This forum and its linkshell, CerberusAlliance, has been a great resource for getting things together ... so I might as well post this here, as it isnt on my list of things to do right now ingame, but i will do soon if us forums users get something together ...
So anyway, I was wondering if anyone wanted to do Mission 5-1, the Final Seal. Its the mission where you go to FeiYin to replace the broken seal there. And its also the mission before fighting the Shadow Lord.
The fight is a lvl 50 cap, and this is where I run into my problem. See, back when a bunch of my friends were close to the 50s, we were rdy enough to go fight. But now as we all lvld deeper into the 50s, my friends had sold off their 50 or below equips. I didnt, so I guess I saved myself. Would anyone that can be equipped good enough for a lvl 50 cap and/or needs to do this mission like to schedule a day to do so??? Thanks ^^
Edited, Sat Aug 28 13:06:06 2004 by Eilurac