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Tips for BRD PTsFollow

#1 Jan 20 2005 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
335 posts
My fellow BRDs and I have been growing sick and tired of several issues when EXPing or PTing in general. I want to address these issues here on the forum so that, when you do party with a BRD, you won't put more work on their hands.

Facts about your BRD:
Fact 1: Your BRD is a charasmatic and happy person, they should be kept in a good mood to play you your favorite songs.
Fact 2: Your BRD should be equipped with CHR gear for their LVL, and if a Hume, Mithra, Elvaan, or Galka, make sure there are also MP equips. If they are not equipped properly, they are not ready for PTing.
Fact 3: Post LVL 25, your BRD should be slim and sexy, fit and conditioned, as you will see that their songs are AOE and not single-targeted. If they do not bust-a-move, your BRD has not done his/her daily situps.
Fact 4: Your BRD is a very hard working character. They are responsible for correct song buffs (for up to 3 groups of people at a time), back-up healing, and dispelling. Think of a BRD as a moving RDM, and then some.
Fact 5: Most BRDs have great patience for people who don't understand their job responsibilities, but don't blow their fuse if you do not help them do their job!

How to take care of your BRD post-LVL 25:
Step 1: If you are a PLD or DRK, and there is no RDM in the PT that can Refresh (if the PT is pre-LVL 41 or there's simply no RDM) please bring MP-refresh drinks to help their cause.
Step 2: If you are a PLD and you are 51, PLEASE HAVE A DARK STAFF.
Step 3: Remember that BRDs work in A O E!!!!!!!!!!! That also means if a BRD tells you to stay in a certain spot STAY THERE.
Step 4: If you are a THF PTing with a PLD please tell your BRD when you are SATAing, and behind whom. This will ease their fustrations if you are in a RDMless PT.
Step 5: Do not expect your BRD to debuff everyone with status ailments; that is a WHM's job and it would only be a BRD's job if there are no WHMs present.
Step 6: If you are PTing with a BRD and PLD and no RDM and if you are a melee (DRK, SAM, THF, RNG, etc. etc.) stand on the opposite side of the monster PLEASE. Tuck out, get out of the way of the Ballad AOE.
Step 7: If there are links to a mob your BRD will most likely Lullaby it. This generates a LOT of hate, please be wary that your BRD may die when the mob wakes and thrashes at him if you do not look after him/her.

And help my fellow BRDs out there...

WE WORK IN AOES!!! AREA OF EFFECT!!! Don't step in to the Ballad AOE if you're not a mage, don't step into the Madrigal AOE if you're not a melee!

And happy BRD PTing. If you make us happy, we'll be sure to make you happy ^_^

Edited, Thu Jan 20 16:44:45 2005 by Mireisen
#2 Jan 20 2005 at 6:28 PM Rating: Good
443 posts
I agree with you in that many people do not do what they should to make a BRD's job easier. However, you must also realize that everyone else is trying to do their job as well.

As for the AoE buffs, I'm a back line RDM, so I rarely move around (about the only time I move is to sleep/silence mobs or to avoid aggro). There is little reason for most mages to be moving around and they usually tuck themselves into a corner somewhere, which makes it easy for you to ballad them. Feel free to tell them where to stand, but bear in mind you may inadvertantly put them in a spot that has additional problems. For example, while leveling my whm in Garlaige, I was in a party with a BRD and NIN tank. I was the only MP user, and the BRD told me to stand on one of the switches for the first banishing gate. This worked well for the BRD because I was always in the same spot and sufficiently far away from others. However, it was hell for me, because I could not find a good camera position to oversee the battle (walls play havoc with my camera positioning, and the sides of the platform the switch is on further reduced my camera positioning).

As for melees, I can understand if the mob is moving around, but if the mob is stationary, the melees should take the 3 seconds it takes to get on the other side of the mob from the tank. THFs however, are often running around the mob, so I wouldn't be surprised if they are hit with ballad that was meant for the PLD.

I'd like to say something to the tanks, as well. If you're fighting a mob with a directional AoE (such as crawlers' slow or flies' poison) please, please, please point the mob away from the mages. I understand that you don't have control over where the mob stops from the pull and then you're waiting for the initial SATA, but once that is over, please just take a few moments to reposition the mob so that mages won't have to be erased/hasted/poisona'd or whatever to remove the status ailment. There aren't many status ailments I care about (I could care less if my DEX just went down), but I can't refresh 5 people if I'm slowed and I can't rest if I'm poisoned (yes, I could just put up stoneskin, but that's another 29 MP I'm spending, and I'd rather spend that on something else). Ideally, the mages would be out of AoE range anyways, but there are camps where that is just not possible. You can't get out of AoE range if you're fighting in a tunnel with pops in both directions. Now, you tanks may say "it's not my job to make sure the mages are out of AoE range," but it seems to me that you'd like the WHM to be casting cures on you instead of poisona or erase on the mages. Who knows, you just might die in the few seconds it takes to erase the slow effect from the WHM. Or maybe you'll die because the WHM ran out of MP from casting poisona and erase over and over instead of curing you.

In short, yes, everyone is busy doing their job (and may thus not always be able to do exactly what you want them to), but if everyone puts just a little more effort into seeing what everyone in the party is doing and works together, the party can be much more efficient.
#3 Jan 21 2005 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Step 1: If you are a PLD or DRK, and there is no RDM in the PT that can Refresh (if the PT is pre-LVL 41 or there's simply no RDM) please bring MP-refresh drinks to help their cause.
Step 2: If you are a PLD and you are 51, PLEASE HAVE A DARK STAFF.

I am agree with the rest of your post. But I can't say I am agree with these 2 steps.

I am a 71 BRD myself and I have pt-ed with lots of PLD from different races (Hume, Elv, Galka, Mithra, Tarutaru) and I have never seen any of them with Dark Staff tho.

About having MP-refresh drinks, from so many PLDs, I have only had 1 PLD (a JP player) who did that. But that was not necessary as well. She used her drink when she got 200+ mp (her max mp was 250s or so) and the ballad was running... maybe she just wanted to loosen up her inventory space coz full of juices or something.

If the Position is right... which is usually Melees -> Mob -> PLD -> Mages then it won't be a problem.

But sometimes.. the PLD will stand in the position like this.. PLD -> Mob -> Melees -> Mages. The reason is.. the PLD does not want the AOE attack from the Mob to hit the Mages (for example: Dark Spore from Exoray or Disease from Raptors). In this case, BRD will be a little busier than usual. You have to sing both Ballad 2 times. First time.. when the Puller head off to pull a mob, sing both Ballad near mages or around those who need the Ballad including Melees with MP (DRK and PLD). After the puller come back, starts with Elegy first to Slow down the Mob's attack rate (will help to reduce the total dmg taken by the PLD) and then start melees buff songs around the melees (don't mind if the Ballad hit the PLD). After done with the melees buff songs, move a little further behind PLD (u have to estimate ur song range here) and sing both Ballad just for the PLD alone.

That's what I have done all this time tho.. just want to share my experience as a brd.

However... since I have partly retired my brd (only use brd for HNM or GOD run) and actively levelling RNG now, I have noticed lots of incompetent BRDs who got into pt with my RNG.

Why did I say 'incompetent BRDs'?

These BRDs tend like to melee rather than sing and most of the time the PT members will have no song buff. While the BRD would still just hitting the mob without care to sing again.

A good BRD will never let the song buff wears off. The buff is good for around 1 or 2 minutes if u have the right instrument +1 for each of the song.

BRD is a support class. Please avoid Melee-ing in XP Party and concentrate in supporting ur Party members (buffing, finale, back-up -na spells or back-up heal). The ability to support both mages and melees with various Song buff is the reason why BRD is the high-demand job for PT. So make the full use of it.
If you want to Melee... get a real melee job.


Forgot to mention.. THF after doing the SATA behind the PLD and the mob has turned to PLD, please move to behind the mob. Don't just hide behind the PLD from the start till the end of the battle. Otherwise, the BRD will not be able to buff u with the correct AOE song.

Btw.. Anyone know what is the best song for THF to increase the SATA dmg? From my own experience so far.. I found that the DEX etude + Minuet deal the highest dmg for SATA.

Edited, Fri Jan 21 07:06:09 2005 by tuinkkk

Edited, Fri Jan 21 07:06:44 2005 by tuinkkk
#4 Jan 21 2005 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
>>Step 1: If you are a PLD or DRK, and there is no RDM in the PT that can Refresh (if the PT is pre-LVL 41 or there's simply no RDM) please bring MP-refresh drinks to help their cause.

Depends on the player I think. Good player will know where to stand to receive songs.

>>Step 2: If you are a PLD and you are 51, PLEASE HAVE A DARK STAFF.

Not necessary, some good PLD will rest near mages after battles and while the puller pulls so they get hit with Ballad.
I pt with PLD who switch to dark staff and Vern Cloak. Nice to have but again, not necessary.

>>Step 5: Do not expect your BRD to debuff everyone with status ailments; that is a WHM's job and it would only be a BRD's job if there are no WHMs present.

Even if with WHM, BRD should help out debuffing. Erase, paralyna, etc.

>>Step 7: If there are links to a mob your BRD will most likely Lullaby it. This generates a LOT of hate, please be wary that your BRD may die when the mob wakes and thrashes at him if you do not look after him/her.

Smart Bard will lullaby the mob, then stoneskins him/herself. Smarter RDM and BLM will Sleep the mob on top of your Lullaby so they sleep longer (and unfrotunately transfer Hate to them as a result). By the time the mobs wake up, your Lullaby should be ready again so it is not a big deal with Hate.

Just my opinion...
#5 Jan 21 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
335 posts
Reason I said Dark Staff...

BRDs are chaining machines.

If you PT with a decent BRD, you're going to chain. Chaining would depend on the PT setup but usually we'd be pushing for 5's and 6's on 200+ EXP mobs. Downtime is precious time to regain as much MP as you possibly can to keep going. A Dark Staff will make a BRD VERY VERY HAPPY. Bringing drinks to PT will make a BRD VERY VERY HAPPY. Anything to help the chain will make your BRD a happy BRD.

As for WHMing-like responsibilities...Last night I PTed and was responsible for Silena'ing the tank. A RDM was main healer, I was the only one with /WHM. I was usually in the middle of a 8 second song when the cow did Cold Stare on him.

Me: "BRT."

NIN tank: "Silenced."

Me: "Playing a song, damnit! BRT."

Our hands are very full, just posted to help other jobs understand BRDs more. Don't **** in your pants if a BRD doesn't get to you right away: It's probably because they're playing songs or manuvering their characters to other positions.

And I do agree; meleeing BRDs puzzle me unless it's at the end of doing all their buffs. I guess you can see it as play-time.
#6 Jan 21 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
3,892 posts
First, I apologize for jumping in from another server.
I agree with most of your points, however there are a couple that I disagree with.

Mithra/Hume/Elvaan/Galka do not need a lot of +MP equipment _all the time_. This is purely on a case by case basis.
Sometimes I will wear my dual astrals, and other times (like if there's a WHM in the party) I will wear CHR gear.
CHR Gear for their level: I wear dual Loyalty Rings (lvl36) at lvl60. That's more than enough when paired with all of the other CHR gear I have (see my profile). I don't need Allure rings, and the Moon rings give the same bonus as the Loyalty, which I keep around anyways for BCNM.

BRD != RDM. RDM enfeebs and provides little direct party support (light nukes, light cures, refresh). BRD provides a ton of direct party support (duh) and light enfeebs (elegy, finale, threnody).
Please stop comparing the two, we are totally complimentary, not at odds.

Aside from that, a decent post IMO
#7 Jan 21 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
3,892 posts
Double Post

Edited, Fri Jan 21 16:27:24 2005 by AlexisLucia
#8 Jan 22 2005 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
452 posts
Step 3: Remember that BRDs work in A O E!!!!!!!!!!! That also means if a BRD tells you to stay in a certain spot STAY THERE.

Praise the lord!
#9 Jan 23 2005 at 11:47 PM Rating: Good
782 posts
I will simply say this, when PTing with Gitaru I would stand next right infront of the mages to get AOE Ballad so I can get 2x MP Refresh, one from BRD and one From RDM, yes I am a spoiled PLD, I also carry a Dark Staff with me, but I find not nessissarry, (damn misspelling) And that would work with our chains while he would cast that and Vivicous Etude on me :)

Thats just what I witness. :p
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