I would like to organize a run to do M5-1 this weekend and possibly M5-2 as well.
Anyone who needs this and would like to participate let me know.
For 5-1 i was told the ideal makeup is WHM WHM PLD MNK MNK MNK
or something along those lines, and basically at the start of the fight the monks use 2 hour, the fight should take less than 1 min if that works.
As for 5-2, i think it would require a different PT, more along the lines of an XP party setup however high levels can help on this fight since there is no cap.
So if anyone is interested post here and let me know.
Keep in mind the Cap for M5-1 is lvl 50. And you must have started the mission.
Also i would like to have 1 person who has done it before to be in the PT as a guide.