Salutations All ^^:
/comfort Pax--
I feel your pain on this issue. From the days of "C0m3 0n, you're hilvl! gev m3 ur Stone of Jord4ns!" in Diablo 2, to the age old "I need deer meat ; ;" in UO, one of the oldest professions in MMORPGS shines or glowers through all of our lives at one point or another.
Hmmmmm, well since knowledge is power, perhaps sharing some of my information, collected over my assorted months of playing, will shed some light on the abilities and exploits for this hidden 16th Job of FFXI:
Job: Beggar
Highest Stat: VIT
Lowest Stat: CHR
Spells/Equipment: You're a BEGGAR! You're need gil for that stuff! Though Beggars have no spells or gear, that won't stop them from NEEDING(Imperatively So) any and all particular spells or gear in the game, so WATCH OUT!
Job Abilities/Traits:
1). Shamelessness [Or Shame Resistance] (lvl-15):
Able to resist all forms of reason and understanding when dealing others in obtaining one's own individualistic and petty goal for up to 1 minute and then some.
2). Arrogance Circle (lvl 05):
Grants the player the ability to intimidate others for up to 5 seconds by shouting "_____ player is a stingy %&#*&&$#&* don't ever help him/her for anything, EVER!!!," until everyone in the immediate area decides to /blist add said player. But be careful, unlike most circles, this apparently has a rather short recast time.
3). Obliviousness (lvl 30.):
Grants the player the ability to be overwhelming short sighted and singleminded, unable to see with compassion or understanding the ease with which one can obtain a monetary living in a fantasy world through a plethora of different avenues, none of which would include begging. Furthermore, this heightened state of imperviousness to reason and logic allows the player to spend MORE time bothering others than to achieve a paultry amount of gil that than would have been necessitated in the act of farming, crafting, or otherwise earning said money on one's own.
4). Two Hour Ability-- Disturbing the Peace:
Ironically enough, this 2hr ability is the most beneficial and generous ability a BUM/??? can bestow unto others. Through incessant ranting and raving for minimalistic or outrageous requests, either a GM call, sheer intolerance for others, or a desire to quit the game altogether, the beggar is incapacitated from the game for an indefinite amount of time.
5). Level 4 Ability- Telemarketer/Solicitation:
With the utilization of this ability, a beggar can spam upwards of 5-10 people at once with the same AOLese encrusted phrase (usually c4n u g1v m3 g1l [plz- optional]?), without breaking a sweat. Favorable reply received or not, this ability can easily be reapplied within seconds to another set of people, until the beggar's task has been ameliorated.
6). Level 35 Ability- Guilt Trip (Note-- Must have ONLY Rank 3 or below for this ability to Work:
Regardless of the beggar's actual possession of a "w1f3 & k3dz," an ever increasingly turmoil-filled RL, or just short of gil for the chocobo/airship (even though Rank 3 or below for Airship), this ability allows the player to pound away at those small remaining shreds of dignity and decency until the monetary rewards are oozed out of the beggar's targets.
7). Level 50 Ability- Symbiotic Relationship/Leeching:
With the usage of the prior abilities and traits above, any successful Beggar that has reached this lvl will, rather than continually pummel fresh targets on a 25/75 success ratio, will instead have the option of forming a symbiotic "gimme gimme gimme gimme yes please" relationship with special high lvl players.
I'd mention the usage of the Friends list in facilitating this ability's implementation in-game, but let's face it-- using the flist would require KNOWLEDGE of the game, and independant thinking, and Beggars can't waste time with that.
Instead, writing down or partially memorizing someone's name, and berating those hi-lvl players with names longer than 6 characters, serves as a satisfactory corollary to this ability, or even better, demanding the players in question befriend the beggar instead (so all they have to do is click ok).
Finally, should the beggar actually assist the hi-lvl player in, say, checking the AH or any other myriad of miniscule endeavors, this immediately ignites a hidden aspect of the Symbiotic Relationship--
8)Imbalanced Whine Seal (lvl 60 Upgrade):
Allows the beggar to sprout the following phrase--
"Man I help u out whenever you need someone to check something, and I wait and act patiently for help on things, and that one time I DIED for you! (Note, usually entails getting aggro and forming a train when said Beggar is told to stay put), but no, you're too busy becoming uber to ever help me on my simple things, thanks for being too selfish, you *******! (note the singular, grammatically flawed, run-on sentence)."
***People who come across Beggars that have reached this high a lvl should be VERY cautious, for they can AMPLIFY all prior abilities with this Seal for up to 5 minutes, including negative character reports to your fellow friends and associates, messageboard posts, and private messages to boot.
This concludes my analysis on the hidden Beggar Job. I hope that with said information, we can spot and avoid future confrontations and conflicts with this elusive group of people in-game. Thank you for your time, and as always, take care everyone ^^.