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New Linkshell specifically to help peopleFollow

#1 Jan 30 2005 at 8:26 PM Rating: Good
121 posts
I have an idea, something I personally think would be pretty cool if it actually worked. I would like to start a linkshell specifically geared towards helping people. Hear me out before you completely disregard this idea. The linkshell wouldn't be your main linkshell, as in you keep your main linkshell(s), but if you're not doing anything important, or you know it's going to be a looooong time before you get a pt invite, you equip this pearl and talk with other ls members, seeing if it's possible to arrange some type of help party, where you'd go as a group, or even solo, to a low level area like valkurm, and maybe offer your services to kill gob links or help the even newer players get their sub job item.

Now, what would you get out of this? Several things in my opinion. First, you help people, and I would imagine all of us appreciate it when we get help, and also have a good feeling inside when we help others right back and get the millions of thank you's and /kneel or /bow at the end.  So that's #1.

#2 - You can farm while helping people. Take, for example, the tunnel leading from the Port Jeuno zone to the main Quifum area. There are times when I see lower levels waiting by the zone or in the middle of the tunnel because a weapon is waiting there. As we all know, weapons drop kaiser swords, which aren't worth a ton, but is gil none the less. You could potentially clear all the weapons on the island, which I don't see lower levels xping off of anyways, thus farming and killing pests at the same time. This can go for wights, banshees (they sometimes drop an escape scroll right?) and gigas, who drop some decent gil. Also, if you help people get rank 4, you can clear all the gigas in the tower for some decent gil while making some people happy.

#3 - You can skill up some weapons that you're interested in using, like staff or polearm. Maybe the higher levels of this help linkshell can arrange a time and day, and then /shout in Jeuno for anyone interested in getting their Genkai 1, or even 2, done with. I assure you there are a ton of people who need it. So you could help people get this frustrating quest done, and also skill up. Sound fun?

#4 - You can make friends along the way. You never know who's out there, could be someone really cool that'll make this game even more enjoyable for you, you just don't know. Also, you can make friends with people in the linkshell, establishing new contacts, new friends, and new team mates.

I'm sure I could list more but I'm done for the moment. My main concern with this idea though is would anybody be interested? Like I said, this isn't a full time commitment in any way, shape, or form. If you're going to farm, level a lower level job cause you're bored, or if it's been 5 hours and still no pt invite, why not just throw on the pearl and lend a hand? It can kill time and fulfill monetary or item based goals. Please reply on the thread if you're at all interested, OR if you have a better idea for linkshell or just for a group of people who like to help. You can also /tell me in game, the name is Phildo. Thank you very much for your time, and good luck in game!!
#2 Jan 30 2005 at 8:47 PM Rating: Excellent
I don't know how much I would be in the LS, but I am game if you start this ^^
#3 Jan 31 2005 at 8:29 AM Rating: Excellent
153 posts
I'm interested. I've spent my share of time shouting in jeuno, so I know what it's like. I'm willing to help most of the time so let me know if it gets off the ground.
#4 Jan 31 2005 at 9:24 AM Rating: Excellent
811 posts
Its a good idea, but there is one big issue that WILL follow. And I will give you a personal situation that happend to me not so long ago.

One night, the higher level people in my LS were talking and basically agreed we need to help out our lower level people more. All of us agreeing that we should be helping them more started taking even more time to help with quests/missions and even setting up events for us to do, like eco-warrior.

However, one night, someone asked, "Hey Scuzzle, can you power level me?", in open LS chat.

Before I could even answer, I had 4 other people asking me. None of which saw that was clear across the world, in an EXP party out in the Boyahda tree that just got started. All of which were upset when I told them there are requirments I make people achieve before I think a PL will not effect thier gameplay in parties.

Second thing that happens is when you help someone once, and you make it so easy on them, it is a typical thing for them to request your help on EVERYTHING they do, not thinking that maybe there is a slim possibility that you may want to do something of your own. Granted, this is not everyone, but will happen alot, and cannot be avoided.

I'm not saying don't help anyone, or this is a bad idea. By all means, do it, and help when you see fit, just be ready to eventually bevome a slave to your idea with a mass bombardment of /tells from the time you log on until the time you alt+tab just escape it.
#5 Jan 31 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
I'd like to join, I love helping people. =^-^=
(okay i just like showing of my newly completed PLD AF) ^^
how we get started?
#6 Jan 31 2005 at 1:16 PM Rating: Excellent
218 posts
I think this is a great idea and you can count me in to at least try it out.

However, I would have to agree with scuzzle. Most likely there WILL be a problem with people trying to be dependant upon the higher lvls in the linkshell for help.

Since in my linkshell I have the two highest support classes (a 54 whm and a 63 brd), it gets difficult sometimes to be able to do things for myself. Either the lower lvls want me to come PL them, help them with various quests/missions, or the higher lvls need me to come along and provide support for the more advanced quests/missions.

I am not saying that this is a huge downfall, however it might be best to set various guidelines about when/how to ask people for help.

Other than that, like I said at the top of this, I think this is a great idea and I would love to have a pearl to this LS.
#7 Feb 01 2005 at 11:37 AM Rating: Excellent
835 posts
Darkgoddess is right and it made me think. I have an idea you may want to incorporate into the ls.

Everybody that signs up for the ls that is over lvl 50 (?) will commit to help the ls 1 week out of 4 or 6 or 8 weeks (depending how many high levels that sign up).

This way the ls would each week have 5-10 high levels committed (on call) to help the ls in that week.

The other weeks "the high levels" just go about their normal business. Kind of like shift work and being on call one week out of 6. Other than the "one week" you are on call you are not committed to help (but can) the ls when you are "off".

It's just and idea that may attract more high levels as they would be helping a lot of peeps but still have "their time".

#8 Feb 01 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
Level 50 darkknight here.. I would help but one problem...
it'll have to be a few weeks before i join!... about to be going through a wedding.. and i need to help my fiance out atm...
#9 Feb 01 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Excellent
835 posts
Chilton wrote:

Level 50 darkknight here.. I would help but one problem...
it'll have to be a few weeks before i join!... about to be going through a wedding.. and i need to help my fiance out atm...

Uh, yeah. I think you better not commit to anything for the least 6 months. I think you may nave some unexpected priorities crop up "after" you help your fiance with "going through" a wedding.

J/K. Good luck.

Edited, Tue Feb 1 13:29:58 2005 by orionrockr
#10 Feb 01 2005 at 3:26 PM Rating: Excellent
121 posts
Sorry for taking so long to respond to my own thread, been really busy with school work :(

Anyways, I've read all the responses, and am thrilled over the response so far. I've been thinking carefully about what everyone has said, particularly scuzzlebuns and orionrocker. First, to address what scuzzle said.

The problem of people asking the LS to PL is something that came across my mind, but I didn't think too much about it, maybe because the grand idea of making a LS designed to help people and making everyone happy just made me naive. But you're right, it can be a problem, however, I think orionrocker's idea of having a level limit is where we can fix this problem. By having a level cap, like 50, we can not only avoid an issue like members asking for a PL (unless the member goes to an underleveled job and wants one, in which case I hope by joining they know it won't happen) but we can work efficiently. To ask a level 30 character to help with trains in valkurm is ok, but a lvl 50 character is probably going to kill that train faster and with a lot less of a problem. So I like the level cap and I think that can avoid the problem of having newer, inexperienced players join and start asking for things like PL.

The other idea I like is the weekly rotation, or shifts. Like I said, this LS is like a part time job, so you could rotate in every other week, every 5 weeks, 6 weeks, or whenever you feel like. I myself would be on the LS most of the time, but I think having rotations would be proper. of course, if you want to stay in the LS all the time, you obviously can.

So in conclusion, I think this linkshell will have a level 50 cap, and hopefully the members will equip the pearl every so often so we can do some good and help some people out. Thank you all for all the comments and suggestions. Now that I feel like things have been worked out, I feel more confident in this idea. Before I buy the LS though, does anyone have good ideas for a name? ALso, I know some people have already voiced interest, but if you could please tell me one more time, just so i know you were being serious, I would greatly appreciate it. Hope to see you all in game. Thanks!
#11 Feb 01 2005 at 3:29 PM Rating: Excellent
121 posts
oh yeah, congratulations and goodluck chiton!
#12 Feb 01 2005 at 3:58 PM Rating: Good
43 posts
Know I'm relatively low level, but if this is a long term thing I'd be cool with helping; would be good to be in this LS from the beginning.
#13 Feb 01 2005 at 3:59 PM Rating: Excellent
218 posts
still interested. just send me a /tell in game :)
#14 Feb 02 2005 at 2:59 AM Rating: Excellent
121 posts
i'll b looking for everyone that posted on the board tomorrow, trying to /tell whoever i can. the name of the linkshell i'm going for is "Guardians of the Young" though i am VERY open to a different name if it suits the purpose better. i wanted a name that implies a purpose, but i didn't want to say something like "Newbie helpers" or something offensive like that. Hope the name is OK. I will buy the linkshell after I talked to some people, especially darkgoddess, who i thank for her continuing interest ^^. hope to see you all soon. oh yeah, for the the poster that your in game name as well? i'll try to reach you tomorrow!
#15 Feb 02 2005 at 8:35 AM Rating: Excellent
835 posts
Too bad you can't use numbers or you could name it Lakshmi911 (emergency help).

I'm in the Benevolence ls and that would have been a good name.

Maybe Lakshmiguardians or Covenant

I don't know if either is taken. Just some suggestions.
#16 Feb 02 2005 at 11:12 AM Rating: Good
Why not borrow from a recent movie and call it "Payitforward"?

Frankly thats the biggest reason I do these things, because of the selfless help I got from others who I will very rarely if ever be in a position to help. I'm sure everyone here can relate. Usually now when I help someone and they ask me if they can do anything for me, I just say "Sure, someday when you are the HL and someone else needs a hand, take time out and give it to them". In other words, pay it forward.

This is so especially important to Lakshmi and the future of our world. What do we want our server to be? People tend to assimilate into the cultures they find, so if we give them a helpful, understanding example they will be more likely to be that themselves. I want people to see Lakshmi as a place where people help each other, and it is up to us to show them that example.

I look forward to your tell and "paying forward" some more on the help I have received.
#17 Feb 02 2005 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
121 posts
PayItForward - I like it, it makes more sense ^^ I'll see if the linkshell name is taken, if not, it's ours! Like I said, I'll be looking for everyone later, but just so everyone knows, I got bombarded with a lot of work today. I'll try my best to reach everyone, but it might be later at night. Hope to see you all, take care!
#18 Feb 02 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Good
Well it seems as though you have the 50+ WHM spot filled rather well, but I wouldnt mind joining if you want another one. (55 atm) Just send me a tell if I can join. I love helping others out =P
#19 Feb 02 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Excellent
121 posts
Tolite - of course you can join, it's not about filling roles it's about helping people. Whm is always needed, and as orion suggest, people would be "onduty" every so often, so we might have 50+ whm, but it doesn't mean they're always available. But i'll send you, along with however many people I can, a /tell and try to get this off the ground. Take care everyone!
#20 Feb 07 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Excellent
121 posts
Hello, hope everyone had a good and productive weekend both in game and out. I myself was busy w/ work, but did have a decent amt. of time to play. Anyways, I wanted to post really quickly to apologize to the many people who I've made contact w/ game in regards to handing out a pearl but never getting around to it. I'm sorry. It's rather irresponsable of me to create a LS to help people and not even get the pearl to the people who volunteered their time for it. So once again I'm sorry. Hopefully those of you who've replied to this thread or have reached me in game are still interested and willing to join. If not, I understand. But to those who are still interested, I'm curious if you'd be interested in maybe organizing w/ me some type of genkai 1 run or rank 2-5 runs. Just an idea. Let me know through message board or in game. Once again, I'm sorry, hope everyone is doing well. Peace!
#21 Feb 07 2005 at 1:22 PM Rating: Good
218 posts
Of course I'm still interested. Also... yea... I would be glad to help organize or just show up for a G1 run or anything of the like. Just lemme know what the plans are... <(^.^)>
#22 Feb 07 2005 at 9:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Phildo, Please send me a /tell when I am online. I still would like to help with this ^^
#23 Feb 10 2005 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
223 posts
I'd be happy to help out. Just send me a tell sometime when I'm logged on. ( Galatheil )
#24 Feb 10 2005 at 3:55 PM Rating: Excellent
835 posts

/wave. Thanks for the help last night. Was a great party while it lasted.
#25 Feb 11 2005 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
223 posts
Anytime. I wont be on again untill Saturday. It's my friend's birthday tonight, so we wont be in the state of mind to be playing any games. And tomorrow afternoon, my head will still be pounding so yeah...haha. Send me a tell if you ever need a PLD
#26 Feb 11 2005 at 8:00 PM Rating: Excellent
FInally got my pearl last night...thanks Phildo. I will be gone this week, but when I come back I am ready to log some hours helping the shell get going. ^^
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