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Two little telespammers....Follow

#1 Aug 23 2004 at 11:39 AM Rating: Sub-Default
"Try Vawn's Taxi Service"?

I use to use my whm to do a Taxi Service to make decent gil. Then came along two annoying-*** kids, Bokeli and Hisisy. You will find them in Lower Jeuno. I am at work right now, but have NO doubt, they are both there right now spamming teleports. There are there literally 24/7.

That's fine I guess. Not sure if they are just trying to make enough money for their entire LS or are trying to sell it on the NET. What is annoying is trying to compete with them and getting tells, saying that they were here first and you need to go. They also spam over your shouts, wiping your shout off the screen. This is what causes tele-spam, because if you don't re-shout, people looking for teleports will just see the last shout, and contact them.

You might say, just get the people that are shouting to be teleported. But from my experience, 80% of my teleports are from people sending me a /tell (they don't want to shout).

To counteract this I have tried a few different things. I spent an entire day doing free teleports. But nothing will drive them away even for a few hours. So what I do now is pick three random letters each day. If whoever rides with me has a name that starts with a "magic letter", they ride free.

If anyone ever needs a teleport, please try to find someone besides those two. I have seen others shout "Need teleport, someone BESIDES Bokeli and Hisisy'. That brings me great joy...

Also, I would like to apologize for any spam I may have been a part in the past. I really don't do teleports because I didn't like being part of the Lower Jeuno spam problem. However, trust me the only time I spammed was when I was purposefully being shouted over by those two little twerps...
#2 Aug 23 2004 at 2:30 PM Rating: Default
nothing wrong with them.....always there i like it anytime i need to go somewhere there always there...i dont mind it at all, stop complaining
#3 Aug 23 2004 at 2:38 PM Rating: Excellent
1,071 posts
I don't think I've ever gotten any Teles from them, but telling someone else to move their taxi service elsewhere is just rude. Stand your ground, Vawn. I like variety when looking for a Tele. ^^
#4 Aug 23 2004 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
Surprisingly, I've gotten /tell's for teleports when non-anon in Jeuno while these two were spamming. Apparently they're starting to annoy more people and others are either ignoring them or blacklisting them.

Personally I find it annoying, not because I'm a WHM (I've never shouted taxi service, it just isn't worth the time, especially in Jeuno), but because it is a constant spam every 30 seconds. Add that on top of the other Jeuno spam, or, as Vawn mentioned, when another teleporter comes along and dares to advertise, and it just gets downright messy. It's particualry amusing when Bokeli and Hisisy try to out-shout each other. ^^;

I give them another couple of weeks before they realize the constant spam isn't worth it. Then someone else will take their place. >.<

(p.s. -- not that I'm against taxi-spam in general, just taxi-spam from the same person every 15-30 seconds, with constant spam if someone else dares mention they can teleport too).
#5 Aug 23 2004 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
223 posts
I see Hisisy basically 24/7. I wouldn't be surprised if he has migrant workers working 8 hour shifts providing our server with teleports.
#6 Aug 24 2004 at 12:54 AM Rating: Good
335 posts
Bokeli and Hisisy aren't trying to compete with each other; they work for the same company. Of course I can't remember where the site with the information was, so take this as you will, but I distinctly remember them being listed as FFXI "workers."

I'm at a point now where I just keep un-anon while in Jeuno so I can happily offer other people teles. If you see me in Jeuno (and I'm not busy at the time, of course ^^) ask me for a Tele if you need one; mention this post and warn other people about those two and I'll happily do so for free. Let's try to knock those two out of business completely so they'll shut up for once ~_~

Edit: I think I'm mixing up people; Bokeli and Hisisy may not be Chinese workers, but...ehn, they're still annoying :P

Edited, Tue Aug 24 11:58:16 2004 by Diamondelle
#7 Aug 24 2004 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
654 posts
I've actually blacklisted both of them a long time ago.^^; When I really need to go somewhere though, and there are no teleporters around, I unblacklist them and buy a teleport. It's just the spam that's annoying... >.<

Are they really one of the Chinese FFXI gil farmers though? I haven't heard that one. In fact I seem to vaguely remember someone posting somewhere about a conversation with Bokeli, and he seemed to use American slang, so... o.Oa Anyone know for sure?

On another note, I always thought Hisisy was a girl... (( Cos y'know... hi-sissy... )) But recently, through a very funny conversation in my LS, we realized it wasn't true. Kinda funny o.O;

Edited, Wed Aug 25 07:58:13 2004 by Kysha
#8 Aug 24 2004 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
835 posts
Yea, I talked to Bokeli last night in Sandy (actually my mule did). Was surprised he was there (thought he lived 24 hours a day in Jeuno lol) and sent him a tell. He replied in american slang...
#9 Aug 24 2004 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
2,638 posts
Well I did take Vawn's tele taxi... I didnt get the right letter. (lousy S) but its a fun to get people.

I barely see your ads but I try and /sea for you. Although Bokeli and Hsisy are quite handy to have around almost 24/7
#10 Aug 24 2004 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
I don't take Bokeli or Hisisy's because I hate spam.

I don't take Vawns because he put's down other players.
#11 Aug 24 2004 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
I hadn't heard about these two until recently, and I didn't like them right off the bat. Now that I know they are gil farmers, I will tell everyone I can not to use them. Thanks for the info, let's try and keep our server clean!
#12 Aug 24 2004 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
6,947 posts
I don't even set foot in lower jeuno unless I need a teleport now, or if I simply have to visit some NPC or shop therein.

Whenever possible, I'll contact Derrick or one of his comrades from the LS 'Derricks Teleport Service'. Very nice guy, excellent service, he's even gone out of his way and taken airships just to provide a teleport.

Edited, Tue Aug 24 18:42:50 2004 by Tenmiles
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    #13 Aug 24 2004 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
    There is no proof Hisisy and Bokeli are gil farmers. Just various assumptions. I got accused of botting once while hunting Huu Mjoo. Like I said all assumptions.
    #14 Aug 24 2004 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
    203 posts
    I've gotten a few teleports from Bokeli, I have a vague suspicious that he is played by more than one person (irl) because for some teleports he was very nice and USED TRANSLATION and he DOES speak English, the other times he's kinda clumsy and used slang words and didn't spell/use grammar correctly, =/ but now my WHM is high enough to tele myself, so I don't have to pay anymore ^^ yay!
    #15 Aug 25 2004 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
    241 posts
    Im not sure but i do kinda like having those 2 around. I personly mainly use Hisisy, but i have taken Bokeli before. They are both american or at least can speak very fluent english and i honeslty dont think that they are gill farmers because one day i was talking to bokeli because he wasnt getting any tele calls. I was just making conversation and decided to show me all the gill he has made. He put in the trade box that he had 7.5 million gill. Honeslty i was like GOOD GOD! That is why i dont think at least he is a gill farmer because it would take one a long *** time to accumulate that much money, especialy if you were selling it on the internet.
    BTW, Hisisy will go out of his way to get you a tele. i was near the craig of mea and remembered his name, sent him a tell and asked if i could get a tele holla, i simply told him i was near mea and asked if he could meet me there. He had no problem with it and was there in a matter of seconds. Sure they both exploit a high money making profession, but hey, if it works.
    #16 Aug 25 2004 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
    I don't take Bokeli or Hisisy's because I hate spam.

    I don't take Vawns because he put's down other players.

    Ok, I am sorry if I offeneded anyone. The only point I was trying to make was that, when I first got to Jeuno to offer teleports, I was receiving /tells from Bokeli that I need to leave and quit shouting because he was here first. That would probally tick off most players IMO.

    Second of all, why would in you in your first sentence "put down a player", and in the next (follow carefully) put down another player for putting down a player??

    And as for Bokeli and Hisisy being gil farmers, I don't have much doubt any more that they are. First of all, it is not possible for one person to stay awake 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for over two months. Second of all, I have IM'd Bokeli at all times of the day just to see what kind of response I would get. One time I IM'd him at around 3 or 4 am Central time, asking him something like "man you are still up?" and go the response "Please Use AutoTranslate Function" AND an invite to be "teleported". I know Bokeli (well at least some of the Bokelis) know I don't want a teleport.

    Finally, what other purspose would hanging out in Jeuno for that much time achieve? Does a lvl 40 (or whatever) really need 10 million+ gil at the expense of sleep or doing anything else in the game (or out of the game for that matter)? Really wouldn't make sense.
    #17 Aug 25 2004 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
    137 posts
    Mmmmm...I've seen them all the time in Jeuno at all hours. I've tried to ask Bokeli for a tele once with no response. I think I tried to ask twice because I was in a rush to get to somewhere, and Hisisy wasn't spamming at the moment (must have been busy with multiple teleports). I found a tele with some other whm after a couple more minutes waiting.
    #18 Aug 26 2004 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
    Hope this is proof enough... Leox personally told a friend of mine he, Hisisy and Bokeli are gil farmers. They are getting paid in american money to farm gil for online gil sellers. I'm not sure what the exchange rate is from American to Chinese money. I was told they get 2 american dollars a day.

    If you don't want to support these people, you can also just not buy gil online. get these annoying f-ers at the source and don't buy gil. =)

    They don't work for FF/SE/PO whoever. They got picked up mid game by someone scouting.

    For whm's looking to make gil with teleports, you should hang out in your home town. I seem to never be able to find a teleport while in Windy, Sandy and Bastok. ;)

    #19 Aug 26 2004 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
    171 posts
    No, man. I know a guy who know's a guy who's room mate saw Bokeli goldfish scooping in the fumaroles.
    #20 Aug 26 2004 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
    6,947 posts
    I was told they get 2 american dollars a day.

    yeah. they were "scouted' in-game to supply the gil-sellers. They pay 13 dollars a month, but get paid 2 dollars a day, all to stand around jueno all day long to teleport people.

    I'm sorry, I don't believe a word of it.
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    #21 Aug 26 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
    532 posts
    My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with a girl who saw Hisisy pass out at 31 Flavors last night.
    #22 Aug 27 2004 at 4:34 AM Rating: Decent
    105 posts
    Dunno if all of this is true or not, but something perculiar did happen to me and three other people when we went to use Hisisy's tele service.

    He told us to wait, and left to his mog house. Simple enough, spamming Teleport/Warp inhales MP like Mary-Kate Olsen does with crack. But we waited about six minutes. Granted, I'm a slightly patient person, but I had things to do.

    Hisisy comes back.

    Now I though nothing strange about that except one thing...
    Hisisy: sry pls wait {I'm sorry.}

    ~Six minutes later~

    Hisisy: I'm back. Sorry I made you guys wait. ^^
    Hisisy: {Teleport-Holla}

    Umm. "WTF?!"
    #23 Aug 27 2004 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
    Not sure what is so "weird" about that. The amount of mp doesn't matter since once you go into your mog house, your mp is completely restored. As far as the 6 minute wait, maybe the "employee" was taking a break. Maybe he had to use the restroom, etc.

    But the point of this thread is gil farming and people buying online gil are some of the things that ruin the online gaming experience, in the same way that bots do.

    SPREAD THE WORD. DO NOT SUPPORT GIL FARMERS. This include Bokeli, Hisisy, and apparantly Leox too. The more people buy gil online, the more prices rise, and the harder it becomes for other legimitate players to be successful making gil. Please have respect for the game and stop things like this.
    #24 Aug 27 2004 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
    335 posts
    Last night I thought I had finally been disproven with the whole "Bokeli and Hsisy are annoying telebots/spammers." Lo and behold, I noticed Hsisy saying "ill only love you bokeli" or something along those lines. "Wow." I said. "I can't believe it. They're...human. They have emotions!"

    Five minutes later, she said it again. Five more minutes later, she said it again. Every five minutes or so, she said it.

    These two really disgust me; yes, I -am- a WHM past 36, but I don't rely on teles for gil. However, I know and am friends with a few and it's really hurting them; they can't do teles in Jeuno at all thanks to those two little munchkins with the collective IQ of a toothpick constantly spamming "Tele-* Do you need it etc etc", not to mention their spams are three-four lines each ~_~

    I really wish more people would /blist them and put them out of business.
    #25 Aug 27 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
    105 posts
    Well the weird thing about it is the change in intelligible speech. I know full well that Mog Housing restores MP. I'm a Tarutaru Black Mage. Restoring full MP takes about an hour, especially after Escape and/or Warp after a Garliage train.

    Think of it this way:

    Would you question someone's motives if they went from using netspeak to having a grammatical structure of a Yale student?
    #26 Aug 27 2004 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
    468 posts
    Heh.. Yeah, I swear Bokeli and Hisisy spend all day every day in Jeuno. But is handy. I'd be quite happy to use another person if I saw them. I'm only level 30 and I'm sure I've given 5-10k to the 2 of them for teleports by now.

    But for others that want to earm money on teleport services, do it in another town. I constantly see spam asking for teles there, but rarely anyone offering it.

    If you really want to do it in Jeuno though, could try doing it in a different area, Hisisy and Bokeli only seem to hang around lower, and some people are still shouting for teles in the other areas.

    Another thing would be to charge a bit less. 400 rather than 500, it'll make people use you. Or give people Protects and Shells after tele'ing them. Sure, it uses up a bit of MP, but it makes people more likely to use you again.

    Vawn, I'll use your service if I see it. But I was put off before when you were insulting Bokeli and Hisisy in your shouts, heh.. I don't really have a problem with them, I dunno about all these rumors about them, but I'm happy to start giving my gil to others rather than them.

    Edited, Fri Aug 27 14:57:17 2004 by SolarusX
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