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Linkshells of LakshmiFollow

#1 Aug 30 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm gonna start a list of all linkshells and edit to add info as needed:
NOTE: Taken directly from posts on this subject ( When I write "I" that "I" isn't always "me" ...... or something like that).

Brotherhood of unity
Contacts: Raidingrage, Hasufeld, Tigg, Benzo
Looking for members: Sometimes
Requirements: Don't be a Jackass
Description: A social LS that doesn't have terribly high level members.
Website: Message Board
Contacts: Kaahi, Ayvaen, Ninomori, Shiromiro, Verence, Diamondelle
Looking for members: Always
Requirements: Roleplay; Type Nicely; Be Nice Out of Character; Denote Out of Character
Description: A Role Playing Linkshell. Unlike MUDs, we RP in character, not through the shell.
Website: [][/link]
The Black Thorn
Contacts: Angeles, Raiyne, Tidy, Salsira, Doomkitty, Setaris, Abstruse
Looking for members: Must be vouched for by 3 sackholders Requirements: Be respectful
Description: An ls originally created for my static pt that turned into a place for all my friends to gather and talk, now its becoming more of a controlled environment with the new member standards
Website: none >.>
Linkshell name: ChopSuey
Linkshell owner: Juubie
Contacts: Juubie, Runna, Scud, Ianex, Amalgamut
Requirements: Dedicated LS players
Description: around 12 people so far, many 40+, a few 50 and 60+. Social LS.
Contacts: Ayasha and Ahmed
Looking for members: Always! :P
Requirements: Be Nice to Everyone and help one another.
Description: A crazy LS with a bunch of Wild but fun and crazy members.
Website: None that I know of. :(
Contacts: Everyone, but Me (aka Tanta), Nuku, Skarfaze, Kayoto, Gaignin, and Contuar have the ablility to make LP, (I can also make someone a temp. SAC Holder if needs be)
Looking for members: Looking for Level 30+ and Rank 3 + Members anyone who meets this criteria is welcome to join, of course, i think if anyone that has been in a pt with someone from Benevolence is better.
Description: A linkshell that is getting started. So please give me a little bit of time and hopefully we will be starting events and things.
Comments: Complaining and whining can be tolorated to a point, and everyone is more than welcome to say thier piece. By all means, if anyone needs any help with anything we will all do our best to help, but of course you need to understand, we are also trying to better ourselves to serve Lakshimi to be more Benevolent. :)
Website: No Website Yet.
The laughing tonberrys.
Head: Memmo
Contacts: Memmo/Tsuhli (me) /Upyu/Issem
Contacts: Schultz, Yul, Dalziel, Taxman, Titis
Looking for members: Australiasian's or anyone else :D
Requirements: No leech's etc
Description: Australian based Linkshell just a good group of friends, looking to find other's from Australia, or really anywhere else that play around the times that we are on. General LS stuff, help level etc.
Levels: Most above 30, 2 above 50 (another 2 very close)
Website: Coming soon
LS - CelestialChaos
Leader - Malek
Sackholderz - Dragonsoul, Favien, Trorian, Aikou, and Shadowin.
Looking for members -> Must pty with first. Feel Free to contact Dragonsoul for a pty slot. (Schedule's/Lvl's permitting)
Disc. -> This LS is dedicated do helping each other and striving to hit 75. We are not a chatty LS mostly game related and built from people we pty with. Theres about 16 members now and growing strong.
LS Levels -> Mostly Ranges from 20 or so to 55 (For Now)
Linkshell name: RedvsBlue
Linkshell owner: Lamneth (me)
Contacts: Lamneth, Eldelle, Tolite, Vataro, Progue
Looking for members: All that we can get
Requirements: nothing
Description: about 10 active members around lvl 35-50, we are about to start a BCNM 40 group with 6 of the core members and hopefully if we get more people then we can start doing other things
Contacts: Sutton (leader), Deavon, Deedlit, Asturie, etc
Looking for members: Pretty much just recruit nice players who are good for the community I think.
Requirements: Not sure, just don't be an idiot.
Description: A LS that occasionally has events together and is very friendly and helpful.
Website: Don't think they have one yet.
Contacts: Nevalyn(leader), Stormwind, Silentknight*blows kiss* Lunar, Phelan, Reka
Looking for members: Who like to roleplay maybe and enjoy having fun
Requirements: I think it's that you can't be an @#%^.
Description: A LS with roleplaying, naughty joking, And chatting maybe.
Contacts: Shykre, Mcgee, Amendus, Xkon, Carr
Looking for members: Sometimes, come on down!
Requirements: Tolerance to endless ramblings, being nice, 1/2 Lvl 50+, 1/2 lvl 30
Description: Social LS also lots of levelling together, Quests
Website: none
contacts--Gandolf, Hikotaka, Ashera
not activly seeking members but what the hey^^
description--Just a bunch of on-line friends^^
Linkshell : The Knights of Odin
Leader : Wizzaruru
Sac Holders : Gandalf, Garion, Remnar, Gafgarlon
Accepting members :Always
Requirements : Friendly, Helpful, Opne minded invited by sac holder
Members : 25-20
Levels : new - 65 current
Description : An established linkshell that is open to new members and new players in game. Very helpful to one another and respectful of each other's opinions. IF member in LS in trouble we drop what we are doing to help.
Website : []Link[/link]
Linkshell : TheWayOfTheRanger
Contacts : Valadek, Dexx, Cyrun, Aarion
Description : All Ranger Linkshell dedicated to sharing stories, helping others, giving advice, and simply bragging about how much fun it is to be a ranger! Serves as a great supplemental or second linkshell to your main!
Requirements : Ranger as a main job
Members : linkshell started less than a week ago and have 13 members so far ranging from lvls 24-62
Looking for Members : YES! Calling all Rangers!
Website : Have not thought about it!
Linkshell name: MithraMarauders
Linkshell owner: Nekole
Contacts: Nekole, Aeia (me), Dragonia, Sanuko, Eouri
Looking for members: Of course, but you must be nice, sharing and believe in the mithra way of life (its not all rat heads and warm cream).
Requirements: Mithra are liked, but all females are allowed. NO GUYS ALLOWED Sorry (not). XD
Description: We have lots of fun and share tons of stuff. We range from lvls 6-60 at times although the core is around 30-40. We will have a BCNM party soon!
Website: Coming Soon!
Linkshell: AuronsGuard
Leader: Atomicflare
Contact: Atomicflare, Celiahk, Yvonne, Snarg, Demitri, Luckyme
Recuit status: Invitation
Notes: A really good LS, people usually willing to help each other, and they were soooooo nice to me when I just join this LS.
Wasted Youth
Contacts: Supermare, Jshakur, Vinaigre, Pishi, Snakelinksonic, Volty, Croenen, Murph
R.I.P- Terminate :(
Looking for members: Sure.
Requirements: Tolerance for a group of spazzy idiots.
Description: Just an LS for friends from the web and some lakshmi folk. And a static party.
Website: the now dead wastedyouth comic :(
Linkshell: ClanBEB
Contacts: Yobun, Wendell, Charcole, Midget, Ijin, Xandreeka, Anastasia
Looking for members: Generally invitation only
Requirements: Party with a member and impress them.
Description: Our members are generally mature players that enjoy having fun with each other in the game. We support each other and work together towards common goals. Member levels range from the low 30's to high 60's, with most in the mid 50's.
Clan name: EternalDragons
Contacts: Shinron, Shenron
Recruiting: Don't think so unless your level 55+ and impress the top dogs:)
Description: Very helpful LS within the members. We do Genkai and AFs all the time to help each other. A Few high level crafters and fisherman. Not too big into NM's.
The White Rabbit
Leader: Vorpal
Contacts: Vorpal, Yumeara
Looking for members: Always
Requirements: Be nice, willing to help others, answer questions
Description: Started this LS to be a static for Eco-War, Garrions and such, but decided to make it a real LS. Its really small right now only about 4 members highest lvl is 45, Good LS to join if you want to help players get started on the right foot^^
Contacts: Trecool, Insaniac, Pizzafan, Grundle, Floopis, Misspink
Looking for members: Sometimes if your cool
Requirements: Dont be a jerk, and dont spam LS with ramblings
Description: A Linkshell? Mostly made up of florida people.
Website: none
LS: Swords of Vana'diel
Drizit, Cael, Jordy, and Berndarmin
Levels don't matter, we have a wide level range, but if you stay a n00b for longer than you should you'll get booted. If you want in, it's tight, but the LS rule is this LS only. check out the website for more information. This is one kick azz link shell :)
Sac holder: Gandolf, Hikotaka, Ashera, Zerogohan, Kozi, Midnhtsun
members: around 25 or even more
we all GREAT people... all nice people~~~ ^^ help with anything we can~~~
average lvls -> ranges from 40+ to 60+
bunch of people who really enjoy FFXI and have fun chatting with LS buddies ^^ we help out each other as much as we can.
Linkshell name: The Dark Empire
Linkshell owner: Condor
Contacts: Lexx, Teleria, Viperx, Dekan
Looking for members: Always
Requirements: none
Description: Fun linkshell, missions, BCNM's, quests
Linkshell name: DreamChasers
Linkshell owner: Psylight
Contacts: Psylight or Arathorn
Looking for members: Always
Requirements: A fun, group attitude
Description: General stuff, we chat, we party up, we PL, quest, you name it. ^_~
Elite Underground
Contacts: Optimuz(leader),Toban
Looking for members: Always
Requirements: lvl 40+
Description: We are a new AF linkshell, about 8-9 members currently. We are trying to gather lots of ppl since it would be easier to do AF missions by helping each other. Instead of having to go to Jeuno and shouting hopelessly for help.
Linkshell: KnowYourRole
Contacts: Odude, Levii, Andrinor, and Tatanna
Requirements: Know Your Role in battle and in discussions.
Description: A group of friends that converse about gameplay, RL, and just about everything. Only thing we ask of ppl is to be respectful towards everyone in the LS. We have fun and like to help eachother out as much as possible.
Interested? Join a pt with us, we like to invite ppl we've battled with and talked to :)
Linkshell: ValiantKnights
Contacts: Jarriane, Jethrow, Darkangell, Kindel, Koriko
Looking for members: Always looking for members
Requirements: Must be from Bastok
Description: Jarriane is currently the highest level player at level 60 WHM. The rest are from 10-to high 50's. We are not here to gossip about anybody but help each other and the Bastok community. We will die for each other and stick to the end. This LS was form long time ago for the purpose of forming a Bastok exclusive eco quest group. A bunch of players contributed to paying this linkshell (Jarriane, Koriko, Maguike, Kindel, Virra, and a few others). We are here to help you. PLEASE NOTE: If you come here and get help and never comeback like some players do that will definitely be remembered by our members and will be grounds for this player not to be entertained in any sort of fashion in the future to come.
Website: (yes we have our own domain)
Linkshell: BladesofMyst (formally ShadowSaints)
Contacts: Mysteryia, Warren, Pado, Ith, Gotti
Looking for memebers: all the time
Requirements: basically none, if we come across you and you seem alright, your in
Description: Most of us are around lvl 30, we have added some low lvl ppl when we had to create a new ls when shadowsaints broke. We have meetings and gatherings every couple of weeks and we just do whatever we feel like doing as a group.
LS name TheTraumateers
Leader Ihnen
Update to LS The Traumateers
Contacts: Ihnen, Eibon, Joshuwa, Tricyrtis, Shinmentakezo, Catrina, Thunderpod, and Kirbyjds
Looking for members: We are now reqruiting^^
Requirements: Don't be an idiot
Description: A social Ls that does stuff together.
Note: Please get with one of the contacts if you would like to join.
Ls name: DarkestNight
Leader: Cyric
Sacholders: Kilue,Shadowmeld, and Catrina
Looking for members: sometimes must have leader approval
Requirments: Don't have a bad attitude
Description: a group of friends lvls ranging from 1-58
Ls name: Vana'dielPerfection
Leader: Catrina
Sacholders: Thunderpod, Shadowmeld, Valery, and majikjello
Looking for members: Need a blm lvl 51-52
Requirments: Be in our static
Description: A static formed with friends!
Contacts: Drakel Sin Narm Bigems
Info: Just a kick back LS we help with quest's,Missions etc.
Recruting: Always ^^
LAST EDIT: More linkshells.
Linkshell: TheLeprachaun
Owner: Drxcrist
Sackholders: Azuraz, Darkmage, Hammel, Lilshizit, Powercow, Rajiv, Weee, Yokuku, Zonfon
Requirements: You must be a Tarutaru to join this shell
Levels: We're currently anywhere from 1 to 50, and we plan RSE's and missions together
Linkshell: TheBalance
Linshell owner: Solus
Looking for: members wanted that are respectfull to other players, enjoy helping the ls and others, and want to have fun!
This game is to enjoy not to treat as a job =D
LS Name: CouncilofNine
Arcaanis (founder/Leader)
Jebadiah (Fire Element)
Kaorie (Lightning Element)
Orefise (Light Element)
Ashkira (Darkness Element)
*More Council to come! We are a new LS but rapidly growing*
Looking for Members: Always, however to be offered one we would
need to know you better. Come pt with us, chat or otherwise goof off !!=P
LS Type: Mature,Friendly,Caring,Helpful. We have many more members as well that we all love and adore. We love to help and all care about each other. No drama. Respect one another. Problems? they go before the council and are settled in the best way possible for all. We like to do missions, quests and other adventures together. Most times we are pting up with each other.
We would love to get to know you all better =P
Name: StarsofDestiny
Contacts: Atoryga,Vilana,Ihzuna(me),Rastamon
Looking for members: Not activly searching, but it never hurts to ask ^^
Description: A LS for people who want to have fun and great conversations! lvl 35 static comming soon!
Website: None
Linkshell: TheBalance
Linshell owner: Solus
Looking for: members wanted that are respectfull to other players, enjoy helping the ls and others, and want to have fun!
This game is to enjoy not to treat as a job =D
Contacts: Terin, Bokoden, Naamah, Takashi
Looking for members: Anyone that loves the game and wants a social group of people to talk to, and fight along side. Ready to sink there blades in to countless fell orc.
Description: Social linkshell, we try to help each other out when we can. People to help in all areas, leveling, crafting, mining, harvesting etc.
Comments: Talk to one of the contacts to find out more. Feel free to ask questions. ^_^ POSSIBLE language usage...rated T+ lol
Website: None
LS name: CrystalPower
Contacts: Vayne (me ^^;) There are others but I'll omit them as I'm not sure if they'd appreciate it ^^;
Description: It's mainly a group of friends from the Conquistadors ls, which has d/b, more or less, recently. While the conversation veries greatly, often you'll hear me complain about stuff (sorry guys ^^;)
Levels: Quite a variety here...
Requirements: None that I know of ^^;. If you're in it, its probably cause you're a nice person, or me :P.
Looking for members: Not actively
Linkshell name: Kingdom Knights
Linkshell owner: Mathis
Contacts: Coujoe, Narsat, Chef, Jak, LordridRichard, More sackholders that cant be named here
Looking for members: Always open for new recruitment
Requirements: Moslty all San d' Orian a little less strict now. Must have sub job and plz no beggars(gil)
Description: Core members are all 50+ except a couple. Try to have Linkshell events as much as possible(Garrison, BCNM40, Missions, & Quests). Everyone is always willing to help out the other when possible. Due to beggars and leeches PLs dont come to often. All the other general stuff chat, party, quest, train each other... j/k. Overall just a fun group of ppl with similar interests(FFXI) ^^;
Contacts: Hakiko, can also message Birgette
Looking for members: New linkshell we are recruiting
Description: A LS dedicated to being helpful. We want the kind of people who always stop to give a raise, a few gil, or a quick cure to total strangers. People should now that when the see a member of CircleofDarJanix that they are in good hands. We feel that a lot of this has faded recently from the community as a whole. We also plan to hold events (scavanger hunts and quests made by us) for the community as a whole.
Comments: Any class any level. Just bring a willingness to represent yourself well in the game and help those in need.
Website: Coming soon
LS leader- Taurian
Sackholders-Midoriku, Praetor, Parazite, Orik, Warthog, Jaebyrd, Kodo, Haruno, Taniel and others I cannot remember at the moment. ^^;
Description-Clean, fun linkshell. We strive to uphold the honor of Vana'diel
---------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Viakom
Contacts: Algorgalor, Anaxagoras, Annihilate, Armageddon, Aminsaiyor, Bibinchib, Drourion, Kaylynn
Looking for members: No we arent.
Requirements: Officers of the DPC, And no jerks or gil sellers allowed. sending /tells to Kofnice that say in auto translate "<Power> <ranger>"
Description: Were accually real life friends.
Linkshell Name: TheSlackers
Linkshell Contacts : Reisle, Durin, Sanijan, Jamilla, Tempusdesire,Wroght
Looking for members : Always
Linkshell requirements : None
Linkshell Description : Social and goal oriented linkshell
Linkshell Website: http//
Contacts: Wolfztyr, Bigbern, Etho
Looking for members: Anyone that speaks french
Description: This LS was founded so that french speaking ppl could have a place to call their own. If your english isn't that good and you want a place to ask questions, come to us.
Comments: Talk to any of the contacts for more information. We don't have any level requirements...
Website: but it's only our forum and you can't read it if you'r not registered
LS Leader: Council of 9
Always looking for members of any level! Kind, Friendly LS full of fun. We look out for each other and help those in need. We also organize LS events. This encludes everything from Social Events to AF and Missions! Talk to any one of the Sack holders and we will be glad to talk to you about joining us.
EDIT: sorry abount my absense from this I was busy with other things but everything is reupdated.

Edited, Mon Dec 13 22:23:35 2004 by Hasufeld

Edited, Dec 17th 2006 1:30pm by Exodus
#2 Aug 30 2004 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
1,071 posts
Contacts: Kaahi, Ayvaen, Ninomori, Shiromiro, Verence, Diamondelle
Looking for members: Always
Requirements: Roleplay; Type Nicely; Be Nice Out of Character; Denote Out of Character
Description: A Role Playing Linkshell. Unlike MUDs, we RP in character, not through the shell.

That work for ya?

Edit: Eww... I got rated down for some reason. Did um... did my... linkshell offend anyone?

Edited, Wed Sep 1 16:09:25 2004 by Kaahi
#3 Aug 30 2004 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
The Black Thorn
Contacts: Angeles, Raiyne, Tidy, Salsira, Doomkitty, Setaris, Abstruse
Looking for members: Must be vouched for by 3 sackholders we don't want too many random people in the ls
Requirements: Be respectful
Description: An ls originally created for my static pt that turned into a place for all my friends to gather and talk, now its becoming more of a controlled environment with the new member standards
Website: none >.>
#4 Aug 30 2004 at 4:41 PM Rating: Default
Keep 'em coming I'll kepp adding them also can anyone sticky this?
#5 Aug 30 2004 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
6,947 posts

Edited, Mon Aug 30 18:11:27 2004 by Tenmiles

Edited, Sun Sep 26 06:29:08 2004 by Tenmiles
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #6 Aug 30 2004 at 4:44 PM Rating: Good
    1,071 posts
    Rate up for the good post idea, too. ^^
    #7 Aug 30 2004 at 4:49 PM Rating: Default
    And rate ups for everyone posting their Linkshells!
    #8 Aug 30 2004 at 5:40 PM Rating: Default
    223 posts
    Linkshell name: ChopSuey
    Linkshell owner: Juubie
    Contacts: Juubie, Runna, Scud, Ianex, Amalgamut
    Requirements: Dedicated LS players
    Description: around 12 people so far, many 40+, a few 50 and 60+. Social LS.
    #9 Aug 30 2004 at 5:43 PM Rating: Default
    241 posts
    Im not sure if I am the one who should be posting this but here goes anyway,

    Contacts: Ayasha and Ahmed
    Looking for members: Always! :P
    Requirements: Be Nice to Everyone and help one another.
    Description: A crazy LS with a bunch of Wild but fun and crazy members.
    Website: None that I know of. :(

    Well that should work. :)
    #10 Aug 30 2004 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
    782 posts
    Contacts: Everyone, but Me (aka Tanta), Nuku, Skarfaze, Kayoto, Gaignin, and Contuar have the ablility to make LP, (I can also make someone a temp. SAC Holder if needs be)
    Requirements: Level 30+ and Rank 3+ Members. Good personality
    Description: A linkshell that is getting started.
    Website: No Website Yet.

    Edited, Mon Aug 30 20:46:44 2004 by SirTanta
    #11 Aug 30 2004 at 7:24 PM Rating: Default
    The laughing tonberrys.

    Head: Memmo

    Contacts: Memmo/Tsuhli (me) /Upyu/Issem

    Our LS rocks because...: We rock because we are the smallest elite LS on the server... five fricken people! I mean... join... you know you want to.
    #12 Aug 30 2004 at 7:42 PM Rating: Default
    [EDIT: its probably better not to paste this into the first post, because that might suggest that its a linkshell open for people to request membership in, and I really dunno how that would work. as stated, its not and has never been an actively recruiting linkshell, and has never 'looked' for more members.... if its better to just edit and remove my post, let me know and I will]

    This is just to get to know each other a little better not just for people looking for a LS

    Edited, Mon Aug 30 20:48:51 2004 by Hasufeld
    #13 Aug 30 2004 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
    782 posts
    Roger that ^^ I will fix mine :)
    #14 Aug 30 2004 at 7:47 PM Rating: Decent
    No need tanta your post is fine
    #15 Aug 30 2004 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
    782 posts
    Too late LMAO
    #16 Aug 30 2004 at 9:57 PM Rating: Default
    1,892 posts
    Contacts: Schultz, Yul, Dalziel, Taxman, Titis
    Looking for members: Australiasian's or anyone else :D
    Requirements: No leech's etc
    Description: Australian based Linkshell just a good group of friends, looking to find other's from Australia, or really anywhere else that play around the times that we are on. General LS stuff, help level etc.
    Levels: Most above 30, 2 above 50 (another 2 very close)
    Website: Coming soon

    Edited, Mon Aug 30 22:59:14 2004 by Argonaut
    #17 Aug 31 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
    10,564 posts
    Contacts: Lamneth (Shell holder)
    Vataro, Eldelle, Tolite, Progue (Sack Holders)
    Looking for members: NM camping, BCNM, need more mages and brds!
    Requirements: Be willing to converse and spend time w/ us.
    Description: Laid back ls who talk alot, and enjoy playing w/ each other and helping each other out. Most of us are around lvl 40 atm.
    Website: (unassociated w/ the ls; go check it out)
    ◕ ‿‿ ◕
    #18 Aug 31 2004 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
    LS - CelestialChaos
    Leader - Malek

    Sackholderz - Dragonsoul, Favien, Trorian, Aikou, and Shadowin.
    Looking for members -> Must pty with first. Feel Free to contact Dragonsoul for a pty slot. (Schedule's/Lvl's permitting)

    Disc. -> This LS is dedicated do helping each other and striving to hit 75. We are not a chatty LS mostly game related and built from people we pty with. Theres about 16 members now and growing strong.

    LS Levels -> Mostly Ranges from 20 or so to 55 (For Now)

    Please all who read this thread rate up so we can have it sticky'd. Lakshmi need some form of collective LS list for those God's and HNM fight.


    Edited, Tue Aug 31 12:59:40 2004 by CelestialChaos

    Edited, Tue Aug 31 13:00:31 2004 by CelestialChaos
    #19 Aug 31 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
    6,357 posts
    Linkshell name: RedvsBlue
    Linkshell owner: Lamneth (me)
    Contacts: Lamneth, Eldelle, Tolite, Vataro, Progue
    Looking for members: All that we can get
    Requirements: nothing
    Description: about 10 active members around lvl 35-50, we are about to start a BCNM 40 group with 6 of the core members and hopefully if we get more people then we can start doing other things

    Edited, Tue Aug 31 16:10:56 2004 by Lamnethx
    #20 Aug 31 2004 at 5:18 PM Rating: Default
    Hey! Memmo here! Great post idea! My LS's name is LaughingTonberries I'm the owner, Tsulhi, Memmo, and Upyu are contacts, more to come hopefully!

    Another LS is Gullwings. Leader: Lan Contacts: Vynala, Memmo, Shurikenger, Lan, Ukukiku, Arigorn, etc (there are more, but I can't remember them)
    #21 Aug 31 2004 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
    124 posts
    Tanta! We miss you on VanadielGuardians! It's no fun with just Pretus! I want in! I'm not lvl 30 yet but I will be :P anyhoo this is the taru formaly known as chibishini, but the galkan currently known as bubbahotep. Just thought I'd give a shoutout. Plus I get to have my friends back that you stole with your LS :P
    #22 Aug 31 2004 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
    311 posts
    I'm a member of...

    Contacts: Sutton (leader), Deavon, Deedlit, Asturie, etc
    Looking for members: Pretty much just recruit nice players who are good for the community I think.
    Requirements: Not sure, just don't be an idiot.
    Description: A LS that occasionally has events together and is very friendly and helpful.
    Website: Don't think they have one yet.
    #23 Aug 31 2004 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
    782 posts
    LMAO, well, give me a tell online sometime and when u get to 30 and rank 3 we will hook u up :)
    #24 Aug 31 2004 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
    47 posts
    Even though I despise the Gullwings, I've been with them for quite a long time, so I'll post some information.

    Name: Gullwings
    Leader: Lan
    Contacts: Zeile, Xyrex, Connery, Raist, Vynala, Shurikenger, Ridion, Ukujiku, Ragnarblackmane, Marii, Boourns, Valdan, Enyce, Tiduss, Satan, Battleslayer, Izan, Nebent, Arigorn, Neronmi, Jarriane, Macc, Silver, Slayde, Kimikieko, Memmo, Upyu, Solus, Issem, Leph, Coronos, Cheetara, Lasvegasplaya, Theoneway, Trojandude, Kwatog, and a bunch of mules. The list goes on because it seems I see new people every day.
    Description: An ls that doesn't do anything except act stupid.
    Requirements: Be an annoying loser or be a noob that flaunts your idiocy (or make perverted comments regarding Vynala).

    I hope everyone in the Gullwings reads this so that you can see that I hate you. And yes- I blisted each and every one of you.

    Edited, Wed Sep 1 10:35:41 2004 by Zanguzen
    #25 Sep 01 2004 at 6:15 AM Rating: Decent
    293 posts
    Contacts: Nevalyn(leader), Stormwind, Silentknight*blows kiss* Lunar, Phelan, Reka
    Looking for members: Who like to roleplay maybe and enjoy having fun
    Requirements: I think it's that you can't be an *******.
    Description: A LS with roleplaying, naughty joking, And chatting maybe.
    #26 Sep 01 2004 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
    2,638 posts
    Contacts: Shykre, Mcgee, Amendus, Xkon, Carr
    Looking for members: Sometimes, come on down!
    Requirements: Tolerance to endless ramblings, being nice, 1/2 Lvl 50+, 1/2 lvl 30
    Description: Social LS also lots of levelling together, Quests
    Website: none
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