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Another Elitiest.. rude adventure in Lakshmi... -.-;Follow

#1 Apr 01 2005 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
Here is the basics.. and as detailed as I can go without having fraps installed.

I was seeking in Jueno when Darklotus invited me. Accepting the invite a full party was formed and we headed out to Quicksand caves. Getting inside a Skillchain was setup using DarkKnigh and Thief with MB being Blizzard. First pull thief preforms the wrong WS... and comments were made by Darklotus and trainwreck. The thief said she understood and tried to adjust. Second pull thief does another mistake and comments are made by same two again.. around 3rd/4th pull fun begins.
Dark says outloud how the thief is not good and if we want a ranger instead. Then Dark begins to msg everyone in the party. I confirmed this by asking everyone but the thief and trainwreck. Pulling again Dark msgs me, "When the ranger gets here Warp II the thief". Shocked someone would ask me to even do something so.. well rude I ignored it. During the fight he msgs me more.. asking me to warp II and says getting the ranger will give us better and faster xp and I can MB (like thats going to win my favor). Ignoring him I continue to do my job.. focusing on killing monsters and waiting when I needed to MB. As the minutes pass then Dark keeps msging me to DII the thief.
Talking to the other two people I find out he did ask the others if they wanted to replace the thief. They did and I was fine with that. Then I asked did they also agree to have the thief DII without their consent... that they did not agree to. Some of the others admitted the thief was 'adjusting' and getting better quickly.
Continuing to focus on my job.. trainwreck starts to get in on the fun of nagging me. Asking me to DII the thief asap I msg him back, "So you want me to DII a player without their consent?". He didnt respond... and then darklotus msged me again for DII on thief. I used my 2hr... and told them "Get someone else to do your dirty work" and I warped home.

Sadly the story only gets.. worse at least from how rude Darklotus and trainwreck are.

Talking to them from my MH... I find the ranger they invited and warned them of what type of players they are.. and if you dont meet their standards they will abandon you. She was appreciating the news and that ended that talk.

Then the other player.. a taru redmage sends a msg laughing.. saying he was just kicked from the party..and that darklotus said the reason was : {Im sleepy}. At the same time the other person in the party (not the thief) messages me saying that Dark claimed that the thief and redmage were gilsellers and thats why he kicked them... Now the redmage spoke good english and was not wearing super gear during the party... which makes no sense.. the Darkknight said he left.. agreeing that Dark and train were not the best.. of players.

Talking to one of them they told me the LS's both Darklotus and Trainwreck belonged to...

Divine Knights and Darknights.

Is this normal of the NA players lately.. or did I just get the wrong party
#2 Apr 01 2005 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
95 posts
Wow. I've been mad a my pt before, but that guy is just an ***. Not every Pt leader is like that. you just managed to find the most anoying one out there. I think being a DRK has something to do with it ^_^
#3 Apr 02 2005 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
OMG!! DivineKnights and DarkKnights! Yeah, avoid anyone from those LS's. A bit of background:

Okay, once upon a time there was a sandy only LS I was in called Conquistadors, full of nice helpful folks. Except Elix, he can kiss my ***. There was another sandy only LS called KingdomKnights, that our leader wanted to merge with so we'd be a force to be reckoned with. However, it was only later that we learned that the KingdomKnights were (save for a few, genuinely nice guys) complete assho|es. I know its hard to believe an entire LS could be evil, but except for those exceptions, it really was.

At any rate, like Conquistadors, KingdomKnights fell apart, and the majority of their evil members wound up in the 2 linkshells you and I mentioned. And in my opinion, anyone who houses people like that are guilty by association, and your post only helped support my theory.

I usually don't hate entire LS's for the actions of only one, or in this case, all but 3 members (okay, I actually do >.>) but in THIS case, my I think my prejudice is justified.
#4 Apr 02 2005 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
164 posts
For ANYONE to belittle or berate someone the way some players do in this "game" is not right. (putting it as nicely as i can) I have run into a FEW of these such people and although it is good to make others aware of their "actions and treatment" towards others, I try for the most part to not participate. When I do come across these players, I keep in mind that most of them have one intrest at heart. THEMSELVES. My feeling is that they will find themselves ... by themselves when all is said and done. The game is to have FUN. These people are out to hurt others at their own gain. Becareful out there. Be aware of them. There are 2 that make my list, one has already been mentioned and the other works closely with the other. Elix and Hammel. Three different times they have tried to get under my skin. All they got was GM jail. I, am in no way saying DONT PARTY with them, just becareful if you do.
#5 Apr 02 2005 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
278 posts
I've never heard anything about Hammel? What did he do?
#6 Apr 03 2005 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
164 posts
ok, I was getting a pt together to go get some Exp. (simple enuf)
My party needed a Tank... Hammel was seeking atm as PLD. I sent him a tell asking if he would like to join us. He asked what the pt set-up was, and i told him. (no biggie as I do the same) He agreed to join us. I was very thankful. We get out to our camp, all seems to be going fairly well. Hammel making the occassional comment about his pt set-up and preferences. Such as RDM to BRD. Only he wasnt very......nice or polite about it. (We had a BRD in the pt, as he was told b4 he accepted invite) I receive many tells from the other people in the party asking if he was serious or just joking around. I simply reply that he is probably joking and just to roll with the punches. We all suck it up and decided we wanted EXP and would put up with him a bit. Later on, after a few fights, Hammel's comment are growing more rude and intentional. The party continues to send me tells about it. I asked them if they wanted me to ask him to stop or kick him. They really wanted the EXP, so i shut up. Hammel continues. I then get a tell from Elix (NOT IN THE PT) telling me to turn "my lame *** macros off" I replied with ??? Elix then explains to me that he is on Ventrillo with Hammel and Hammel asked him to tell me this. (Hammel had said nothing about my macros in the pt) At that point i told everyone after the next mob I was leaving, as I did nothing to deserve this treatment, and that I would NOT put up with it. Hammel then laughed and thought it was funny. The party asked me to stay and just kick Hammel. I was playing BLM at the time so i D2'd him. His response... "thanks bi**h, you saved me a warp scroll! :)" (this was only one time happening, so I went on the next day and shook it off)

Day 2

I go to meet my party at the Lower Jeuno HP. (As many people do LOL) I sit down as the party is still gathering. I go AFK to get a drink. I come back moments later to Hammel, Elix, and Rajiv standing around me spamming the /slap emote. I asked them why they were doing this. They then began to make fun of my armor(admittedly not the GREATEST but by far not the worst either) and of course my macros yet again as well as my party that gathered there with me. I told them I was calling a GM as I was tired of this treatment and asked that they stay there so the GM could sort it out. They stayed for a bit (the whole time continuing to bash on anyone and anything that didnt agree with them) Finally they slowly left one by one. GM shows up, I explain what happened. I was told that I could B-list them to stop them. Also that the GM would investigate. Minutes later I was asked by Elix who all I "snitched" on. LOL. I told him.

Day 3

Days later my LS wants to do Promy runs. So I get my stuff ready, we get out there, see Elix, Hammel and Nerve out there and asking for help. Ok fine, I swallow my pride and we try to help them.(meanwhile they see me and do a few more /slap emotes but I say nothing) We go along ok till on the 3rd floor Elix runs out and aggros a mob, then disbands their part of the alliance leaving the rest of us with the mobs. -.- We almost all get killed thanks to us trying to HELP them.

Bottom line, I have and will continue to drop from any/all parties with them in it... NO party would be fun for me or the INNOCENT others that they think are expendable to get at me.
#7 Apr 03 2005 at 2:27 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Wow, and I considered Hammel a friend..... How anybody can do that to u is beyond me.
#8 Apr 03 2005 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Edit: Triple Post -.-

Edited, Sun Apr 3 17:45:43 2005 by tuinkkk
#9 Apr 03 2005 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
It happens...

Some people just turn out to be jerks once they got to level 70s or successfully joined into a HNM LS or w/e that makes them feel more elite than others.

For example: Hammel... he started to be a jerk once his BRD reach 70+. He was quite nice when I met him first time when he was still around level 40s or 50s BRD.

But well.. it's just a game... You don't know them.. they don't know you in RL... just blist them or something so they won't bother you again in the future.

#10 Apr 03 2005 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Edit: Triple Post -.-

Edited, Sun Apr 3 17:47:38 2005 by tuinkkk
#11 Apr 03 2005 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Edit: Triple Post -.-

Edited, Sun Apr 3 17:45:11 2005 by tuinkkk
#12 Apr 03 2005 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
97 posts
I see a few posts about people having a bad experience and leaving the party, so I thought I'd throw in my 2 gil. Dont put up with rude people. If one person in a perfectly good party is rude, either kick them or ask the leader to kick them. Especialy when others in the party have already voiced similar opinions. "Don't let one bad apple spoil the whole damed bunch" as the song goes.

If someone is a problem, boot them. And dont look back. If I was being a problem, I'd totaly understand (the next day). As far as d2 without consent goes, thats just plain dirty. I'd get rid of someone suggesting it at the first opportunity. That's a backstabber if I ever saw one. But that's my opinion.

Anyways, my point is simple. Don't play with mean people. If you end up in a party with one, don't leave. Let them know that their behavior is not acceptable. Antisocial people are going to pop up from time to time, but you really can not let them spoil your fun.
#13 Apr 03 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Default
105 posts
Orefise wrote:
I go to meet my party at the Lower Jeuno HP. (As many people do LOL) I sit down as the party is still gathering. I go AFK to get a drink. I come back moments later to Hammel, Elix, and Rajiv standing around me spamming the /slap emote. I asked them why they were doing this. They then began to make fun of my armor(admittedly not the GREATEST but by far not the worst either) and of course my macros yet again as well as my party that gathered there with me. I told them I was calling a GM as I was tired of this treatment and asked that they stay there so the GM could sort it out. They stayed for a bit (the whole time continuing to bash on anyone and anything that didnt agree with them) Finally they slowly left one by one. GM shows up, I explain what happened. I was told that I could B-list them to stop them. Also that the GM would investigate. Minutes later I was asked by Elix who all I "snitched" on. LOL. I told him.

Straight up your macros are annoying,(Aspir to die cause were gonna make you... or Wow thats shocking Thunder) your gear does suck, and third I am an *******. So if you got a problem with me, (Thats too bad.) (See you again!).
#14 Apr 03 2005 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
Excuse me, 1st off, Orefise- I'm entitled to say i prefer a redmage over bard in my party. Being a 67 bard, i've come to realize that working with paladin isnt always the best thing. I didnt talk sh*t bout ur bard or whatever you claimed. 2nd. When we were in Promy, i wasnt the alliance leader, and i didnt disband the alliance, so dont put ur dumbass misfortune on me. 3rd. As for slapping you in lower Jeuno? thats too bad, have your watchdog husband lay off me with his lil macros. 4th, I was laughing about your macros, cuz they were stupid " Aspir to die, cause were gona make you" (nice use of the word Aspire). 5th. Tunikk idk who the hell you are, so stfu, thanks. 6th, Orefise i want to thank you agai for saving me a warp scroll, see you again! :D

-- Edit nice triple post by Tunikkk whoever you are, and Jotaro, if you dont consider me a "friend" anymore, then thats too bad :\

Edited, Sun Apr 3 15:48:08 2005 by Hammel
#15 Apr 03 2005 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
164 posts
Point proven :)Hammel, word of advise... learn to read. I didnt blame u for the Promy thing. 2nd, my macros are set up for ME, not you. 3rd had you even attempted at ANY point to let me or ANYONE IN THE PT know that they were bothering you in ANY TYPE of a DECENT manner, I would have gladly turned them off. 4th Hammel was not D2'd w/o out his consent. He was about to leave anyway. and Finally, if you doubt what I have said, just check thier responses :)

Edited, Sun Apr 3 15:48:42 2005 by Orefise
#16 Apr 03 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
Straight up, your macros sucked, and i'm entitled to laugh at it on vent with a friend, get over it. Also "Bottom line, I have and will continue to drop from any/all parties with them in it... NO party would be fun for me or the INNOCENT others that they think are expendable to get at me." Get over yourself *****, leave it there.
#17 Apr 03 2005 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
164 posts
Hammel i am sorry you feel that way. That you had to act that way. That you STILL act that way. When you have nothing else to say I guess you resort to using profanity. Yes, my macro do use a play on words. Again, had you been and treated others as human beings and voiced any opinion to the party you were actually in, or said anything to anyone actually IN the party that it was bugging you, I would have not used them. Instead, you and your "friend Elix" chose to make several attempts to take shots at me in any way, shape form or fashion. Your comments as well as your "friends" comments are proof enough of this. You tell me to drop it, yet given an oppertunity you would do it again... hmmm. That is why you and your "friends" are on here... again... point made.
#18 Apr 03 2005 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
lol, wow your annoying, shutup please. thank you, see you again!
#19 Apr 03 2005 at 3:29 PM Rating: Default
105 posts
Orefise wrote:
Your comments as well as your "friends" comments are proof enough of this. You tell me to drop it, yet given an oppertunity you would do it again... hmmm. That is why you and your "friends" are on here... again... point made.

You took a shot at me if I remember correctly. I am not supporting ham in his vendetta against you. Only reason I posted in the first place was cause you put my name. See for yourself...

Orefise wrote:
moments later to Hammel, Elix, and Rajiv standing around me spamming

Thats the only reason I posted so dont use me or Elix, let everyone speak for themselves.
#20 Apr 03 2005 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
164 posts
Merely stating that in THAT instance yes, u were included. After that you appologized and we were cool, or so I thought. I did not include you in the "becareful post" that I originally was making my point in. Elix was included as he is Hammel's follower and will do w/e Hammel asks. (his words not mine) I was informed that Hammel is a LS owner (by Hammel) and that his LS is there to serve him, that is why Elix came to his rescue. These are not the actions of a good leader. Rajiv, in order to tell the truth ALL of the truth must be told, not just bits and pieces. Perhaps you were not aware of what you were getting involved in. I accept that. It happens. I also have no problem with people voicing their own opinions to me or to others. Yet when they take purposeful and meaningful actions to hurt people intentionally, THAT is never right or acceptable. All I was saying is becareful of Hammel and Elix when you pt with them.
#21 Apr 03 2005 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
105 posts
Orefise wrote:
Perhaps you were not aware of what you were getting involved in. I accept that. It happens. I also have no problem with people voicing their own opinions to me or to others. Yet when they take purposeful and meaningful actions to hurt people intentionally, THAT is never right or acceptable.

Your absolutely right about that. I really didnt intend on this blowing so far out of proportion. As an FYI I served a 24hr ban because of this slap spam. (I wasn't to plesant towards the GM.) Again im sorry about this whole thing and I hope that we can just put this behind us and like you said be cool again. Im not asking for you to be my friend, but just dont be my enemy.
#22 Apr 03 2005 at 4:14 PM Rating: Default
you know, please shut your mouth about " Be careful of partying with Hammel or Elix". I partied with you for all of about 5 fights. The only thing that came out of that party was me saying i prefered a redmage over bard, I didnt **** talk your bard friend, or whatever you claimed i did. Also, Elix isnt my followe, he took it upon his self to say and do what he did. Also, rajivs post is a bunch of ********* since hes laughing about it on vent right now. Have a nice day
#23 Apr 03 2005 at 7:29 PM Rating: Default
hammel if you look at your post's it only reflects the fact that you are an *******. Your excuses are lame and there is no way that anyone will take them seriousley with the several players accounts of you.
#24 Apr 03 2005 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
Mambav who the hell are you? Actually, i dont care who you are, and i dont care what you, orefise or anyone else thinks about me. You dont like me? thats too bad.
#25 Apr 03 2005 at 8:40 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm. I must say I personally find this thread quite amusing. Atleast the way Hammel can so gracefully show of his ignorance. When you find someone like this in the game you must realize, that only people with a 5th grade education or less will actually speak in that language to futher imphasise that he has no maturity what so ever. Also keep in mind that for every moron (for lack of a better word) there are atleast 5 good people in the game. I hope you don't have to deal with these people in such a manner again. You shouldn't be afraid to use your /blist either.

Give it ten minutes then you will see Hammel post something like this. F#$% you you f$%^)n a$$ho%$ I hope you f*#$%n die b!#$%!!!!!!!
#26 Apr 03 2005 at 9:30 PM Rating: Default
335 posts
Some high LVLs don't deserve it.

Understand why JP put on "JP Onry" comments?
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