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Teleport PricesFollow

#1 Feb 08 2005 at 1:50 AM Rating: Excellent
253 posts
After some arguments in Lower Jeuno, I think it's time we started addressing the issues involving Teleporting and the conventional prices.

Ever since I started playing, which was over a year ago now, getting a Teleport to the basic countries, ie. Dem, Holla and Mea, has been 500g. It's a fair price, considering the service needs take only seconds, and with a BLM sub to warp back to the original location, the WHM has no travel expenses and is never put in any danger.

Now, I realise that WHMs spells can be extremely pricey, even more so with the recent price explosions happening everywhere in the AHs of Vana'diel. I'm also extremely thankful for any WHM who spends their time offering Teleport services, because it's a quick, efficient way to get to most locations. Please don't think I'm on a vendetta against WHMs, because I'm certainly not, I'm on a vendetta against raising prices.

Here are the standard prices, as I have come to understand them:

Teleport-Dem, Holla & Mea = 500g
Teleport-Yhoat & Altep = 1,000g
Teleport-Vahzl = 1,500g

While I have no strong opinions about the latter 3, the Teleports to the 3 main crags is something I have simply come to accept as a respectable amount for the service. It's anticipated, easily paid and seems a fitting amount for both the Service and the Customer.

I personally believe that with the rising prices of almost everything recently, and the unwillingness of many people to bring those prices down, that at least there is always one service that we can rely on; Teleportation. It has, and should always be 500g for the 3 basic crags.

(Miji, please don't think this is against you, the last thing I want to do is make enemies with anyone.)

Thoughts? Arguments? Flames?
#2 Feb 08 2005 at 1:52 AM Rating: Decent
311 posts
I ask for a tele, they invite me to their party, I trade them 500g (1000 if altepa).

No cost discussion is necessary, I hope it stays this way too.
#3 Feb 08 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
This is something where supply and demand seem to be fairly evened out. For everytime I have to wait to find a tele for 10-15 min somewhere, there is a time there are 4-5 offering services at the same time. It is hard (short of collusion) to raise the prices since people often have a choice and will simply take someone elses tele if one person tries to raise the price. I don't think it will be anytime soon that these prices change as most people accept them as standard fare.
#4 Feb 08 2005 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
500 gil - 1000 gil is a good compensation for WHMs to earn some extra income. WHMs are horrible soloers thus farming for gil (an option that is availale to many players) is out of the question.

In many other games, healers were put to lots of stress to heal, buff, and generally highly dependent on other jobs / classes AND doesnt offer any perks. That leads to a high burnt-out rate and a confused player asking "Why am I doing this? What can I get out of my time investment?" In my opinion, Tele is the answer to give incentives for people to play WHM, thus more people play WHMs means more WHMs for all of us to party with.

Teleport-Altepa: 1000 gil
Instant Warp Scroll: 750cp
Meat Mithkabob: At cost
Life Belt (finally!):88,000 gil

Getting to a good {QuickSand Caves} party within minutes of invite and lots of {fun} afterwards: Priceless

For all other needs, there is your {Jeuno} teleporter that gives free {sneak} and {haste} upon arrival ({haste} - to make you die tired when mobs aggo and sneak wears out?)
#5 Feb 08 2005 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
835 posts
I like the competition for Teleports in Jeuno. I think the prices will stay the same for a long while. There is always the new Whm that wants to start a Teleport service. If the prices were to increase I'm sure someone would offer the standard to get the business.

I'm just glad that somehow the prices got set as they are and not higher.
#6 Feb 08 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
/wave I have no problem with the prices I even usually pay for whoever im with also so I like it the way it is.
#7 Feb 08 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Excellent
335 posts
WHMs can, of course, charge whatever they want for Teleports. They can charge 2k for each of the standard teleports, if they so desire. If they do, though, I sincerely hope they expect to never get any business and receive a lot of angry /tells in the process. Teleporting is largely consumer-based, and for most WHMs it just isn't worth it. On a very, very, very good day for Teleing, you might walk away with 50k. Realizing it's a poor source of income, a lot of WHMs just don't bother with it anymore, myself included (if I'm bored and sitting around in Jeuno or something, I'll tele someone for free, but generally I have something to do if I'm logged into FFXI). Due to this, the Teleing market has been a bit scarce lately (I hear about it frequently from LS mates). Eventually it'll pick back up (hopefully without gil sellers poking their beady little heads into it again) and prices will likely regulate to the standard.

In other news, if any of you are bored and want to see some interesting reactions, advertise a bunch of teleports for 1 gil each and watch the /tells flood in. You'll get about 33% "omg reallys?!", 33% "can i haev a tele", and 33% "omfgwtfcatbbqmeowmix what is wrong w/u"
#8 Feb 08 2005 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
126 posts
As a WHM w/ the ability to teleport I feel the pain of the prices of scrolls however, I do not try to up the price of teles.
I go out of my way to accomodate players (accepting crystals or giving free teles) I find that I often get tips for my sevice and that keeps me content.
#9 Feb 08 2005 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
well while we are on the topic Warp II is also a form of teleportation correct? well in my short time playing, if i ever needed to hp instead of Ghetto warping i'll pay 500g for a Warp II(come in handy when you are in Yhortar Jungle and need to get to Kazham), however becuase of the lack of blm's that are level 40+ offering warp II's is there room for inflation? I mean i saw one guy last night while leveling that was charging people 800g to warp from Yortar to their HP simply becuase he was the only blm above level 40 in the area...

Is that right? I mean should it be known that Warp II's should go for 500g or is that gonna turn into another service that blows up with the inflation
#10 Feb 08 2005 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
443 posts
I'm willing to pay 500g for Dem/Holla/Mea and 1k for the other three. I'm not willing to pay more in most cases (there may be times when I'm in a terrible rush and need to get there fast, but that occurs very rarely). I don't mean to be rude to WHMs but I don't think WHM gear/spells are any more expensive than mine are. Sure, I don't have to buy Raise III for 3 million gil (but they don't have to pay that much either), but I do have to buy almost all the spells they do. I have both white and black spells to buy in addition to the RDM-only spells. Besides, I have to buy every spell a WHM or BLM learns up till 37, so I need Erase, just like them.

I don't really think there's much difference in the expense of leveling each job, and a WHM can farm mobs way below his level just as easily as I can, although I do have an advantage against mobs closer to my level.
#11 Feb 08 2005 at 3:32 PM Rating: Excellent
247 posts
Prices are rising. They are going up smartly however. Next time you are in Jeuno when there is no WHM advertising, listen to the shouts. The shouts for teleports at either the standard prices or no price continue for quite a while. The shouts for teleports at double the price generally only get shouted once or twice. Why? Because as soon as we see them we grab them to teleport them. Suddenly 1000 gil a teleport is worth it to us.

This is debated endlessly in the White mage forum, to no avail there either. Unless I know and like you, or I am extremely bored, I will not teleport you for 500 gil to Dem. I tried it, it was a waste of my time and energy. You ask me for a teleport-dem and offer 1000 gil? /pcmd add <t>. Now you've made my trip worth it to me.

Yes, everyone's gear is expensive, including mine. Why do I think I'm special? Because when I spend the gil on my spells I can't just sell the spell back when I'm done with it. I haven't used Dia in my experience parties ever since I got Dia II. Is it fair that I can't get the price of that spell back? Are you stuck with every job-related purchase you've ever made? No, you can sell your gear back. My gear can be sold, but the expensive spells stay with me, long after they've become usefull. You don't pay money to learn Provoke, or Cover, or any other Job ability you have. My spells are my job abilities and they cost money.

Supply and demand. Obviously, if there are other White Mages offering teleports at the normal prices then great. Let them waste their time. If no-one else is around, then I am perfectly justify in charging more for it. You don't like it? Walk. Ride a bird. Bribe your friends. Whatever you feel you need to do to spite me and my price increasing.

Edited, Tue Feb 8 15:42:20 2005 by Glistam
#12 Feb 08 2005 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
I disagree that WHM teleporting for 500 gil is a waste of time.

Most teleporters I've done business with tend to gather up people and make a trip once 3+ people have arrived.

The "stops" of my last teleport trip before arriving at Altepa consisted of Holla (1 person) and Mea (1 person).

There was another person heading to the Altepa with me, so that makes total of 4 passengers; 2x1000 for Altepa and 2x500 for national Crag, totaling 3k in 10 minutes (there were people in the party before me, and we went through all the stops in about 5 minutes).

3k in 10 minute is not bad. If the WHM can keep it up, that would be somewhat 10k in an hour if the usual rate of tele-request is slower (3 mass-teleports like that, or more Altepa ones).

Sure it doesn't beat lvl 60+ crafting, but what are the expecatations for a zero risk business? I helped a WHM friend to get the marble for Teleport-Yhoator, and it didn't take too long (like two hours). I don't buy questable spells and nor do the people whom I do quests with. It is not like any WHM will bypass those teleportations spells, I know I would quest all of them even when I intend to get WHM just for sneak fishing... teleportation is just too handy.

If teleporting 3 people to national Crags for 500 each is a waste of time, then I feel bad for the poor souls farming crawlers in Rolandberry Fields... those silk threads (about 1k each) drop once per 7-10 kills or so. Getting 3k might actually take close to the same amount of time a WHM gathers up a party of passengers.
#13 Feb 08 2005 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
Lol, I like the prices, i just dont like Aniya. I honestly think she sells gil.... a few reason why I dislike her...:
1. She waits till she has a full party to start the teleporting
2. She will curse out competition teleporters in shout
3. She cursed me out because I shouted for a tele saying "[Tele-mea][Can I have it?]..... [No thanks]=>Aniya."

She bothered me for days, /tells then after i blist her she kept inviting me to join a pt, over and over again.... i called a GM... [GM Loser]>> I will look into the matter [lie]s. Lol Just dont tele from her shes evil.
#14 Feb 09 2005 at 7:05 AM Rating: Good
253 posts
Sorry Veiled, this isn't a place to discuss players, it's for the discussion of Teleport Prices. Please don't tread on other players here. Thanks.

You all bring up some really good points, I'm really glad you all seem to have strong opinions about this. ^_^

Along the lines of WHMs being terrible soloers. Yes, I agree, White Mages never really were cut out for farming, it must be a hinderance, I'm sure. On the flipside, however, with spells like Raise and Teleport and other excessively useful spells, I think that game has more than compensated that loss. Can you make 3K in 10 minutes from farming? Most likely no, and if you can, please give me a detailed way to do so. ^_^

In effect, WHMs have the rare talent to bring an income simply by using the spells and abilities they are granted exclusive use of. Maybe this is the reason why WHM equipment and spells are so expensive, because sellers think, "Bah! They can make up the money easily by offering Teleports or whatever." It's a double-edged sword, really. The more WHMs prove the theory, the more the sellers try to bilk them for it. And unfortunately, I don't think this is a problem that refusing to offer use of said spells is going to help. What will? I know not. o_O

But in any case, I still this 500g is about the right amount for the basic crags of Dem, Holla & Mea. Simply because it's an easy payment for the higher-levels, and it's not a great chunk taken out of the lower players either. It can take ages for a lv 10 player to run to the Dunes to get a party. A quick, effective Teleport-Dem from Bastok that won't ruin their finances is, I think, just what the doctor ordered. In some cases, the haste is necessary, and I think it's unfair to ask a low-level player to throw away a larger chunk of their gil to accomodate for a greedy Teleporter taking advantage of the fact.

Flasheart brings up a good point, also. 500g IS the accepted fee on this server. Internationally, getting a Teleport from anyone, wether they be English, Japanese or neither, even without a word spoken, the trade is easily understandable. They invite, you pay 500g, they Teleport you. It's kind of a culture-wall breakdown when you think about it.
#15 Feb 09 2005 at 8:05 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
I'm guessing this topic came about because there's many WHMs out there clamoring for an increase in the "standard" Teleport fees, mostly due to the recent gouging of spells like Raise 3.

Personally, I feel the prices are fine where they are... if anything, I can possibly see 1000/1500/2000 going on in the future. By the time you actually start needing the really expensive stuff, you ought to be finding (or found) better sources of income anyway (and no, I'm not referring to farming either, farming sucks as WHM, period). I do understand the pain a lot of WHMs are going through when it comes to these gouged spells; Raise 3 is what made me drop this job. However, I've pretty much passed the point of relying on this for income... I've much better ways of going about it now. For requiring no "material" resources, just time and MP, teletaxiing brings a fitting reward. Once the time comes when it's not enough for you, move on.

I've worked my WHM up to 56 so I do have all these spells myself; however due to my recent RDM playing I do find myself hitching teletaxis every now and then still (I kinda abhore using my WHM to run errands now... every time I run by someone and Cure them, I instinctively reach for my Refresh macro... which isn't all that effective as WHM main.)

Ehh. Anyway, bottom line... chances are, if you're a familiar face (in a good way), and we're both in Jeuno, you could probably message me and I'd give you a free teletaxi. You can avoid the whole price hassle. :P Most of the time now when I teletaxi someone, it doesn't even really bother me if they were to arrive at the telepoint and just run off without paying.

I don't mean to be rude to WHMs but I don't think WHM gear/spells are any more expensive than mine are. Sure, I don't have to buy Raise III for 3 million gil (but they don't have to pay that much either),

I'm pretty sure it was 5 million last time I checked, and probably still rising. This is an amount that I'm sure exceeds the amount of all your RDM and /WHM and /BLM spells combined, and probably a good deal of your cheaper equipment as well, assuming you're not buying a bunch of luxury gear... and this is all for one spell that's hardly even useful, yet people will still expect it out of you. If you ask me, Raise 3 is a curse. People are convinced it's a godly EXP saving spell that cuts your EXP loss to the single/double digits, when this is just simply not the case. Its performance ought to be boosted, in my opinion. But I digress...

The way things are going now, you either need to fork out this 5 million (or whatever it is now) sum, put off leveling for weeks/months and hope no other WHMs are stupid enough to pay this price either, lest it continues to rise; or get lucky enough with a HNM/BCNM for it to drop AND let the group allow you to have it, which is not something every WHM can say they're capable of, I'm sure. Sure, you could TRY to continue leveling past 70 without it, but chances are your competition will have the spell (judging by all the idiots that continue to purchase it at these outrageous prices). Who do you think would get invited first?

...Anyway, all this Raise 3 talk depresses me. I think I'm gonna sleep... :(
#16 Feb 09 2005 at 8:50 AM Rating: Excellent
247 posts
The problem with those numbers - 3k in 10 minutes, 10k an hour, assumes a steady supply of people needing teleports. To me, it's rude to invite someone to a teleport group and tell them to wait while you try to fill that last spot. I've heard of people waiting for over 10 minutes for stuff like that. When people want a teleport (and I'm no different when I'm not a WHM) they want it then. They want the teleport so they can get there fast, so they can get there now. Not so they can stand around while I try to maximize my profit.

I don't offer teleports just to make money, I do it because it performs a service. I just can't justify spending the time spent doing that over the course of an evening. Making a little more gil while doing it would definately help convince people like me to start offering them mroe often. I can't even chat with my linkshell while teleporting, since the constant zoning makes me lose messges. I can chat with them while farming though, or crafting.

To say the price should never go up is simply wishful thinking. When I started this game an astral ring was 120k. To me, that's what it should still be, not the 550k it's at now. But it is 550k. A stack of Earth crystals sold for 300-400 gil when I started. Now they can go as high as 1000 gil at times. It's simply supply and demand. It's how a free market system works. People raise the prices when there's a demand for it. And as more people level and get to the higher levels, there is more of a demand for these things. If there's no-one offering teleports and 4 people shouting for one, there is now more demand then supply. If half those people are willing to pay 1000 gil for a teleport mea then I have accomplished two things:
1) I've made just as much money as if I had teleported 4, and
2) Sent out the message that if you want a teleport you need to be willing to pay more.
People hear that message. Anyone who sends me a /tell asking for a teleport for 500/1000/1500 will almost always get a response {I'm sorry. I'm busy now.}. If they offer a higher price I'm more likely to stop what I'm doing long enough and accomidate them.

Supply and demand. You can fight it, but higher teleport prices will eventually become the new standard. Nobody likes it when prices go up. But it happens. Will it cause other people to raise the price of the stuff they sell even more? Most likely. That's called inflation, and is also part of a free market system. I embrace it all, because complaining about it isn't going to stop it.
#17 Feb 09 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
you know for all the WHM's who say that teleporting isn't worth it think about this

1. all the people you are teleporting are the one who basically gave you that level through partying

2. WHM's are the most sought after job up to level 38, no arguements....a party will DB with 5 members becuase there is no WHM, but they will stay together if there are three people with a for all the time the rest of us have to sit on our *** and wait for a party invite while you guys takes us all I think the prices should stay the same....

after all time is money
#18 Feb 09 2005 at 2:42 PM Rating: Excellent
247 posts
you know for all the WHM's who say that teleporting isn't worth it think about this

1. all the people you are teleporting are the one who basically gave you that level through partying

2. WHM's are the most sought after job up to level 38, no arguements....a party will DB with 5 members becuase there is no WHM, but they will stay together if there are three people with a for all the time the rest of us have to sit on our *** and wait for a party invite while you guys takes us all I think the prices should stay the same....

after all time is money

Time is money. And if that money isn't worth what it used to be then that time is no longer as valuable spent performing that same task. I can't even use the 500 gil from a teleport dem to buy a stack of earth crystals. I could do BCNM's and sell the items from that at an inflated cost to afford the higher priced items. I could farm items and sell them at higher prices to make enough to afford the price increases. I could go notorious monster hunting and sell the drops from them at grossly inflated prices. I could offer to teleport people for the same uninflated prices that were available last year, and have to spend much longer at it then before in order to afford the cost of inflated items. I personally find farming to be the most cost effective use of my time. If teleport prices were higher then maybe my mind would change. Definately other white mages would be more willing to sit around and offer teleports if that were the case.

Look at it this way: Imagine a Taxi driver. He drives his taxi. His taxi costs money to maintain. Gas, maintenance, etcetera. He has to charge enough to cover those expenses and also make a profit that will sustain him in the modern world - food, rent, clothing, basic living expenses. You can look at it like this:


If gas costs or mechanic costs go up, then the cabbie has two options: Lower his cost of living expenses to keep the fare the same, or raise his fare in order to maintain his cost of living.

A White Mage in FFXI isn't much different. There are costs associated with my character. Basically, my income needs to match or exceed my expenses. My income is figured out by how much time I have to spend on the game (t) multiplied by how much money I can make over a specific amount of time (INCOME). My expenses are of course how much money I spend to do the things I want to (EXPENSES). So at the minimum:


If my expenses go up, then to maintain this balance I need to either increase my time spent in game (not possible) or increase my income. ONE of the ways of doing this is to raise the prices I charge for the teleportation service.

The other way to say it is this: Everything else in the game has increased in price. In order for the people offering teleport services to make enough for it to be worth their time, they need to raise their prices.
#19 Feb 09 2005 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
811 posts
In all fairness, I believe WHM's that actually get off thier asses and DO THE WORK to get the scrolls through the quest deserve to get more money. They took the time to get it done.

Someone that just buys them off AH, especially Vahzl, Altepa, and Yhoat, have enough money in thier pocket and shouldnt charge anything more.

But thats just my two cents, and I don't force people to pay either. Donations alays welcome, thank you for porting ^^.
#20 Feb 09 2005 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
811 posts
well while we are on the topic Warp II is also a form of teleportation correct? well in my short time playing, if i ever needed to hp instead of Ghetto warping i'll pay 500g for a Warp II(come in handy when you are in Yhortar Jungle and need to get to Kazham), however becuase of the lack of blm's that are level 40+ offering warp II's is there room for inflation? I mean i saw one guy last night while leveling that was charging people 800g to warp from Yortar to their HP simply becuase he was the only blm above level 40 in the area...

Is that right? I mean should it be known that Warp II's should go for 500g or is that gonna turn into another service that blows up with the inflation

The past few days I was in Yhoater leveling my RNG, two blm's tried to raise the price to 1000 gil. Most everyone there told them to go to hell. So they lowered it to 700 gil. Still people kept yelling at them. Then someone that was there leveling and said they were going to come back and offer them for free.

#21 Feb 10 2005 at 1:53 AM Rating: Decent
228 posts
Supply and demand is understandable but I woke up this morning, logged on and there was someone shouting the following:
Mea,Dem,Holla: 1000g
Yhoat,Altepa: 1500g
Vahzl: 2000g
Im not a gil seller
Im sorry but trying to increase the prices will only hurt you and others in the long run. What happens when you start to lvl another job, need a tele and tele-dem cost you 4k? And why put anything about gil selling?
#22 Feb 10 2005 at 8:54 AM Rating: Excellent
247 posts
Yes, increasing the accepted prices will affect us too. That's how inflation works. Obviously if I'm willing to charge more then I'm willing to pay that amount when I need to. It's all part of the free market system. Supply and demand, inflation, all of it.

Here's the issue broken down as I see it:

People want white mages to sit in Jeuno all day, ready to teleport them at a moment's notice.

The fact of the matter is that at the established prices, it's not worth it to a white mage to do that. Our time can almost always be more profitably spent elsewhere. By refusing to accept higher prices you're not helping yourselves. I go through Lower Jeuno and see many people shouting for teleports at the standard prices. Sometimes to amuse myself I sit there and wait, just seeing how long these shouts will go on for. I've seen them last as long as 10 minutes before I got tired and went about my business.

Do you really want to wait for over 10 minutes for a teleport? Just to save a few hundred gil? In the time it takes for these people to find their teleport they could've ridden a bird out to those crags. There are certainly teleporters willing to still charge the old prices. But as time goes on they too will realize the fruitlesness of it all and move on to other profitable endeavors.

I am a white mage. I spend a lot of time in Jeuno. When I want to level a <20 job I switch my job in Jeuno, get my equipment and go look for a teleport to get me near the dunes. And you won't hear me shouting it for 500 gil. I want to get there now, and I'll pay for that convienience.
#23 Feb 10 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
835 posts
Yes, but I do think the current prices are fair. I should not have to pay 1000 gil to go to Dem. I would be willing to pay more for Yhoat and Vahzl but I think 1k for dem, mea, and holla is excessive.
#24 Feb 10 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
247 posts
I use 1k only as an example. Some servers have seen the dem/holla/mea prices only rise to 700 or so. I use 1k because it's the price I'm bribed wth most often.
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