Alright, I'm considering starting a LS called FarmersOfLakshmi. Whats the purpose of this Linkshell? To make lots of money, and have fun! Basically, we will group up to do quests that can reap in big rewards, farm in different locations, and help each other out with other quests/missions in the game. All jobs are welcome. I would prefer though anyone who is experienced in farming, and doing the Eco-Warrior quests, along with some BCNM once everyone is high enough too. Rank's 3 or higher, level's 20 +. Names Godlike on Lakshmi. If u wanna help me start a LS of this kind, post it here or contact me in game. Please help out a little taru. :)
Godlike @ Lakshmi
Rank 3 Windurst
Jobs: BLM 30/BRD 23/WHM 14/DRK 8/WAR 6
" The point of the game is to have fun, always remember that"