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Mining AsshatFollow

#1 Sep 02 2004 at 11:50 PM Rating: Good

Please Keep an eye out for Raiyne This guy is clearly an asshat. He Steals Mining Points and will trick the other Miners into Partying then WarpII them just so he can have the mines to himself.

Well The GM's can't/wont do anything about this.

But we can put an end to asshats all around. Make his life a living hell. Spread the word let ur freinds how much of an Asshat and have ur freinds let thier freinds know that he is an asshat. We need to make thier lives a Living Hell. If we work together we can do it.

If anyone knows Raiyne in real life Please tell me where he lives. I have my reasons. I want VENGANCE.
#2 Sep 03 2004 at 12:01 AM Rating: Excellent
311 posts
If anyone knows Raiyne in real life Please tell me where he lives. I have my reasons. I want VENGANCE.

^^ bitter are we?

If someone starts mining from a point I'm already at I normally give them a /slap, if they keep it up I'll put them on /follow then do the same to any spots they get until they stop/apologise... or until I get bored.
#3 Sep 03 2004 at 12:04 AM Rating: Excellent
311 posts
(Sorry for the double-post, just realised where the edit button is, meh)

Also, don't get me wrong, I usually /tell and let them know it's bad etiquette to mine from another's spot in case they don't know already. If they've done it before though they're in for it >;-)

Edited, Fri Sep 3 01:04:40 2004 by FlasheartTheCat
#4 Sep 03 2004 at 12:10 AM Rating: Good
I Did /slap him, I did tell Him he said he didn't speak english

(and ive had runins with him before so i know this is not true.)

I tried following him . He then treid to attack land worms to see if their aoe would kill me (i was /anon he didn't know what llv i was) after that failed he ran with /flee and i couldn't keep up.
#5 Sep 03 2004 at 12:59 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Wow, this guy sounds like a real ***, lol. Well keep up the good work in making his life a living hell. I never like these type's of people, I mean the game is mean't to be enjoyed by all, not one.

Godlike @ Lakshmi
#6REDACTED, Posted: Sep 03 2004 at 7:07 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Edited, Wed Sep 22 18:38:46 2004 by Subarru
#7 Sep 03 2004 at 10:08 AM Rating: Good
137 posts
There are others out there who will steal your mining points when you are mining away. One of the reasons I've stopped mining completely.

^_^ I also got tired of running from point to point to point...
#8 Sep 03 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, I disagree. I am a logger, and in Ghelsba people "steal" logging points all the time. Calling this "stealing" is ignorant IMO. Why do you think SE made it so that sometimes "You were not able to log anything". Thats one of the reasons you go out and buy better logging (mining) gear. If you miss, you need to swing again fast, or the next guy gets the spawn point. That's what makes it a video game. Yes there is competetion, but that's the point. When I am playing Madden, I don't not tackle the other player, because he "has the football first and is trying to score a touchdown." Just my opinion.
#9 Sep 03 2004 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
192 posts
Well said Vawn...

...there is a point though when you're (not you, the instigator in question) just being an ***, regardless. I say a Warp II without that person's consent is a no-no. But, hey... ...who am I, the etiquette police?
#10 Sep 03 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
I'm not sure how logging is i only mine. But On a certain day if the people are in the Mines are stealing each otheres Mining point and most of the people are ok with that I'll just follow along and do the same and not get upset if someone else steals the MP.

This was different. He mined my Point. Then when i followed him he intentially tried to get me killed, then warpII'ed me and treid it on about 4 other miners as well.
#11REDACTED, Posted: Sep 03 2004 at 12:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Oh I didn't pay attention to that part. Yeah thats messed up. In fact, I know who you're talking about. There is a WHM with a similar name, and I sometimes get those two confused. The BLM you are talking about is an ***. In fact he is on my black list, and I try really hard not to add people to my blacklist. I partied with him before. He had just learned Freeze. Well, I was the PLD and when he did his Freeze, I couldn't get hate back. He wasn't behind me, and I didn't know Freeze was coming, so I couldn't get Cover off in time. Well he died. And boy did he have words for me, telling me just how bad I sucked. Aside from that, we were making good exp, so I decided to keep my mouth shut. After the party broke up, I asked for a D2, and he said "no, I don't give warps to bad players", and warped himself back to Jeuno. THEN I was pissed. I started asking him what his problem was, and he went on to tell me what a bad PLD I am and how he was going to tell all his friends and I would never find a party again. Some people get picked on a lot in real life, and games like this let them get their anger out. So w/e. If this is off subject, I am sorry. However, if the subject of this thread is Raiyne is an ***, than I guess I am not off subject at all.
#12 Sep 03 2004 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
654 posts
The mining point argument is a bit iffy. It mostly comes down to courtesy, if you ask me (Keep in mind, this is IMHO). I've been in a situation like that once, while harvesting. I saw someone standing in front of a Harvesting Point but went ahead with my sickle anyway. Awhile later, I get a /tell about it... and it turned into a small argument, and this person decided to leave the area. I consulted my LS members about it, and apparently there does seem to be an unwritten rule about people camping Mining/Logging/Harvesting Points. Pondering further, I also came to realize that had I been in that person's shoes, I would have appreciated it greatly if someone left that spot I was standing right in front of to me. Upon that, I sent a /tell back to apologize, and that person was understanding enough to talk things through with me. I seldom do those activities these days, but if I were to start again, yes, I'd leave the camped spots to the people there.

...Back on topic though. Someone who 'steals' a mining point might not really be wrong (it depends on perspective, largely, as some of the above posts have portrayed), so to speak. However someone who fools another into thinking they'd be teaming up and instead Warp II's them away...? That's not right. That being said though, I'm not sure the right way to handle the situation is to "make his life a living hell"... simply because I don't deal with stuff like that. But, I will take note of this name, and be wary of any possible future encounters. So, thanks for the heads up.
#13 Sep 03 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
162 posts
I hate raiyne, wait let me rephrase that. If I met raiyne in real life, i would slowly chop off all fingers/toes. Afterwards, hoping he is still conscious, I would either cover the wounds in salt or drown him in a bath tub.
#14 Sep 03 2004 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
223 posts
I've run into Raiyne a few times. I don't really remember what has happened but I remember nothing good about him/her.
#15 Sep 03 2004 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
I remember asking him if he was Rayne from another community I know of.

And he wasn't.
#16 Sep 05 2004 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
First of lets get this strait.

I'm 19 year old FEMALE from Ohio, Lima, if you wanna come down be my guest , I've been in the military for 2 years now. I love beating the **** out of cocky little boys =). Now to explain this.

As you may or may not know I am the same Raiyne that stole 2 astral rings from Aceris DRG 70 Leader of Aces's Wild Linkshell a long long time ago.

Well, Now i'm trying to pay him back, now before you go on you little tangent listen to what I say.

I enter the minds with a good attitude... and not one...but SEVERAL people mine my points....I try to be nice and explain that its not proper mining etiquite. No go... it happens again...and again...and again....and ...again...

I really have lost all repect for miners. I don't expect you to like me when I mine. But riddle me this. if square didn't bealive in compitition they would have made mining points "claim-able" when you strike them. Since they have not a mining point is a free spot for people to mine it seems. I will continue with this attitude until Those who have wronged me apologize (and you know who you are), Or I have completed mining for the 2nd Astral ring. One has been returned. I don't expect you people to understand what I'm going through.

As for the Warp2, I really really don't like people who send bad tells like...oh say WARLORD TROOPER spamming my screen over and over. And bot/mining point campers.. I run around in the mines /anon with a BLM AF hat on, and if you join my party and I don't know you, your obviously going home.

3rdly....and this is to you Warlord. Your not very bright guy...I used aspir on the worm..because they have mp....and I used mp to kill eles while mining for more cash....Think about it...^^, I have flee because I don't have time to watch you become the thing you dislike and follow me and mine my points. If you want to so be it, you've just brought yourself to my lvl. But until my job is done I will not put up with any of you.

Good day to all players and have a good game.
#17REDACTED, Posted: Sep 05 2004 at 8:55 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) There is a lot of competition but also cooperation. It great that you come on here and confess, but you obviously can't be trusted. I hope you have fun soloing when less and less people want to party with you because of your ME-FIRST attitude. :(
#18 Sep 05 2004 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
135 posts
High five to Raiyne who posted a complete explanation :)

And by trying (and failing) to follow her and steal her mining points you do bring yourself to her level.

KzinnWindurst: When you have to choose between 1. Fair share and 2. You get the most, most people would tend to pick 2 over 1.

I never mined. Maybe Raiyne would make me go mad stealing my points and all :P
#19 Sep 05 2004 at 12:23 PM Rating: Default
Raiyne did Warlordtrooper steal your points? If not then you have no right to steal his.
#20 Sep 05 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Default
#21 Sep 05 2004 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
[/quote]I enter the minds with a good attitude... and not one...but SEVERAL people mine my points....I try to be nice and explain that its not proper mining etiquite. No go... it happens again...and again...and again....and ...again... [/quote]

You know what. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a nice guy as long as you don't **** me off.

You really should practice what you preach. Saying you enter the mines with a good attitude then act like an assclow to everyone else is hippocritcal. Acting like an *** to people to act like an *** to you (with no just cause of course) is acceptable.

In this instance. You came up to my point and deliberatlly started mining from it. Like you said its not proper Mining etiquite. But yet you still do it. Also keep in Mind that I had done NOTHIGN to you to deserve you acting like a childish idiot to me.

As for teh WarpII without my consent. That would be considered grieving which is against the TOS. If you going to be a jerk at least read as to what you can and cannot get away with. Why do you think i let you warpII me and not disband. I wanted a reason to call a GM cause minepoint stealing alone doesn't warrent it.
#22REDACTED, Posted: Sep 05 2004 at 7:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Most people choose #2 or most selfish people (like this Raiyne girl) choose #2? I think the latter.
#23 Sep 05 2004 at 11:56 PM Rating: Default

Not only did I not say him he or his. But rate down for the crude comment.
#24 Sep 06 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
241 posts
This whole post makes me sad. :(

I would rather not get into the argument, but sense i have already started posting, Ok first of all, I do know Raiyne somewhat. At one time in my life i shared an LS with her. For the most part she is a good person. She has made her mistakes but havent we all. :S Secondly, Raiyne, i know where you are coming from with all the MP stealers out there. It gets quite agrivating and i also do agree that if SE didnt want that type of competiton they would have made MP claimable. And lastly, PieMan, what you need to do is just toughen up a bit, its a game and bad crap is gunna happen to you weather Raiyne inflicts it or someone else. Deal with it big guy. If you think this is bad, you should have tried playing Diablo 2 LOD. Now that game was hacked. There were scams everywhere. SO just be happy that she simply sends you home rather than PKs you and takes all your stuff.
#25 Sep 06 2004 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
I DID play Diablo2 and yes it was extremly hackfilled. But this is an MMORPG and we pay for it so it tends to be less hack infested. How dare you condone her grieving someone. WarpIIing against someones wishis is considered greiving and in this case she was wrong and is still an ***.
#26 Sep 06 2004 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
241 posts
Dude, dont even lash me, or trust me you will have made 2 enemies in a real short period of time. If you think MMORPGs are less hack infested, also try playing original Everquest. That game definetly has its share of hacks, but BTW, Warp 2 is not a hack. You still need to just toughen up and take it like a man/woman or whatever the case may be. If you are ignorant enuff to get warpIIed more than once, than you shouldnt be mining in an area where someone is going to be doing that. And i think you have it all wrong, im not defending Raiyne, what she did was wrong, i am just saying i can see where she is coming from with the mp stealing cause like it or not there will always be someone in damn near every mine doing that at all times. DEAL WITH IT. if you cant hack it, than stop. Go farm or chop trees or something else. The best way to avoid or to deal with a problem inside a video game is to just dont go where that person or problem is. Not real complicated.
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