Rukkuss wrote:
Happy birthday Man!!! I hope you got to poke some 18 year olds !!!!
No, most likely they were all under curfew so I didnt get the chance.
Nadenu wrote:
Dya celebrated his birthday by not-drunk dialing me.
That was a great phone call! You should do the same on your birthday. (BTW, I was trying to call Mellow Moods... a not-so-local headshop, how fun is it that you are next to them?)
Timelordwho wrote:
Have you gone pine box shopping?
In all seriousness, I'm going to be cremated and buried at sea. So people will drown if they try to dance on my grave.
PunkFloyd, King of Bards wrote:
Happy Birthday. I hope you were not forgotten amongst all the people celebrating National Curried Chicken Day.
What?? I missed that again! I was too busy celebrating "Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day"
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
Dyadem, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
Timelordwho wrote:
So you're 72 in gay years?
Yeah but I got some popsickles in my basement..
Gah, it's been like a month since I had a popsicle in my basement.
uh.. uhm.. yeah.. not the reference I was going for.. but it works.
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Well, you're talking about shagging 18 year olds so if you're also considering buying a motorcycle or sports car you know it has hit full force this time around.
I've owned a few dirt bikes in my life.. I guess my Ferarro I had years ago coutns as a sports car.. OH GOD ITS HAPPENING!
someproteinguy wrote:
Congratulations on being older then you were yesterday, or two days ago, or whatever. May you wear your wrinkles with pride.
I shall!
And to everyone, thanks for all the posts, and nudes... oh wait noone sent me nudes this year.