Are you still rank 2? Do you want to be Rank 3? I do. I've been working on this mission for a little bit and have gotten to the point where all I need to do is form a party and kill the dragon in the Yughott Grotto burning circle.
Here's the link to the --> The Three Kingdoms <-- guide. I'm a level 25 WHM. I have a level 25 BLM that will be joining me. Maybe a level 40 SMN if he hasn't done the quest already (mission level caps you to 25 though).
It would be great to get as many people in as possible. I've read that 3-4 level 25s can take the dragon, but if we have a full party or alliance that's even better if it gets more people to rank 3. BTW - If you have done the mission already and you're waaaayyyy past level 25 but want to help out that's great just bring your level 25 gear. :)
I'll be offline all weekend but am planning to finish this off Monday or Tuesday night (around 9pm eastern). We'll be meeting in San D'oria and walk over to Ghselba. I have the whole area mapped with markers so I can get us to the Grotto BC quickly.
If you're interested and are ready for the final battle post here!