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Mules = Cheating?Follow

#1 Oct 08 2004 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
75 posts
Another thread got me thinking about this one, so I figured I'd rouse some debate. =)

Personally, I don't feel that mules constitute cheating. (Disclaimer: I own one mule). There is nothing in the ToS against this, and furthermore you are paying an additional monthly fee for the right to have a mule. The fact that you have 10 character slots, and that every time you add a new character they are placed on the same server your main character is placed on, tells me that SquEnix:

A) Intended for multiple people in one household to have multiple characters, so that those in a household could share Items/Gil.

B) Intended for one person to be able to own multiple characters to experience playing as a member of the various races and genders.

C) Intended for one person to be able to own multiple characters to hold and manage items and Gil for other characters on the same account.

Sure, I think that having 10 characters and gardening with 50 pots on each character is overkill, but if they want to pay the extra money each month, and they want to do all the work involved in that, so be it. Anything that makes playing through this game easier, and is inside the rules, is fine by me.
#2 Oct 08 2004 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
Personally, I don't feel that mules constitute cheating. (Disclaimer: I own one mule). There is nothing in the ToS against this, and furthermore you are paying an additional monthly fee for the right to have a mule. The fact that you have 10 character slots, and that every time you add a new character they are placed on the same server your main character is placed on, tells me that SquEnix:

YOU CHEATER!!!! I'm shocked!!
Hey according to an argument I saw in Valkurm Dunes, overcharging for Mithkabobs is also cheating. Someone felt he had to call a GM to remedy this.
#3 Oct 08 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Hey according to an argument I saw in Valkurm Dunes, overcharging for Mithkabobs is also cheating. Someone felt he had to call a GM to remedy this.

LOL....takes all kinds, I guess. ^^
#4 Oct 08 2004 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
192 posts
See nothing wrong with it simply because you are not hindering anyone else's enjoyment of the game.

Plus, storage in FFXI sucks... ...I mean common. You kinda almost have to have a mule if you play more than two jobs.
#5 Oct 08 2004 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
EzekielxOnLakshmi wrote:
See nothing wrong with it simply because you are not hindering anyone else's enjoyment of the game.

a mule can be looked at like a squire (for knights purpose) they are a small/useless character who runs around helping out the all powerful character... hopeing that one day they will be given some attention and have the ability to work up the ranks...

so is it wrong for me (THE ALL POWERFUL CHARACTER, hehehe) to have a squire... hell no; they can marvel at all the items that go through their inventory, and one day i may just switch over and start leveling, said squire.

(Next paragraph is based on a rl playing character not bot)
(anything w/a bot is 100% cheating - no if/ands/buts)

but then again, i personally don't believe someone over hunting NM's or farming where people are exp'ing (i really hate this one though) is wrong either... do i like it, HELL NO; it may not be polite, it may go against etiquette and all that kinda stuff... but this IS a competition, yes we CAN work together, but when it comes down to that xr drop, are you going to be the first to pass because i need gil?

i don't know if there over-farming for their own items or to trade for rl money... and really its none of my business... i'm still a NEWB lvl.36 being highest level, so my attitude may change when i hit 60 or 70... but as for right now...

i do the best i can with what i got... i know i've stolen other peoples mobs and over/under cut pricing markets and that people have been pissed at me for not raising or curing or pl'ing... but you know what...

**** happens
#6 Oct 08 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
Ok, maybe cheating was the wrong word. But think about this. We are getting an edge up because we give SE more money. IMO, if you are spending RL cash as an advantage in a video game you are in some form cheating (once again probally the wrong word choice because of the strong negativie conatation).

Now, is buying a hint book for a puzzle-solving game a form of cheating? Probably. Is it wrong to do so? No.

In this situation, I think its kind of a complicated matter to call it cheating or not. On one hand you are creating another character for a purpose that its not really intended for. You get a cutscene welcoming you to the game as a brand new adventurer when you create a mule. There is no option to create a character as a mule and bypass all the other crap, that nobody would care about unless it was their main character. In this manner it seems like you are doing something against the game's intentions, which is one reason why I saw it as a form of cheating.

On the other hand, I think its pretty obvious SE planned on us using mules. Having such a painful storage stystem will make many users want to take the advanteges of a mule. It franky just means more money for them. So I guess in that sense its hard to call it cheating.

Another question to think about is if SE has rigged the game to get more money from its players. To me, mules are almost a form of cheating that is encouraged by the game designers, if that makes any sense.
#7 Oct 08 2004 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Vawn, I completely agree that the game was designed to encourage players to spend extra money each month for extra storage space. In fact, they were even nice enough to make it an affordable $1/month. :) It's definately a planned money maker for SE.

I understand what you are saying now. Not necessarily cheating in a negative context, but more like a "special advantage" that others may or may not have.
#8 Oct 08 2004 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
Right on Atomicgator, mules are used to help you store items that can't be held with your own main character. I own 2 mules, both are use to the full advantage. If I'm willing to shellout a $1 more per month that is my decision.

Pretus - FFXI Lakshmi Server
Bastok Hume Rank 5
52 WHM/ 25 BLM/ 18 WAR/ 10 THF/ 9 SMN
7 SAM/ 4 RDM
#9 Oct 08 2004 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
Cheating = cheating.
Mules = necessary for anyone who mines...
#10 Oct 08 2004 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
If Mules=Cheating then Andi=Cheater (I have two). I think the rationale in the original post is correct. SE intended players to be able to have multiple characters. Since you can't play them all at once, surely they figured you would store extra equipment/use extra AH slots etc on the character you weren't using at the time.

Here's another question--how many of us actually lvl our mules? I do on occasion just for fun so I can play a diff character/race. Am I the only one?
#11 Oct 08 2004 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
10,564 posts
Here's another question--how many of us actually lvl our mules? I do on occasion just for fun so I can play a diff character/race. Am I the only one?

i do if im bored, altho now ive been boneworking on my mule more than anything else ; ;
◕ ‿‿ ◕
#12 Oct 08 2004 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
654 posts
I think it'd be pretty impossible for me to survive without a mule, given the number of EX things I own. I do think overkill gardening is a bit of cheating, but my own mule does have 10 plants. However, my main character only has 2 plants, because I really can't stand the lag it causes in Mog House, and it makes up a nice dozen.

I don't think SE is against mules, for many reasons, but the main one being they simply took "mule" characters into consideration in their previous Vana'diel Statistics thingy. It's real money in exchange for something, some might say... but at least personal effort in involved. Can't be worse than buying gil online.

widenorg wrote:
Here's another question--how many of us actually lvl our mules? I do on occasion just for fun so I can play a diff character/race. Am I the only one?

I levelled my mule to level 8 just to see her in pretty pajamas (( i.e. Hachimaki, Tekko, etc )), if that counts. XD

#13 Oct 08 2004 at 11:47 PM Rating: Default
Are you serious....?

mules cheating ahahaha your funny guy first of all that person is paying for the mule seacong all the item for that mule third its like buying a shed and using it.....

please dont ask stupid questions
#14 Oct 09 2004 at 1:30 AM Rating: Decent
253 posts
Mules are one of the only things in FFXI that aren't much of a problem, in fact, the usefulness of mules far outweighs any negative effect they may have in the game.

They allow lazy people like msyelf to only run 50 feet from my party to refill on Mithkabobs or Juice, and as far as I'm concerned that makes all the difference right there, especially when they're somewhere like Yhoatar. Yes, some people do camp there mules there, and to great advantage. (Granted they're high levels usually.)

Not only that, they give everyone an alternate place to go shopping and allows characters some creative ways to gain/spend gil while not needing to be anywhere near their console/PC.

Myself, I don't have a "mule" as such, but I am well-known amongst all my friends for having numerous other characters because I like to try new things out every once in a while. The life-expectancy of one of my lesser-characters is roughly 2 weeks. ^_^
#15 Oct 11 2004 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Are you serious....?

mules cheating ahahaha your funny guy first of all that person is paying for the mule seacong all the item for that mule third its like buying a shed and using it.....

please dont ask stupid questions

You obvoiusly didn't read my post. =/
#16 Oct 11 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
65 posts
Mules rock!

I can't see playing the game any other way. I only have one, but it helps move items. I also build it up with other skills when my other friends aren't online.

Lakshmi Server
#17 Oct 11 2004 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
GatorHD wrote:
The fact that you have 10 character slots

I have 16 slots. Smiley: grin

I agree with most people. Mules are nice to have. My mule is my first character that I didn't want to delete since I have a couple hundred thousand XP points invested in that character. A nice place to dump off excess equipment so I don't have to buy it again if I go level another related class or go back and level a subjob.

The only downside is that it helps players abuse the system easier. (e.g. if you have an account with 16 characters you could manipulate prices on AHs much much easier since having 112 slots is more powerful than just 7.)

#18 Oct 11 2004 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
835 posts
Man, I don't like cheating. If mules are cheating then I am a cheater. If I had to go through this game without my mules I would quit immediately. The lack of sufficient storage alone would drive me away.

I have 3 mules, 1 in each realm (and my main primarily in Jeuno). These are my squires (nice post above for that concept..rate up) and they support me and my extravagant tastes. Hmmm.. and they are all 3 women too...Hmmm Freudian slip?
#19 Oct 11 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Good
Ok it sounds like most people agree getting through the game without a mule is almost impossible. (Or so inconvient that very few people would do it). We also all seem to agree that SE knows this too. Should we not be feeling ripped off that we have to pay extra RL money for the space? If everyone pretty much needs a mule or two, should these one or two characters be provided to players for free? You might say its "just $1 a month, don't worry about it", but a $1 every month is still money. If you have 3 mules, that's an extra $3 a month on top of what we are already paying. SE is making millions of dollars every month off of the mule system, mostly because they decided to give players very limited inventory space.
#20 Oct 11 2004 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Well, in an ideal situation, SE would have given us more storage space to start out with in the first place. If they had done that, though, they would have no way to upsell us other than Tetra Master, which is a joke.

SE isn't going to give up the extra revenue. They have always taken a "take it or leave it" stance with this game. It's up to you whether you want to take the $1/month mule or leave it...
#21 Oct 11 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
835 posts
Yes, it is 3.00 more per month for my 3 mules and no I am not happy about the extra cost, But..

I have 2 choices:

1) Pay for the extra characters
2) Stop playing the game because without the space/convenience it is no longer fun

I think SE has integrated thIS restriction into the game simply to generate additional money in addition to:

Single concurrent account login possibility. I am one of 3 people in my house that plays and we have 2 active accounts. Expensive, but the only way to play together. We are still always fighting over play time..

I am hoping that one day I get bored with this game. It is too expensive, disruptive to my rl, and keeps me up too late at night for work the next day...

Unfortunately I love it, the friends I meet, the challenge of working together to achieve goals, the obsessive struggle to earn enough money to pay for the material things I need to be the best I can I talking about the game or real life...

#22 Oct 11 2004 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
I may be the only one that does this, but I have 3 mules. That, in itself, is not all that uncommon. However, my use for them may be. My first mule, was my first character. Because of the race/job I picked, it just turned out not being what I wanted. So I created my second character, which I have been leveling ever since. Now, keep in mind, I'm the kind of player that buys all +1 gear and always has the best of everything. No matter your playing level, you can understand how expensive this can get. So I decided to create two more mules, each in a different country.

At this point, I spend most of my time in, or around Jeuno. Whenever it comes time to buy new gear, which is every 5-7 levels for me, I take each one of my mules, to each of the nation's AH's, and make sure I get the best price. I also check Allakhazam's Item Loookup to check the NPC's as well. As an added benefit, whenever I level a craft, I buy directly from the NPC, regardless of who has regional control.

The above strategy has saved me thousands already. I call it strategy, because like anything else you do in the game, it's more how you play than what you play. I've seen Galka WHM's put some taru WHM's to shame. This is a strategy like anything else. By any definition, strategy is not cheating.
#23 Oct 12 2004 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
209 posts
I'm gonna have to say, some very interesting views in this post. Well, there's always the fact that legally, Mules are not considered cheating in any way. The only way it would be is if it were moral. I, personally, do not use a mule, but that doesn't mean i look down on people who do. I encourage it! Mules are a great way to stimulate the vanadiel economy, putting alot of flow of items back into our AH. If you level a craft that nobody uses in a certain country and feel the need to jack up the prices a bit for profit, So be it! That makes the product available to all players, where as it was MUCH harder to get before hand. As for people jackin up prices in lvling areas on food items, Why the heck not? If you took your time to buy/make mithkabobs and you wanna sell them at a higher price to the lazy people that don't feel like walkin back to an ah, good for you! that's a good way to make profit and a valuable service to the community. Makes lvling up in valkurm a godsend! Always someone selling pies/kabobs, and i praise them for it, for i am a lazy, lazy man. :-) Plus, I tend to be one-track-minded. EX: I lvled my BLM to 17, then my whm to 36 so i could have teleports for myself, and if i'm short on gil provide a tele service for the community. I then proceeded to get all advanced jobs. Now i am leveling my SMN, the job i originally wanted in this game, and i'm very excited! I sold everything before i changed jobs. That's just how my mind works!
#24 Oct 21 2004 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
Mules are not cheating..they are a simple way to help get gil and/or hold items that wont fit in ur own character...i dont think mules are for cheating at all unless u use them for something bad...but i dont know how you would do that!
#25 Oct 21 2004 at 6:25 PM Rating: Default
335 posts
I like the idea of a mule being looked at like a knight's squire.

Even if you have 10 of them.
#26 Oct 21 2004 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
310 posts
In the Vana'diel census they made particular mention of mules. Didn't seem to say anything against them at all, in fact the way I read it seemed as though they expected people to have a mule or two.

Personally, I've only got one, a galka BLM running around in Windy who I level when I'm really bored :P
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