Hello there folks. Kingdoms is looking for a few players to add to our LS that would be helpful for events and anything else we might do! Our LS is growing and consists of a solid group of about 8 to 10 people that are consistently on. We do random events every day and also schedule certain events on Sundays. We are looking for a dedicated MNK or BRD but will take any job that you would like to play (However currently we are heavy on NIN and BLM). We have a website and forums for information that we find about the game, abyssea, quests, missions, or just general banter. We are mostly looking for dedicated players that will be around to support the LS during events during the week and who also will be around for LS events on Sundays. The main leaders are on Xbox360 so if you have that and a headset that is an added bonus, but we also have PC players with a Mumble and a Vent server up and running for those who like to communicate via headset.
We are not looking for veteran players, we will take you whether you are level 1 or level 99, all we ask is that you are loyal to the shell, want to improve your own character as well as everyone else's, and are willing to put some time in for events. We will gear up any new players with some of the best gear from the game provided you do the legwork as far as levels and other small things are taken care of. We take care of our own in Kingdoms and will make a beast out of any who join us for the fun and excitement that we do!
We do anything from Aby NMs, empyrean weapon building, missions, quests, VNMs, VW, CoP, ZM, rank missions, exp parties, skill ups, or just generally teaching people more about the game. We have a solid group of veteran players that are dedicated to supporting the newer players (or returning new players) that we have in the shell. Anyone that is interested please do not hesitate to /tell Protectaru ingame! If you have Xbox360 feel free to add BroadbandBunion just send me a msg explaining you have interest in the Linkshell!
Again we would most like to bring a MNK and a BRD into the shell. We would take anyone that would also be interested in doing these jobs: DRK, COR, PLD, SMN, DNC, SCH, DRG, SAM, WAR
We allow people to do/bring multiple jobs to the table but priority for items/gear will always go to those who specialize with that specific job.