Okay, so p00py Strazer managed to convince Erron to join the other level 32 static. =/
However, it opened up a space for a much needed BLM. ^^
Currently we have:
Demoncide - SAM/WAR or SAM/RNG(undecided, I'm going to try out both and see which we prefer)
Naeo - DRK/THF(Though I need to convince him to go DRK/WAR for backup tanking... =/)
Axle - WAR/???(He was WAR/PLD when we were attempting to camp Empy tonight, but I'm going to assume his main sub is MNK)
Theris - WHM/???(Not sure on his sub)
Zander - WHM/???(Also not sure, probably RDM. He has a RDM50 that he'll switch to when we get 50)
?????? - BLM/???(Open spot! ^^)
If any BLM wishes to join(Preferably taru, but hey, anything works with the right equipment), drop Naeo or myself a /tell, or post in the topic that I'm going to make soon on the Hotuken Knights forum (http://www.finaldawn.com/brandon |It should be located in the General Chat forum). If you're not 32 yet, we can wait. ^^ Naeo's only 20 with DRK at the moment. XD
Of course, we expect you to have a good, leveled sub and at least decent equipment. None of this BLM32/WAR3 in starting gear stuff. ^^;
We plan to do other things than just level such as camping NM's for our needed equipments(Empy, Leapers, Kote, etc.), quests, missions, and maybe BCNM's.
(Hmmm.) I think that's it. ^^;
Edited, Thu Aug 12 22:54:05 2004 by Demoncide