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NPC: Notorious Player Characters!Follow

#1 Feb 09 2005 at 7:48 AM Rating: Excellent
253 posts
Well, since NM hunting has proven to be a great way to show off one's skills in battle, and is seen to be a great way to make some dough, I thought I'd throw my hand in and show you all some of the awesome drops I've gotten from my encounters with "NPCs" during my time. NPC standing, of course, for Notorious Player Character; Those infamous characters you always hear about people meeting, but rarely have the chance to see them yourselves.

So here's my list!

"Angelfall Ayvaen" - 2/15
I've encountered him mostly around Gustaberg, but he's usually claimed by someone else. He seems to spawn mostly in the afternoons here, though I have yet to prove that. He's a PLD, so watch out for his DEF, he's kinda tough. He's dropped a Bastokan Scale Mail once, and more recently he dropped a 30,000g item, so it's been worthwhile camping him. I didn't know what he dropped exactly, so I guess I'm 2/15. o_O

"Kaahi the Sly" - 1/32
I've been camping this NPC all around Port Jeuno where she first spawned for me. She's a THF/NIN and it took me some time to get a drop because she spams Utsusemi. A really worthwhile camp, though, as she recently dropped an 800,000g item! Definately worth the time spent.

"Enviable Embur" - 0/2
I've heard she's a really great NPC to camp, but so far I've only seen her spawn twice in Port Jeuno. Didn't drop anything, but it was fun claiming her. She's usually claimed, so I don't bother too much. Probably drops one of the Kotes or something. I think she's a BLM, so watch out for -ga spells.

"Arathorn Noobhelper" - 45/56
The drop rate on Arathorn is great! I always try to claim him when I see him spawn. Nothing of amazing value, but the constant drops are worth the time spent, for sure. He's a DRK, so he hits pretty hard, also keep in mind when he dies he summons "Aragornn", though that's less of a threat. I've seen him in too many places to decide on his spawn point.

"Excitable Emalle" - 2/11
An NPC I make a habit of tracking, but rarely seem to claim. Confrontations are always fun, though, and she's dropped some great gear for SAMs Lv 27+. Spawns mostly in RuLude Gardens, I've found, at least when I've managed to claim her. She's a MNK, so bring some good DEF against her 2-hr.

"Xinged Xenaximus" - 3/20
First spawned in La Theine Plateau, but since then I usually see him spawn in Lower Jeuno. I claim him most times, and he's dropped some 8K items and some good armour. Have to warn you, though, he is a high-level PLD, so expect a looong fight.

"Arlenis the Ethereal" - 0/24
I've found that this BRD spawns quite randomly in both Lower Jeuno and Valkurm Dunes. I've yet to see an expensive drop from her, but I figure if I keep at it time will tell. She's incredibly hard to claim, though, so be quick on your feet if you're camping her. I think I've been lucky, she's spawned right beside me SO many times now!

"Deeppockets Bokeli" - 1/89
Spawns in Lower Jeuno pretty much all the time. A WHM, Usually really easy to claim as most people just aren't interested in him. Encounters with him were always short and sweet. I got a Fire Cluster drop from him once, I think that's all he drops. Strangely, I haven't seen him spawn since the update recently.


So there you go! ^_^ That was a just a bit of fun to show some people how much I appreciate them in a comical way. So write in and let me know what NPCs YOU camp, so I can make a note of them to camp them in the future! ^_~

Edit: Changed Enviable Embur to a girl, as she should be. ^_^

Edited, Wed Feb 9 11:26:10 2005 by Psylight
#2 Feb 09 2005 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
654 posts
Very amusing. XD Rate up!

I'd add some people too, but I really think alot of it would be injokes more than anything else. Besides, "Tenmiles the Suicidal" would be juuuuust tooooo easy... >.>;

PS: Embur's a he? @.@;
#3 Feb 09 2005 at 9:26 AM Rating: Good
253 posts
P.S. Probably not, but after all, I've only met Embur twice brifly and he/she was wearing a Robe, so it's hard to tell. ^_^;; My apologies, Embur!
#4 Feb 09 2005 at 9:45 AM Rating: Excellent
247 posts
Hehe, that was pretty funny. I'm not sure I understand the "drops", but oh well. Here are a few of mine:

Chef Anastasia: This NPC Taru drops tons of food items. A very reliable one to camp, she can almost always be found in Port jeuno or Lower Jeuno. You can spot her easily by the chef's hat she wears.

Yobun the Cartarugrapher: This Galka spawns everywhere. Unlike other NPC's, this one can be charmed and will join your party if given enough time. Despite his vast knowledge of the maps of Vana'diel he has been known to get adventurers lost, so beware. As a Paladin he would seem to be hard to kill, but if handled correctly his death can often times become inevitable.

Midget the Quick: This Taru Taru NPC spawns often in levelling zones appropriate for his level. As a ranger his damage output is very dangerously high but if you can survive his onslaught long enough to actually get to him he's fairly easy to kill. He doesn't drop anything worthwhie, but is fun to kill nonetheless.
#5 Feb 09 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
47 posts
HAHA, excellent post.

I'd watch out for that Xinged Xenaximus. He might be a high lvl Paladin and a tough fight, but he doesn't drop anything of value. *runs before he gets aggro from Xen*

(oh ya Embur is a girl, silly tarutaru and thier confusing genders :D)
#6 Feb 09 2005 at 12:06 PM Rating: Good
6,947 posts
My friend Rogue taught me one important thing
(well, two actually, but "make sure the healer knows you're going to use your MNK 2hr before you do it" doesn't count here):

You have to be Taru-sized in order to really learn to tell a boy Taru and a girl Taru apart at a glance, under hoods.

(I used to marvel at how we'd all complain "well, its hard to tell the difference when all you can see is their faces!" and he'd shrug and say "I can tell, its easy". Spending enough time on my Taru mule has shown me the light, but as an Elvaan, it's still hard sometimes to see through that cloudbank around my neck and get a clear view)
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #7 Feb 09 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
    2,638 posts
    Well yesterday I claimed Kaahi, Jarf and Embur! They didnt drop anything, except some suicidal attempts... (too bad Jarf isnt on your list) Right after I claimed Mango but not Spot

    I would add
    "Spot & Mango the terrible tag team" 0/450
    This NPC is easy to spot (pun) on Friday and Saturday nights during the infamous Windy EFs. They like to tag people and say youre it! You must then the other, which will tag the previous who you must tag back in some way. If you manage to do it before the EF leaves, you get their super special drop! No one knows what it is though. Theyre an easy claim if you have flee, but the victory and rules to their defeat are quite obscure.

    I think Im becoming a NPC too.... too bad I rarely get nominated. *goes back to smithing*
    #8 Feb 09 2005 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
    258 posts
    Psy... Are you trying to tell us you killed Ayvaen 15 times?

    I don't see you beating anyone from that list... at least the ones I know :p
    I mean, you could barely hurt Kaahi in Ballista when you were the same level...

    "Excitable Emalle" That was definetly priceless XD

    Edited, Wed Feb 9 17:17:34 2005 by Unikatze
    #9 Feb 09 2005 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
    2,638 posts
    You just have to claim them to get the drop(s). NPCs have a very wide spawn location though. And some may take over 72 hours to spawn!

    Some say even "Watusa the cool" has been removed from the game, he was overly hunted apparently and n00bs kept aggroing him.
    #10 Feb 11 2005 at 4:08 PM Rating: Excellent
    1,071 posts
    That Kaahi the Sly sounds pretty damn scary. Don't think anyone would want to camp that, lest they want to get mucking furdered.

    Psylight is a CHINESE GIL SELLER! No one kills NPCs so fast! OMG! CALL GM. OMG WTF! OMG!
    #11 Feb 11 2005 at 9:31 PM Rating: Good
    782 posts
    /panic isnt there a PLD NPC?
    #12 Feb 12 2005 at 7:01 AM Rating: Decent
    335 posts
    LOL so this was the post you were trying to tell me about.

    I was like..."You meant the good players post?"

    ^_^ I'm really flattered. Many thanks!
    #13 Feb 12 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
    1,071 posts
    There's a PLD NPC. That Ayvaen thing. But don't bother trying to claim it, for it is MINE to camp! I camp him every hour I am awake!! You don't have any chance to claim him! He will ONLY spawn for me! GAHAHAHA!!!
    #14 Feb 12 2005 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
    782 posts
    Well then...............

    Thats different ^^
    #15 Feb 12 2005 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
    214 posts
    Hi there. I'm visiting from the server Carbuncle. :D (because I wanted to and was bored)

    Pretty funny. Very original concept. ^^ Maybe I'll do a NPC list for my server some time.

    If I was on your server I'd probably camp Kaahi lol. 800k would be worth it. ;D

    And cheer up Bokeli, not being camped much is a good thing. :P

    Rate up. d(^^)b

    Edited, Sat Feb 12 22:47:22 2005 by Ninias
    #16 Feb 14 2005 at 3:13 AM Rating: Decent
    62 posts
    How odd, the NPC "Purehearted Psylight" is a one I've been camping recently. She's a SAM but has a very devistating "Kindness" attack which renders me unable to act for a few moments. Her two hour "Hilarity" causes "ROFL" status for three RL hours! The first time I fought her, I lost miserably. The second time I came a bit prepared with Baroflra. I managed to beat her, but just barley. I got a RARE/EX item drop, "Pictures of Celine Dion" from her. I'm not sure what these are used for, a quest, I'm guessing. So I'll hold on to them.
    #17 Feb 14 2005 at 3:43 AM Rating: Good
    6,947 posts
    How odd, the NPC "Purehearted Psylight" is a one I've been camping recently.

    Hmmmm, after having read a thread the other day in the general forum, discussing how the mob AI seems to be getting smarter, I wonder.....

    I found myself being camped one day by this Psylight. I was only able to escape by using {Flee} to get to my rent-a-room.
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #18 Feb 14 2005 at 5:23 AM Rating: Decent
    335 posts
    I managed to beat her, but just barley. I got a RARE/EX item drop, "Pictures of Celine Dion"



    /cries because she's laughing so hard.
    #19 Feb 14 2005 at 5:58 AM Rating: Good
    253 posts
    Yeah, "Tenmiles Buttkixx" spawned in Jeuno the other day. I so rarely get a chance to camp this NPC I just had to try my luck. Darn that Flee, I'd have claimed him if it wasn't for the fact that my Provoke macro was being stubborn!

    Hey, it's "Poif the Pwner", my Valentine! ^_^ *Snuggles*

    That encounter was unfair, as far as I'm concerned! You used your 2-hr "{Elvaan}{Husband}{Can I have it?}" to Paralyze me with laughing fits! But yes, those Pictures of Celine Dion are used in the quest "Tea and Crumpets at Psy's." Trade it to Purehearted Psylight during an encounter and you recieve a Rose or a Heart Chocolate, and the right to eat Scones and Jam with her at any arranged time. ^_^

    Arlenis, I'm still camping you! All your Rare/Ex drops are belong to us! o_O
    #20 Feb 14 2005 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
    258 posts
    I'm going to start camping you all... at least the ones who can't kick my butt...

    I'm serious... camping will be taking place soon.
    #21 Feb 14 2005 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
    Why can't I run into such philanthropic folks ><;

    #22 Feb 14 2005 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
    335 posts
    Item that drops from Arlenis the Ethereal is called "Insta-Level Potion". It's a tough drop because not a lot of players can face Arlenis' tough Lullaby spam, and most likely you'll get slept by her CHR. Once you get Zzz'ed she'll Elegy run away from you with Chocobo Mazurka. Once you do wake, however, the effects of Elegy is so great that you'd swear you've been gravitied.

    It's a Rare/Ex item like Psy said. It allows you 50 LVLs instantly, however you have to wait a real time month to have it in effect. It'll give you instant LVLs so be ready to do Genkai soon afterwards.

    The drop is EXTREMELY rare, the only person who's gotten Insta-Level was a LVL 75 PLD on Shiva. He was 1/187 on Arlenis and that's pretty slim!! But he was desperate to jump his NIN as a sidejob.

    The strat is, drink a poison potion to avoid sleep.

    There is another item that drops frequently from Arlenis, however. If you can't get the Insta-Level you might receive an issue of "Elvaan Gentlemen, vol. 69". It's a photobook of various Elvaan men in rather...well...AHEM...candid positions. There are many pages filled with a certain model named, "Dracarys", but not too sure who that is...Arlenis sure has a fetish for him at least.

    (Note: I really did jump 70 LVLs on BRD in 3-4 months, 40-50 days playtime. LOL!)
    #23 Feb 15 2005 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
    66 posts
    I rarely get a chance to camp :/, however, I want to aim for these NPCs:

    Pax the Humplover- BLM type, spawns around Port Jeuno mostly. Her -ga spells are her strongest ability nextto her /hump attack.

    Snarg the Doppelganger- Beware, he can and will steal your trademark move. Or he can just bite you *beware Snargbola O.o*, but most of the time he says ACK. Can be stopped by shoving food into his mouth.

    Siow the Fire-eyed- WARNING! SHE HAS TRUE SIGHT. She is also a BLM type, and very aggressive if you get her mad, so assume that you're going to die within a few seconds afterwards. But it will get better after the onslaught ^^;;.

    Enviable Embur- Meh, you already got her down, haha.

    But I would DEFINITELY not go after this NPC:

    Wild Chocobo Dustyne- BLM type, will proceed to Elemental Seal+Sleep+Burst you, so assume you're going to die within a minute or so. He has horrid spawn rates and undefinable drops, and his spawning area is very random. If you do decide to ignore my warning, one word of advice when facing this guy is: bring pie, lots, and lots of pie.

    Edited, Tue Feb 15 01:55:48 2005 by DustedOne
    #24 Feb 15 2005 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent
    33 posts
    Yeah, I've spent a lot of time camping these guys, and Arlenis is camped constantly in my linkshell. I can vouch for the drops.
    #25 Feb 15 2005 at 6:59 AM Rating: Decent
    62 posts
    Pssst. Hey Arlenis. I just got Elvaan Gentlemen Vol 70.
    Send me a /tell let's trade....
    #26 Feb 15 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
    335 posts

    Arlenis wishes to trade with you.

    Trade completed.
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