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November 14th Weekend ThreadFollow

#1 Nov 12 2008 at 10:42 PM Rating: Good
1,945 posts
Yes, it is way early for this, but meh, I'll be fully busy this weekend.

Thursday: Do all the dailies I can fit in while I wait for the UPS to come with WOTLK. Install WOTLK, turn in all my quests already done, then hit Northlands until sky time. Do Sky, then come back and play WoW.
Friday: Say a prayer for Beej's brother. Play WoW.
Saturday: More WoW (expansions...I tell ya...) Limbus.
Sunday: Still more WoW. I hope to be 72+. Dynamis. More WoW.

Everyone have a great weekend!
#2 Nov 13 2008 at 4:08 AM Rating: Excellent
792 posts
RL: Work. Trying to go out Saturday night, but we'll see how that goes. Pay my oppressive credit card bill.

WoW: Don't play WoW. Everyone and their mothers will be in the Northlands leveling. Avoid at all costs until all the people with no jobs and no lives hit 80 in three days (although I'll likely wait longer; about a month and a half). Also, laugh at those people who were dumb enough to get new gear in the last month, because it's all now crap.

FFXI: Continue leveling SAM. If I'm able to go out Saturday, then shoot for 72. If I'm not, shoot for 73. I'll likely have to stop leveling after this weekend to go on another fishing skill/fundraising run, since I'll be due to buy a Hagun. (Goodbye, 2.5M.) The next few weekend threads will likely read, "FFXI: Fish moar. Gimme money for mah new sword!"

Edited, Nov 13th 2008 4:08am by Speedly
#3 Nov 13 2008 at 6:22 AM Rating: Excellent
478 posts
RL: Clean my room a little bit.

FFXI: Check on my Chocobo, get a bigger buffer on BLM. Re-cap my exp on RDM.

Guild Wars: Level my Necromancer a little bit more, upgrade her armor to the next set. Farm up the gold I need for runes.
#4 Nov 13 2008 at 8:03 AM Rating: Good
1,945 posts
I don't expect to be 80 in 3 days, though that would be nice. I have to do other stuff too. I can't really ignore FFXI for WoW because FFXI has been and always will mean more to me than WoW will. I give myself 2 weeks depending on if I need to rebuffer BRD or SMN.

I am making a Blood Elf Death Knight though....
#5 Nov 13 2008 at 8:17 AM Rating: Good
6,631 posts
1) Martial arts clinic in Jacksonville (not only work out for me... but for my old Volvo too Smiley: dubious -- still happy that the worse thing happened to it is I ruined the axle once in Northwest PA, and two deaths of the alternator....)
2) Playing with my new PS2/3 games Smiley: glare

1) I am really going to get started with that infamous 10000 Moat Carp thing....
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#6 Nov 13 2008 at 10:54 AM Rating: Excellent
77 posts
RL: Probably stay in and clean. I think its suppose to be cold/rainy. Toss out old clothes to give away perhaps.

FFXI: No plans. That worked for me last weekend so perhaps if I say it again I'll get a lot done:)

#7 Nov 13 2008 at 2:35 PM Rating: Excellent
RL: Chill out with the wife and watch some TV shows that she missed last week while she was out of town. Maybe go see Zack and Miri again.

FFXI: Assault and probably work on Campaign, I need to keep my badge up to date and a couple merits can't hurt.
#8 Nov 14 2008 at 5:41 PM Rating: Excellent
86 posts
RL: Work. Get some Christmas shopping done. And be sick, apparently - I've had a low-grade fever and felt nauseous all day. x_x

FFXI: Assuming I have time at all, work on WAR. Currently 56! Maybe farm. Work on Tayson (my pet Galka, on hubby's old account).
#9 Nov 14 2008 at 9:13 PM Rating: Excellent
31 posts
Well, we had the visitation and the funeral. Both were held at our fire station. The visitation was Thursday night from 5-8 pm but we had so many people we had to extend it another 30 minutes. There literally was a constant line coming and going in and out of our station that took the entire 3 and a half hours to die down.

The funeral today was awesome. First, the Sheriff's Office did a tribute to him over the fire radio. Then the funeral started after an hour of visitation before. There literally was roughly 400+ people there. We had an hour of visitation prior to the service and then the service itself, which was led by a family friend who is a pastor. The procession to the cemetary was amazing. We had a ladder truck parked at the entrance to the cemetary with a flag attached to the ladder which was fully extended. There was 3 fire trucks (There was 4 different departments represented from these trucks) leading the Patriot Riders (motorcycle group that escorts funerals and stuff). Then the pallbearer car was behind them (I was in this car) then the hearse followed by the family and all friends. B/t the Sheriff deputies and the full procession we had to easily cover a good half mile, if not closer to a full mile. There was that many people. People had to park on the grass to fit everyone in the cemetary. I was a pallbearer, along with one of my brothers, 2 friends of Steven's, the guy that got him his UPS job and 3 of our firefighters.

Once we carried the casket to the grave, there was a few more words spoken by the pastor then we had the city fire department honor guard take the flag we had draped over the casket and fold it up. They then saluted my brother and presented the flag to my mother and salute the family. Then they said a little thing about a bell ringing when firefighters start an assignment and then a bell rings 3 times after an assignment is complete. They then said Steven's assignment has been completed and they rang a bell 3 times. Then they had the taps being played on the bagpipes (guy had a kilt on and all) to close the ceremony out. Also, after the ceremony was over the president of the Alabama Association of Volunteer Fire Departments came over to me to offer his condolences and said my brother was a hero and it was an honor to attend his funeral to salute his legacy. He also gave me a pin and a patch to put on my uniform. We then went back to our station for a reception.

It was the most amazing funeral, one I full heartedly believe he would have been truely proud of. Now the slow healing process can begin.

When I will get back into playing FFXI, Idk. I'll see.

Edited, Nov 14th 2008 11:38pm by Beej
#10 Nov 16 2008 at 7:36 AM Rating: Excellent
Really sorry for your loss, Beej. I'll continue praying for your family.

This weekend I took COR from 26-44 and skilled up Marksmanship to the point where I learned Slug Shot. Also went from floor 26-36 on my Nyzul Isle Runic Disc.
#11 Nov 16 2008 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,945 posts
Blew off everything FFXI and leveled my mage to 74.
Obtained the World Explorer Achievement and the Tabard of the Explorer.
Got the Armored Bear Mount, which is my 55th mount.
Decided that I am taking a break from FFXI until the shine of Lich King has died down, which could be months. /shrug.
#12 Nov 17 2008 at 5:34 AM Rating: Excellent
77 posts
I got a few coins in Limbus and that was it.
#13 Nov 17 2008 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
555 posts
1) Dnc to 61
2) Helped friends get Rank 10 for Bastok
3) 2 new Assault wins
4) Random fun
#14 Nov 17 2008 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
6,631 posts
1) Drove to Jacksonville, and had attended martial arts clinic/demonstration. Got taught someways if someone point a gun at you with the intend to shoot >_>
2) Usual stuff: Supermarket, cleaned my car

1) Helped people get BLU spells
2) Fishing
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#15 Nov 18 2008 at 1:01 AM Rating: Excellent
Salvage and Assaults

Helped a friend of a friend with Adamantoise, which finished that dude's BB so that's cool.

Helped Algrensans friends with Bastok 9-1 and did a Nyzul 16-20.

Recapped PLD in a merit PT with some friends.

RL just hung around the house with the wife, had a good time.
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