Yup, I don't know the NAME of it, but here's what I can tell you:
The guy is inside one of the Cargo Rooms in Port San D'Oria, and is dressed in *gasp* far-eastern gear. He askes you to smuggle an item from him to the tenshodo in Jeuno, for 1k gil. The trick is, the transfer of the item isn't exactly... legitimate. Thus, upon arriving in Jeuno via airship (appearantly you aren't rewarded unless you take the item via airship) you're investigated by customs. You either A: get in with no fuss, or B: Not get in (Dunno about what happens if you're cought, I'm slick, I've yet to be found out) Anyway, after you take the item to the tenshodo (to who.. I don't know ^^;) return to the guy in port sandy for your reward.
I know that sucked, but its the best info I can recal ^^;