Lately I've been doing everything but playing as Dark Knight. Although my favorite job, it seems like hours and hours fly by while I sit with my flag up in Jeuno. I'm currently at level 47DRK with war subbed. I have a sniper's ring, venerer's ring, all the absorb spells (including absorb-dex), valkyrie's mask, royal squire's mufflers, etc. No matter what I try and/or buy for that matter, it seems like the party invites just don't come along very often (if any ><). If anyone out there has a static or wants to start a static party and needs a dark, please let me know. I can be very flexible with my hours, and will do anything to get leveled. thanks for checkin this out, and if you have any comments, questions, or space in your static party, please let me know. My name on Lakshmi is Akira. Thanks^^