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Mining AsshatFollow

#27 Sep 06 2004 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent
Dude, dont even lash me, or trust me you will have made 2 enemies in a real short period of time

Ohhh boy I'm shaking in my boots. How dare you tell me what to do. Who the hell do you think you are.

The best way to avoid or to deal with a problem inside a video game is to just dont go where that person or problem is. Not real complicated.

No I need to mine just as much as everyone else why should i be forced to go somewhere else Just because someone else is being an ***.
#28 Sep 07 2004 at 1:29 AM Rating: Decent
Your the one being an *** starting this thread and all, lets all pity the whining Warlordtrooper boo hoo, Call A GM big guy, or is he "Looking into it" Because I really already explained myself once. People Like Kainchan, Andyliu, Devianne fireangela Minily and the rose/envoy gil farmers are the ones you should be pissed about not me. Get a grip man, your lashing out because you can't do anything else...I'm sorry you feel the way you do. All pent up and angered, always thinking your right. there are 100 different ways to view every situation.

As I said before... A mining point is NOT CLAIMABLE. After your swing if its still there it's up for grabs. No matter where you go, what you do, there will always be someone that will aggravate you. Deal with it. Miners,farmers,NM campers. we all understand this...anyone camping Stroper in ordells knows about the galkan gil farmers and lovebaby. There are alot of bad things in this game. If you wanna post everytime some wrong is done to you (because you think it's wrong) then your gonna have ALOT of posts.

As for rating me down go for it. I only post when I want to explain myself to you people who think poking around forums is the way to get attention or direct your anger at someone.

Finally , and once again. If you joined my party, being a blm, your a very very dumb person. obviously, you have plenty of time to disband. You choose to be warped so you could complain about something and be heard. /clap congratualtions.

Sorry you got involved manwe just ignore these people they throw their anger around like children cause they have nothing better to do. /hug cya all you good people later...

Oh and warlord....see you in the mines >=)
#29 Sep 07 2004 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
835 posts
Thanks for the warning Warlord. I just started mining and will keep an eye out for Raiyne. It is sad that people have to be like Raiyne.

And Raiyne, I think you made it clear how you are when you stated in your own reply that you are now stealing mining points to pay for the Astral rings YOU STOLE.

Pretty clear where your ethics stand.

Edited, Tue Sep 7 08:19:45 2004 by orionrockr
#30 Sep 07 2004 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
171 posts
lol, I haven;t been to gusgen in so long.. All I remember is..Clearhuang and Dem purposely training the back monsters to the enterance to get rid of miners. The roses stealing points and spamming /t's with chinese insults. Pretty soon we'll have the PJs take gusgen, too.. :(

Edit: In my blatant immature "HATE MINING PEOPLEZ" post, I totally forgot Andy

Edited, Tue Sep 7 08:47:10 2004 by Supermare
#31 Sep 07 2004 at 8:01 AM Rating: Default
51 posts
You both were childish about this :/
Pie for complaining about her Warp 2ing you after you let her do it so you could GM her and Raiyne for that stupid post up there

Edited, Tue Sep 7 09:03:53 2004 by Croenen
#32 Sep 07 2004 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
171 posts
:P. Actually, I AM a victim of making a mining complaint in it's own thread..but..can we leave this stuff to the bad players thread again?? That thing's getting lonely.

Edited, Tue Sep 7 09:09:58 2004 by Supermare
#33 Sep 07 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
I've always followed the rule "Do unto other as they do unto you." If someone is mining a point I will keep searching til I find one. If someone "steals" or mines my point, you bet I will do the same to them. I have never had any problems with Raiyne. She actually took time from mining to help me and some of my LS memebers with RSE before. Inviting to party then warp IIing someone is not cool at all, but why would you accept a blind invite from someone that just supposedly stole your point?? Not siding wither either party here, i think stealing points and warp IIing someone out is not right, but we should be more worried about the "Rose Cult." If any of you have mined lately you know who i'm talking about. I've also gotten some nasty tells in chinese from clearhaung and tianying(sp). That situtation one of the was "healing" on a mining point not mining it for a matter of time so I mined it. Later I came back that person got some picks from her buddy and tried to steal my points follow me around so I just ran in circles for little while =)

Well, my 2 cents. Keep the change =)
#34 Sep 07 2004 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
i heard about this thread in the game so i decided to come check it out and leave a little something for everyone to think about.

for starters, NEVER call a mining point "this is my point"....this is completey wrong since mining points are not claimable like mobs are. the majority of miners out there have a "miner's code" of whoever gets there first gets it to him/herself. theroreticaly (sp) if everybody always hit everybody elses points then you would still get the same amount of stuff as you would hitting points by yourself. if you dont believe this than go to ghelsba and see how logging is, because mining would be exactly like that.

me personally have chosen the "miner's code" and dont bother anybody at a point already unless, they have botherd me first. however, just because one person chooses to hit points with me, i will only go after them...nobody else.

the raiyne subject.....

i ran into her a few days ago as she mined a point i was at and i did what i always do...../angry then follow around and mine with him/her. turns out to work out well for me because i always end up hittin a few money ores/rocks

anyway, after talkin to raiyne for a little bit the other day we worked out the "miner's code" and we dont bother each other anymore. she is very nice and reasonable when you talk to her.

so, instead of being a crybaby and trying to flame and badmouth someone on a widely used website, why dont you try to talk things out.

btw in raiynes defense, warp2 is freakin awesome to do to someone ignorant enough to join a level40+ blm party in the middle of an arguement.

my name flatline in the game.
raiyne i live really close to lima ohio if thats really where you live.

Edited, Tue Sep 7 17:03:02 2004 by meetbalips
#35 Sep 07 2004 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
the thing is, in logging, it's even worse. Logging is usually unable>unable>log / unable>log, which makes it even worse to come up and whack something someone's at..
and that's why I log buburimu now :P
#36 Sep 08 2004 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
Warlordtrooper! Didn't realize you were Pieman at first. What's going on man? Don't listen to that *****. She is and will remain one of my few /blists. She was on there way before this post. I can't believe it's really a chick. Could have sword it was a 14 year boy who got picked on a lot in school. Guess I was wrong. Raiyne must be a 14 year old girl who gets picked on a lot. If you missed my other post, please read it up ahead. Usually when there is someone like this on the server, there are a lot of people who have had similar circumstances.

So to you Raiyne. Enjoy your power trip with your warp 2. Go ahead keep using it to **** people off every way you can think of.

If I am coming off rude, I am sorry. Maybe if I was a young fat girl that was rejected by boys, I might have a grudge against them too and try to pick a fight on them in a virtual world.

By the warlordtrooper is a great player and very decent guy. He has helped out more than a few times before.
#37 Sep 08 2004 at 3:03 PM Rating: Default
Just get on your knees and beg for his **** why don't you...

Take your head out of his ***, Vawn, the whole reason you dislike me is cause your a horid paladin...Holding hate through a freeze burst isn't that hard...the fact that you didn't even know how to use cover is worse...I seriously hope you have evolved since last we met.

Why don't you go help some people or something instead posting lude comments in forums....hmm..
#38REDACTED, Posted: Sep 08 2004 at 3:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You're right, it isn't hard. That is with a blm that has any idea how hate works. You throw a Freeze out at the beggining of a fight, you're probally gonna die. And for cover. LMAO! You were standing waaaay away from me. If you're that ignorant (I use the term ignorant, instead of stupid since at the time YOU did just learn freeze), to stand that far away from, cast freeze, not say a DAMN thing, and not run behind me when you do it, you have no room to blame anyone but yourself for your death. It truely is tradgic.
#39 Sep 08 2004 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
Your the one being an *** starting this thread and all, lets all pity the whining Warlordtrooper boo hoo, Call A GM big guy, or is he "Looking into it" Because I really already explained myself once. People Like Kainchan, Andyliu, Devianne fireangela Minily and the rose/envoy gil farmers are the ones you should be pissed about not me. Get a grip man, your lashing out because you can't do anything else...I'm sorry you feel the way you do. All pent up and angered, always thinking your right. there are 100 different ways to view every situation.

As I said before... A mining point is NOT CLAIMABLE. After your swing if its still there it's up for grabs. No matter where you go, what you do, there will always be someone that will aggravate you. Deal with it. Miners,farmers,NM campers. we all understand this...anyone camping Stroper in ordells knows about the galkan gil farmers and lovebaby. There are alot of bad things in this game. If you wanna post everytime some wrong is done to you (because you think it's wrong) then your gonna have ALOT of posts.

As for rating me down go for it. I only post when I want to explain myself to you people who think poking around forums is the way to get attention or direct your anger at someone.

Finally , and once again. If you joined my party, being a blm, your a very very dumb person. obviously, you have plenty of time to disband. You choose to be warped so you could complain about something and be heard. /clap congratualtions.

Sorry you got involved manwe just ignore these people they throw their anger around like children cause they have nothing better to do. /hug cya all you good people later...

Oh and warlord....see you in the mines >=)

What's funny is you yell at us "Children" for our angry posts yet yours seem to be the most pissy and childish.
#40 Sep 08 2004 at 4:35 PM Rating: Default
Hmm... lets see...pissy about a post that I actually posted to defend myself? yeah. you'd be a little peeved if someone made up this huge ridiculus post about something you did buddy.
#41 Sep 08 2004 at 4:40 PM Rating: Default
Oh and another thing...Vawn don't even play that game.

My macro has a call and a precall, I WAS behind you, and the mob was almost 3/4 dead. Hold your ground, I know many many many people that say your a bad paladin, you have problems holding hate. Pretty sad man. I Don't even care that I died... i've gotten over that...your just spamming hate posts because I didn't warp your ***.

And that is all I have to say to you.
#42 Sep 08 2004 at 6:27 PM Rating: Good
782 posts
Cant we all just get along?
#43 Sep 08 2004 at 10:47 PM Rating: Good
Cant we all just get along?

I think the Lakeshmi community deserves to know what kind of person Raiyne truley is. Now i was pretty peeved when this first happened. I have calmed down alot since then and like others have said "Do unto others as they have done onto you" Basiclally i dont take mininpoints unless someone takes mine.

Vawn is cool I'll sure beleive his word about you seeing about all the people i hear from that you are an ***. I pitty anyone that has to be tank in your parties. And warpII ing someone without thier Consent (keyword Consent) is Grieving and you know that.

#44 Sep 09 2004 at 12:55 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
This is why I fish.
#45 Sep 09 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
495 posts
I have heard enough complaints about this problem in the game that I feel that it's appropriate to address it.

If someone else is standing at a mining point/logging point/harvesting point...don't take it. It takes a minute to get items sorted in your inventory, respect that. If you come back five minutes later and they're still just standing there, then feel free to use it.

Name calling is unnecessary. As is stealing mining/harvesting/logging points. There is enough for everyone, they spawn often. This is just common sense.

If someone keeps stealing your mining points, ask them with a /tell first to stop. If they do it again, send a /shout to warn other players, and /tell them that you will inform a GM that they are breaking the player's agreement.
Then, if it happens again, do it.

In this way, you are using common sense, rising above the thieving !@#$%$ and taking care of those around you by warning them. This game has a great deal of "karmic justice" in that if you take care of other people they will usually return the favor.

We are the ones who make our server great. We also can make it really sucky.

It's your choice. Be a better human being, in real life and in the gaming life.
#46 Sep 09 2004 at 11:42 AM Rating: Default
Hmm... lets see...pissy about a post that I actually posted to defend myself? yeah. you'd be a little peeved if someone made up this huge ridiculus post about something you did buddy.

Well you didn't deny a single thing. For lack of a better term you just ******* that what you were doing was right. If you really Warp 2'd someone w/o thier consent then you have no right to defend yourself for that. It was wrong and you know it.
#47 Sep 10 2004 at 7:24 AM Rating: Good
835 posts
Tarumistresshadow said:
This game has a great deal of "karmic justice" in that if you take care of other people they will usually return the favor.

We are the ones who make our server great. We also can make it really sucky.

It's your choice. Be a better human being, in real life and in the gaming life.

Good summation. Words to live by and play by. Nothing left to say! Except, rate up.

Edited, Fri Sep 10 08:25:36 2004 by orionrockr
#48 Sep 10 2004 at 9:25 AM Rating: Default
If you think this is bad, you should have tried playing Diablo 2 LOD. Now that game was hacked. There were scams everywhere. SO just be happy that she simply sends you home rather than PKs you and takes all your stuff.

LMAO so he shouldn't complain because it could have been worse?
You're right no one should get mad about terrorism because it could be worse.
#49 Sep 11 2004 at 11:20 AM Rating: Default
Can everyone just chill? Please? Raiyne is my buddy IRL and i don't agree w/ everything she says or does, but whats done is done, u know? And Pieman, if mining really IS such a problem 4 u, try fishing ^^ even the earlier lvls earn decent gil XD.
And btw, she's atoning 4 the Astral Ring incident, she's already paid Aceris back nyah -.-

yes i know i need to lvl mnk and thf.....-.-
#50 Sep 11 2004 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
I'm gonna go out on a limb: The mining points, logging points, NM's, etc., in all of Vanadiel, don't belong to a 19 year old from Lima, Ohio. I'm from Canton, Ohio (near the Timken Plant) and I know for a fact there isn't jack squat to do in Lima, so could you layoff this wannabe female badass? Honestly, if I go mine, and somebody gives me **** for mining, I simply say phukoff. The mines aren't theirs, and just because they are counting on the items from the mines to fund whatever, doesn't mean anybody and everybody can't mine next to them. ***** ettiquette(too many t's?) when it comes to making money. No, I wouldnt follow someone and try to rob them of the MP theyre going after, but if I'm just standing there and someone runs up and /slaps me for "mining their point" then they gotta problem. 'nuff said. If I pissed anyone off, sorry.
#51 Sep 11 2004 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
Well, thats what I get 4 TRYING to be fair, I said I don't condone all of Raiyne's actions, OK? Geez -.-
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