Been playing since February and I finally got a job to 40. Yesterday I managed to party my blm half way thru level 40. Now, its time to work on the Warp II scroll. :-\. I also have to get Blizzard II... so if anyone knows where I can buy that, it'd be a big help. I started with an elvaan mnk, war, thf and got a better understanding of the game. Took that understanding and started all over. Still took Nebz 6 months to hit 40. BFD, I level slow... but its cause I don't like sitting in a zone for 30-90 min LFG with no /tells or invites. So I farm... but usually exp farm with lower level jobs, or on easy prey's.
Well, I've got lots of equipment now and ready to get rdm to 40 too ^.^. However, dispel and phalanx are going to be rather expensive... any chance the static party may be willing to BCNM for phalanx?