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Peeps looking for staticsFollow

#1 Mar 16 2005 at 8:37 AM Rating: Excellent
95 posts
Hey I thought maybe we should start a list for the players who want static exp partys. Any takers?

Sondro: Elvaan
MNK: 32
WAR: 29
THF: 24
DRK: 15
PLD: 13
WHM: 8

BTW it might be a good idea to edit your post as you lvl.

Edited, Wed Mar 16 08:44:24 2005 by Sondro

Edited, Sun Apr 10 10:41:09 2005 by Sondro
#2 Mar 16 2005 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Pigmy - Tarutaru
BLM: 34
WHM: 17
MNK: 4
THF: 6
RNG: 6
WAR: 1
RDM: 8
BRD: 1
SMN: 4
Normal Playing times: Random times on weekends, mostly in the late afternoon 3:00-6:00 p.m. EST
On weekdays, I play from 2:00 EST - 11:00 EST
Working on Subjob right now, send me a /tell in-game. I should be finished by next week
Edited, Thu Mar 17 11:22:46 2005 by Lycanthropy

Edited, Sun Mar 27 01:01:47 2005 by Lycanthropy
#3 Mar 16 2005 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
Hmm... good idea. ^^ It would also be good to edit as you get a static so people dont bug you for one later. >.>

Here's my stuff:
WHM 60
BLM 30
BRD 45
RDM 20
SMN 10

Edited, Sat Mar 26 18:14:21 2005 by avatarofpain
#4 Mar 16 2005 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
354 posts
I am always in need of xps - particularly being a DRG. =) Sure, i'm up to a good static

57drg / 28war or 28rdm

My play times are

Monday: 5:30pm EST - 10:00 pm Est
Tuesday: Off - college class
Wednesday: 5:30pm EST - 10:00 pm Est
Thursday: off - date night
Friday: Varies - sometimes date night too
Saturday: 5:00pm est - whenever
Sunday: 2:00pm est - 10:00pm est

Give me a /tell if you are needing a drg for your static

'Goons 4ever!

Edited, Wed Mar 16 14:45:33 2005 by BrennantheDragoon
#5 Mar 16 2005 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
835 posts
Guys/Gals, Might also be a good idea to post your normal playing times (EST vs PST).
#6 Mar 16 2005 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
582 posts
55 War/Nin lookin for a static ^^. Hours are kinda goofy, but usually can get on by 6pm EST on weekdays and saturdays. Sunday is... debatable the female does need SOME attention. XD
#7 Mar 17 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
106 posts
What like to get into a good static for my 60DRG/WAR or /WHM

In an ideal scenario I can play:
Sunday> 6pm est till however late
Monday> 4pm est till around 1
Tuesday> 4pm est till however late
Wednesday 6pm est till around 1
Thursday> 10pm est till however late
Friday> 6pm est till however late
Saturday> randomly

Edited, Fri Apr 15 10:33:37 2005 by Dzanan
#8 Mar 18 2005 at 9:15 AM Rating: Good
95 posts
It's good to see others are looking for statics as well.
BTW my play times are hectic right now.
#9 Mar 23 2005 at 2:49 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Eh, I guess I'll toss my hand into this since I was looking for a static for my PLD (30k TNL with a bad party, is a LONG LONG LONG TIME).

PLD - 61
WAR - 31(about 300 away from 32) [will be lvled if i get a static]

Play Times:
Sat - Sun Varies with plans (normally home with my ex currently trying to patch things up; probably wont last though)

Monday - Anytime after 8:30pm (Est)
Tuesday - Anytime after 9:30pm (Est)
Wed - Anytime after 8:30pm (Est)
Thursday Anytime Before 6pm and after 9:30 (Est)
Friday - Anytime after 1pm (Est)

If you want to know if I'm a good tank ask around. I can't judge myself. I could suck and just not know it. ;_;
#10 Mar 23 2005 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
351 posts
Archades at anyone's service

M-F - 3:00 pm-8:00 pm when I log for work.
Saturdays - Iffy depends on what roommates wanna do
Sunday - pretty much free but again roommates might wanna do
something i wanna join in on
All times are eastern

Im RDM/BLM as main job.

RDM 50
BLM 30
SMN 20
WHM 12

Others.. look at sig i dont think ill level them any time soon cept NIN

Current status: Farming & crafting to get new equipment just mainly ear and neck peices
Edit : Oh ya i have all but my AF hat so if we start ill have my AF pretty much rdy to go.

Edited, Wed Mar 23 06:51:03 2005 by ArchadesSabboth

Edited, Tue Apr 19 07:41:38 2005 by ArchadesSabboth
#11 Mar 23 2005 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
2,915 posts

Some people starting new threads about statics, I think it's a good resource to try to keep everyone looking in one place.
#12 Mar 26 2005 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
2,915 posts
I'm looking to fill some slots!

Currently starting a small static, for Wednesday nights 9p-Midnight EST. Begenning level is 19-20

3 people involved so far.

PLD (myself)
SMN (most avatars - no fen.)

I would like to get a healer, puller & wildcard.

Being a once-a-week, short time, you must be willing to take this job at a slow pace.

We're starting with a small goal of just getting to lvl 30, and see how we like it. Also, I will be looking into alternate leveling locations. While getting great xp is nice, we stress fun over level grind.

If you're interested, please msg me here, or send a /tell in game.

#13 Mar 26 2005 at 1:35 PM Rating: Good
chluke wrote:
I'm looking to fill some slots!

Currently starting a small static, for Wednesday nights 9p-Midnight EST. Begenning level is 19-20

3 people involved so far.

PLD (myself)
SMN (most avatars - no fen.)

I would like to get a healer, puller & wildcard.

Being a once-a-week, short time, you must be willing to take this job at a slow pace.

We're starting with a small goal of just getting to lvl 30, and see how we like it. Also, I will be looking into alternate leveling locations. While getting great xp is nice, we stress fun over level grind.

If you're interested, please msg me here, or send a /tell in game.


I have a couple of lvl 18 jobs (THF and BLM) that I wouldn't mind getting to 30. If the job mix and timing works out I'd love to join you. I am in no particular hurry to level these jobs so once a week for a few hours would be just fine. If needed I could hit 19-20 with either of them prior to the static beginning fairly quickly. Let me know if this would work ^.^
#14 Mar 26 2005 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
599 posts
Barryburton - Taru

WHM-15 (Aah! Gimped sub!)

Gravytrain - Galka


I play occasionally during the week, Never before 4:00 (EST) And never after 10:00 (EST) But on the weekend, It's non-stop. (^>^)
#15 Mar 26 2005 at 8:52 PM Rating: Good
2,915 posts
I have a couple of lvl 18 jobs (THF and BLM) that I wouldn't mind getting to 30. If the job mix and timing works out I'd love to join you. I am in no particular hurry to level these jobs so once a week for a few hours would be just fine. If needed I could hit 19-20 with either of them prior to the static beginning fairly quickly. Let me know if this would work ^.^

Hey Andi! I'd love to have you join us. THF would be awesome to have, I won't turn down your BLM either, though.

As the SMN we have is a BLM main in the mid-upper levels, and from what i've seen, a pretty decent SMN, I'm hoping he'd have good control over MB's and such for us.

We're hoping to begin this coming Wednesday, and each Wednesday following, from 9p-Midnight EST. We'll set up a meeting place, most likely in Jeuno for 9p, and go from there each night.

As you can see, I'm not so very worldly, or high in levels. So while I'm trying to organize this effort, I am by no means any "great leader". I take any advice I can get, so please don't hesitate to throw it out :)

I'll be on tonight, and if I see you, I'll send you a "hello, got your message", otherwise, thank you for your interest!

Note: Just to let you know, the DRG in the party will most likely not be subbing war, as she hates that job. I hope this will not deter you, or anyone from joining, as I don't feel it will harm the group in any way.
#16 Mar 26 2005 at 9:07 PM Rating: Good
My apologies, I should have mentioned that my lvl 62 static levels regularly on Wednesdays and sometimes Thursdays starting at about 7PM Pacific (right in the middle of your proposed times ;;). I need to honor my commitment to them first, so if Wednesday is the day I'll have to pass with my well wishes. If the day is negotiable, I should be fine any other day/time.

Just FYI for BLM I'd have to sub WHM as thats the only decent sub I have atm properly leveled for it. For THF I can sub NIN, WAR, MNK, etc. I have some (a lot of <.<) experience pulling as a RNG, so I would have no trouble in that role either if I were to join as THF.

I hope we can figure out a way that I can join. This sounds fun.

See ya in-game! ^.^
#17 Mar 26 2005 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking to fill some slots!

Currently starting a small static, for Wednesday nights 9p-Midnight EST. Begenning level is 19-20

3 people involved so far.

PLD (myself)
SMN (most avatars - no fen.)

I would like to get a healer, puller & wildcard.

Being a once-a-week, short time, you must be willing to take this job at a slow pace.

We're starting with a small goal of just getting to lvl 30, and see how we like it. Also, I will be looking into alternate leveling locations. While getting great xp is nice, we stress fun over level grind.

Sounds like fun, I currently have a 17 Rdm I was thinking of leveling in the near future. I have both Whm and Blm leveled up for subs and most of the armor I need till 25 or so, outside of some en-spells and gravity I'm ready to go and could get it to 20 pretty quick. I would enjoy having a set time to xp once or twice a week, beats sitting in Jeuno LFG.

I'm also looking for statics for my main currently a lvl 60 Drg/war, as well as for my Whm currently lvl 45 if anyone out there has room for slightly lonely mithra Smiley: grin
#18 Mar 27 2005 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
41 posts
I'm looking for a static myself.

Name: Nahbien
Race: Mithran
Playing times: Almost anytime, I seem to be on randomly, but can play whenever.

BLM/WHM 64 AF/All ele staffs including light, working on moldavite, 0/5 on the drop now ><

SAM/39 Have Thf leveled and gotta get 2 levels on war to be fully leveled, also plan on getting a few more levels in case anyone wants a rng sub :) Have 1 snipers ring and 1 veneror ring.

WHM/BLM 32 No erase, looking to do some BCNMs to get it, have like 350 seals >< Already have my elemental staves from blm.

THF/NIN 33 Can also sub war. Standard gear for the level.

BRD/WHM 30 Standard gear for the level, already have my elemental staves from blm.

I'm interested in staticing those jobs in that order :)

Edited, Sun Mar 27 08:30:43 2005 by Nahbien
#19 Mar 27 2005 at 9:41 AM Rating: Good
2,915 posts
Thank you all for such great interest!

First, I must announce, I spoke with the other members last night, and the SMN has decided he would prefer to go as DRK. I believe he's too excited about SMN to go that slowly. So, we could really use some mages.

That makes our current lineup:

PLD (myself)
DRK - Menaili (in case you want to know who else is involved)
DRG - Littlegrey

Andi, I do have some other days available, but I will have to find out from the others if a change is possible, as they both suggested Wednesday. I do hope we can work something out, but if not, I completely understand.

Ihzuna, We'd love to you have you!

I too look forward to having a nice set group for a while. I don't mind sitting around LFG when the time comes, but because so many of my friends play more often than me, they quickly outlevel me, and I find myself in eternal pickup parties, where often I don't group with the same person more than once. It will be a nice change to spend some time getting to know a set group, and being able to work more closely together.
#20 Mar 27 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
Black Mage 57
Equipment - above Average AF aquired.

Static, yes please.
#21 Mar 27 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
Great, I'll try and get those couple levels on my rdm in the next couple of days. Just pm here or send me a /tell in game when you have the day and time locked down.
#22 Mar 28 2005 at 7:50 AM Rating: Good
2,915 posts
I'm still in need of member(s) for a level 19/20 static.

Group as of now.


I'm looking into a change of day to accomodate Andi. I should have an answer to post tomorrow morning (sorry for cutting notice so short on this).

At this time, we are scheduled for Wed. nights 9p-Midnight, EST. Starting this Wednesday. With or without Andi, we still need a healer for the party.

If you're interested, please post here or leave me a PM on this board. I can also be reached in game tonight, 9p-Midnight, EST.
#23 Mar 28 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Good
chluke wrote:
I'm still in need of member(s) for a level 19/20 static.

Group as of now.


I'm looking into a change of day to accomodate Andi. I should have an answer to post tomorrow morning (sorry for cutting notice so short on this).

At this time, we are scheduled for Wed. nights 9p-Midnight, EST. Starting this Wednesday. With or without Andi, we still need a healer for the party.

If you're interested, please post here or leave me a PM on this board. I can also be reached in game tonight, 9p-Midnight, EST.

Hmmm. I'll look to get BLM and THF up to 19 today (can my MH stand the strain?) and hopefully I'll be able to join you. If not, I needed something to do in-game anyway. May as well be that. :)
#24 Mar 28 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
453 posts
Im looking for a static for my Dragoon. Have a few people lined up. I have RNG, BLM and BRD I think. If you wanna join us, send me a /tell. Im on for most of the day. Mainly looking for WHM and PLD 56-60. SOmething like that.
#25 Mar 28 2005 at 5:54 PM Rating: Good
1,071 posts
Looking for a static for my THF/NIN. >.>

Available times. (CMT times)
Sun: 9AM - 10PM
Mon: 3PM - 10PM
Tues: 3PM - 10PM
Wed: 3PM - 10PM
Thurs: 3PM - 10PM
Fri: 3PM - Midnight
Sat: Midnight - Too sleepy.

I have the best gear I can get... Emperor's Hairpin, Leaping Boots, Lust Dagger and AF Marauder's Knife and Rogue's... glove things.

And I'm super nice. d(^v^)b

Modest, too.

And I can speak a little Japanese and type in Kana if that helps. >.>
#26 Mar 28 2005 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
im on every daY 24/7! please play with me

Gavyn WHM30/BLM15
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