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The bots in Ordelles..Follow

#1 Aug 20 2004 at 5:46 AM Rating: Decent
AHHH!! did anyone see these guys. They camp the stroper 24/7!!
My friend called a GM and he said dont call GM on bots ; ;.
We have to stop them! (|Run away!|)
#2 Aug 20 2004 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
I wonder how you can bot camp NMs? Are those the voker bots Milkshaker was telling me about earlier? I've seen fishing bots and the like....
#3 Aug 20 2004 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
159 posts
Yes, Some friends and I have been going in and camping stoper with them to give them a hard time. In fact, an LS has been created specifically to give people like these a hard time.

They are Chinese gil sellers (self - admitted) they camp stroper for the drop, sell the drop, sell the gil online.

For more info check here:
#4 Aug 22 2004 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
901 posts
Player name is Aneuse, I spoke to him last night and surprisingly he doesn't bot (of course he's from china and told me he has to give the rings to his boss)
Watusa of Lakshmi

svlyons wrote:
Same sorta thing with Watusa. I saw him fishing on the ferry one time. It felt like a hollywood celebrity sighting.
#5 Aug 23 2004 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
I have organized a resistance against these guys (the one Darkmage spoke of) I didn't do it alone, I had PLENTY of help...I won't put names, for fear I will leave someone out, but nearly the whole FatesHand Linkshell and more are a part of this. Yunaa admitted to being a chinese gil-seller, and claimed that she didn't know it was illeagal, however whether she did or didn't know it was illeagal doesn't really matter at this point. If we battle them enough, maybe they'll leave (not likley, but we can only make an effort) When I've gathered enough info, I am going to write an "angry" letter to SE, asking why nothing has been done when gil selling is plainly advertised. My theory is, the companies such as IGE are paying square a nice cut to keep their legal department out of the way (which is even worse). I hope you guys are willing to help us out, abd feel free to send me tells.

Edited, Mon Aug 23 16:29:59 2004 by AsarathOfWindurst
#6 Aug 26 2004 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
145 posts
Hey Asarath. ^^

Throw me a /tell and im with you like in old times :P
#7 Aug 26 2004 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
5,745 posts
I tried camping Stroper Chyme with a friend the other night, and noticed these campers. They're rather well organized, they pull out every trick in the book, and they succeed mainly due to having 4 vokers (which allows them to camp the length of the stairway, or just go back-to-back in the center of the room).

If you had any doubt that these are gil merchants, as opposed to gil sellers, consider the following:
- None of the 6 players in that pt are part of a LS. For 6 players who spend an inordinate amount of time together, camping in such an organized manner, and have gotten up to lvl 45+, isn't it strange that not a single one is wearing a linkpearl?
- Many of them sport some crappy gear. lvl 4 back armor. lvl 10 earrings. Aneue has sold several Archer Rings at 420k gil each in the last couple days. Wouldn't any regular player have something better than what they had on?

An organized effort to give them competition? I'm in! Every Stroper Chyme we can beat them to is making them less effective at their "job".

On a side note, I did a /sea Zeruhn yesterday, and noticed 4 players who were in Zerhun mining. They all had names starting with "Pj" (actually, there might have been 5, but I think I recognized one of them as a normal player from other times), and they were all in pt. Maybe I'm just getting paranoid, but are these gil merchants also getting into the mining gig? Ugh, I hope not. I hope I'm dead wrong on my suspicions.
#8 Aug 26 2004 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
2,638 posts
About the Pj thing, they may be a new party.... They have to start somewhere....

Anyone has seen my gil farmers hanging around? (by my refer to the post I wrote) I havent checked to see if they kept rolling.
#9 Aug 26 2004 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
192 posts
Yup, they are taking over the mining as well... ...confirmed in Gusgen mines. And there are many more of them coming up the ranks...

...don't believe me? a /sea all Zoo and you'll see what I mean. Last time I checked they were around lv 25-26 in Quifim. I sent a friendly tell to one of them and I got a "I'm Chinese. English = no" back.

...and check out the lv 22 crew in the Dunes. Their names all end the same (one of them begins with Rose...)... ...can't remeber off the top of my head... ...but I will confirm when I log on tonight.

And another crew last night in Quifim... ...all with Chinese names. (one kept spamming "HELP +++++++++hp" over and over again, even when he had full HP)

All are rank 1... ...all have no sub... ...all have the same crapppy armour... ...2 of the three groups move in erie unison.

Just wait until these guys hit 50... ...which gil source do you think will be camped 24/7? We'll be left to feed on table scaps.

They're like the friggin' Borg... ...resistance is futile.

And with the new addition of European players this September...

...more players -> drop rate on items remains the same -> demand increases for said items -> prices go up -> more people succumb to buying gill online to afford these items = increase in gill selling companies and gill selling opportunities -> gill sources (ei. NM's and their drops) are milked for gill -> harder to get said items -> prices go up for said items -> and on and on and on...

It's a vicious cycle and I think it's only going to get worst.

I have no idea what the solution to this problem is... ...but it hasn't effected my experience in the game yet... I'm watching cautiously from the sidelines...

#10 Aug 27 2004 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
[quote=I have no idea what the solution to this problem is... ...but it hasn't effected my experience in the game yet... I'm watching cautiously from the sidelines...[/quote]

Very easy solution. Do you have five friends? Get a group together like this: WHM, RDM, BRD, BLM, PLD, DRK and go do BCNM 40 (Steamed Sprouts) You cannot camp BCNM's like NM's, it is always available to you. 40 beastman seals buys you an orb. Drops are always 100% (but random) however if you can get the Erase Scroll and Utsetsemi scroll, that's 60k guaranteed right there. All your items will sell within a week, and you can do it as many times as you want. Once you know how to do this BCNM, it's a cakewalk. 30 mins to make 60k? That's insane!

Let them have the NMs..BCNM's are the best ways to make money.
#11 Aug 28 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah... I was Tidys "friend". GM said stop reporting them. They won't do a thing. Does SE even have a legal department? :p
#12 Aug 28 2004 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
140 posts
Yeah, BCNMs are a good way to still make gil XD. And there are other NMs to camp... it's just, Stroper Chyme is the fastest spawning NM out there.

Oh yeah... and here's the reason why I don't like those monkey poo eaters ~.~: When I went to camp Stroper Chyme, they trained beetles, bats, and little saplings dudes at least THREE times when I was there. I think 2 out of 3 times they still snagged the Stroper... A 70+ PLD snagged it though while a train was in there so I was happy they didn't get it XD. But yes... that is why I'm so against them. They have a BRD (Aneue), PLD (Shileia?), THF (Yunaa), RDM (K something, forgot), WHM (Smallbaby), and then another Galka but I don't know what job or name. ~.~ That's true they don't bot... but man, it's not fair training a bunch of enemies into the room just minutes before the spawn time.

And on another occassion, they split up 3 in the room by zone, and 3 on the stairs. I really don't like them... lol but they're cool sometimes. My lvl 45 friend actually grabbed the Stroper and the RDM healed him while he ran around XD. So... they can be friendly... but man, that sucks. Stupid gil farmers >.<
#13 Aug 30 2004 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Here is the secret to beating them.

Firstly, get 4 friends of yours, or 5. Make sure you all have a job 45+, SUB WARRIOR.

Now, make this macro:
/ja "Provoke" <t>

Now, what you do is is mimic them. Everyone pick a person, their names are: Anueue, Kiteile, Yunaa, Smallbaby, Shielia, Bhsieli(wrong spelling). Have each of your friends pick someone and stand right where they stand. I say 5 because the two you need to worry about really are Anueue and Shielia. Smallbaby and Kiteile are their weakest links so to speak. They are not as fast on the voke as the two mentioned before. Yunna and Bhsieli are mediocre. Now, once the Chyme has spawned in one room, it's off to the next. Just stand where they are, facing the same way they are and spam that macro. It will come down to luck, I guess, but your chance increases about 50% then having 2 seprate macros.

Following these steps will lead you to step two: Dirty Tactics.

As it was mentioned, these guys will do everything and anything possible to get that spawn. Training Stropers and bats, having 4 of them run around with them leaving 2 to voke, and they HAVE SPAWN TIME DOWN TO A SECOND. They will call for help at the last second, so when Chyme spawns everyone is voking the calls. To aviod this, follow these steps:

1. Stand your ground in your picked spots, don't move.
2. Have a second macro with just voke on it.
3. Use tab to cycle consistantly around the room.

Usually they will only use these tactics as a last resort, if they are getting beaten alot, so you can almost be assured they will if you see people winning over them alot. otherwise, they shouldn't UNLESS I suppose there is like 30 people randomly camping, then they might.

As for msyelf, I recommend a THF with TH II for the drop. me and my 3 friends that normally take a few hours out of the day to camp just for granduer delusions of easy money and to ruffle the feathers of these gil famers are 0/52 for drops. So yes, if you don't train and aren't alert, chances are because of these gil farmers you will never see a drop, unless you, youself camp 24/7. I hope this helps, good luck, and help keep our server clean!
#14 Sep 02 2004 at 2:31 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
ok i know a whm isnt a good camper to begin with, i tried it though. i met these asses named bsheili, anenue, smallbaby, and yunaa...i think theses like 2 more but i dont remember. anyway the JPs were schooling these guys /cheer JPs, then those jerks decide to start killing stuff that drops keys to get the chest. unfortunately it was my RSE week so they messed that up for me too. i would like to thank the wonderful JPs that showed them f**ckers how to camp.

Bastila {not a female player)
linkshell: CapedCrusaders

Is it Lightsday yet?

Edited, Fri Sep 3 02:21:05 2004 by evilcloudzero
#15 Sep 02 2004 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
5,745 posts
Their 24/7 camping is taking a toll though. Archer's Ring has gone up from 420k to over 530k now, in just a week's time >.<
#16 Sep 03 2004 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
ok hey embur, the stroper chyme isnt an nm at all...its a normal mob, that explains the fast respawn time
#17 Sep 04 2004 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
guys bottom line is the chinese are slow vokers i can beat them... if it spawns near me
#18 Sep 19 2004 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
They have to be stopped!!

We're facing communism here, well thats in real life =P.

We're facing Capitalism here with the inflation of our precious Archer rings >_<

Gil farmers are just as sinful as bot users. They offer gil buyers millions in gil to buy those uber equipment for real life cash. It is sad to say that, gil purchasing is a norm in this game now =(.

Lots of newbies or bad players are now equiped with excellent gears like Peacock's charm, Scorpion harness, Sniper ring+1, Ochiudo's kote and many others, while experienced, old, skilled and "relatively" poorer players limited by their real life commitments and time contraints could not possess all or most of them.

And now, after almost a year for the english release of this game, players are starting to set "cookie cutter setups" for parties, subs for jobs and most importantly, equipment.

I'm going to stop ranting here because I just realised I gotta complete another chapter in La Pucelle today ^^.

The solution to this outcry!

Bring lots of Dragoons there, the wyverns will disrupt their voke macro and they will be forced to do manual voking. Just position your wyverns in front of them =P. They can't do anything to you dude. If your lvl is high enough, they can't mpk you. They can't articulate their problems to GMs if they ever so wish to, but given the senario that they have one that speaks fluently, GMs can't do anything about your wyvern =P.

Come to think about it, has anyone experimented Jump Vs Voke for claiming spawns? Chi blast and Voke is the norm. I'm just wondering since Chi blast has this 1-2 second animation after its initial claim and so does Jump. Furthermore, lots of dragoons have emphasised about their 0 delay extra attacks requiring upgrades to fix the job.

p.s. Chio, is there a place that i can rent around your place? siglap or anywhere in east coast. Not too close to upper east coast though. Just renting a room for gaming and a time to relax for 2-3 months.
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