBraindead	300	11	85020 
537679	152	        PS3gtwo	        287	1	85020 
558292	153	        Craig        	240	12	85020 
568751	154	        Dclinc      	218	1	85020 
568763	155	        gimp24         	218	1	85020 
589411	156	        Durhai        	186	1	85020 
589466	157	        Darth_Ozzy	186	1	85020 
589576	158	        Alain	        186	1	85020 
589603	159	        Nxtwave 	186	1	85020 
589608	160	        scott	        186	1	85020 
589889	161	        Tomec        	186	1	85020 
597083	162	        Itzbutters	169	1	85020 
618992	163	        Khrystalmyth	132	1	85020 
640082	164	        Tilecant	90	1	85020 
645058	165	        spanila  	84	1	85020 
668347	166	        IcehawkFF	62	24	85020

Edited, Sep 18th 2007 2:37pm by Kaelesh
#284 Sep 18 2007 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent


Way to kick some *** Allakhazam!

Edited, Sep 18th 2007 2:48pm by Kaelesh
#285 Sep 20 2007 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
Wow, just wow.


As mentioned by Kaz in his TGS keynote, the power of the PS3 has carried the Folding@home project to a milestone never before reached on a distributed computing network - the quadrillion floating point operations per second. It would take everyone in the world doing 75,000 calculations in a second to achieve similar results, so the milestone is pretty massive.

"The recent inclusion of PS3 as part of the Folding@home program has afforded our research group with computing power that goes far beyond what we initially hoped," said Vijay Pande, Associate Professor of Chemistry at Stanford University and Folding@home project lead. "Thanks to PS3, we are now essentially able to fast-forward several aspects of our research by a decade, which will greatly help us make more discoveries and advancements in our studies of several different diseases."

The PlayStation 3. Blu-ray player. Video game console. Humanitarian.

PLAYSTATION®3 Helps Folding@home Become The First Distributed Computing Network To Reach The Petaflop Milestone Reached Gamers Help Scientists Speed Up Their Research and Find Cures for Diseases Including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Cancer

TOKYO and FOSTER CITY, Calif., September 19, 2007 - Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) today announced that PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) computer entertainment systems, part of Stanford University's Folding@home™ program, have enabled the distributed computing project to reach a petaflop, a milestone never before reached on a distributed computing network. Known amongst the scientific community, a petaflop is the ability of a computer to do one quadrillion floating point operations per second (FLOPS). In other words, if every person on the planet were to perform a simple mathematical calculation, such as calculating a percentage, each person would have to perform 75,000 calculations every second for the world's population to achieve a petaflop.

By achieving a petaflop, scientists with the Folding@home program are now able to conduct research that typically would not be possible for 10 years down the line. Thanks to the PS3's powerful Cell Broadband Engineâ„¢ (Cell/B.E.), scientists will now be able to make greater progress in their studies of protein folding and its link to diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and certain forms of cancer.

"The recent inclusion of PS3 as part of the Folding@home program has afforded our research group with computing power that goes far beyond what we initially hoped," said Vijay Pande, Associate Professor of Chemistry at Stanford University and Folding@home project lead. "Thanks to PS3, we are now essentially able to fast-forward several aspects of our research by a decade, which will greatly help us make more discoveries and advancements in our studies of several different diseases."

"When we introduced PS3, we knew its incredible processing power would allow for a great deal of innovation and creativity," said Jack Tretton, president and CEO of SCEA. "It's extremely rewarding to see that the scientific community has found a way to harness PS3 technology for humanitarian purposes and we continue to be amazed at what gamers and the Folding@home community have been able to accomplish in such a short amount of time."

Because the process of folding proteins is so complex, computers are used to perform simulations to study the process. Since these simulations can take up to 30 years for a single computer to complete, Folding@home enables this task to be shared among thousands of computers connected via the network, utilizing distributed computing technology. The Folding@home program up until recently leveraged only the distributed computing power of personal computers (PC) from around the world. The PCs that made up the Folding@home network numbered roughly 200,000 giving the program the equivalent of about one-quarter of a petaflop. On March 15, 2007, PS3 joined the program and since then close to 600,000 unique PS3 users have registered to the Folding@home network, bringing the overall computing power of the program to more than a petaflop.

PS3 users can join the program by simply clicking on the Folding@home icon within the Network menu of the XMBâ„¢ (XrossMediaBar) or can optionally set the application to run automatically whenever the PS3 is idle (*1).


Client statistics by OS 
OS Type 	       Current      TFLOPS* 	Active CPUs 	 
Windows 	         163	     171821	1795507 
Mac OS X/PowerPC 	 7	     9333	105474 
Mac OS X/Intel         	 13	     4144	23480 
Linux 	                 36	     21395	244882 
GPU 	                 42	     717	4208 
PLAYSTATION®3 	         797	     33468	250120 
Total 	                 1058	     240878 	2423671

Edited, Sep 20th 2007 10:15am by Kaelesh

Edited, Sep 20th 2007 10:15am by Kaelesh
#286 Sep 20 2007 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
33 posts
ah what the heck, i'm in. i think i've got it configured right
#287 Sep 20 2007 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
welcome aboard. also kewl stuff on the PS3.
#288 Sep 21 2007 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
@#%^ing DRK
13,143 posts
Rolling along. Going to try to convince Bro to put on his PS3.
#289 Sep 21 2007 at 5:57 AM Rating: Decent
Paskil wrote:
Rolling along. Going to try to convince Bro to put on his PS3.

It should already be there.
#290 Sep 23 2007 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
Wow. I didn't even see this thread before now. Recently reformatted my drive, and had to reinstall Folding@home. Gotta check up the team and maybe create a new F@h user.
#291 Sep 23 2007 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
Allright. New user Deviate, teamed up. One WU completed so far.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2007 11:24am by NorthAI
#292 Sep 23 2007 at 8:10 AM Rating: Decent
glad you noticed us. welcome to the alla team.
#293 Sep 26 2007 at 7:06 AM Rating: Good
15,953 posts
Congrats to Xan-Diesel for being the first person on the team to hit 100 WU. Xan-Diesel and Caeremonia are setting the pace, but I'll gettim.
"I have lost my way
But I hear a tale
About a heaven in Alberta
Where they've got all hell for a basement"

#294 Sep 26 2007 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
Iamadam and Datarider, your items are on the way! Bad luck to Weeble Smiley: frown He never replied, so no prize for him!

Look for all NEW prizes coming soon! I've worked up a deal with Alla to get some custom prizes for next months winners!

And now to your Folders!

As of 2007-09-26 08:18:51 wrote:
Team members 
(within team) 	User 	Score 	WU 
1 	Caeremonia 	31880 	26 
2 	Xan-Diesel 	30571 	107 
3 	Danalog 	24289 	40 
4 	Iamadam 	23771 	78 
5 	cooterbrown 	22833 	86 
6 	Primal   	15379 	57 
7 	singdall64 	13659 	28 
8 	Xantos    	9972 	37 
9 	Mejinx 	        7940 	42 
10 	Tetengo 	7901 	32 
11 	DragonGift 	7291 	30 
12 	Lemmiwinks 	6568 	15 
13 	PS3 	        6117 	33 
14 	tkmluv    	5974 	14 
15 	Mutz 	        5739 	23 
16 	Icer 	        5255 	10 
17 	Weeble 	        4886 	31 
18 	lubriderm 	4843 	10 
19 	Josh 	        4823 	17 
20 	EienYuri 	4533 	17 
21 	Drulian 	4459 	13 
22 	PunkFloyd 	4176 	15 
23 	MorningTheft 	4153 	17 
24 	Gawyn 	        4139 	13 
25 	Kaain 	        4127 	15 
26 	Mark_E._Deardorff 	4094 	15 
27 	Faye 	        3963 	18 
28 	Dr_Barkingturtle 	3924 	9 
29 	Heiki 	       3838 	14 
30 	prefferred_customer 	3773 	13 
31 	smitty   	3755 	7 
32 	aaron32145 	3474 	15 
33 	SKudo 	        3459 	11 
34 	Belkira 	3407 	11 
35 	_ 	        3355 	12 
36 	Regdar-Sylph 	3352 	11 
37 	james_fueston 	3352 	11 
38 	Allakhazam 	3316 	16 
39 	paztina 	3313 	13 
40 	Kieri 	        3265 	13 
41 	Aithzarx 	3241 	12 
42 	lord_dodobird 	3109 	12 
43 	Exodus 	        2957 	12 
44 	Kaelesh 	2917 	9 
45 	Jake_W 	        2821 	12 
46 	Codyys_Other_Computer 	2773 	9 
47 	Administrator 	2751 	9 
48 	WintsPS3 	2741 	14 
49 	Jay 	        2630 	14 
50 	Inferknite 	2595 	9 
51 	PLDStargazer 	2583 	12 
52 	Muadib 	        2582 	10 
53 	rubixtoo 	2481 	9 
54 	Jordster 	2462 	8 
55 	Madmurr 	2462 	8 
56 	ieatkillerbees 	2456 	9 
57 	Jon 	        2401 	7 
58 	MHVABear 	2393 	10 
59 	knipsffxi 	2390 	7 
60 	John_T 	        2237 	11 
61 	Xtrodinary 	2231 	7 
62 	Paskil 	        2140 	8 
63 	rangkar 	2130 	8 
64 	RaidenRDM 	2040 	7 
65 	Vkihyone 	2021 	4 
66 	cobaltrocket 	1967 	8 
67 	Wint 	        1951 	7 
68 	DataRaider 	1901 	6 
69 	HauptSin 	1805 	7 
70 	Narfalicious 	1716 	7 
71 	Cyclops 	1715 	5 
72 	Vyodar 	        1711 	7 
73 	Jackjeckel 	1701 	7 
74 	Mulgrin 	1690 	6 
75 	Ira_Albritton 	1686 	4 
76 	Tomec 	        1641 	5 
77 	bsphil 	        1590 	5 
78 	KillerPooh 	1590 	5 
79 	Francis_Tower 	1583 	6 
80 	Fdbog 	        1566 	8 
81 	Rainydayzz 	1514 	5 
82 	NP_Phreak 	1508 	5 
83 	MAD12345 	1500 	3 
84 	Phantm   	1469 	7 
85 	Curt_Kaler 	1446 	8 
86 	Wordaen 	1424 	5 
87 	Ian 	        1420 	6 
88 	Draedon 	1406 	5 
89 	Denmer    	1372 	4 
90 	Oort 	        1372 	4 
91 	k_work 	        1347 	4 
92 	thepit    	1343 	3 
93 	FenrirXIII 	1342 	3 
94 	devildoll 	1306 	5 
95 	Dragon_King 	1265 	4 
96 	StubsOnAsura 	1206 	3 
97 	Bennypopo 	1090 	4 
98 	Lumalie 	1058 	4 
99 	Leviathan 	1029 	3 
100 	nLoD 	        1029 	3 
101 	RedisSupreme 	1029 	3 
102 	Wendy 	        1029 	3 
103 	Exodus_Office 	1029 	3 
104 	Rick 	        1004 	4 
105 	robknugg 	1000 	3 
106 	HomerOfFenrir 	991 	6 
107 	Godzmack 	904 	3 
108 	Spockhelp 	904 	3 
109 	jcu 	        879 	4 
110 	wolfen 	        879 	4 
111 	ssj4sith 	874 	6 
112 	Brettski 	872 	3 
113 	Morningstar-Ramuh 	854 	4 
114 	Messiah 	843 	2 
115 	Greendragon 	838 	9 
116 	Enikxi 	        818 	3 
117 	SX 	        818 	3 
118 	Elneclare 	818 	3 
119 	Sharonkt 	817 	6 
120 	dperk77 	781 	8 
121 	Talis 	        780 	4 
122 	tony 	        728 	4 
123 	Mike 	        686 	2 
124 	pentsive 	686 	2 
125 	Phaeton 	686 	2 
126 	Exodus_Home 	686 	2 
127 	Manndar 	686 	2 
128 	Longinuszero 	686 	15 
129 	MacWho 	        686 	2 
130 	Batfink 	661 	3 
131 	DodoBird 	643 	125 
132 	Georgiana 	636 	2 
133 	Allegory 	591 	4 
134 	Cusslnggrunt 	587 	2 
135 	cano 	        561 	2 
136 	gimp24 	        561 	2 
137 	Tomec(PS3) 	551 	8 
138 	Defcon3572 	539 	2 
139 	Teve_Torbes 	529 	2 
140 	Cheetah 	529 	2 
141 	Soracloud 	529 	2 
142 	scott 	        529 	2 
143 	Katy 	        500 	1 
144 	Gabe 	        500 	1 
145 	fraggenjerk 	443 	1 
146 	Esmechos 	434 	2 
147 	Tilecant 	433 	2 
148 	Martin 	        430 	2 
149 	Cowgomoo 	406 	3 
150 	LordDamion 	372 	2 
151 	renkinja_02 	372 	2 
152 	Ray_Jones 	350 	2 
153 	Maximous 	343 	1 
154 	Avneen 	        343 	1 
155 	Squirrelyman 	343 	1 
156 	sapper19 	343 	1 
157 	Elbowing_Penalty 	343 	1 
158 	Seneth_Somed 	343 	1 
159 	Neil_Johnston 	343 	1 
160 	Seedling 	343 	1 
161 	Palindrome 	343 	1 
162 	TedPfau 	343 	1 
163 	Black_Rose 	343 	1 
164 	Rodrigo 	343 	1 
165 	Christopher 	343 	1 
166 	Hippye 	        343 	1 
167 	Chris 	        343 	1 
168 	Loweredshadw 	343 	1 
169 	Doran 	        343 	1 
170 	Squatch 	343 	1 
171 	Balein 	        343 	1 
172 	jereboo 	343 	1 
173 	Ikkian 	        314 	1 
174 	MooblareigTheBraindead 	300 	11 
175 	PS3gtwo 	287 	1 
176 	azelia 	        287 	1 
177 	tehwillis 	277 	2 
178 	Craig 	        240 	12 
179 	Dclinc 	        218 	1 
180 	notinterested 	206 	1 
181 	Durhai 	        186 	1 
182 	GodofMoo 	186 	1 
183 	Alain 	        186 	1 
184 	Nxtwave 	186 	1 
185 	Darth_Ozzy 	186 	1 
186 	Itzbutters 	169 	1 
187 	Khrystalmyth 	132 	1 
188 	spanila 	84 	1 
189 	IcehawkFF 	62 	24 
190 		        1 	1

Edited, Sep 26th 2007 10:40am by Kaelesh
#295 Sep 26 2007 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
A Blog from the Director of Folding @ Home. Check it out, it's interesting stuff.

Also, Playstation 3 owners have crossed the Petaflop by them selves! Amazing stuff. A huge number for a gaming console, one that even exceeds Windows users themselves.

Edited, Sep 26th 2007 11:54am by Kaelesh
#296 Sep 27 2007 at 6:27 AM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Ok, have it running on my new work laptop as well as home. When i get home, I'll bump its home usage.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#297 Sep 27 2007 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
I just noticed a strange error on the website and my F@H on my laptop. It says on the website that I've completed 12 WU's but on the F@H display on my laptop it shows only 10 WU's completed. Is it just some sort of random miscommunication error or did I get some corrupted data? I'll post a SS for proof if you want me to.
#298 Sep 27 2007 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
Wait until it recycles the logs tomorrow (it does them tonight I believe) and see if it's still off.
#299 Sep 29 2007 at 8:59 AM Rating: Good
Counter is still 2 WUs off. My F@H on my desktop says I've done 11 WUs but on the site it says I've done 13 WUs. Only thing I can think of is I got two either incredibly small WUs that didn't register on my PC or I got something corrupted and my desktop spat it out immediately.
#300 Sep 29 2007 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
15,953 posts
I'd like to offer congrats to cooterbrown. He's the second person on team Allakhazam to reach 100 Work Units.
"I have lost my way
But I hear a tale
About a heaven in Alberta
Where they've got all hell for a basement"

#301 Oct 01 2007 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
Here's your ranking. I'm lazy today, so I'm not formating.

As of 2007-10-01 07:19:04 wrote:
Team members 
(within team) 	User 	Score 	WU 
1 	Xan-Diesel 	35651 	124 
2 	Caeremonia 	31880 	26 
3 	cooterbrown 	28958 	108 
4 	Iamadam 	28496 	94 
5 	Danalog 	27008 	46 
6 	Primal 	20395 	73 
7 	singdall64 	15195 	30 
8 	Xantos 	13242 	47 
9 	Lemmiwinks 	9936 	29 
10 	Mejinx 	9631 	51 
11 	DragonGift 	8596 	36 
12 	Tetengo 	7901 	32 
13 	Weeble 	6986 	39 
14 	tkmluv 	6974 	16 
15 	Josh 	6435 	25 
16 	Icer 	6255 	12 
17 	PS3 	6117 	33 
18 	lubriderm 	6049 	13 
19 	Mutz 	5925 	24 
20 	Drulian 	5152 	16 
21 	EienYuri 	5141 	20 
22 	_ 	5048 	18 
23 	Mark_E._Deardorff 	4991 	20 
24 	smitty 	4941 	10 
25 	Faye 	4938 	23 
26 	PunkFloyd 	4920 	19 
27 	Kaain 	4813 	18 
28 	RaidenRDM 	4729 	16 
29 	Gawyn 	4668 	15 
30 	MorningTheft 	4525 	19 
31 	Dr_Barkingturtle 	4424 	10 
32 	Regdar-Sylph 	4421 	14 
33 	Exodus 	4208 	18 
34 	SKudo 	4145 	13 
35 	prefferred_customer 	4072 	15 
36 	james_fueston 	4067 	14 
37 	Heiki 	3838 	14 
38 	Kieri 	3703 	16 
39 	Aithzarx 	3663 	14 
40 	Kaelesh 	3525 	12 
41 	paztina 	3499 	14 
42 	aaron32145 	3474 	15 
43 	lord_dodobird 	3452 	13 
44 	Allakhazam 	3448 	17 
45 	Belkira 	3407 	11 
46 	Muadib 	3214 	13 
47 	Administrator 	3123 	11 
48 	Jake_W 	3098 	14 
49 	Codyys_Other_Computer 	2959 	10 
50 	PLDStargazer 	2955 	14 
51 	Inferknite 	2938 	10 
52 	knipsffxi 	2919 	9 
53 	Jordster 	2834 	10 
54 	MHVABear 	2765 	12 
55 	WintsPS3 	2741 	14 
56 	Paskil 	2669 	10 
57 	Madmurr 	2648 	9 
58 	Jay 	2630 	14 
59 	KillerPooh 	2578 	11 
60 	rubixtoo 	2481 	9 
61 	ieatkillerbees 	2456 	9 
62 	DataRaider 	2430 	8 
63 	Jon 	2401 	7 
64 	cobaltrocket 	2339 	10 
65 	Vkihyone 	2313 	5 
66 	John_T 	2237 	11 
67 	Xtrodinary 	2231 	7 
68 	Wint 	2137 	8 
69 	rangkar 	2130 	8 
70 	Vyodar 	2054 	8 
71 	Jackjeckel 	2044 	8 
72 	Mulgrin 	2033 	7 
73 	Fdbog 	2009 	9 
74 	Ian 	1920 	7 
75 	jcu 	1867 	9 
76 	thepit 	1843 	4 
77 	HauptSin 	1805 	7 
78 	Phantm 	1780 	10 
79 	Narfalicious 	1716 	7 
80 	Wordaen 	1716 	6 
81 	Cyclops 	1715 	5 
82 	Oort 	1715 	5 
83 	Ira_Albritton 	1686 	4 
84 	Tomec 	1641 	5 
85 	Dragon_King 	1608 	5 
86 	Draedon 	1592 	6 
87 	Denmer 	1590 	5 
88 	bsphil 	1590 	5 
89 	Francis_Tower 	1583 	6 
90 	Exodus_Office 	1554 	6 
91 	Bennypopo 	1526 	7 
92 	Rainydayzz 	1514 	5 
93 	NP_Phreak 	1508 	5 
94 	MAD12345 	1500 	3 
95 	Curt_Kaler 	1480 	9 
96 	Defcon3572 	1409 	5 
97 	k_work 	1347 	4 
98 	Leviathan 	1343 	4 
99 	FenrirXIII 	1342 	3 
100 	Morningstar-Ramuh 	1313 	8 
101 	devildoll 	1306 	5 
102 	RedisSupreme 	1265 	4 
103 	Spockhelp 	1247 	4 
104 	Lumalie 	1244 	5 
105 	Brettski 	1215 	4 
106 	StubsOnAsura 	1206 	3 
107 	Phaeton 	1186 	3 
108 	HomerOfFenrir 	1177 	7 
109 	Godzmack 	1090 	4 
110 	nLoD 	1029 	3 
111 	Wendy 	1029 	3 
112 	Rick 	1004 	4 
113 	robknugg 	1000 	3 
114 	Soracloud 	963 	4 
115 	Allegory 	934 	5 
116 	notinterested 	892 	3 
117 	wolfen 	879 	4 
118 	Esmechos 	877 	3 
119 	ssj4sith 	874 	6 
120 	Mike 	872 	3 
121 	Messiah 	843 	2 
122 	Greendragon 	838 	9 
123 	Enikxi 	818 	3 
124 	SX 	818 	3 
125 	Elneclare 	818 	3 
126 	Sharonkt 	817 	6 
127 	dperk77 	781 	8 
128 	Talis 	780 	4 
129 	tony 	728 	4 
130 	TedPfau 	720 	3 
131 	Cheetah 	715 	3 
132 	Squatch 	715 	3 
133 	pentsive 	686 	2 
134 	Squirrelyman 	686 	2 
135 	Exodus_Home 	686 	2 
136 	Black_Rose 	686 	2 
137 	Manndar 	686 	2 
138 	Longinuszero 	686 	18 
139 	MacWho 	686 	2 
140 	Batfink 	661 	3 
141 	DodoBird 	643 	125 
142 	Georgiana 	636 	2 
143 	scott 	620 	3 
144 	tehwillis 	620 	3 
145 	Cusslnggrunt 	587 	2 
146 	cano 	561 	2 
147 	gimp24 	561 	2 
148 	Tomec(PS3) 	551 	8 
149 	Cowgomoo 	538 	4 
150 	Chris 	536 	2 
151 	Teve_Torbes 	529 	2 
152 	Seedling 	529 	2 
153 	Nxtwave 	529 	2 
154 	Katy 	500 	1 
155 	Gabe 	500 	1 
156 	fraggenjerk 	443 	1 
157 	Tilecant 	433 	2 
158 	Martin 	430 	2 
159 	LordDamion 	372 	2 
160 	renkinja_02 	372 	2 
161 	Ray_Jones 	350 	2 
162 	Maximous 	343 	1 
163 	Avneen 	343 	1 
164 	sapper19 	343 	1 
165 	Elbowing_Penalty 	343 	1 
166 	Seneth_Somed 	343 	1 
167 	Neil_Johnston 	343 	1 
168 	Palindrome 	343 	1 
169 	Chris_Charvella 	343 	1 
170 	Rodrigo 	343 	1 
171 	Christopher 	343 	1 
172 	Hippye 	343 	1 
173 	Loweredshadw 	343 	1 
174 	Doran 	343 	1 
175 	Balein 	343 	1 
176 	jereboo 	343 	1 
177 	Ikkian 	314 	1 
178 	MooblareigTheBraindead 	300 	11 
179 	PS3gtwo 	287 	1 
180 	azelia 	287 	1 
181 	Craig 	240 	12 
182 	Dclinc 	218 	1 
183 	Runawayfive 	186 	1 
184 	Durhai 	186 	1 
185 	GodofMoo 	186 	1 
186 	Alain 	186 	1 
187 	Darth_Ozzy 	186 	1 
188 	Itzbutters 	169 	1 
189 	Khrystalmyth 	132 	1 
190 	spanila 	84 	1 
191 	IcehawkFF 	62 	24 
192 		1 	1 
193 	Mallone 	0 	0

Edited, Oct 1st 2007 9:29am by Kaelesh
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