These Following People Make me Sick!, Alikaron,Draken,Hellion,Spartann,Thorken,Kileak,Nate,Dankknight,DragonDancer,Tainted,Smitz,Dragonx or Dragonxs,Bloodrayne,Aceroth well some ppl will say i make them sick(Zerokool) but F yall that think that lol,
[/li] ok now for the pplz That Are Kool Magikka,Drakin,Xigua,Xera,Coberst,pusspuss,Dogwood,Greyhound, Makira,Maikara,Swilly,Chinqlinq,Jhunwung,Darkvlade
,Geomtyr,Fuertes,NeoChaos,Millybabe, [li][li][/li]and if u know any one or think im wrong about some one post it later ppls p.s if i didnt out u on kool list i dont know you or im high and cant remember :P Peace Out!