Hey Satlan, long time no see. It's Chops. I couldn't get my own name.. so I had to add an "s" onto my allakhazam name. Anyway, those were some incredible leveling days when we went from 30-40 in a few days. Sorry to hear that you can't any parties. Seems like any party leader would jump all over your WAR/NIN combo, like I did. Pre-37, 2 blink tanks alternating hate = literally no down time. It was great.. sorry that we stopped at 40. Brock just needed to level his SMN for his WHM main, and I was just leveling NIN for the fun of it, and maybe for a few BCNM 40 fights here and there. Fun days..
All I can say is just try to form your own groups. Sometimes it sucks, but just keep at it. I've waited up to 3 hours to find the perfect mix of jobs, but it all pays off in the end. I started up another semi-static as my THF. Leveled it up from 29 to 51 in just under 3 weeks, only partying every other day or so. I waited and waited and waited.. but finally the right members would come along and the experience points would roll in. Hang in there man, you'll make it. I still can't see why a WAR/NIN isn't getting invited to parties.. especially since you have both axe and great axe leveled up.