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Back when I was a N00b...Follow

#1 Sep 28 2004 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
253 posts
Okay, people. Time to spill those secrets you're ashamed of, back from when you were a lowly newbie just starting out in the world! (Come on, you KNOW you were a noob at some stage. ^_~)

When I was a noob:

- I ran around a mob for 4-5 minutes before realising I had to actually attack it to kill it.

- I didn't figure out what point there was to macros until I was a lv 12 WAR. (Suddenly, using Provoke was SO much easier!)

- I was pretty sure nobody used Auction House, so I did all my shopping/selling at stores.

- I thought it was unfortunate how many DRGs ran around aggroed by cool Wyverns. (Never found where they spawned, either!)

- It took me several minutes until I figured out that I couldn't kill a sheep with blue text because it was someone's pet.

- In my first party ever in Valkurm, someone told me I was "tank" and I was like "... wha-? Did you just call me fat?!"

- I thought Tremor Rams were the toughest opponents the game had.

- First time I ever attacked a Worm, it submerged before I could attack it, and I thought, "Wow, that was an easy fight."

- Quadavs aren't as friendly as they appear at lv 2.

- I thought manual "dodging" worked up to lv 10.

- Fire crystals seemed useless, so I threw them out whenever I got them. (Well, c'mon, they only sell for 14-15g at stores!)

Those are just SOME of the embarrasing things I matured from. So come on, spill some of those dark secrets you have from when you were of newbish accent. ^_~
#2 Sep 28 2004 at 4:03 AM Rating: Decent
481 posts
I thought manual "dodging" worked up to lv 10.

Whaa..? Wow thx for clearing it up^^ j/k

I thought Carbuncle was some BST's pet. It was so small that I couldnt imagine it was actually a SMN's avatar.

I had macros for "/check", "/cm l", "/cm p", "/cm s" til I finished my subjob quest... I didn't know I could simply hit "CTRL + C" etc.
#3 Sep 28 2004 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
72 posts
oh yeah I thought I hit the big times with my sub job...untill i noticed it wasnt lving up with my main.

Tried to tank as a lv 14mnk/7war, "But I have more Hp than you do, i'll be ok!"

Shouting (Trade with with me plz, I have to hand out these coupons for a quest! Help me out!)
#4 Sep 28 2004 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
For a long time I thought MT meant Main Tank. (I would think ... why's the BLM the main tank LOL ... ) Smiley: banghead
#5 Sep 28 2004 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
835 posts
I addressed these in another thread earlier but;

!) I tried everything to change my name to light blue to match my party.

2) I went crazy trying to find my party on my map (didn't know there were multiple marker lists).

And last but most important (and embarassing).

3) Soloed Blm to 18 and was frustrated because lvling was taking sooooo long. Thank you Allakhazam for showing me the way.

#6 Sep 28 2004 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
247 posts
I used my onion weapon for the first several solo levels

It took me until level 10 and the canyon before I stopped levelling off of easy prey

I didn't use macros until I started partying in Qufim

I didn't start partying until I reached Qufim (yes, I soloed my first 19 main levels, and first 12 subjob levels. I completed my subjob quest with linkshell help)

Frequently sold all my items at npc's, because I didn't want to take the time to go to the AH. Crystals, Silk Thread, it all went to the npc's for minor gil.
#7 Sep 28 2004 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
When I was a noob:

- I didn't know about healing, I thought I had to run back to my mog house for healing.

- I wanted to be a WAR/WHM (and only a WAR/WHM)

- I did not understand how people could afford anything at the Auction House since almost all mobs do not drop gil. (Before I understood just how much could be made at the Auction House)

- I thought quests were only for money, I didn't understand fame at the time. I noticed I could make more money at the Auction House so I did very few quests. I spent a lot of time building up the fame I missed out on earlier in the game. (After I understood the whole concept of the Auction House)

- I spent a lot of time looking for the person who rents out the chocobos, when I was only lvl 11. (Quest? What quest?)

- Lvl 18, just got the skull, saw Steelfleece, first words out of my mouth, "Let's fight it." Saw it hit a lvl 20 rdm and killed him in one hit, I changed my mind.

#8 Sep 28 2004 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent

When i was a n00b:
-i thought all Galka where tanks
-i was dying one time ran buy a taru NIN and was yelling at him to heal me cause i thought that all taru where mages :P
then /t "WTF WHY DIDNT YOU HEAL ME" why is everyone so mean to n00bz then "NIN" dude im a NIN/WAR i cant
"me" oh but i thought all taru where mage sorry
#9 Sep 28 2004 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
-I couldn't find a use for Beastman Seals and ended up throwing them all away...probably up until Qufim. Now I wonder how many I would have right now if I had kept them!

-Up until level 8 or so, I didn't know I could stack items and was always so frustrated when my inventory was full of earth and fire crystals.
#10 Oct 12 2004 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
i remeber thinking...

"man its far from the auction house to the residence house"


"man its far from north gustaberg to the auction house"


"hmm.... man its way faster from valkrum to hp with death... oh i was supposed to set hp in dunes..."

#11 Oct 12 2004 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
901 posts
The fires in Ronfaure could cook my rabbit meat.
The boat was the most dangerous adventure ever. (now look at me :P)
Revival tree roots... we all did that one..
Watusa of Lakshmi

svlyons wrote:
Same sorta thing with Watusa. I saw him fishing on the ferry one time. It felt like a hollywood celebrity sighting.
#12 Oct 12 2004 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
140 posts
[x] I threw away all of my seals until probably, lvl 20+.

[x] I didn't know how to stack things until around lvl 8~.

[x] I didn't like auction houses so I sold my silks to a vendor >.<

[x] I wore a cape until probably lvl 25 and I wore tourmaline earrings until around lvl 45 XD (I replaced them with energy earrings that this person was giving away because he/she was leaving the game.)

[x] Sometimes I would engage in a fight with something and stand right next to it for like, 5 minutes and not realize why it wouldn't die. "Unable to see the target." -_-;

[x] I wondered why the non-green people wouldn't talk when I clicked on them. XD (This was like, the first day. /blush)

[x] (Again on the first day) I wondered why no "real" person would talk to me ;_;

[x] Ever since a rabbit killed me at lvl 3, I wouldn't fight one until all the mandies and bees said "Too weak."

[x] When I found out a yagudo could aggro me, I thought all things could aggro (so I was paranoid about staying in one spot for a long time if I had to heal for MP >.<)

[x] When I got a subjob, I thought I was a FFXI guru XD

Hehe, and there are more but I can't remember at the moment. /bow
#13 Oct 12 2004 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
901 posts
omg Embur you big n00b!
Watusa of Lakshmi

svlyons wrote:
Same sorta thing with Watusa. I saw him fishing on the ferry one time. It felt like a hollywood celebrity sighting.
#14 Oct 12 2004 at 7:41 PM Rating: Good
137 posts
I remember not /checking monsters when I first started the game. I'd just go ahead and start killing things outside of Windy, praying not to die. I didn't learn until my friend partied with me at lvl. 8ish and asking me, "So what does that Crawler rate to you?" "What? What is that?" >< That was a total eye opener.

I still do this though....I'd be playing a non-healing job and I'll try to cure people who are dying....and I'll get completely frustrated for several seconds as to why my macro's aren't working...only to discover that I can't cast "Cure" at all! /sigh
#15 Oct 12 2004 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
Damn, is that all you guys can come up with?

I was a rdm/mnk in the beta.
I was a mnk30/war5 until I got advanced job, where I then became brd/mnk and bst/mnk...then later realized the significance of whm subjob.
I got to lvl 43 sam before realizing mnk subjob wasn't gonna cut it.

Needless to say I have improved...a lil
#16 Oct 12 2004 at 9:31 PM Rating: Decent
51 posts
I also thought the fires in Ronfaure cooked Rabbit meat :(
Thinking Qufim was where all the high levels partied
Thinking 20 was a high level >_>
Wanting to be a THF/SMN...

Edited, Tue Oct 12 22:32:21 2004 by Croenen
#17 Oct 12 2004 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
140 posts
/hug Watusa. n00b pryde!

-showers in the Giddeus spring with Watusa- weeee
#18 Oct 13 2004 at 5:55 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
When I was a noob:

-I didn't know you had different macro sets until I was 15

-I clicked on a NPC 20 (at least) times before I found out I had to trade an item to it to complete the quest.

-It took me days to find out what that little icon thingy was next to a pc's name.

-I accidently went into "rest" and didn't know how to get back out (this was before I knew the Ctrl+H command, of course :P).
#19 Oct 13 2004 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent
426 posts
well, I can't remember anything big I did when I first started but last night after restarting I had a major brain-fart. I leveled to level 5 without even thinking about getting signet. It didn't even occur to me to get it till I was running back into town and seen the guard. :embarrased:
#20 Oct 13 2004 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
I remember how cool I was when I did the Sandy quest that rewarded you with a robe. It was my first non-starting gear, and I thought I would be super cool, and I could sell it sometime and be rich... I remember how I bought an extra character slot, so I could make new characters, and sell their gear and Adventurers Coupon, spent only 20 minutes and you get about 150 gil! Yay! XD -Muon
#21 Oct 13 2004 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
- My first battle with bats outside San d'Oria ended with me saying "They shouldn't be able to hit me if I'm standing behind them!"
- What's Signet? I didn't learn this until about level 9!
- I remember the first time I looked at the Ghelsba Outpost zone, I had to turn around and run back because I was too scared to enter.
- The AH is silly! Why not just go to the weapon shops!
- Why can't I cast Cure as a 1WAR ?? I bought and read the spell!
- And worst of all I thought that when you /checked things while in a party, Decent Challenge meant that with the rest of your party, it was a DC.

I never thought I would think about these again!! I have come a long way since then.

Good Luck all!
#22 Oct 16 2004 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
O_O;; Wow, where do I start? I was one of those class A newbies...I still have my moments.

~I was in a LS for about a week before I learned what it was, or understood how to talk to it.

~Pulled a Pathfinder which woulda been fine...except I accidentally targeted a White Lizard when I SATA'd...

~Realized how to tell how much gil I had-at about lvl 9.

~An AH is that scary thing people clutter around. Learning to use it is priceless...

~You can escape an Orc if you zone (That's when the screen goes black for a few) We won't guess what lvl I learned that at..

~Could not understand why some names were blue, others green..

~Learned about the map at lvl.7

~Waited for doors to magically open for long periods of time b4 learning to do it myself.

~Learned to kneel heal: Lvl. 7

~TP does not have anything to do w/ the game being realistic and a need to use the, really. -_- About Lvl. 7

~You can't heal someone you asre on a/f too if they move.~

...More embarassing events to be revealed! (And really, these were all true at some time >_<_

Edited, Tue Oct 19 11:03:55 2004 by CattibrieSOV
#23 Oct 18 2004 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
- I did not know how to check mobs until lvl 7 or 8. I kept wondering 'it's so weird that somtimes Young Quadavs are easy and sometimes they're so hard.'

- I did not know how to stack until lvl 13. Then a party member said "a thief who doesn't know how to stack. It's a sad day." And it was. Cuz that idiot still didn't bother to tell me how to stack.

- I died at lvl 2 or lvl 3 and was dumbfounded. "Holy crap. Does this mean I have to start all over again?" (Because you know, I had put so much time and effort into getting so far into the game.)

- My first title other than "Mog's Master" was "Chocobo Trainer" because I didn't understand quests. I kept wondering how other people were getting "cool titles" like "Gustaberg Tourist"

- Finding the President's office in Bastok was IMPOSSIBLE. "Metalworks? what? elevator? huh?"

- I responded to anything spoken in LS with /tell's until I hit dunes.

- I have actually said the words "geez walking saplings are like impossible."

- I threw all beastmen seals away until I was leveling my subjob. Then a friend of mine noted to me that "yeah, you need like a boatload of those things for some quest or something, I think." I started at PS2 release, all the people on my friendlist were n00bs starting out too. We were like the blind leading the blind.

- Skillchain.. Experience Chain... same thing in my mind til lvl 14 or so.

- Did not make a macro until level 15. In my defense however. a subjobless Thf can do ok without macros before Sneak Attack.

- I was (and still am) a terrible navigator. Everytime I died in Wadi it would take me a ridiculous amoutn of time to travel back.

- A noob story from a little later on. As a 30 thf/mnk (oh yeah, walkin tall) a random 67 whm offered to help me with my ninja flag. I follow him sneaked to the ??? (To this day I think he took the scenic route.. either that or he got lost but didnt wanna say antyhing). We clear the area and he tells me to check the ???. 3 leeches spawn, the whm tanks and kills him with this lil taru club of his and is cure III and IV'ing me constantly cuz these things are murder to me. I note his MP goign down and I go "Oh no! Are we dead" he goes "LOL no." We kill them and we begin to make our way out when I get aggroed by a bogy. Whm doesnt have much MP left as he begins to fight it.
Again -
"Oh no! are we dead?"
"LOL no"
Whm begins casting Teleport-Holla.
Whm casts Teleport-Holla.
Whm vanishes!
/me was defeated by the Bogy.
me: I'm dead.
whm: oh you don't have holla crystal?
me: I have dem.
whm: lol. u should have told me. I could have interrupted.
me: I had no idea what you were doing.
whm: stay there. I'll come raise u.

- Anyways, the worst part of it all is that you never really stop being a n00b. You just become a n00b at a higher level with different questions.

#24 Oct 21 2004 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
20 posts
Hatattack who are you ingame, sam,e name of diff? I'd love to talk to you, you are my kinda person! Hilarious and well-written n00b accounts. I second the motion: All are forever n00bs, just the ?'s change.
#25 Oct 21 2004 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
817 posts
- Anyways, the worst part of it all is that you never really stop being a n00b. You just become a n00b at a higher level with different questions.

I whole-heartedly agree. It's nice to see that lvl 30+ admit to noobness. /rate up for honesty! :-D
#26 Oct 21 2004 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
335 posts
/wave Psylight

You need to change your sig the last time I saw you, you were a 32 ^_-

Anyways...When I was a noob (still am) I thought...

- NM meant nevermind. So when someone screamed out "NM!" I shouted back "What?"

- RDMs were DDs.

- Beastmen Seals were useless so should be disposed along with beehive chips and lizzard skins.

- WHMs can solo.

- BRDs can solo.

- RDMs can solo.

- BLMs can solo.

See the irony? I lvled all the jobs I believe I could solo.

- Who needs trade skills? I'll fish.

- Spini Spipi was really a monster that was really impossible to gauge (didn't know NMs then), and I was a lvl 26 RDM.
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