I don't know whether to consider myself extremely lucky, or a sucker...
So, I decide I'm gonna try growing elemental ores, right?
I cough up 67k or so for the 10 porcelain pots, then I go to look at the stack of tree saplings. Constant price: 160k. I thought to myself, OUCH. I thought I had remembered people telling me they used to be around half that price.
But, I'd come this far, so I figured I had to buy them. I try a simple 12k check for possible undercuts... no go.
I then stupidly tried 100k next, expecting another "unable to buy". But lo and behold:
"You bought the 12 bags of tree saplings for 100,000 gil."
So here I am at Port Jeuno waiting on the Bastok airship so I can go plant these things, and I'm wondering whether or not to curse at myself for not having tried a lower price than 100k. >_< I keep thinking someone might have goofed on one of the zeros and set it to 16k, instead of 160k. But after my first 12k bid, I didn't really think I would have gotten lucky with any undercut.
Moral of the story: Just because an outrageously low price doesn't work, don't let that stop you from working your way up to the "norm" price slowly. It might pay off, you never know.
Edited, Fri Feb 11 07:18:50 2005 by Fynlar