My fellow BRDs and I have been growing sick and tired of several issues when EXPing or PTing in general. I want to address these issues here on the forum so that, when you do party with a BRD, you won't put more work on their hands.
Facts about your BRD:
Fact 1: Your BRD is a charasmatic and happy person, they should be kept in a good mood to play you your favorite songs.
Fact 2: Your BRD should be equipped with CHR gear for their LVL, and if a Hume, Mithra, Elvaan, or Galka, make sure there are also MP equips. If they are not equipped properly, they are not ready for PTing.
Fact 3: Post LVL 25, your BRD should be slim and sexy, fit and conditioned, as you will see that their songs are AOE and not single-targeted. If they do not bust-a-move, your BRD has not done his/her daily situps.
Fact 4: Your BRD is a very hard working character. They are responsible for correct song buffs (for up to 3 groups of people at a time), back-up healing, and dispelling. Think of a BRD as a moving RDM, and then some.
Fact 5: Most BRDs have great patience for people who don't understand their job responsibilities, but don't blow their fuse if you do not help them do their job!
How to take care of your BRD post-LVL 25:
Step 1: If you are a PLD or DRK, and there is no RDM in the PT that can Refresh (if the PT is pre-LVL 41 or there's simply no RDM) please bring MP-refresh drinks to help their cause.
Step 2: If you are a PLD and you are 51, PLEASE HAVE A DARK STAFF.
Step 3: Remember that BRDs work in A O E!!!!!!!!!!! That also means if a BRD tells you to stay in a certain spot STAY THERE.
Step 4: If you are a THF PTing with a PLD please tell your BRD when you are SATAing, and behind whom. This will ease their fustrations if you are in a RDMless PT.
Step 5: Do not expect your BRD to debuff everyone with status ailments; that is a WHM's job and it would only be a BRD's job if there are no WHMs present.
Step 6: If you are PTing with a BRD and PLD and no RDM and if you are a melee (DRK, SAM, THF, RNG, etc. etc.) stand on the opposite side of the monster PLEASE. Tuck out, get out of the way of the Ballad AOE.
Step 7: If there are links to a mob your BRD will most likely Lullaby it. This generates a LOT of hate, please be wary that your BRD may die when the mob wakes and thrashes at him if you do not look after him/her.
And help my fellow BRDs out there...
WE WORK IN AOES!!! AREA OF EFFECT!!! Don't step in to the Ballad AOE if you're not a mage, don't step into the Madrigal AOE if you're not a melee!
And happy BRD PTing. If you make us happy, we'll be sure to make you happy ^_^
Edited, Thu Jan 20 16:44:45 2005 by Mireisen