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Looking for as many alternate exp places as possibleFollow

#1 Aug 27 2004 at 2:21 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
I can already see the pointless rating downs coming in.

Anyway, I'll say it now, I hate the Crawlers' Nest. I'm a level 46 WHM, and I simply do not want to level in the nest. I had a decent party in Yhoator by the zone to Ifrit's Cauldron that got me to this level, but the exp was kinda shaky at times, and I'm not so sure it'd work now that I've gained a level. If it would, I'm gonna hope I can get another party there.

Basically, I want to know if there are any other areas I could level to 50 in, other than CN. Can Quicksand Caves work? I know Garlaige works for close to 50, but I still have a couple levels yet.

I've been putting (|Crawler's Nest|) (|No thanks.|) in my comment and that has proven to either completely shut out the invites, or people claim they didn't see it. And when I try to form one, the people never stick around long after I tell them we're not going to the CN (or we get "I don't have the crystal" after asking three times if everyone had it >.<).

Apparently some of us have fallen into a rut as far as leveling areas go, and I for one would like to be different. ...that and CN is always overcrowded anyway...
#2 Aug 27 2004 at 2:31 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
I was in a PT consisting of 46-48 (which changed to 47-49) That was leveling in Quicksand the other day... It was actually very good, we took on Spiders, which gave very good exp, and Beetles, which gave a little less exp.

I wish I could say I know where your coming from when you say its hard to find parties, but tanks seem to be in high demand and low supply after level 40.

I hope this helped a little, and I hope you find better luck with PTs in the future! (and yeah, crawlers nest can suck...a lot)

#3 Aug 27 2004 at 2:34 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
So Spiders *are* a good source of experience? Because someone in a former party was really arguing otherwise. I had no idea so I stayed out of that conversation. >.> She was mostly afraid of the Sickle Slash, not that I blame her.

I have Erase now (only took me 9 months), if that makes any difference. I know the Spider's Sticky Web overwrites Haste, and Haste cannot overwrite the Slow effect, but does Erase null Slow? It'd be really helpful if it did.
#4 Aug 27 2004 at 2:49 AM Rating: Good
716 posts
Actually, haste does override slow. I've used it many a time for that effect.
#5 Aug 27 2004 at 3:02 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Yeah, but not the Sticky Web (I tried it). I have no idea why. It just doesn't. I got hit with the Sticky Web and tried to cast Haste on myself, and it missed. At the time, I didn't have Erase, so I had to wait til it wore off... :/

Though I will admit it's 4am and my memory certainly isn't the best it could be at the moment but I'm pretty sure I remember Haste missing.

Edited, Fri Aug 27 04:10:29 2004 by seraphimhunter
#6 Aug 27 2004 at 3:38 AM Rating: Good
716 posts
Weird. I'd've figured Sticky Web was just like any other slowing attack. I've verified that it works on Demons' Slowga attacks and Crawlers' Sticky Thread attacks.. but I haven't verified it on Sticky Web. Curious. Thanks for the heads up. ^^
#7 Aug 27 2004 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
169 posts
Try this link on the mystery tour website. My static party has investigated a few of these areas and found that they can be good alternate leveling locations. (We're in the 46-48 range.)

Go to "Tips", then "Hunting Place".

Have fun and good luck.
#8 Aug 27 2004 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
883 posts
At that level my static party went to Yuhtunga Jungle, right outside the zone to Ifrit's Cauldron, and chained Goblin Hunters and Bouncers 'til the cows came home. It's a really, really good spot.
#9 Aug 27 2004 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
I use this guide for XPing in different places :)

PS Tongyang's guide is the best one

Edited, Fri Aug 27 13:51:02 2004 by LonewolfyBismarck
#10 Aug 27 2004 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
172 posts
As long as you're the only party there (which is almost guaranteed), Byaina said it best when she said Yhoator, just outside of Ifrit's Cauldron. Well, she said Yuhtunga, but we know what she means =)

You'll spend more time updating your signature than you will exp'ing, because you'll be gaining levels left and right.
#11 Aug 27 2004 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Spiders are good at that level range (or were for me, at least) but their slow effect is terrible. It doesnt last very long however, so even for me, a NIN tank, it wasn't overly devastating. And normal slow is overwritten by Haste, the slow that spiders gives overwrites haste (I think) and cannot be removed by haste (I know), but can be removed by Erase. But, as Byaina pointed out, Yhoator, at the zone to Ifrit's Cauldron is very good for exp also. And as Chopss said, that camp can only have 1 party in it, or it would be pretty crappy.

#12 Aug 27 2004 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
...right... I meant Yhoator... /hides
#13 Aug 28 2004 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Oh wow that site is great, thanks a lot for that.

Well, after scaring my party tonight (hearing the WHM say "I want to run an experiment" always spooks parties! :D), I proved that Haste does not overwrite Sticky Web. We were all kinda perplexed, but, Erase solved the problem.

Our level range started at 46-47, with only one person being 47, and the exp wasn't too great off Spiders, strangely enough. Beetles and Antica worked rather well though. (I hate their Silenga skill >.<)

Well, still, any place is better than CN. And it's a nice change from the Cursed Sphere-a-thons. >.<

Thank you all.
#14 Aug 28 2004 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Silenga = EVIL. Chops can vouch for me on this - the only thing that slowed down our incredible static party last night was &Y&$*^&#$^&# Silenga killing all our spellcasting. Echo drops are your best friend.
#15 Aug 28 2004 at 2:52 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Heh, I never leave home without them. :) I had 4 left tonight, but luckily I managed to avoid most of the mayhem, and the BRD/WHM helped me out with the Silena too.

They have some *really* nasty attacks. Makes me very glad I spent the time to get the money for Erase because I had to use it quite often tonight...
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