Trizzoro the Quick
Suck me sideways midget. I, like Machtaru, did not personally see this but heard from SEVERAL (meaning many more than one) that YOU were the one being chased and /slapped. If that was incorect information by about 10 or so people then so be it, it was wrong.
But I sure as hell am not gonna apologize to a bad mouthed litte **** like you. It's people like you who force other good players to HAVE to filter /shouts when you become such a f'n annoyance, so rot in hell for all I care.
well, that was just down right rude.. As was my post about you saying that i didnt pay out my bets.. check this out tho..
In your post you said nothing about not seeing it first hand, as a matter of fact this is what you said exactly.
Trizzoro the Quick
Anyone here how Hiptaru could not pay up on a guy's jackpot, started getting /shouts, /slaps everywhere he went, even in other cities. Then he just waits about an hour and starts spamming for his casino in Sandy again? Hmm, I'm sure indicative to the type of people running thse scams.
It looks as if you are accusing me of not paying out a bet, you did not say anything about it maybe being incorrect because you werent there..
Sure people were slapping me, because i was slapping somebody else, and they came to his defense, which is why i got 7 other people to slap the other guy, and i did get my gil from him.
So, sorry that you cant seem to understand why i called you a dumbass, but i am sure i am considered a
HUGE dumbass myself, the reason is because i am going against what everybody here on the boards believes..
Its like if i were to say i support Gay Marriges in FFXI, and i was charging 100k to do a Gay Marriage and people were doing it, then i would get the same BS from everybody.
Or like if i told everybody that its ok to buy GIL from other websites, then everybody would hate me just as much, but all i am doing is running a casino, and that seems to be controversial enough to generate all the hate in the world. I dont care anymore, i play the game for fun, and what i do in game for fun is my own business, and if you dont like it.. /blist me hhaha..