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#1 Apr 03 2005 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
For those of you that dont know me I'm Jotaro a lvl 58 drg / war sam or rdm. I been playin this since the day it came out in the US on pc. Been around for a long time and got a lot of friends know a lot about the game and so on but after the past couple of days I question if this is even worth it.

Now before you criticize me and say its cause ur a drg u stupid sob just hear me out. I'm in college right now and its an excelerated college so I dont have much time when working to do anything. This week was my spring break so I wanted to play for a while and get to lvl 60 especially seeing as I've been in the 50's for almost half a year now maybe longer. I seek pt and of course drgs will never get pt invites so I began making my own pts. Every single pt I make is killin stuff for a total of 30 min at the most. While killing the exp is really slow, the pt set ups are good too. Pld thf drg blm rdm whm. Not always that but thats one for example. Anyways not even 30 mins into fighting and the pld has to go we wait 20 min about to get started then the whm has to go. Then rdm has to go and so on. Thing is, once I try getting new pts together the whm cry's and sais I wont join unless u have a rng and a rdm. The rng's dont respond and the rdm only joins jp pt's. Also when in a pt theres so many little kids that got such smart mouths on them u wanna hurt them. At least from where I'm from thats what would happen.

So I spent the past 3 days doing nothing but playing this game and talkin with my gf who also plays this game. During this time I know I collected about a day and a half of playtime getting some of the worst headaches in my life and absolutely NOTHING accomplished. Of course we all know pt's never come to drgs who seek because most people think drg is pointless probably because of all the gil merchants that are drgs. BTW for those of you that think drg can pull with jump ur telling him/her to commit suicide. Anyways breaking away from drg, I talked with a rdm that said he's been having this kinda luck with this too.

I really like this game but the community has gone down the drain so much. I should of been lvln when I could cause I could of been 75 with maxed exp full relic and every single mission and quest thinkable done by now. But now that I havent and spent most my time helpin others makin friends teaching new players how to play I go back and try to lvl and find out the community is so bad, not only will u get smart mouth kids that beg for gil buy from gil merchants and try finding cheat codes for this in ur pt but ur pt wont last more then 10 min if u get one at all. So my question for everybody is this even worth playing anymore and if so give me some positive reasons why cause all I can see right now is negative.

Sorry if I carried on, sorry for the bad grammer, sorry if I broke any rules.
#2 Apr 03 2005 at 3:48 AM Rating: Decent
164 posts
I do a LOT of helping. I have noticed what you are talking about. When I first started playing people were.... maybe not OVERLY nice, but certainly not rude. If you REALLY needed help, it was there for you. That hasnt seemed to be the case lately. So, I can sympathize with you there. My DRG is currently lvl 18, so i am not going to even try to comment on that part of it. I have sat as my WHM (lvl 64) for over 4 hrs w/o pt!! (WHM!!) lol! so i understand your frustrations there.

Most of the people i knew and leveled with have done one of two things.... left the game or are now too high to level with. Honestly, that is my own fault (for lack of a better word atm) I chose to help. The people I helped are good people. If you dont re-stock a lake.... how many fish are there for next season? It takes time and a LOT of patience. Unfortunately, some of us dont have that time. I need good people like you to stay so that the other people become the minority. That is one of the reasons I chose to stay. I was lucky, when I started, I have people like Tenmiles, Godz, Hulklogan, Brolly and many others that stuck by me. I am lucky still because I have known these people as well as you. DO NOT GIVE UP!

"I never said it would be easy, only that it would be worth it."
(something to think about :D)

I am always here and willing to help, listen or just be goofy.

#3 Apr 03 2005 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Yes.. there are indeed a lot of self-centered, smart-mouthed lil and big brats running around.. screaming "me me me me me!" thinking they know it all as they level their butts off and only want 8k exp per hour and won't settle for anything less.. even though they waste even more time waiting for their perfect PT...

Not too long ago I was kicked out of an LS because I politely asked a senior member to tone things down because he was offending myself and other LS members. My friend was booted too, because he'd also asked the senior member to tone it down.

Tonight someone else I knew was shouting for help with WHM AF3.. they needed to kill the NM in Fei-yin. I've been levelling my WHM as well, have everything I need for that part of the quest too and asked if I could join. They wouldn't let me join because they would have had to kill the NM an additional time for me. Without me there, they only had to fight it ONCE.

This was absolutely heartwarming to see... especially after I've helped sooo many people with their AFs, coffer keys, Genkais, Missions, Quests, advanced jobs, etc.. at the drop of a hat with no benefit to me just because I knew they needed help..

But then you turn around and YOU need help... it's like pulling teeth. You KNOW someone's sitting on their butt, not in pt, not busy, complaining about being bored (yes.. they actually said they were bored), so you ask them to help you and all you get is "You want to do WHAT? Sorry.. Good luck tho!"

I know a few people who are fed up with this.. they help so many people.. yet others turn their backs on them when they need help.. I know these helpful people often think of quitting..

Why do they stay? Cause there are still enough good people on.. Enough people who know what they're going through because they go through it too.. and they get together, support eachother, help eachother whenever they can. They understand that we need to be here for eachother so we can be here for the up-and-coming good people, so they can be there for others.

I, too, could have been lvl 75, rank 10, maxed out fame, uber gear, etc.. but instead I sacrificed all that to help others.. I'm broke, lvl 65RDM, and by some miracle rank 6. Instead of farming, I help others. Instead of levelling, I help others. Instead of questing, I help others. Instead of doing rank or expansion missions, I help others.

I've decided there's going to be more "me" time though. I'm telling more people "I'm sorry, I'm farming" or "I'm sorry, I'm doing quests right now", or "I'm sorry, I'm levelling right now" as I work on something I want for a change.. fame for Fenrir.. money for gear for levels for Fenrir.. I WANT FENRIR! Rawr..

And my WHM AF3.. And Rank 7.. And Sky.. And *drool* RDM Relic Armor..

But anyway, I digress.. >.>; hehe

Yes, there are good people out there.. yes, the game can be worthwhile.. Just.. patience.. persistance.. and more patience... oh yeah.. and /blist add Spoiledbrat helps a lot too :3

And if you need anything, hollar. If I'm not running around helping someone already or in static pt, there's a pretty good chance I'll help. ^^

Oh.. and.. btw.. >.> My WHM is 55.. I'm catching up.. if I see you around, I'm always happy to add a DRG to the PT. My PT comes with a THF, so I'd never expect you to pull ^.~ I even have SMN subbed usually, so I'd pull before I'd ask you to. =P

#4 Apr 03 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
945 posts
Anyways breaking away from drg, I talked with a rdm that said he's been having this kinda luck with this too.

That would be me... >.>;

Yeah, I partied with Jotaro twice yesterday, and both parties were like that. People had to go AFK a lot (That I am guilty of, but you can't just ignore real life. If someone knocks on the door, you gotta say AFK and see whos there), the Paladin had to leave suddenly (And me after since I was sick of partying) and so on..

It took me 9 parties to get from level 56 to 57. Over the course of 3 days. When that happens, you know something is wrong with parties now-a-days. Maybe its just a few unlucky guys like me and Jotaro this is happening to, because I have a THF in my linkshell who went from 60-66 in a matter of days!

I dunno. I understand where this is coming from Jotaro. I have school too, and its hard to party during the weekdays. I wanted 60 at the end of Spring Break, but instead, I'm 1/4 through 57 (And I was 56 when it started!).

Because of crap parties like this, I've been thinking of quitting... its so hard to get anything done in this game. Even if you have optimum PLD, RDM, BLM, WHM, RNG, <insert melee here> parties, you can still be getting 2k EXP an hour. But, I promised I'd stick with this game until I got Red Mage to 75. I've never broken a promise, and I'll be damned if this is the first one I break.
#5 Apr 03 2005 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
it sucks things aren't working out for you in game.. but have you thought about taking a break?

I decided I would quit because I didn't want it to get in the way of college (my first semester.. ack), then after a month I played my character on my boyfriend's PC and fell back in love. I missed the game a little when I "quit", but coming back on, I see all the great things about being able to play. I haven't xped at all, in fact I've lost probably 5k xp since I got back just because I adventured so much.

So, I suggest you take a break. Even if you feel tempted to get on and check something, if I were you I'd just do something else. Maybe even start another game.

Even if you didn't play for only a month like I did, you might enjoy it and have better luck when you come back.

Good luck kiddo ^^
#6 Apr 03 2005 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
About taking a break, I have just gotten out of a break from the game, I hardly got to play it once school started as it is. Before I was in school 24/7 and was seriously never on the game. So coming out from a break having my spring break wanting to lvl up to at least 60 Ive gotten no where, even today was seekin for about 5 hrs (no I didnt make my own pt not much u can do with 3 thf's) So yea, this will be break number 10+ and I really just wanna play. Today is Wrestlemania and tommorrow I go back to school (college not grade school) so there goes lvln. 4 days of my life down the drain. Can't believe I turned down going to see Sin City for this....
#7 Apr 03 2005 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
"you ask them to help you and all you get is "You want to do WHAT? Sorry.. Good luck tho!" "

(Sorry for my ghetto-quote, this mac can't seem to use the 'quote' function provided. Piece of crap)

Anyway, I kinda take offence from that... I decided to drop RDM and level BRD, but the thing is my RDM doesn't have a buffer, so I don't wanna delevel and lose my AF hat-wearing ability. Am I really being that selfish? :(

All I'm saying is, some people might have a legitamate excuse not to want to do something dangerous. I don't mind XP loss, but I really don't wanna level down ^^;
#8 Apr 04 2005 at 3:51 AM Rating: Good
817 posts
I feel your pain. I got RDM to 62 from static parties and grinding out exp every chance I got. But once I hit 62 I got burnt out. I decided the best thing to do was take a break. So I went and levelled BLM from 32-36. Then I decided I wanted to try a melee job. So I took a week and levelled WAR and RNG to 20 and NIN to 28 in the same week.

By the time I got back to RDM I was more relaxed and was able to enjoy the job again. I also started fishing and finishing my map collection in bttwn RDM exp parties.

The point is, if you're getting frustrated with your current job, take a break and do something else. The game is meant to be fun.
#9 Apr 04 2005 at 5:42 AM Rating: Decent
If you are frustrated from the grind that is organizing a party then you really need to form a static. Honestly, I feel that everyone by the time they hit level 60 needs to form a static party. It takes too long organizing a party with the right set up and then hauling your behinds to whereever it is you want to level. Static parties will cut down that time A LOT. Also you will know that your group is competent enough for your taste. You will also have less "what was the skillchain again?" and more cooperation amongst the group. It looks like a few people on this thread might be great canidates for a static. I highly suggest using this thread for that or starting a new one.

As for the whole DRG thing I really really really really do not understand why some people don't like partying with drgs. I really really really don't understand why anyone avoids partying with any job. All jobs have there pluses and minuses.

And on a final note. One thing I HATE is people leaving the party because the xp isn't up to their standards. First off just because the xp is slow at the beginning doesn't mean it will always be slow. The party is getting to know each other give it time. Second I first thought it was nice that the game told you exactly how much xp you were getting now I wish they didn't. If people couldn't track the xp down to the exact points people wouldn't b*tch as much.

But yeah ignore all that ranting the main point of my post is form a static that meets like once every 2 weeks or however much time you want and can put into leveling. You will be a much happier person.
#10 Apr 04 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Thanks for the responses and Ill take what everybody said to heart. I really do think I need a static party btw and may get into one.
#11 Apr 04 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
For the record, the reason DRG isn't in huge demand is because it has the lowest damage output, which most people think is bad. But, they forget DRG has a MUCH better innate accuracy, so they hit more often than say, DRK. Though a blind man could hit more often than a DRK... Point is, DRG is more of a 'DoT' damage dealer than the 'when it hits, it counts' nature of DRK's. Either way, similarly equipped, DRG's damage-per-minute should be on par with other DD's.

Unlike the base races, jobs tend to be very balanced, so which type of DD you get should only depend on what SC you plan to run and what location you choose to XP at.
#12 Apr 06 2005 at 10:03 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
#13 Apr 07 2005 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
172 posts
edited to basically delete my post, which was long and repetative =)

[i owe you a few /cheers Jotaro, hope to see you at a random telepoint again]

i kinda miss the noobs, and the noob experience.

at least i'll be forever noob.

or maybe go BST.

Edited, Thu Apr 7 12:47:23 2005 by enkydu

Edited, Thu Apr 7 16:28:11 2005 by enkydu
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