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I need to make a heartfelt and sincere apologyFollow

#1 Dec 07 2004 at 3:41 AM Rating: Excellent
6,947 posts

Tonight, not feeling well, and a bit sick, I was logged in for what I expected to be just a short while.

A linkshell member who was partied in Onzozo told us that Ose had spawned.

One member of my static party really wants to get the Assault Jerkin, and so all of us (from the party, all LS members) went in a hurry from Jeuno to Onzozo to try and grab him.

Just as we were about to reach the area where he was, we were told that an EXP party who was leveling there had claimed him.

When we arrived on the scene, we saw that the party included some people we knew and had made friends with while working together to do Windurst Rank 6 missions; namely Shari (BLM) and Skellington (PLD).

If anyone was going to end up having beaten us to the claim, at least it was people that we felt some kinship with.
While dissapointed, we at least felt good about that fact.

They seemed to be doing pretty well, but as the battle wore on, this level 63 party started losing the battle.
We spoke in party about what to do.
We are not callous or heartless people, however, this is a notorious monster, and two important elements apply.

First, I am told that there is a general convention that you do not assist or heal other people who have engaged a notorious monster.

The idea behind this is, apparently, that the people chose to take the risk, and the risk is losing. You cannot expect others to help you; that is what I am told.

The second issue is that this is... well, a notorious monster, and if members of our party tried to cure members of their party, our healers could take aggro from Ose and we would be unable to defend ourselves in any way.

We're only 3 levels higher than this other party. We can Kill Ose without a problem, but none of us could stand up to his aggro without fighting back, and live.

Eventually, Davenger, their RDM died.
He was their party's main healer, and it became clear then that they were going to lose.
Skellington, the PLD, fell, and Sharkky the THF, and Shari, and Akihisa the SAM and Sakari the BRD.

When their party had been sadly wiped out, our WAR claimed Ose and we fought him.
Our WAR acted quickly with provoke, because if he hadnt, another THF who was there, alone, already wearing an Assault Jerkin, would have claimed him.

Watching this party die before us, especially one that contained people we felt a kinship with from previously working together, was very uncomfortable.

We really didn't know what else to do, though.

We killed Ose (and a surprise link), and he did not drop the jerkin.
After the fight was over, our WHM and RDM Raised(II) everyone in their party.

It was during this time, as the rest of us useless melees were standing there watching our mages raise this party, that I, evidently, did something which was misconstrued by some of the party members and taken as a deliberate insult.

I /saluted Skellington, and then /bowed to the other party members in turn.

At this time, most of them were still lying dead.


Evidently, my /bows to their fallen corpses was taken as a rather insulting gesture by members of their party.

In retrospect, I can see now how that could be taken in such a way.

However, my sincere intent was the complete opposite;
I truly wished to show these people respect for their valliant but ill-fated battle.

The more I've mulled it over in my mind, the more I wish I had simply /kneeled respectfully.

I felt like a complete *** and a first-rate heel for having inadvertently offended these people.

The realization that my /bows had this effect only came some time later, when members of our party were communicating with members of their party in /tell (they had regrettably Escaped and left after being raised).

I tried sending /tells to the party members myself, to explain that I honestly meant no disrespect, and that I was deeply sorry to have offended them.

The only one who responded to me was the JP Samurai, Akihisa, and through the use of a few english words, and the auto-translator, I conveyed my true feelings, and regret, and he conveyed that he held no hard feelings and appreciated the Raises.

(I later learned that Skellington was simply AFK when I tried to /tell him, and wasn't blowing me off)

A short time later, I recived a tell out of the blue from someone named Joboms.
I recognize the name, having seen it before, I know her to be a Dragoon, but otherwise I do not know her and have had no previous acquaintance with her.

She asked me if we had gotten the drop after "stealing Ose".

I explained that, no, we did not get the drop, nor did we "steal" Ose.
I went on to explain that the other party got wiped out, and there was nothing we could have realistically done to aid them, lest we take aggro ourselves and been unable to defend ourselves.
But that after all of them had died and Ose went unclaimed, our party claimed it.

She said we were asses for bowing to corpses (it was only me, and I honestly didn't realize I was offending anyone when I stupidly did it) and that we only raised one person.

I explained that it was only I who had bowed, and that I didn't mean it as an insulting gesture.
I also explained that we raised every one of them, not just one person.

She went on to say that I should show more consideration for people who had helped me in the past (I assume this is a reference to the Rank 6 missions), and that she (Joboms) wanted nothing to do with my "ige party" and that we were /blisted and to never expect nor hope to party with her.

Well, I dont even know Joboms, apart from having seen her somewhere before, and I never expected nor held any aspiration to party with her.
I level with my own static party of close friends, and never expected to level with anyone else.

However, I was baffled at her calling us an "ige party" (her exact quote).
I wondered if that was a typo for something I couldn't make out, or if she was actually accusing us of either working for IGE, or being their customers.

I attempted to reply to her, to suggest that since she clearly did not have all the facts straight, she was judging us unfairly, but I think by that time I was already blacklisted, or else she simply ignored me and did not bother to respond.

Being ******* out by someone I don't even know, who wasn't even there, for something that was unavoidable but which still left all of us feeling uncomfortable, really left me feeling very bad.
I'm sure Joboms whould be happy to know this.

Whoever she is, I don't particularly have a great deal of respect for her since she was not even controlled or mature enough to be willing to engage me in civil discussion, but chose instead to dismiss me and /blist my friends based on hearsay alone.


I don't know if any of the aforementioned people ever come to these forums, nor if they will ever see this, but I had to get this experience off my chest, because it has left me feeling very uncomfortable, and I truly wish there had been, or will yet be, a more emotionally satisfacory (for everyone) conclusion.
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #2 Dec 07 2004 at 4:27 AM Rating: Good
    1,892 posts
    Of all people I've seen post from Lakshmi, you would have to be the most honest (even at the harshest of times), and most genuine player. If they have /blist'd you and more, then it's their loss. Sounds like that if you guys started healing them and they still died, they would have flamed you for trying to "steal" it anyhow.

    I do see where you are coming from when it comes to the /bow's but I still regard bow's as a sign of respect. If it was any random n00b the would have been kicking the corpses or something else they found amusing.

    I dunno what you can do, you've given your side of the story, hopefully someone will say something to someone-else who knows them and the message will get through.

    Hope all gets sorted out.

    #3 Dec 07 2004 at 6:07 AM Rating: Excellent
    31 posts
    I'd have to agree with Argonaut. In all the posts I've seen you make, Ten, you've been very thoughtful and polite.

    An online forum like FFXI will always have plenty of room for miscommunication and misunderstandings, and it is inevitable that we'll all run into these occasionally.

    I know Davenger, so next time I run into him, I'll direct him to this thread so he can hear your side of the story, and make up his mind then. I'm sure that everything will work itself out for the best.

    'Til then, take care of yourself, and take heart. ^^
    #4 Dec 07 2004 at 7:27 AM Rating: Good
    32 posts
    I am in total agreement of the well put words of both Argonaut and Ellsbeth. While I do not know you personally, I do know OF you via this forum and my dearest Connery. Know that you are held in VERY high reguards and respect and that you can NOT please all the people all of the time. Mistakes are indeed made, we are all human. Give this younge lady not a second thought, for it is not you that will be missing out on anything from her b/listing-hood..dom? You get the point. Be well.
    #5 Dec 07 2004 at 8:13 AM Rating: Good
    253 posts
    Coming from the perspective of a relatively "green" player, (despite having over 10 months of FFXI under my belt..) I think that what you did FOR that familiar party was wholly honourable and completely without contempt. I understand how terrible it feels to have people feel insulted or offended by your innocent gestures. Even though you have no connection to that person in reality, the fact that you've disappointed someone really sinks deep. I hope the party killed by Ose holds nothing against you, and understand that your intentions were good.

    I know that if I was in the position of the fallen party, I might be dissapointed that the fight did not prove successful, and maybe I'd be a little short-tempered because I died and didn't manage to retrieve a sought-after item, but if an ally raised me, bowed to me and spoke civilly, I certainly would not take it as an offense. I'm not entirely experienced when it comes to fighting NMs, but I know that the real thrill for me is just seeing if I could beat it in the first place. If not, then I probably wasn't ready to recieve the item it promised. I have absolutely no hard feelings towards anyone who would stand on the sidelines and watch me die to an NM. I'd understand completely, and wish them well if they undertook the challenge in my wake.

    Cheer up, Tenmiles. This is just one incident of miscommunication, and the people at fault are probably just disappointed by the outcome. These things happen. Best not to dwell on the negatives. ^_~

    Cheer up now, or I shall mercilessly poke you until you do...
    /poke /poke /poke /poke

    O_O!!! Omigod, ow ow ow ow!! My finger! What kinda armour are you wearing?!


    Edited, Tue Dec 7 08:15:50 2004 by Psylight
    #6 Dec 07 2004 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
    835 posts
    I have been on this forum for a long time. I have never seen Tenmiles be anything but helpful and have admired the insight he brings to the game and the forum.

    Your party did not "steal" Ose. When an experienced party claims an NM they should not expect (and should not want) any help. We can either do the deed or not (kill the NM). If not, then it is left for another pt to try.

    As for the bows, unfortunately I may have done the same thing. I like to show respect for other players and often bow. I can now understand how they may feel about this and how it might look.

    So again, through your experience, I learn something new. I will not bow, but kneel, if this happens to me.
    #7 Dec 07 2004 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
    32 posts
    *looks at score slip to default chuckling* Dear god was it something I said? Shall indeed keep my thoughts to myself from this point on, very sorry to whomever I have offended.
    #8 Dec 07 2004 at 11:10 AM Rating: Excellent
    6,947 posts
    By and large, I believe that the specific party members themselves will bear no longstanding grudge, though I feel that my ill-timed attempt to indicate respect may be the greatest thorn in particular people's sides (as if to add insult to injury).

    Most of my party members spoke in /tell to most of their party.
    I took the impression, just as I was about to log out for the night, that the bard may have been the most offended by my action.
    While I try not to extrapolate baseless conclusions, it occurs to me that the bard, being possibly the least understanding (and with whom I never got to communicate) may have been the one to tell Joboms, due to the evident slant on the event that she had.

    To my knowledge, no one in this particular party blacklisted anyone, merely Joboms and whatever cronies she may have who would be persuaded by her suggestion.

    What I've found remarkable is that the very few times I have ever had someone blacklist me after berating or ******** at me, I have been entirely reasonable, generally polite, and the brunt of absolutely unfounded disdain.

    I feel it must say something about the players in question, to jump all over someone and choose to hate them with no personal experience, nor to have the willingness to even listen to them before making up their minds.

    Given what this says about those people, I don't feel any great loss in the fact that I will never develop a pleasant relationship with them; frankly, if they are that quick to judge and that full of unassailable hubris and ego, I'm fairly confident that I wouldn't want them as friends anyway.

    The regrettable fact is how such people can manage to destroy the quiet and innocuous reputation of a kind person who, for the most part, just keeps to themselves.

    {/slap}{/slap} {Double Slap} <me> WHY didn't I just /kneel respectfully?

    Edited, Fri Dec 10 16:59:14 2004 by Tenmiles
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #9 Dec 07 2004 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
    251 posts
    Hi Tenmiles,
    I've seen your name around a lot, and it always seems to carry with it a profound amount of respect and goodness. While I myself have been guilty of jumping on someone else's case for "messing with a friend" of mine though the situation had absolutely nothing to do with me, it is the wrong action to take.

    What's important is attempting to reconcile yourself with those that you've offended, and only then. There is no reason for you to apologize to or even speak with Joboms. Joboms wasn't there, nor does he seem to have all the facts.

    He is simply one of those people that thinks they can throw their weight around simply because many people might recognize that name.

    Really and truly, don't take it to heart though. I'm sure that the people that you inadvertently offended will understand and the problem will be resolved. Beyond that, though, you have no obligations toward Joboms.

    Best wishes,
    #10 Dec 07 2004 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
    192 posts
    You've got a lot of heart there Tenmiles...

    ...if I were in the party that was wiped out and I saw this thread, I would be appreciative of it.

    Communication is difficult as it is in RL, let alone through a medium like the internet. Things get misconstrued constantly in this game.

    I wouldn't fret it. Sounds like you have many friends who wouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions about you. And you went out of your way (via this thread) to clear up the missunderstanding.

    Nicely done.
    #11 Dec 07 2004 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
    I can understand your position Tenmiles. I have always been quick to throw cures to people in need. If someone (non-gil seller) is fighting an NM and losing, I will throw a cure 2 or 3 to make sure he wins. But that's just me.
    In any case, people make mistakes in the game, and most of us know you didn't have any bad intentions. As people were saying before, it's their loss, not yours ;o)
    #12 Dec 07 2004 at 4:17 PM Rating: Good
    2,915 posts
    I can't say anything that hasn't already been said, so instead, I'll just offer you a rate-up to show respect to one who I feel is truly a great player. Perhaps one day i'll have oppurtunity to cross your path in the game. Even if it's a simple /bow over my lifeless body, I do understand that it is a kind gesture. I think the person being harshest toward your actions, is yourself. Which in turn, says a great deal about your character.
    #13 Dec 07 2004 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
    147 posts
    yo bro^^ i really wouldnt stress myself over it too much you know that we know that you meant nothing by it, and we know that you know that, that drg knows that you didnt do anything wrong brudda and we're all behind ya ^^ (one at a time please)

    ...cyz later cool cats
    #14 Dec 07 2004 at 10:05 PM Rating: Good
    101 posts
    hopefully all goes well for you guys.

    well, this things happened, since we are many and with many comes thousands of attitudes.

    But, don't grieve for that few persons, because you have hundreds others to cheer you up.

    for me you've done nothing wrong. maybe miscommunication, or there's one sensitive guy out there offended by /bow T_T

    #15 Dec 07 2004 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent
    43 posts
    Hey bro, right now i feel like an *** as well. I remember you were on the boat with your friend Moonkat i beleive and me and my friend Watusa were also there and i accidentally voked ur friend's mob, she didnt mind because it was a pugil, but then a crab spawned and i did not know that she was after an item and then me n watusa were acting stupid that day lol because we were "rapping" to eachother because it was really funny and all of a sudden he started rapping to yall and i joined i donno why, i want to apologize to you and Moonkat after you being nice to me by letting me /follow you onto the boat while i was afk.

    I hope you accept this and i hope i'll see you again ingame, maybe i'll send u a /tell one day.

    Take it easy.

    #16 Dec 07 2004 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
    43 posts
    oh and i hope that you get this "situation" settled between these people....sry i didnt add it on the thing above i accidentally pressed enter XD

    #17 Dec 08 2004 at 12:40 AM Rating: Good
    That was such a facinating story... I'm terribly sorry about the misunderstanding, but please don't let it rest too heavily on yourself. Such events happen, and because you made your aplologies, perhaps gone unheard due to spite, you still made them, thus shouldn't let yourself feel too bad over this. Your well spoken apology is a testament to the essance of purity, and I much admire you for it ^^
    #18 Dec 10 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
    hey...Joboms is in my LS i will tell her about what was going on and see if i can try to help you too get along...Joboms (whenever she is bored) always puts in a search comment with something like..."{Do you need any help} send {/tell} always willing to help."

    she is very helpful to anyone (excluding gilfarmers) who askes for help...

    Ill see what i can do to try and help sort this out
    #19 Dec 10 2004 at 5:10 PM Rating: Good
    6,947 posts
    If you feel so inclined, I would appreciate that effort.

    To me, the worst thing is to accidentally develop an adversarial relationship with people you don't even know, and have them believe you to be someone completely different from who you actually are.

    If I do something unequivocally wrong, and duly incur the hatred of the person who was wronged, then that is my karma and I have earned it.

    But to have people who don't even know me decide that they don't like me, particularly based on an honest mistake, is a painful thing.
    Moreso if or when such people feel, in their righteous indignation, like spreading their bias to those they know ("I'm telling everyone I know to /blist you"), it creates unneccessary ill-will among people who might otherwise enjoy a civil and respectful relationship with one another, or at the very least, leave each other alone and not have anything either good or bad to say of them.

    Anyway, if you were able somehow to persuade her to read this, or to consider speaking with me and setting her bias aside for a time and consider the possibility that I am not an evil person, I would be perfectly willing to forgive her assumptions about me and start again at square one.
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #20 Dec 10 2004 at 10:25 PM Rating: Good
    Hello, I'm Davenger, the Red Mage from this party, thank you Ellsbeth for letting me know this thread was here :). I hold no ill will towards anyone in this party as I somewhat understand the logic behind why it happened, I talked to someone in your party (Keira (Red Mage) I think the name was) and although I disagree with the notion that you don't help people out with NM's I understand the idea behind it. I know that if you engage an NM then you should be prepared to either kill it or die. However.. whenever I see someone fighting an NM I will always help them out, regardless if I was camping the NM myself or not. I'm sorry you guys did not get the drop.. at the very least out of all of that you guys could have at least gotten it ;; But anyways, thank you for the apology, as I told the Red Mage in your party, I appreciate the apology :) Good luck to you guys on future Ose outings, I hope you get the drop soon.

    #21 Dec 11 2004 at 4:04 AM Rating: Excellent

    The 'name' part of who is posting this is unfortunately mistaken (and I won't go into why), but this is Shari -- I'm in a static party with Davenger, and I was present when this event happened.

    I've been pretty good friends with Kysha, the RDM that Davenger referred to as Kiera or Keira, for a little while -- Kysha being a party member in Tenmiles' LS and static. Ridri, another member of that party, helped my entire static long, long ago do our Genkai 1, completely out of the blue. Tenmiles and Nairne I don't know as well, but they have always treated me kindly, and were fantastically patient when we were trying to wrap up Windurst 6-2.

    The event happened, as far as I am aware, just as Tenmiles described. Certain members of my party were feeling very irritated when it happened -- it was late, and we thought we were on the verge of winning vs Ose. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I'd be really rather surprised if anyone from my group thought that Ose had been *stolen* from us -- I'm not sure where that came from at all. In party chat, some of the party were upset that this other party we sort of knew, Tenmiles', didn't help out when they could, as we believed we would have done for them. This to my knowledge describes the issue much more correctly than anything involving 'stealing an nm.'

    I am aware of the etiquette involving nms that says every man and woman for him- and herself. For that reason, I was perfectly willing to allow myself a moment of loser's irritation, and go on with my night. However, Kysha messaged me almost immediately with a thoughtful discussion of how she felt, and what her party was talking about. She apologized when strictly speaking, she didn't have to. She took time out of her night to talk to other members of my party, and I took time out of my night to try to talk to my party as well (I was amused when because of this, I began to take some of the heat from my party!). Ridri also sent me several nice messages.

    It does feel painful and unpleasant when people you consider friends watch you die. I make no claims as to whether doing so is right or wrong. What I would claim is that it is kind and gentle to try to open a discussion with someone after that has happened. And this is precisely what Tenmiles' party did.

    I believe that whatever anyone thinks of nms and etiquette, that it cannot be questioned that Kysha, Ridri, Tenmiles and company showed integrity and thoughtful sympathy in their messages to us after the incident. Misunderstandings happen, and the test of a person's mettle is how he handles things *after* a misunderstanding -- for to expect everyone to never have a misunderstanding is foolish.

    I for one have nothing but respect for anyone who cares enough to always consider his friends. So Kysha, Ridri, Tenmiles and that gang, indeed that LS, are OK in my book, and I'd trust any of them with my little tarutaru life.

    Even Sillia, who eats babies.

    #22 Dec 11 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
    654 posts
    Thanks for your replies, Davenger and Shari. It's nice to know that both of you harbour no hard feelings towards us. It means alot.

    If I may say so, we made our decision largely based on party dynamics, in a very short and pressed time. I did send /tells to most, if not all, of the other party's members, including the Samurai, who urged me not to worry about it and thanked us for the Raise. I received some very empathetic replies which I am grateful for, whilst some, understandably were more affected replies with curt responses. I can understand this, however, and accept it as part of the consequences of our actions. In time though, I do hope it can all be water under the bridge.

    Oh, and yes, I'm Kysha - not Keira or Kiera. ^^ No worries, though.

    And thank you Shari, for your kind words. Don't hesitate to send me a tell or message if you ever need some extra firepower or support in any future instance, and I will gladly render my services if its within my means. o.Ob

    Anyhow... See you all ingame. ^^/
    #23 Dec 11 2004 at 4:43 PM Rating: Good
    6,947 posts
    Even Sillia, who eats babies

    Smiley: lol

    Word gets around, doesnt it? Smiley: wink
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #24 Dec 11 2004 at 10:05 PM Rating: Excellent
    31 posts
    Yay ^^.

    All's well that ends well. Glad to hear the everything's been worked out.
    #25 Dec 11 2004 at 11:41 PM Rating: Good
    1,892 posts

    Huzzah! glad to hear it's all good now.
    #26 Dec 12 2004 at 1:18 AM Rating: Good
    164 posts
    Ten!! hi hun ^^ bottom line.... we all still wuv ya!! This too will pass in time
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