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October 17th Weekend ThreadFollow

#1 Oct 16 2008 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
1,945 posts
FFXI: SMN75 would be nice, but I'll settle with 74. Try to get some merits, even if I have to seek on BRD. Get the Promyvion Slivers. Hopefully progress some in Nyzul.
WoW: Farm. They added new Achievements section. I spent about 2000g on mounts trying to get the 50 mount one. Also want to get Exalted in all the Horde cities, which will give me a nice title and help me get the rest of the mounts.
WAR: Try to get 21. I'm in a rut with this game atm. I think I need to be motivated to get much further in the game.
RL: Who has time for RL when I have all that stuff above me to do.
#2 Oct 16 2008 at 8:56 PM Rating: Excellent
31 posts
FFXI:Idk what I will have time to do really but Im going to aim for SMN40 (36 now). Not sure I will get there but we shall see. Hopefully some more Nyzul Isle since it was cancelled last weekend..Idk what else, possibly a merit pt.

IRL: I have to work on Saturday, which really upsets me since I was notified by my stepfather that this month's training (volunteer fire dept) is going to be a controlled practice burn... Owell. Other than work I plan on trying to read a chapter or two ahead for EMT-B class. Going to try not to get behind on reading so the time I would be spending reading I can actually do a bit of studying and help my test scores.. (I got a 75 on the last one)
#3 Oct 16 2008 at 11:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Gonna try to merit a little Friday, SL rank and Perdu Voulge are close but I have nowhere near enough IS. Then some Salvage, and Assaults on Saturday.

Probably merit more on Sunday, I haven't merited in months and I really need to put some points on my WAR, I hate having a fully merited PLD and nothing on my other favorite job.

RL, hanging out with the wife and eagerly awaiting Kevin Smiths new movie, due out on Halloween.
#4 Oct 17 2008 at 5:19 AM Rating: Excellent
77 posts
Well i haven't been on much of this week due to RL and am eager to play this weekend!!

I would love to merit all weekend lol. I'm sure that will be boring as anything but I'd like merits for my blm and pup.

Other than that, just some LS events:)

#5 Oct 17 2008 at 5:57 AM Rating: Excellent
164 posts
NCCoda wrote:
Gonna try to merit a little Friday, SL rank and Perdu Voulge are close but I have nowhere near enough IS. Then some Salvage, and Assaults on Saturday.

Probably merit more on Sunday, I haven't merited in months and I really need to put some points on my WAR, I hate having a fully merited PLD and nothing on my other favorite job.

Look me up if I'm on. ^^ Since I got COR to 75, I've only been able to experience the goodness of a BRD/COR merit party on a few occasions. Sad to say, I'm scared to party with noobs. :(
#6 Oct 17 2008 at 8:51 AM Rating: Excellent
TheManKev wrote:
Look me up if I'm on. ^^ Since I got COR to 75, I've only been able to experience the goodness of a BRD/COR merit party on a few occasions. Sad to say, I'm scared to party with noobs. :(

But you'll party with me? That's scarier than noobs, I assure you. XD

I'll look you up, my Friday plans got hosed though, gotta fix a friends car today.
#7 Oct 17 2008 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
1,945 posts
If you want a 2nd BRD or a healer, feel free to invite me. I can always use merits, but getting SMN to 75 would be nice too.
#8 Oct 17 2008 at 12:58 PM Rating: Excellent
478 posts
FFXI: DNC up higher.

RL: Try not to kill my mother. She's on a huge PMS fit and is going to get on my nerves.
#9 Oct 17 2008 at 2:29 PM Rating: Excellent
6,631 posts
Less words, more meaning are the best:
Enjoy a Canadian weekend, and then head back to Sunshine Florida.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#10 Oct 17 2008 at 4:36 PM Rating: Good
792 posts
1.) Work all weekend. Deal with whiny people. Hopefully make just a bit of money.
2.) Wait for the girl that I actually had the balls to ask out to go on her week cruise, then come back.

1.) Solo BLU some more.
2.) Marryth will be gone tomorrow. Bother Vhailor instead.
3.) Maybe get some fishing in. Probably gonna be soloing BLU, though.
#11 Oct 18 2008 at 5:32 AM Rating: Excellent
86 posts
RL - My daughter's second birthday party today. Finish making food, cleaning, etc. Work Sunday.

FFXI - I should be on this evening, Speedly. :P Push for BRD 65+, I'm about 12k from 65 now. Work on BST if I don't have time to PT.
#12 Oct 20 2008 at 7:50 PM Rating: Excellent
31 posts
Didnt get a chance to work on SMN at all this weekend due to BLM xp getting in the very low range .. However this weekend I did some token runs in Nyzul Isle (SP was cancelled again..) on Saturday and Sunday I got BLM xp up to 22k, got some merits with WAR (spent them on Ice potency lv 4) and found the Warhorse Hoofprint (I-9 area of Wajaom Woodlands if anyone needs it) and ranked up to Superior Private.

IRL:Slept Friday, Worked Saturday and didnt do anything else... reading my EMT book included >.>
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