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pop time pleaseeeeFollow

#1 Mar 19 2005 at 9:42 PM Rating: Default
please id really appreciate it if someone could tell me the usual pop time for the NM Argus, Roc or Simurgh

any of the three would be a big help and please dont lie :) thanks
#2 Mar 19 2005 at 11:06 PM Rating: Default
108 posts
hey im just replying to let you know that giving you a pop time that HNM lses normally keep track of would go againts anyones HNM LS rules so gl with that
#3 Mar 20 2005 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
811 posts
I won't give the pop times, but I'll give somewhat of a hint. Most are on extremely long timers and sometimes are a lottery spawn... meaning just because it is spawn time, doesn't mean it will.

How was that for a confusingly informative response?
#4 Mar 20 2005 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
817 posts
Since when is argus an HNM?

j/p. Bastila is 100% correct. Even those of us that aren't in
HNM ls's are going to be reluctant to give spawn times because of the potential money involved.
#5 Mar 20 2005 at 3:52 AM Rating: Decent
297 posts
Easiest way to find out when something is gonna spawn soon (most times at least)...its gonna be heavily camped if it has a worthy drop.
#6 Mar 20 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, considering how selfish and greedy people are, you're gonna be hard-pressed for a straight answer.

A good 99% of the people who play this game would sooner take a little girls kitten and snap its neck right in front of her, laughing hideously at her sorrow than ever risk losing some gil to another.

Harsh much? Maybe, but I've yet to be proven otherwise :p
#7 Mar 20 2005 at 1:40 PM Rating: Good
ShyFox wrote:
Yeah, considering how selfish and greedy people are, you're gonna be hard-pressed for a straight answer.

A good 99% of the people who play this game would sooner take a little girls kitten and snap its neck right in front of her, laughing hideously at her sorrow than ever risk losing some gil to another.

Harsh much? Maybe, but I've yet to be proven otherwise :p

This is not the Lakshmi I know. Maybe I'm not HL enough to have seen this kind of selfishness, but I just spent my entire day yesterday helping others at no benefit to myself, along with a dozen other people who were there simply to help. This is by far my more common experience than what you describe.

I sure hope that the endgame isn't like that above. If it is, I'll quit. I have better things to do with my time than fight over virtual money.

/em is very sad now ; ;
#8 Mar 20 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
Lol, sorry, but that was aimed at peoples lust for gil. People will NEVER endanger their source of gil. Understandable with the insane price hikes recently. And really, that's only MOST. I know three (only 3, though :p) that are very glad to help out the less fortunate. I wish I was one of them, but I'M one of the less fortunate XD. I try and make it up with helping folks though physically rather than monitarily.

For all other things, people are pretty helpful (I say pretty cause I don't like burdening others with my problems, therefore I'm not one to ask for help much, so really I'm not 100% just how benevolant people are)

To be honest, I was a bit biased in that post. A good deal of my friends are beginning to become obsessed with partying, crafting, xping, ranking up, or camping NM. To see a good friend go from a friendly joy to chat with into someone who seeks nothing more than improve souless data, it breaks one's heart.
#9 Mar 21 2005 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
97 posts
Wow. This is terrible. I mean truly disgusting. I actualy feel ashamed of myself for being a part of this community when I see replies like that. Here you people are on the best FFXI information SHARING site on the net. And you wont help someone because you might want to fight one of those monsters at some time in the future and dont want another person knowing anything about it? Are you a gilseller? Does paying your rent and buying food this month depend on getting those drops off of Roc tonight? If not you should go take a break. It's getting too serious.

P.S. Roc is 21 - 24 hour spawn from time of death I believe. Sounds like argus is 21 - 24 hours, and the leech king is his placeholder. And Simurgh sounds about the same. 21 - 24 hours. This thread could have been avoided with a simple google search.

Edited, Mon Mar 21 16:05:48 2005 by smokeyser
#10 Mar 21 2005 at 4:01 PM Rating: Good
335 posts
You can't in good conscious get up in arms about people not sharing information (information that arguably many of them don't have anyways, including myself), and then chastise those very same people for taking the game too seriously. There are more issues than just greed involved here. Do you give someone else the spawn times so they can just casually pop in, camp it for an hour, and then leave? Or, do you sit at the spawn for however long it takes, just as others have, to determine the information for yourself? It's not just a matter of greed; it's also a matter of laziness and people expecting a free ride.

Do I know the information? No, I don't. I don't have the patience to camp him for umpteen billion hours to determine that. Would I like to know? Sure, it'd make my life easier. Am I going to yell at someone for not sharing information they worked to get? Of course not. Nothing short of someone parading the information in front of you and then mocking you for it truly justifies getting angry about not being told the information.

The Lakshmi I know doesn't readily hand out free rides. The Lakshmi I know actually makes people work hard for their (12? 15? 18?) million gil drops.
#11 Mar 21 2005 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
Diamondelle wrote:
The Lakshmi I know doesn't readily hand out free rides. The Lakshmi I know actually makes people work hard for their (12? 15? 18?) million gil drops.

In my post aboove I was not really referring to free rides. I was referring to the attitude stated above which is:

"A good 99% of the people who play this game would sooner take a little girls kitten and snap its neck right in front of her, laughing hideously at her sorrow than ever risk losing some gil to another."

That kind of attitude, quite frankly, makes me sick and I want no part of it. I have no problem at all with doing my own work to make my own gil, which is (I think) something we can both agree on.

#12 Mar 21 2005 at 4:20 PM Rating: Default
97 posts
I dont have to justify getting angry. It's simply how I feel. The lakshmi I know is a helpful bunch that would gladly give newcomers a hand with any info/guidance they need. Telling someone a little about monster spawns is hardly handing it to them on a silver platter. First they need to find a group of friends competent enough to take down the HNM. Then they need to compete with the 60 others that are standing around waiting for the pop. And after all that comes a long and difficult battle where they may or may not end up with what they came for. Basicly when you tell someone they cant have any info because of the value of the drops, you're telling someone you wont help them because you might want to camp that HNM some day and on that day you dont want to see the person who was asking for help. What makes you think you'd ever even come across this person? I'm not angry about the lack of information being shared. I'm angry at the presumption that someone else killing a monster in a game some day is taking something from you. I could understand if it was a guy sitting next to you at the HNM spawn point because they're direct competition. But someone on a message board? Come on. Unless you're on your way there right now there's really no reason for this.
#13 Mar 21 2005 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
meh...Double post >.<

Edited, Mon Mar 21 17:38:01 2005 by widenorg
#14 Mar 21 2005 at 9:42 PM Rating: Good
well only Pop time doesn't hurt ...

it's 24 hours i believe and +/- 2 hours i think <got from high lvl>

good luck...
#15 Mar 22 2005 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
To illustrate my point, see how many posts it took for someone to willingly give out the spawn time to this person.

And even THEN it took me making everyone feel bad for NOT doing it.

Just read the posts before mine. They were mostly either "I don't know, and people who do aren't gonna tell you" or "I know, but I'm still not gonna tell you". Then read the posts AFTER mine. Suddenly the info came out no problem. Did the benevolant people suddenly log in after my post? Or did it take someone to remind people how disgusting it is to be so cruel as to not even release a simple piece of information?

Think about that :(

Edited, Tue Mar 22 08:39:29 2005 by ShyFox
#16 Mar 22 2005 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
201 posts
Sorry. Maybe I'm elitist scum, but information like this isn't commonly traded. People are more than willing to pass on pop respawn timers (generally 21-24 for HNMs, for example), but to pass on individual ToD's isn't something the vast majority of people will divulge.

There is a difference between knowing the spawn window and knowing WHEN the spawn window is. Half the battle in camping an (H)NM is figuring out that window, so yes, telling people this IS more or less giving it to them on a silver platter.

Generousity is well and good, but I know no player that is willing to simply give me (or anyone else) 10-20M, which is equivalent to telling a person "Hey, come compete with me! I enjoy having a statistically lower chance of obtaining that item I've worked for weeks to obtain! I don't mind that you haven't worked for it, really!"

This attitude might sicken you, but the attitude that we should freely give up things that we've worked long and hard to figure out is sickening to me. If you want to know the pop times, go wait around like the rest of us. :) There is a vast difference between generousity and foolhardiness.

It might be the cynic in me, but I can't beleive the OP is anything other than a pretty large troll post =P

Edited, Tue Mar 22 09:01:45 2005 by miaoo

Edited, Tue Mar 22 09:03:52 2005 by miaoo
#17 Mar 22 2005 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
Wow. I got RATED DOWN for not liking the imagery of snapping the neck of a little girls kitten. Note I NEVER ONCE IN ANY POST indicated that you should hand anyone anything. In fact I said, quite clearly, that we can agree to do our OWN work to EARN our own gil, and just so I am clear I believe this includes figuring out a spawn time yourself. If you have this info and wish to hold onto it, go for it! You earned it.

My issue has to do with the post that "99%" of Lakshmi would ***** someone over just for the sheer pleasure of it. SInce taking time to help people is something I take quite personally, I felt obligated to try and defend the honor of Lakshmi as a generally kind and helpful server. Getting rated down for that feels like a sucker punch.


Edited, Tue Mar 22 11:38:49 2005 by widenorg
#18 Mar 22 2005 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
201 posts
Honestly, Andi, the ratings system on Alla doens't matter at all. It's far too frivolous to even express any concern over. If it were more exclusive (oh noes, the elite!), then appropriate posts would be rated up, and inappropriate posts would be shot down. Basically, too many people have access to ratings to make it worthwhile.

Personally, "reputation" carries far mroe weight in my mind. Any idiot can rate posts down; an idiot often is not well-respected by the community.

Seriously though, there are reasons for the contrary opinion, Andi. Comparing campsite giveaways like the above (which you dissented to) isn't obscene, given the extreme rarity (and value) of the items/drops the OP desires.

I'm definatley not justifying murdering kittens (my cats would never forgive me), but I'd sooner contemplate it than give out information to the lazy.

There is an old saying (paraphrased): "Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he eats for life." In this case, all you're doing is the former. People have to personally learn, to do the latter, which is something people asking for handouts are not doing.

Edited, Tue Mar 22 11:45:41 2005 by miaoo
#19 Mar 23 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
First off, it was a metaphor ><;
Secondly, it was relevant to gil ONLY.

The people of Lakshmi are quite helpful when it comes to anything that doesn't threaten their gil.

However, you can't deny that most of Lakshmi would not reveal their money making secrets.

You found out the pop time on your own? Congratulations! Now, to keep that information to yourself is just plain selfish. Sure, the 'lazy' people could find it out on their own, but either way if they want it enough, they WILL find out, so trying to keep information like this is secret is futile.

And I'd like to make it clear I didn't rate down anyone here :p
I'll rate you up Andi ^^;
#20 Mar 24 2005 at 9:31 AM Rating: Default
Dont feel bad for getting rated down- i got rated down and all i did was ask for a eta of a pop time to help my ls- damn u kids are losers that play this game
#21 Mar 24 2005 at 9:35 AM Rating: Default
Not all just most :P and if it means im gonna hafta bot it and grab all three and post the times on every ffxi site on the internet i will- and wtf is up with the post by diamonddelle its about making the people work hard for the gil? ummm by hiding the time of the pop ur ls is gonna be the only one there so u have no competition and basically just contradicted yourself because your not working at all.. jus sitting there ******** the other 3000 other people on this server

Well im gonna just say this greedy people ===() O fist yourself
#22 Mar 24 2005 at 9:36 AM Rating: Good
201 posts
i got rated down and all i did was ask for a eta of a pop time to help my ls- damn u kids are losers that play this game

Us "kids" do our own research instead of being lazy. :)
#23 Mar 24 2005 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
251 posts
[EDIT] In this section, I originally told you how to get one of these NMs you asked for fairly easily, but after reading your posts I don't feel that you deserve this information. What a greedy SoB you are, asking for free what others have worked for.

P.S. If you want ToD on a mob, word of mouth is the best way to get it. The ToD changes, pretty much daily. People try to keep it in their time zone, prolong the death to push the ToD and spawn time into a time more convenient for themselves, or kill it quickly before anyone else can rush in to catch the ToD. Sometimes the only thing to do is camp yourself where it would spawn and catch it yourself and record the exact time that it dies for your LS.

And Bastila is right, most HNM LS's will not reveal ToD simply because, well, they're an HNM LS... if they give away when all the HNMs are going to appear, they won't be able to be an HNM LS for very long, don'tcha think? It's not so much a "omgomgomg I need all the gilz for myself ***** the rest of you!!!1!!1!" mentality as a sense of loyalty to your own LS and the fact that your LS probably HAS the ToD because they KILLED the HNM or camped it out long enough to find out, and would prefer that someone else have to go through the same loopholes and work that they originally had to go through to find out the same information. Everyone seems to want a free ride now though, and if you don't spend 24/7 on coffer key hunts, GIVING away all of your gil, or miscellaneous other tasks that these people never helped you with then you're some high level elitest snob.

EDIT NUMBER 2: And it's not about the gil. My own LS has killed Za'Dha Adamantking many times, not for the gil. We did it to get Raise 3 for all of our WHMs that didn't have it yet so they wouldn't have to shell out a couple mil for a spell that benefits the rest of us more than them personally.

Edited, Thu Mar 24 09:51:34 2005 by Pax
#24 Mar 24 2005 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
219 posts
Figure it out yo damn self nightmyre.

It's people like you that make this game so frustrating. When you ask for help on a mission or quest, yet have no idea what the f$&*(^%&*% to do, because you're too damn lazy too look it up before you go. Just look on this damn website, a lot of the info about pop times are already there.

You dont wanna sit there and camp it all day? Well, too bad! you dont deserve it! This is what this is all about. You dont want to have to camp your NM all day, you want a hand out. You want to just pop in for an hour, and claim the NM. Instead of sitting around all day, like all the other ppl that are camping it.

That's what I hate about NM camping. You spend hours and hours waiting for pop, but then some random ahole just strolls in and claims it!
#25 Mar 24 2005 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
Okay, keep in mind this is a compilation of my opinions said before and a few new points I came up with thinking this over.

This is my ethical view of this issue for your reading displeasure:

This guy is asking for a pop time for a NM. My original point as you recal from my graphic post (sorry cat lovers of Lakshmi ^^;) was that nobody unless they were high and/or drunk would reveal that kind of info. True, right?

But anyway, my opinion is it couldn't hurt to give out this information to a single individual, as one guy against an army of bots and a HNN LS or two isn't gonna hurt their odds much, and is kind of selfish.

However, it IS possible you wish to keep it secret as you may suspect this 'one guy' is in a HNL and trying to find the pop time covertly. Therefore I can see why you'd wish to keep information secure, especially via a public messageboard, in which any HNL LS can find the pop time and ruin things.

So, after carefully thinking this matter through, I can only come to one conclusion: nightmyre, you're never, NEVER going to get this information from ANYONE but a fool, friend, or a member of a HNM linkshell you may be enrolled in. I stand by my cat-slaying metaphor on this issue. ESPECIALLY when it comes to a public forum. Nobody in their right mind would EVER post such delicate information to the public.

True enough you can find REspawn times, but not the actual spawn time itself, since by nature it is dynamic.

People will NEVER endanger their gil making prospects. So my advice to you would be to either do some research on your own, or dig around till you find a HMN linkshell you can join. I suggest the latter since the odds of catching this thing on your own are, although possible, we've all seen it, infinitesimal.

#26 Mar 24 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
251 posts
Actually, it's not that difficult to find out pop times through the grapevine, provided you don't treat people like poo.

Since Nightmyre proved himself to be impatient and volatile toward others through his above posts...

damn u kids are losers that play this game

And my personal favorite

Well im gonna just say this greedy people ===() O fist yourself

I decided to personally remove information and suggestions I had previously responded with.

While there is never anything wrong with asking for help, the way in which you respond if someone turns you down shows a great deal about you as a person. To me, it seems as though Nightmyre is someone that has to have his way, to hell with everyone else. Perhaps I'm totally wrong in this, but he seems the kind of person that is just waiting to take advantage of a small amount of help. A Mobster of the new era, so to speak. Eh, that's probably a bit harsh, but you can mark my words.
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