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Most embarassing thing (in game) you have ever done...Follow

#1 Sep 26 2004 at 6:47 PM Rating: Good
I was having so much fun with the stories of bad excuses to leave parties, I thought I would share a story and ask if others had stories they would share :)

A while back I had gone to Norg to finish the Samurai Quest (waiting for HOURS for the guy to forge that sword /em sigh), and decided rather than choc back I would just bloodport back to my HP in Jeuno. So I changed to RDM1 and ran outside and of course was quickly annihilated by a crab.

So I say yes, please send me to my HP and prepare to run through Port Jeuno to change jobs when suddenly I realize the music is all wrong--where am I? OMG! I AM IN SELBINA!!!! Turns out I had changed my HP to do some leveling in Valkurm the night before and totally forgot. Since there is no Nomad Moogle or any way to change jobs back, I was left with making my way back to a city, as RDM1 /em sob!

Needless to say, I had quite an adventure getting back home. Took me a LONG time and several deaths and near misses. Thankfully I did have some Prism Powder on me, so that helped. Also needless to say, I felt like a complete and total n00b. >< People I know still joke about it at times, and I deserve every bit of it.

Anyone else have any DOH! moments like this? It's OK, please share and we can all laugh about it together. ^^
#2 Sep 26 2004 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
Heh, I quite liked that one!
I've done the whole wrong HP thing before, be it when I've died, a failed death-warp or a wasted instant warp scroll >.>

I was quite stupid as a newbie. I'd fight even matches in ronfare when I was on 1/3hp as a THF.

I bid 6k for what I thought was a +1 sword, then realised I'd actually bought the 500gil normal one. (I've made bigger losses than this of course, it was just particularly annoying)

I never realised I could equip a shield with the sword until I was lvl 29... (nobody ever said!)

I went to valkurm with friends at lvl 8 (so eager to party), set my HP, they disbanded then I died 3 times trying to get back to Sandy.

I stood trying to /check an NPC.

I finished rank5, went into the San D'Orian embassy in Jeuno and discovered there was no floor! (this was a glitch in the game, not my stupidity, heh)

I tried to steal from a giant (by myself at lvl 22ish) not knowing they have no loot, ran away, got bound by a land worm then swiftly pummelled to death.

There's been more...
#3 Sep 26 2004 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
well.... one time when i was in a lvl 20ish pt in quifm (sp?) i had to go back to jeuno so i ask my party can i get a warp 2...a few seconds later i remembered Duh thats i lvl 40 spell im such an Idiot lol.
well thats my embarassing moment in game^^;
#4 Sep 26 2004 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
I log on in Yhoator, and I'm next to two parties so I'll show them my amazing bard spells, maybe they'll invite me.

So I sing Mage's ballad, then use the free MP I get to accidentally banish a white lizzard trying to cast protect.

So I ask the nearest party's whm for a raise and they invite me.
#5 Sep 27 2004 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
2 Things

1. My friend and I didn't know about setting prices on the AH until we were about lvl 25. We just set everything to 100. It was amazing how few times we got ripped off. But someone did get a 6K sword for 100.

Bid 32K on meat miths instead of 3.2K. At least the bid was high enough.
#6 Sep 27 2004 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
*sigh* I can't beleive I am posting this... but what the hell.

About a month or so ago I go out on my first trip to get Leapin Boots. I get them..... but it goes horribly wrong from there.
It is 3 in the morning by then and I go to the AH to sell them.
I do not notice this of course seeing how I am sleeping on my keyboard.
7 hours later I log on and find 286 gil in my Box.......
I fear for the worse... and it happens....
I get 286 gil for Leaping Boots, please, don't let this happen to you!
#7 Sep 27 2004 at 9:10 PM Rating: Default
I was once a rdm/drk. Thought i could be a healer and a damage dealer.
#8 Sep 28 2004 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
253 posts
I was partied in Valkurm Dunes as a WHM, the only healer in our party. We were doing quite well, the pulling was good, everyone knew their roles and the exp came flowing.

However, I noticed when the puller ran out to hunt, then when I threw up my MP report macro, it was slightly hard to read because of how I'd positioned it. So I set to work repairing it and soon it was done to my satisfaction. While I was in the Macro section, I figured I'd throw up a few moore macros for the spells I'd recently got. After a few minutes of editting and playing around with them, I finally closed down the macro box to pay attention to the party.

To my horror, I realised that the puller had brought back an IT while I wasn't paying attention. The main tank and BLM were dead, the MNK and DRG were bouncing hate between each other, and the THF was frantically trying to get a Sneak Attack in. In the end, we ended up zoning. I made some lousy excuse like "Sorry, my connection was playing up!" but I felt terrible. -_-

Needless to say, I made sure my macros work perfectly BEFORE I party now. ^_^;;
#9 Sep 28 2004 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
535 posts
Worst thing I ever did:

Back in my noob days, when I was trying to be all leet and hardcore, I was ******** about out WHM to the party leader, ended being a mt to the WHM! ><;;

I said "Our WHM is an idiot"
WHM>> Thanks

OMFG, felt so horrible. In the end I realized the WHM was not half bad. And I also learned a vauble lesson that day. No longer try to be the all uber leet I had once held in such high regard. Leared that its only a game, and teh goal should be to have fun, NOT be a jackass.

Dumbest newb moment:
needed some more arrows when I was leveling THF, and was checking bazar's for arrows, sure enough I found some. price was 800g, there where 75 arrows. I figured this would be all right, as I did not want to head into town. Later on, I realized I had NO GIL! ;; /cry /cry /cry. So after much fussing I came to the conclusion that either a game glitch ate my hard earned gil, or someone hacked my account......Afew days later, I realized that the arrows I bought where 800 EACH ARROW! as opposed to maybe 800 for teh 75, what I had thought originally.

Yup 800x75 = all my missing gil
was sad sad noob that day -_-

At least now I knew why no one was buying my crystals from bazaar, at 1200 each :D
#10 Sep 29 2004 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
253 posts
Ouch. >_<

Okay, that really sucks. You spent SO much on those arrows, you poor thing! I'd have felt so ripped off when I found that out. I'd have hunted down the guy and tried to get most of my money back. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20, as they say.
#11 Sep 29 2004 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
6,947 posts
So, having purchased a Master's Gi to switch out with the Shinobi Gi that I still wear, I decided to sell back my Jujitsu Gi and recoup the money spent on the Master's.

Back when I got the Jujitsu Gi, it was about 120k, I think...
The Master's Gi was even cheaper.

It seems that in those months, the price has risen considerably, and now Jujitsu Gi seems to sell for around 180k.

Or... at least it was at the time I put mine up for sale...

So, I price mine at 180k as well.

Couple days later, they're selling for 170k.

Couple days later, 160k.

Not more than one week goes by from the time I first put it up in the AH (at which time EVERY price in the recent history was 180k or 179k), and suddenly they are down to 140k.

I know too many people have already made rants about idiot sellers undercutting the market at the AH.

But seriously... when you have something so good going for you, WHY on god's green earth would you chose to take a FORTY THOUSAND GIL profit cut just to sell it a day or two quicker?

And now, there are more up for sale than at any time in the last week.

Now matter how many times I remove mine from auction and re-price it at the current rate, it seems I just can't win.

I need the money,
my recent harvest of saplings yielded no ores at all, not one...
I need the AH space too,
That damnable Shinobi Hachigane is never going to sell (used it, like... once), even when it put it up for 20k less than what I paid for it.

SO... I finally cave. I crumble. I don't know what happened, my reasoning faculties simply decided to go on a holiday somewhere in Bibiki Bay, leaving me and my non-selling Jujitsu Gi standing at the AH counter in Jeuno.

I put it back on auction, for 1000 gil.
yeah, 1k.
I just want it to be the next one to sell.

I'm resigned to the fact that "no, I'm NOT going to be able to get 180k for it" anymore, I just have to suck it up and accept the 140k they are now going for. But I know that if i price it at 140k, it won't sell, because tomorrow they will be 130k.

so I price it at 1k.

I know people underbid, in the hopes of getting lucky.
My wife does it all the time.
She'll pick up a stack of Shihei for 1 gil.
She'll get a 90k katana for 15k.

But 140k is a big ticket item.
Nobody bids THAT low on such a thing.

I set the price at 1k, figuring that there will be the usual 1 gil bids,
"nope, cant get it for 1"
then the 100 gil bid,
"nope, not 100 either",
but nobody is going to spend an hour at the AH incrementally raising their bid by 1k each time, all the way from the bottom up to 140 thousand.

so I figured 1k is "safe" >_>
and I'd end up with 140k in my delivery box shortly.

(as I said, my reasoning faculties had left me completely at this time; my mind was clouded by frustration, aggravation, depseration, and disgust)

Several hours later, when out farming goblins in Yuhtunga Jungle, I recieve a lengthy /tell in japanese, which I am unable to decipher. I assume it's the usual party invite. The strange thing was that a /sea revealed the person to be a rank 5 level 25 person seeking in Jeuno.

I am forced to reply with my standard {I'm sorry.}{I don't speak any Japanese.} m(_ _)m

Several minutes go by, when I recieve a /tell again, from the same person, in mixed english and auto-translator, something to the effect of:

mean to sell {Jujitsu Gi} 50000? usual {sell} 140000-150000 ought?

Well, once I figured out what he was asking (didn't take me very long), I felt pretty stupid, but I sure didn't want to admit it.
Also, it was possible that this was the person who bought it, and if they thought I had not intended to be a total moron, they might have been persuaded by conscience to send a little more to me to be fair,

So I replied: {Accident} {Mistake}
and then: {/sigh} T_T

and he replied: agreement ^^;

I never did get more than 50k in my delivery box, so I'm pretty sure this wasnt the guy who bought it, and was motivated to check to make sure that a fair price was really paid to the seller, I think he just happened to see the history and went "OMFG wow what a deal! either that guy Tenmiles is a generous man or a complete idiot! I'll ask him and see!"

I like to think of myself as a generous man, and I believe that those who know me would agree that I am,
but I can also be a spectacular idiot from time to time.

I suppose at the very least I should consider myself lucky to have gotten 50k for it, rather than 1k, which was a possibility.

still, who the hell bids 50k on a 140-150k item?

(>_> people like my wife, lol)
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #12 Sep 29 2004 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
    140 posts
    {Um...} I've had a couple of embarassing moments. Nothing too extreme...

    I was going to warp someone but I accidentally warped myself. It's sad because I did this twice in the same day. -_-

    Also... one time in Garlaige Citadel, I raised this WHM62 and lol after that, I went to search around the Banishing Gate #2 for a coffer (yes, I don't know any coffer spawns lol.) And then I walk into a room with a bomb without invis on... and I was like, "Oh crap!" so I run out and, right outside the room, I start casting invis... lol. (Stupid mistake.) The bomb aggroes... and soon after, everything else aggros lol so I have like, 2 wights, a bomb, and 2 bats on me and I am dead within 3 minutes of raising the WHM. woo.

    Meh, well these aren't really "embarassing" for me... lol just stupid events that are fun to look back on. =)
    #13 Sep 30 2004 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
    67 posts
    Most embarassing things i have done ever was once i got a party invite from Gustav tunnels while i was in Jeuno. So i made my waay to Gustav as fast as possible, got there and an LS member appeard - he logged off their. He asked for a D2 and since i owed him a lot for his past help i asked party since we hadn't started yet if i could D2 him. This was my 2nd ever D2 and i accidently targeted myself and got sent back to Jeuno.

    They let me back in though and turned out to be a very productive party.

    Second thing was when i was trying to buy a morion earing. I was attempting to buy it from 90-100k - to a BLM 1k makes a difference, anyway i kept trying and then i got engrossed in a conversation with LS and tried again, and by accidently bought the Ashigru earing!! Latent effect to Sam +5 Parry or something like that. Sells for 5k.

    Spent 30 minutes talking to a JP player who fortunately was so polite, problem was i had such a problem asking for it as neither of us could speak same language. Kept spamming - {auction house} {mistake} {I'm Sorry} he sent the money back -9k which is what i asked for.

    #14 Sep 30 2004 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
    311 posts
    /wave Quay


    Together, we shall rule Vana'diel1
    #15 Sep 30 2004 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
    Hehe this is great folks! Keep em coming ;)
    #16 Oct 01 2004 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
    66 posts
    I was in a rush at a Sunday evening once getting ready to go out to dinner; somebody asked me for a d2, so I did so...or not...ended up warping myself... I also disbanded from a rank 5 pt when I forgot to get a Quadav Charm for myself, and I don't know if getting eaten is embarrassing, it's more fun and games to me :P
    #17 Oct 01 2004 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
    817 posts
    I don't know if this falls into the noob category or the Idiot category but here it goes...

    I'm reading through the allakhazam forums at 5am about how great gardening can be for gil making. By this time I've been up about 24hrs straight. But I'm so excited, I shrug off the sleep and head straight to the AH. I figure I'll start with 5 pots to be on the safe side. No big investment. So, once I'm at the AH, I check my safe to make sure I have the proper crystals. Check! I then start bidding on the seeds. I get them at about 20% less than the history. This is going pretty well.

    I finally arrive at the brass flowerpots. There are 5 left, at 1k each!!! I can't believe my luck. So I start bidding, and get the first one, then the second one, then the third one. I'm getting them all at a solid 1k each. This is going great. By the fourth, I'm doing all the keypresses instinctively. I don't need to look at the controller or even the screen. I got this down. After I bid on the fifth one, I decide to look at the screen and read back over my good fortune.

    I look towards the screen, and what I see makes my heart stop. I rub my eyes to make sure it isn't the exhaustion that is making me see incorrectly. I open my eyes again and it's still there. I've just confirmed my bid of 10000 for the fifth flowerpot! I sit there breathless for a few seconds. I think to myself, "This can't be!" "I cannot have just spent HALF of all my money on one flowerpot." Then it comes. The final blow from the AH. The proof-positive that Square-Enix has a sick sense of humor and knows how to use it. In bright yellow letters I see the words "Ha Ha Ha...You have won the bid for the brass flowerpot...Ha Ha Ha!"

    After that I tried in vain, for a week, to get my money back from the seller. No luck there.

    That was a long time ago. I have since given up gardening, and sold the other four brass flowerpots. I just can't seem to bring myself to part with that one for sentimental reasons. And every time I see a stupid mistake from a noob when lvling another job, I take a quick view of my safe and think back to my own mistake. It has done a very good job of reminding me that we all make mistakes from time to time. :-)
    #18 Oct 01 2004 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
    wow....what a greatly for you dude.
    #19 Oct 19 2004 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
    19 posts
    I remember as a BST12/WHM6 I was poisoned by a crawler. This poison lasted from when I had 110 HP and brought me down to 2 HP (with 7MP). I was sweating it like crazy, and doing "/sh someone please cure me. i have been poisoned!"
    Right when the poison wore off, I did a big sigh of relief and rested. As soon as I had the MP I did a Cure. When the little macro bar opened up, I saw the "Poisona" macro. I had to slap myself silly after that one.
    #20 Oct 19 2004 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
    20 posts
    Thf 30/ War 15 (juuust had gotten 30) and I pulled a pathfinder then attacked a White Lizzy >< my party never forgave me, and if they post here I'm still sorry.

    Just yesterday I got a port to Holia so I could choco to Jeuno and the whm took us to Dem first, in my rush to appease the person waiting in Jeuno for me I immediatly paid said my thanks and hopped on a choco... 400gil later I sent that whm a tell and he came back, laughing, and ported me to my correct destination.
    #21 Oct 22 2004 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
    41 posts
    Thf 30/ War 15 (juuust had gotten 30) and I pulled a pathfinder then attacked a White Lizzy >< my party never forgave me, and if they post here I'm still sorry.

    Were you in Kazam? if so i think its a glitch.. somehow auto-targets lizards.. ive never seen it happen anywhere else.. ive done it twice and been in partys where people have done it like 8 times or more.. and the 2nd time i did it i know for a fact i was on the mandy.

    was pretty embarissing when i did it the first time tho.
    also made the bazaar mistake when i first started out.. i was like wow 12 fire crystals for 400 gil.. thats a deal ill just resell for a profit.. only later did i realize what had happened.. i didnt even try to get money back.. mistake like that i deserved it.. ive done alot of stupid stuff alot.

    MT can be very very bad lol
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