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New Linkshell specifically to help peopleFollow

#27 Feb 12 2005 at 6:21 AM Rating: Good
43 posts
Still waiting for my pearl Phildo ( ~_~)

Haha, nah only playing - in your own time. I'm currently in Jeuno till Monday leveling at Garliage Citadel, so if you're ever round those areas send me a /tell.
#28 Feb 12 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Excellent
121 posts
Hey everyone, sorry for not posting in a while. I'd like to just say that PayItForward, the Linkshell designed to help people, is slowly getting together. So far, the following adventurers have joined this Linkshell:


I'm still tracking people down, and I do apologize to everyone who I haven't tracked down yet, but have expressed interest. I apologize especially to Milkman and Brique, who were nice enough to find me in game and ask to join, and also Ragingaxe and Darkgoddess who I contacted but forgot to get back to. I'm sorry for not getting you guys a pearl, but if you'll still be a part of our new Linkshell, I'd be incredibly honored. So hope fully I'll see you guys on soon!
#29 Feb 12 2005 at 11:01 PM Rating: Good
297 posts
I'd like to donate some time also, I usually have a period that I have nothing to do in game. However I don't know how much use you would have for a 50RDM/25BLM
#30 Feb 13 2005 at 12:05 AM Rating: Good
811 posts
I have been considering joining, but I have a favor to ask. I dunno if it is the headache that has been increasingly building strength for the past week, or the fact that my eyes are really really tired and I I missed a post, but...

What exactly are the rules in place for this LS?

Specifically why I ask is because though I love to help people, if I am knee deep in a promyvion, mission, quest, exp party, and so on, I find it annoying to receive a flood of /tells for off the wall requests.
#31 Feb 13 2005 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
I'd like to join this linkshell to.. Not to help, but to recieve help.. I'm not really asking for PL'ing or mass XP runs, but I have been playing for 6 days (26hrs in game) and would be nice to have alittle guidance or someone just to answer some questions.

IE, my seeds are now flowers, what do I do now?

#32 Feb 13 2005 at 6:03 PM Rating: Excellent
121 posts
Scuzzle, I'd like to thank you for posing such a question, b/c up to now I haven't properly addressed it. Up till now, I've stated that the LS would be geared towards helping people, but that it was non-commital, as in you help as you like and if you don't, then you don't equip the pearl. But what is it that we do? Well, I think it makes sense to finally state it since it might help people make up their minds as to weather or not they want a part or not.

First and foremost, the point of the LS is geared towards helping people in the game, either with quests (G1, G2, Kazham keys, sub job quest, etc.) or helping them play their job better or learn how to play the game in general. For instance, I helped a player on Friday obtain their items for the subjob quest while also teaching them useful commands, different areas, how teleporting works and where the different crags are, etc. So we help others in that sense. We don't PL, we don't do things for them and babysit them through the game, but rather, we help them so they in turn understand something and are better adapt to the game, and can eventually become more self-reliant.

Now, how exactly does the LS work? Well my intention is that after I can assemble everyone and therefor have some type of initial man (or woman) power and then we go on runs together to help people w/ their quests. One day, depending on how many people we have, we might be in valkurm, killing gobs at zones (which in turn gets everybody a small amt. of gil) or help w/ subjob items or even raise a few people here and there (we all know the craziness of Valkurm). Or we might help those shouting individuals in Lower Jeuno w/ G1. But as stated in the initial post, you don't have to do any of this if you don't want to. If there are 5 people w/ the pearl equiped, it's presumed that they are available to help. If they don't have the pearl equiped, they won't be bothered. I would never send a /tell to someone who doesn't have the pearl equiped asking for their services, unless they told me prior that it was OK to do so. The only time I would send a /tell when a pearl isn't equiped would be to ask a quick question that I don't know the answer to (i.e. how to get to a particular place) or to just say hello and see how that person was doing.

The point has always been that we all spend a lot of time in this game, sometimes useful, sometimes not. I've read enough posts or have heard from enough people that they have to wait a long time for pt invites, and they either sit in Jeuno, craft, farm, etc. But I'm saying that w/ the time you do that, you could potentially help people. If you're looking for a pt, you could keep your flag up, and run around Delkfut's Tower for instance, helping to kill Gigas who are aggroing the people trying to get Rank 4. You could just communicate w/ the LS w/out having to join an actual pt, therefor allowing you to still seek while helping out.

Through the Linkshell message, I would post potential events that we could do, such as G1 or G2, and if you want to, you can join, if not, then you do your own thing. This isn't like an HNM linkshell where you have to be at a certain place at a certain time and you have to adhere to strict rules to function in the LS. It's just a way to help out during the time that you're really not doing anything. You could honestly ask for a pearl, help out once a month, and that's it, at least you've helped your community in some capacity.

Now, it has come across my mind that you could do this same service while having your original LS equiped. Why do we need this? Essentially, we don't NEED this LS, but I think that if there are people who really do care about helping others, teaching others, and making this game fun for everyone (b/c we know how frustrating this game can be at the early levels) than why not create some type of organized LS that can carry out this task? That's my goal, and I'm hoping I can get enough people to join and help out, especially the higher levels.

And to finally, to answer your post Argel, yes you can definitely join. Your level is fine, you could easily help get Kazham Keys or Subjob items, so yes. Forsel, on the other hand, I really don't know if this is the LS for you. I would gladly take it upon myself to teach you whatever it is I can about this game and try to make it more fun for you and make it a little easier for you. Look me up, I'll help in whatever way I can. But to join a Linkshell that is devoted to helping out others, not so much the people in the LS, well I don't know about that. The majority of the people who are in this LS have other LS's that are their family, who they look to for help. This LS I consider a family, but it's geared towards others, not so much those within it. Not to say we can't help those within the LS, I'd gladly do whatever it is I can for people in my LS, but the goal is to be selfless. So to be honest, I don't know if this is the right LS for you Forsel, but like I said, I would gladly take it upon my own time to do what I can to help or teach you. Once again, look me up.

To all others who have seen this post and have been curious or doubtful of this, i hope this helps, and if it doesn't I am sorry. Please post your message here or contact me in game and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you all who actually read this and considered it. I'm sorry it was such a long post.
#33 Feb 13 2005 at 11:45 PM Rating: Excellent
I have been thinking about this and wonder I can post some suggestions, and if you like them we can run with them. If you want to suggest your own, please do ^.^

1. How about a mission statement or motto? This could be very simple, such as this: "We help others because we know that what we do comes back to us tenfold. If I can help you, please ask." This would be a nice thing to post in your Bazaar message even when you do not have the LS equipped, and could identify you to others as a member and someone who can help.

2. I have seen a lot of questions about what we should do, what we shouldn't, when to help, how much time, etc. I suggest the following guidelines for membership.
a) It is understood if you sign up for this you want to help the people of Lakshmi. So please only join if you are willing and able to do just that.
b) Your amount of time in the shell and helping others is up to you. However, we suggest that you try to spend a few hours each week on the shell and helping. If you can't do this, perhaps this isn't a good shell for you.
c) We will be kind and courteous when asked for help. If you don't have time, say it NICELY. Offer to help later or alert other shell members who could assist in your stead.
d) This is non-profit. We do this solely to benefit others, and do not accept rewards for our services

3. I was thinking about something special people could carry in their Bazaar to signify their membership in the shell, even when it is not equiped. If we go with the "What we do comes back to us ten-fold" theme, I thought a Boomerang would be an appropriate symbol. I have membership in the woodworking guild and could make signed boomerangs for people to carry as an insignia of our willingness to Payitforward. If we really like this idea, I would be willing to create a new character named Payitforward, level them in woodworking to Guild Membership at my own expense, and then the boomerangs could be signed by Payitforward (cheezy I know)

Everyone remember the whole point of this. It is to help others in anyway we can and make Lakshmi a better place. You don't need to be super high level--heck, a level 1 character could help a brand new person find their way around town, show them how to use the AH, etc. This may seem small to you, but to a new person this could be a HUGE help. If we could get 25 people to put in even 2-3 hours each week, think about how much we could do!

Thoughts? Suggestions? Please share and lets really DO something with this.
#34 Feb 14 2005 at 7:57 AM Rating: Excellent
811 posts
If you see me in game toss me a pearl. I play mostly late at night and like last night, I was asking questions and received no response. Not even a I don't know as acknowledgment that someone was reading even though I know they were active and not afk. So I was running around with no LS for the majority of last night and was bored.

I popped out a few of the slightly more drawn out quests and would have like some company of other people that may have needed them.
#35 Feb 14 2005 at 11:20 AM Rating: Excellent
835 posts
Andi wrote:

I have been thinking about this and wonder I can post some suggestions, and if you like them we can run with them. If you want to suggest your own, please do ^.^

1. How about a mission statement or motto? This could be very simple, such as this: "We help others because we know that what we do comes back to us tenfold. If I can help you, please ask." This would be a nice thing to post in your Bazaar message even when you do not have the LS equipped, and could identify you to others as a member and someone who can help.

2. I have seen a lot of questions about what we should do, what we shouldn't, when to help, how much time, etc. I suggest the following guidelines for membership.
a) It is understood if you sign up for this you want to help the people of Lakshmi. So please only join if you are willing and able to do just that.
b) Your amount of time in the shell and helping others is up to you. However, we suggest that you try to spend a few hours each week on the shell and helping. If you can't do this, perhaps this isn't a good shell for you.
c) We will be kind and courteous when asked for help. If you don't have time, say it NICELY. Offer to help later or alert other shell members who could assist in your stead.
d) This is non-profit. We do this solely to benefit others, and do not accept rewards for our services

3. I was thinking about something special people could carry in their Bazaar to signify their membership in the shell, even when it is not equiped. If we go with the "What we do comes back to us ten-fold" theme, I thought a Boomerang would be an appropriate symbol. I have membership in the woodworking guild and could make signed boomerangs for people to carry as an insignia of our willingness to Payitforward. If we really like this idea, I would be willing to create a new character named Payitforward, level them in woodworking to Guild Membership at my own expense, and then the boomerangs could be signed by Payitforward (cheezy I know)

Everyone remember the whole point of this. It is to help others in anyway we can and make Lakshmi a better place. You don't need to be super high level--heck, a level 1 character could help a brand new person find their way around town, show them how to use the AH, etc. This may seem small to you, but to a new person this could be a HUGE help. If we could get 25 people to put in even 2-3 hours each week, think about how much we could do!

Thoughts? Suggestions? Please share and lets really DO something with this.

Andi, awesome post. All great ideas. I really like to one about the named boomerang (I will help you if they decide this route, I have about 20 stacks of wind crystals and can spare some for this effort).

I am going to start being on this ls every Friday (at a minimum). I am available if anyone needs help.

btw Andi, rate up.

#36 Feb 15 2005 at 11:50 AM Rating: Excellent
218 posts
That is a great idea andi... if you need help with that I can pitch in monetarily and/or with items.

Also, it's more difficult for me to be plugged into this LS for an extended amount of time due to the fact I run another LS, however, you can always reach me through /tell if y'all need me for anything. I will try my best however, to pop in occasionally and check up on things.

If you need me, lemme know, I'll come hlp out if not busy. ^^
#37 Feb 15 2005 at 1:05 PM Rating: Good
170 posts
ill help
#38 Feb 15 2005 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
278 posts
Not the greatest movie, but a great idea for a LS. Can I join? Info is in the sig.
#39 Feb 15 2005 at 1:56 PM Rating: Good
hey can i please be in this ls i help ppl all the time heck i just hand ppl gil pelase send me a tell to DIKAR im currently a lvl 36 rdm thanks please
#40 Feb 16 2005 at 12:07 AM Rating: Excellent
121 posts
Sorry for not replying immediately, school work is really kicking my ***. In fact, I'm in the middle of an all nighter in my studio, but taking one of the many breaks that will occur throughtout the night/day.

Anyways, I'd like to first off thank Andrinor, who has been one of the biggest advocates of this Linkshell since day 1. I'd also like to thank Andi for that great post regarding the suggestions for the LS. Andi somehow put in one single post what I only wish I could have articulated in the first place. So thank you very much! I support everyone of those suggestions and would be honored to have a boomerang w/ the Linkshell name on it ^^ I'll personally farm wind crystals and give them over to you, as well as shell out as much of the cost I possibly can. Absolutely great post Andi.

Now, to everyone who has expressed in this LS, yes you can join, that's a no brainer. I'll look you guys up in game, as well as the other people who I haven't given a pearl to yet (I'm sorry!!) Please be patient though, this coming week or 2 will be a very trying time for me, so if I'm not on too much, please forgive me, I'll do what I can.

I pretty much am always on the LS, obviously since it's my LS. most of the time if I'm not xp'ing, I'm in valkurm shouting for anyone who needs their sub job items. I made 4 runs in one night, was actually really fun, I love taking out ghouls! But anyways, I'm usually looking to help out, so whenever I'm in game, I'm looking to help. If there's nothing going on and everyone is doing their own thing, I'll probably go get some experience points, but point being, you can always count me in for any run we decide to do.

So yeah, I'll look for all of you and hopefully very soon we'll be a strong enough force to make a difference in this game. I look forward to talking to all of you and seeing you all in PayItForward. Once again, thank you Andi, the members in PayItForward, and the people who very soon will be in the LS. Take care, and have a goodnight/morning ^^
#41 Feb 16 2005 at 1:11 AM Rating: Excellent
It sounds like people like my ideas, especially about the boomerangs and "what we do comes back to us" theme ^.^ I will kill my San'Doria mule when I get back and rename him Payitforward so I can get going on this lil project. Smiley: yippee

/tell Andrinor in-game or on this post if you would like to join, and I will make one for ya. Of course, for everyone who has responded or joined already, I'll get that to ya as fast as I can. Give me a week to level up Payitforward's woodworking in my spare time.

It is not required, but if you would like to send a donation to Payitforward's woodworking leveling (wind, earth and lightning crystals would be the most helpful) please feel free to send them, but not until after Feb 21 (I need to get back from travel and create the account first ^.^)

Edited, Wed Feb 16 11:18:21 2005 by widenorg
#42 Feb 16 2005 at 1:37 AM Rating: Good
223 posts
If you want a perl and you see me on give me a tell. I have a perlsack, I'm more than happy to help Phildo out with handing out the perls so everyone has one.
#43 Feb 20 2005 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
Payitforward the Lakshmi woodworker is officially in business, and I will begin leveling his woodworking this week. I will update you when I achieve the ability to sign synths (lvl 28). ^.^

FYI: Currently at 10.3/28 ^.^

Edited, Mon Feb 21 04:10:06 2005 by widenorg

Edited, Mon Feb 21 22:05:34 2005 by widenorg
#44 Feb 22 2005 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
Woodworking is now @ 18.2, if you have spare Earth or Lightning Crystals to send please do lvl 28 I can sign the Boomerangs. Also, who has a pearl and wants a boomerang? Who needs a pearl? Please let me or Phildo know. Thanks!
#45 Feb 22 2005 at 10:28 PM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
Hi everyone, I just kinda wanted to sit back and saw how this Linkshell went. I am truely impressed. I was thinking... /em starts rubbing chin....

How about a joint effort? I mean, Currently in my linkshell Benevolence we are working towards a goal of Promyvions and Missions, we could not cover a linkshell specifcally to help people becuase its such a broad subject. I support you guys and I hope you guys do a great job. If u guys need my Linkshell and we are avail, please dont hesitate ^^. We will answer the call and DEPLOY!

(Sounds pretty corny, but I just want you guys to know, we are here too ^^.)
#46 Feb 22 2005 at 11:32 PM Rating: Good
1,892 posts
Sounds like fun, always up for helping out people and stuff. Qualifications ey.. you want qualifications, I say you can't handle my qualifications!

Handled Nukes for 60 Levels.
Has all 6 Weapons of Mass Destruction... err AM's.
I'm a cute taru.

Has a minor Drinking problem *hic*
Known womanizer (combined with drinking problem, he has tried to hit on Galka's).
Obsession with raising the undead dragons of Tahrongi for use in Global Domination plans.

Anyhow enough with the sillyness, I have my own LS of close friends who if not leveling or doing something else important will probably help out (I'm sure Dal want's to do Bastok 9-1 again). If I'm on and you want a Criminally insane drunk womanizer who cuddles his WoMD's at night, chuck a pearl my way ^^
#47 Feb 23 2005 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
43 posts
Hey Andrinor! I could do with a boomerang if that's call (got a link pearl already). I'm in Qufim at the mo getting BLM to 25 for my RDM sub so if you're at Jeuno let me know. I've made a note of your name so'll holla at ya if you and I are both on ^^
#48 Feb 27 2005 at 2:11 PM Rating: Excellent
121 posts
Hey, sorry for not posting in a while. I'll admit, I've been selfish lately in the sense that I've been driven by hitting lvl 60 and getting my full AF. Now that that goal has been met, the only thing I need is maybe a couple thousand xp of buffer (so no delevel) and I'm all set to help in anyways I can. I've felt bad because I spent a good amount of time in Jeuno shouting for help regarding my Castle Zvahil key and my AF3 fight, and in between the shouts, I see people shouting for help on G1, G2, their own AF, and all I was doing was competing with them for possible helpers. To think that I for my stuff done and they have to sit back and just spend hours shouting and not getting anything out of it bothers me and leaves me a little guilt ridden. But now I'm ready to fulfill the mission of this LS, and with that, I'm asking for all members, if possible, to post on the board or /tell me in game when you're available so we can have a LS meeting, as originally suggested by Andrinor to me. I think that we can start to plan and organize these coffer key runs, G1 or 2 runs, etc. and do some real good here for people. I know Galatheil, a member of our own LS, needs his Castle Zvahl coffer key, so seeing as to how I have to head there anyways I'm sure some people need help too. So please post when you can, thanks in advance.

Also, I seem to have to apologize for this every post, but there are people who I still haven't contacted who have been nice enough to post. This includes, but is not limited to, players such as Jersey, Scuzzlebuns, Schultz, etc. I will get to you, please hold on ^^

Also, responding to SirTanta's post, if you're willing, or your LS is willing to help, we'd truly appreciate that. I see people shouting for Mission help all the time, and I'm sure there are people in our LS who want to get to Rank 10 ASAP. If you want to make some type of pact, I'm up for that, though I can't speak for the rest of the LS since they're not bound by my word. If any of your members need our help, I myself will do what I can and hopefully others would do, and maybe if people in our LS need Mission help you can help out as well. Just an idea.

Anyways, sorry for the long post. Hope the rest of everyone's weekend is relaxing. Peace ^^
#49 Feb 28 2005 at 4:11 AM Rating: Good
782 posts
Sure im down with that! I know I have alot of people who are of origin with D oria and Windy who need missions so if u want to setup something along with Benevolence, by all means let me know ^^.

I find the hardest part for alot of our guys is different Nationality becuase I dont know JACK about D oria missions or Windy missions and I want to get my guys to Rank 10 also. Also with the Promy's is the main goal of my Linkshell.

Lets do it!
#50 Feb 28 2005 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
I'd also like a LS if its possible. /tell Hestus in game please.

Hestus - 55 SAM/WAR

Edited, Mon Feb 28 23:31:37 2005 by Hestus
#51 Mar 01 2005 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
835 posts
Thank you Andi for my new shiny boomerang (made by Payitforward and signed). This was a great idea and will distinguish the ls as a helpfull community even when the members are on their other ls.

I would recommend that if a member gets a request for help and does not have the time atm. They should pass on the help request to other ls members.

Also, I don't know if there was an intention to develop a website but it would be very helpful keeping track of requests and scheduling events.

Just some ideas.
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