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Teleport Prices - What do you think?Follow

#1 Apr 08 2005 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
Over the last year, prices at the Auction House have tripled. It is crazy to see things that were worth 500k a while back, easily going for 1.5 - 2 million now.

Despite increases on literally everything else in the game, on Lakshmi, teleport prices have not gone up 1 gil. I added "on Lakshmi", because if you read through thread on other server forums, you will see that on more than half of them, teleport prices have gone up.

To point out the obvious, prices tripling means that 500 gil today is worth less than 200 gil just a year ago. There are much better ways to make money than porting, even for white mages.

But, white mages making money off of teleporting is a good thing! The reason this all came to me is because the last few weeks I found myself asking for a teleport for 20 minutes or longer.

I know this has come up before, but I strongly believe it would be in the best intrest of everyone in Lakshmi if the porting prices rose. I would glady play 4k for a teleport-altep when I really needed it. But, I am not saying prices should increase that much. I think for right now, a price of 800 for Dem, Holla, and Mea; 1200 for Altep and Yhoat; and 2000 for Xcarbard would be good. An extra 2 or 3 hundered isn't going to hurt anyone, but it will make a difference over a night for a white mage.

I did try this. There were no porters for half an hour today. So I quit trying to find a teleport and did ports myself. I asked for the 800 and 1200 prices. What I found was a very mixed reaction. On top of that, I was not surpirsed at all that three white mages appeared right then to offer the traditional prices.

I took note of these mages, and after my shout stating my prices, I mentioned the names of the porters offering traditional prices so whoever disagreed with me could grab a port with one of them. I really was not doing this to cash in. I got better things I could be doing as a 75 paladin to make money.

Many people sent me tells such as, "Thank goodness, it is about damn time someone raised prices. There are never any porters." But, probablly a larger gave me tells telling me that I am a cause of the poor economy and a "greedy *******".

I value my reputation on this server, and do not want to be on a lot of people's blist. But, I honestly think we should follow in other server's footsteps and raise these prices a little bit, for the good of everyone.

Let me know what you think. If I am out of line, let me know. If you strongly disagre, rate me down. I won't say I don't care, because I do.
#2 Apr 08 2005 at 7:46 PM Rating: Good
31 posts
Good idea, I tried teleports a while ago to make some cash, and the money sucked. I could see why very few people would offer them at the current prices, it's just not worth it
#3 Apr 08 2005 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
Bah, can't say I'd approve of a price increase. Then again I'm cheap. The only crag I would expect to have an increase of price of is Mea, since its a pain in the *** to get to. That and yohat, but I can't see why anyone would port there frequently. Everyone I've talked to is scared to death of Ifrit's Cauldron and the infamous tonberries.

OOT: Don't you think its pathetic for people in sandy to shout for teleport hollas? I mean its a 10 minute walk, they don't have that kind of time?
#4 Apr 08 2005 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent
95 posts
Last week I was running through sandy and ppl were offering 1k for teles. It wasn't just one person ether, after he left a few others started to offer 1K. I think the prices will go up soon.
#5 Apr 09 2005 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
209 posts
-Something- in this server needs to remain constant. And besides, no whitemage should -ever- have an income based only on teleports. I look at teleports as a service to the community, and when I whip out my whitemage, and I see someone raising prices, I offer them significantly cheaper. Teleports are a service, not a way to make good profit. If you happen to benefit a bit from it, good for you! But if your income is dependant on people looking for teleports... You need to find something better.
#6 Apr 09 2005 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
Teleports are a service, not a way to make good profit. If you happen to benefit a bit from it, good for you!

I really, don't see white mages spending hours in the hell that is Lower Jeuno spam, for community service. If you really believe that white mages are doing ports to be good citizens, you are mistaken. Occasionaly, you may see a white mage doing ports for free. But even when this happens, these porters never hang around for more than 20-30 minutes.

Bah, can't say I'd approve of a price increase. Then again I'm cheap. The only crag I would expect to have an increase of price of is Mea, since its a pain in the *** to get to. That and yohat, but I can't see why anyone would port there frequently. Everyone I've talked to is scared to death of Ifrit's Cauldron and the infamous tonberries.

OOT: Don't you think its pathetic for people in sandy to shout for teleport hollas? I mean its a 10 minute walk, they don't have that kind of time?

A) Mea, Holla, and Dem are all the same distance from Jeuno.
B) 500 or 1000 gil is worth less than a 10-15 minute walk to most players.
C) Altep and Xcabard are as much of a pain to get to as Yhoat.
D) There are more than enough reasons to go to Yhoat.

#7 Apr 09 2005 at 9:57 AM Rating: Good
2,638 posts
I have to agree, I dont do ports, but sometimes when I need a port, Im not affraid to shout for a basic port for 1k, I get answers very quickly, because for them 1k for 1 tele, to and from, 2-3 minutes max time.

I only do it when I really need a port, otherwise I choco or just use 2 airships (400 cost) and my time usually isnt that important ^^.

But you can charge as much as you want, its up to me to decide if its worth it. Lets say you charge 800gil, but you offer immediate departure while the 500gil WHM offers a lets wait for full PT, now thats a risk (small but possible), I could be there for 5 mins, while for an extra 300 I could leave right away

Its a matter of choice, and up to you to shout what you want, but the current prices are set in everyone's mind, I wouldnt shout them out, just propose to people shouting for tele. I know you are not greedy *******, but some people are very conservative, and tele prices are like the only safe player-to-player trade value at 500 gil, everything else has gone up, and people are affraid that the last foundation stone will disappear.
#8 Apr 09 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
C) Altep and Xcabard are as much of a pain to get to as Yhoat.
D) There are more than enough reasons to go to Yhoat.

Yhoat's crystal is placed in a real, real crappy place. It would be considerably better if you could pick up a chocobo there. But alas, you can't, so in a lot of instances you'd be better off just taking the airship and getting a bird in Kazham.

Also, having gone through the whole teletaxi phase myself... I can definitely attest that Yhoat is the most rarely asked for teleport, with Vahzl following close behind.
#9 Apr 09 2005 at 10:02 AM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
As for the actual topic, I think prices of 1000/1500/2000 would be fine. It's not overkill enough to make people not want teleports, and it will bring more WHMs back to do the teletaxi service again. Seems win-win to me.

The problem is getting every WHM to agree to this and not try to undercut it back to the "normal" prices...
#10 Apr 09 2005 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
95 posts
I think if enough WHMs made that the norm price, verry few would try and undercut it. Everyone is looking for a profit.
#11 Apr 09 2005 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
"A) Mea, Holla, and Dem are all the same distance from Jeuno.
B) 500 or 1000 gil is worth less than a 10-15 minute walk to most players.
C) Altep and Xcabard are as much of a pain to get to as Yhoat.
D) There are more than enough reasons to go to Yhoat. "

A) Yeah, but Holla and Dem don't make you go throuh a maze of cliffs to get to them from Jeuno.

B) Minus a Healthy 8 hours of sleep, we have 16 hours of play time on a weekend, and mabye 7 on weekdays, perhaps less. Most dedicate 4-5 hours to party, so that leaves roughly 2 hours of time to spend as need be. If you can't squeeze 15 minutes of travel time, you need to loosen up your schedule, or this game might not be right for you.

If you're paying for a teleport to get somewhere where an alliance is forming, such as ordelles for eco-war sandy, you're wasting your money. You're not saving any time, since you gotta wait for the guys who plan to walk. Really the only legitimate reasons for a crag port (off the top of my head of course) is to get to an XP party in progress, or get there to do a Promyvion.

C) Yeah, but Altep is popular, with leveling range of 30+, mid 40's and mid 50's. Vhazl is useless, IMO, except for quests/af.

D) "...I can't see why anyone would port there frequently." There are reasons to go anywhere, I said there aren't reasons to go often. You find yourself in Yohat on several occassions, or end up going somewhere where Yohat could have been a place on the way if you were traveling there through some alternate method? I think its easier to just hop a bird and ride to most places in that region.

I think I would cringe at paying 1k for a crag teleport. It's cheaper to grab a bird and the ride is relaxing (or painfully long to Mea). I guess if you're in a super hurry its not bad, which is understandable in parties to remote locations such as the labarynth. In which case teleports are included in your XP party budget anyway. And whats a few gil for more XP?

1.5-2k is no biggie. My need to port to those areas are rare anyway.
#12 Apr 12 2005 at 2:43 AM Rating: Default
66 posts
A) Yeah, but Holla and Dem don't make you go throuh a maze of cliffs to get to them from Jeuno.

Obbviously someone doesn't spend much time going from Bastok to Konschtat Highlands or through the twisting paths that are Pashow ^^

Anyway.. as for tele prices.. hate to see them go up.. cause I like to save money when I need to travel.. PLUS there's the cost of crag chocos.. >.< owie... 2700+ at Mea the other day O.o;

But on the other hand.. 500g is rarely worth my time when I'm WHM and someone wants a tele. (Friends fly free tho ^.~)

1000g, yes, I'd be more likely to stop for and teleport someone.

As you can see.. I'm kinda on the fence about it. ^^

I will comment on the waiting for a tele tho... both as teleporter and as teleportee.. I HATE when people request a teleport then take 5 minutes to be ready... or more. It's rude and the WHM and others in the PT have better things to do than wait on your butt!! And even if the WHM is teleporting you for free.. ESPECIALLY if they're teleporting you for free.... GET YOUR BUTT MOVING!! {growl} (/rant)


#13 Apr 12 2005 at 2:56 AM Rating: Decent
"Obbviously someone doesn't spend much time going from Bastok to Konschtat Highlands or through the twisting paths that are Pashow ^^"
That's cause I'm San d'Orian :p. Besides, Merphudated Mountains or whatever is much worse than Konschat unless you stick to the path.

I go to pashhow marshlands a lot, and its not bad at all, unless you're taking the back routes, of which there's very little point in it unless you're heading to bea-whatever.

#14 Apr 12 2005 at 3:22 AM Rating: Good
66 posts
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#15 Apr 12 2005 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
Did you even READ my posts? I said there's no point to FREQUENT those locales. Aside from farming I don't know anyone who goes there more than once a month.
#16 Apr 12 2005 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
No need to take a difference in views or opinions personally. =P I didn't come here to start a flame war, I merely added my info and opinions and got rated down for it.. thanks so much. Didn't someone comment not long ago about mistakenly taking things personally and feeling bad for it..?

I go to pashhow marshlands a lot, and its not bad at all, unless you're taking the back routes, of which there's very little point in it unless you're heading to bea-whatever.

As Vayne said Pashow was nearly pointless, I gave reasons for passing through or frequenting it.. so yes.. I DID read her post. Maybe she should reread hers too? ^^

And if you only farm once a month, such is your choice. I tend to frequently farm the same areas.. thus frequent an area. Sometimes I'll go once a week, sometimes I'll go several times a day, so I find myself frequenting areas a lot. Beaucedine glacier for tigers, golems, and eyeballs.. personally I prefer a tele as opposed to chocoboing to Ranguemont Pass then walking =P I also like exploring, so I tend to go to places I've been before and examine as much of it as possible.. I still find new stuff.

Now.. my farming and exploring tend to be frequently called off as I'm often called on to help people.. so I'll get out there.. ready to explore/farm/whatever.. find I have to warp back to jeuno.. help someone.. then when done go back. Hmm.. those 15-20 minute choco rides add up.. as do the gil for them.. so.. teleport! Because I'm again.. frequenting the area...

People also do tend to frequent areas you might not expect because THEY like the scenery.. the mobs.. the music.. I know people who go to Xarcabard just for the music ^^ And the light show near Castle Zvahl is pretty too! Also know some people who go just to kill demons. Not farm, mind you.. just cause fighting demons is fun!

You don't have to go places just to farm or for quests or missions... each place, if you find it, has something special to see and enjoy.. a reason to frequent it, and that was apparently the point that was missed in my post.

Aaaaannd.. tying this all back into the OP... cause getting slightly off topic..

I think prices for teleports should stay balanced (not necessarily same or different prices, but about same ratios) cause Dem, Holla, and Mea are most used.. Altep coming in close.. and I'm still seeing (slightly) more Yhoats than Vazhls. Also keep in mind the relative difficutly of the spells to get and the levels required to use certain ones..

As for prices.. as someone said.. people will pay what they think is fair.. high demand, low supply, higher price (ie 1k for holla). If there are others teleporting, then obviously prices will drop to "normal". And sometimes, if no one else is offering, rather than advertise 500g per standard 'port.. sometimes I'll just pick various people up who are seeking teles.. they pay me what they think it's worth. But I usually only do this when killing time.. which is rarely.. =P I never advertise at higher price though.

Will say this tho.. Buses, taxis, and planes are all RL services.. and yes, their prices do go up. WHM are Vanadiel's taxi service. They run all over Vanadiel R2ing and R3ing people at no charge.. tossing cures like candy. Yes.. I know.. that's what they're SUPPOSED to do. But if THF can charge for their TH2, why can't WHM charge a lil more for their teleports when they do so many other things pro bono?

Just some thoughts.. personally, I'm still on the fence ^^
#17 Apr 12 2005 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
"No need to take a difference in views or opinions personally. =P I didn't come here to start a flame war, I merely added my info and opinions and got rated down for it.. thanks so much. Didn't someone comment not long ago about mistakenly taking things personally and feeling bad for it..?"

You ARE personally targeting my posts! I see quotes, and they're quotes of MY posts. You add info and opinions that don't even have any signifigance to the OP, you just wanted to contradict my opinions, and I want to defend them.

I just think most people on the sever don't go to the said crags as much as the others. I really don't care if you're an exception, and I'm sure you don't care what I do in my free time. And I know there are many exceptions, but not enough to hold the majority.
#18 Apr 12 2005 at 7:39 AM Rating: Default
I stopped teleporting cause it became useless to make money as I know alot of other WHM did this also. That is the reason for the lack of teleporters now a days, because yes we use it as an income....and when it becomes more of a pain then its worth many just give up and use alternative means to make gil, aka farm or lvl another job to farm.

The prices in the AH are getting our of control, i dont know if its due to gil sellers are maybe just the fact that this game is getting old and the demand is starting to dry up cause the lack of new players, all I know is teleporting has not been making the money it use to cause they money it use to cant buy anything now unless you sit there for a week non stop and just tele....then of course people will probally think you are a gil seller and trash your name lol.

Teleport prices might go up or stay where they may only time will tell....and the more people leave this game and the less people join...the greater the chances that increased prices will become a norm.

Hey look at me Mr. Ramble! lol oh well my 2 cents take it as it is or just /slap me when you see me :P

Edited, Tue Apr 12 08:40:44 2005 by MilkManMOO
#19 Apr 12 2005 at 8:01 AM Rating: Default
I would much rather take Ronfaure and Sarutabaruta for Bastok. I hate teleports as it is, 500 to me, is too much when I am still going to have to foot it for another 10 minutes. Sorry, I am a HUGE penny pincher, it is very rare when I splurge for something. Hell I don't remember the last chicken I got from Jeuno, that is far too much. But if we(Bastok) could take Ronfaure and Saruta, that would rule. I would pay 800-1000 to teleport directly from Metalworks to Saruta or Ronf, and I would never need a WHM teleport again.

Oh, wrong post but I may as well throw out a request. No AH has any Raptor Mantles. I need it for that Mog Quest, if anyone has one, or makes one, send it to me please, and I will send you the money. I have seen fluctuated prices of 3k-5k, so 5k is the max I will pay. If you find one for 1k and send it to me, then I will still send you 5k, cuz there NEVER seems to be any when I am online.
#20 Apr 12 2005 at 8:22 AM Rating: Default
66 posts
You apparently missed my comment about Xarcabard points then.. said someone commented on it.. just wasn't sure who.. hell.. still not sure who.. and personally don't care, so I wasn't specifically targetting you, Vayne.

My posts have been on the frequency of places visited.. which people have been tying into the prices of teleports in posts before mine.

And my first post AND my last post DID pertain to the OP. If you missed that.. please read again.

I've been using my activities as examples.. but I know LS members and friends frequent those places too. So MANY people I know like to go to hang out and kill mobs in various areas and they DO do so more than once a month. Bibiki Bay romance? you need a Mea. Farming beastman's blood, silk threads and tree cuttings or levelling in valkurm? Dem. Demon slaughterfest? Vahzl. Playing with tonberries (someone we BOTH know does this)? Fishing in sea serpent grotto? Yhoat. Tiger fangs or the all-popular gathering place San d'oria? Holla.

Trying to make you, as well as others realize.. there's more to places than just one-time-only for quests and missions. People DO frequent out-of-the-way places which only shows there's a need for those teleports like Yhoat and Vazhl.

YES Yhoat and Vahzl are used less often.. they plunk you down in the middle of highish level areas. BUT.. they're a playground for higher levels I know..

YES Vahzl is a PITA to get and you have to be a higher level to learn it thus demand is higher than the supply, thus the price should be higher than the others.

Yhoat CAN be a cake walk to get or a PITA too.. random drop for quest.. can take days (in my case).. or in a friend's case.. 2 kills. (&*^#&*~!!! =P) Again, though, higher level spell than the basics, but still lower than Vahzl. Demand, in my experience, is slightly higher than Vahzl. Often teleport people there who are going to level, farm, or go to the Temple or to Norg. Honestly I can almost see Yhoat's price going up to 1200 or 1500 to match Vahzl's...

Altep is becoming like the basics in usage.. but the basics still outstrip it's demand. Of all the "outland" teleports, this one is used most often. It's also extremely easy to get. I could see its price dropping to match the basic 3's.. but.. again, drops you in a higher level area.. and higher levels = money.

Dem easyish to get, Holla easiest to get, Mea easy to get just a PITA finding the right flame. The basic 3.. any 36 WHM can use or any 72 with WHM sub can use.. supply is higher than the others, demand is higher than the others.. crags are all in low level areas.. and the low level areas lead to higher level areas, good for everyone. Low levels = limited income. High supply = lower prices too.

All these reasons are why the price tier has been set up the way it has been.. and some of these reasons are why changing it's being discussed (and not just changing prices).

These are all things to keep in mind as we discuss whether or not to change prices.

Something else to keep in mind on changing prices... remember how much 500 gil was to you when you were level 20 and first made it to jeuno.. I remember it was a LOT to me. Especially if you arrive at or near broke and the prices of chocos are often higher than teles.. and there's nothing outside of jeuno you can farm. Remember, we're potentially asking people to pay 800-1000 for a tele. A lot of the mid-to-lower levels we teleport now wouldn't be able to afford that, can't ride an airship yet, and might rather take that chocobo.. (I usually see choco prices between 400 and 800gil in jeuno).

Wow.. posting on both sides.. for and against price raises ^^ *happily sits on her fence eating ice cream*
#21 Apr 12 2005 at 8:25 AM Rating: Excellent
247 posts
Teleport prices need to raise. If people wish to have teleporters available when they want them to be then they need to accept that the old "standard" prices aren't enough to keep White Mages interested in teleporting.

The only time I will consider dropping what I am doing and perform a teleport to one of the crags is if the offered price is 1000 gil or more. Otherwise, it isn't worth my time. Inflation has hit all other portions of this game, asking white mages to stick to the old prices yet still demanding they perform this service for you is unfair. You want white mages to teleport you? Offer a higher price.

9/10 times, if I see someone shout for a teleport in Jeuno and they're asking above the "standard" price, I'll invite and teleport them. If for no other reason then to send the message out that raising the offering price of teleports will get you the service you are seeking.
#22 Apr 12 2005 at 8:41 AM Rating: Default
66 posts
I would pay 800-1000 to teleport directly from Metalworks to Saruta or Ronf, and I would never need a WHM teleport again.

So.. you, a self-proclaimed penny-pincher, would rather pay 800-1000 gil than 500g? ^^ I find it kinda funny, but I do see the convenience factor figures in too. Hate that the crag teles drop you off in the middle of nowhere.. @.@ we need town-to-town teleports!

The only time I will consider dropping what I am doing and perform a teleport to one of the crags is if the offered price is 1000 gil or more. Otherwise, it isn't worth my time.

Same.. usually.. though if I notice someone seeking for a while, I will sometimes take pity and tele. =P Only times I advertise teles are when there's a lot of people seeking and I'm bored. Otherwise.. simply not worth it.

#23 Apr 12 2005 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
So.. you, a self-proclaimed penny-pincher, would rather pay 800-1000 gil than 500g

Yes but that's the rub. To pay 500 to go to a place that is typically 2 zones away from any town, or 2 nasty zones(pre 50) to get to Jeuno from either direction. Get this, take the 2 outposts of the 2 opposing cities that you arent a part of, do a supply quest to Qufim when your Nation takes it, and you should be set forever. No tele to Dem, Holla, or Mea, go directly to the zone right outside those towns. It would be heaven. Since apparently, people feel the need to offer more for a teleport than is needed, this would chunk down on everyone's annoyance.
#24 Apr 12 2005 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
I appreciate everyone's comments. However, I think we were getting a little off subject. I replied to someone who said something about Holla being much closer to Jeuno than Dem or Mea and Yhoat and Xcarbard being useless.

I probablly should have just let his comment go, because that is not what this thread is about. We had a mini-flame war going on about a irrelivant and pointless topic.

If you don't need to go to the crags, then it doesn't matter what the price is. I know people go to these crags though, because I have done teleports quite a bit in the past. I also find myself going to Yhoat and Xcabard quite a bit. Maybe even more than the other crags because taking the airship is often the better alternative for place near the city crags.

But again, this is all really irrelivent. The point of this thread was that for many of us having teleporters waiting in Jeuno ready to pick us up and take us wherever we need to go is a major convience. Sometimes more than a convience, such as times when a LS's NM just spawned and you need to get there ASAP to claim it.

I don't consider myself rich by any means. I work for my gil like everyone else and find a way to purchase the items I need. But, I personally would have no problems paying more for ports. White mages deserve it. Teleporting is not a fun activity. After an hour or two in Lower Jeuno lag, making little gil, you will get tired of it.

However, the biggest obstacle facing helping White Mages raise the teleport prices a bit are themselves. I can ask for a port for 20 minutes with no porters around. The moment I offer to do teleports at the 800, 1200 prices, a White Mage comes to offer the old standard prices. I feel like many White Mages on the server want to hurt the other porters rather than stick together and accomplish raising prices to something that would be better for all White Mages and the server as a whole.

Edited, Tue Apr 12 10:23:00 2005 by VawnLakshimi
#25 Apr 12 2005 at 9:20 AM Rating: Good
2,915 posts
To pay 500 to go to a place that is typically 2 zones away from any town, or 2 nasty zones(pre 50) to get to Jeuno from either direction. Get this, take the 2 outposts of the 2 opposing cities that you arent a part of, do a supply quest to Qufim when your Nation takes it, and you should be set forever.

That would be a great idea (for note, I take the qufim teleport every time I'm going to Jeuno from my home). Unfortunately, the chances of any other countries getting the home zones on Lakshmi are slim. I know that at the very least, Bastok & Windy EF's are watching their's like a hawk, especially after the latest attempt by Bastok.

But, lets assume it did happen, and everyone was able to get everyone else's newb zones. Being from Bastok, if I'm in Sandy, and need to go to Jeuno, for example. Chances are, Sandy's zone is back in their control, so it's gonna cost me 800 just to get back to Bastok, then from their, if Qufim isn't under Bastok control, that's another 1000. So now I've spent 1800 & run through 2 zones, 1 of which is still potentionally dangerous at lvl 30 (my level).

It really wouldn't cost me any more money to pay 800-1000 for a basic tele, and rent a chocobo to safely run through the couple of zones to Jeuno.

You do bring up the good point, though not directly stated. Everyone should try to get any supply runs made when they can, as it's always good to have another option for transportation.

And as for me, I'd pay 1000 for a basic tele, but I'm going to price my other options first.
#26 Apr 13 2005 at 1:49 AM Rating: Decent
"My posts have been on the frequency of places visited.. which people have been tying into the prices of teleports in posts before mine. "

Yes, but it was MY post that sparked interest into this issue. So your points are directly relavant to me.

"And my first post AND my last post DID pertain to the OP. If you missed that.. please read again. "

I did, and also in those posts were contradictions to my opinions, but oddly enough they appeared FIRST. I can't help but think you merely slap on the same material relevant to the OP just so it doesn't look like all you're doing is personally conflicting against my post. After all, you made your point in the first place, so why are you bothering to repeat it?

"I've been using my activities as examples.. but I know LS members and friends frequent those places too. So MANY people I know like to go to hang out and kill mobs in various areas and they DO do so more than once a month. Bibiki Bay romance? you need a Mea. Farming beastman's blood, silk threads and tree cuttings or levelling in valkurm? Dem. Demon slaughterfest? Vahzl. Playing with tonberries (someone we BOTH know does this)? Fishing in sea serpent grotto? Yhoat. Tiger fangs or the all-popular gathering place San d'oria? Holla.

Trying to make you, as well as others realize.. there's more to places than just one-time-only for quests and missions. People DO frequent out-of-the-way places which only shows there's a need for those teleports like Yhoat and Vazhl. "

I wanted constructive reasons to visit these locales, and most of your supporting arguments are just pointless ways to spend time, or farming ventures which really don't count since you can farm anywhere. Besides, farming in some areas is level-dependent. My point is, there isn't much NEED to go to those areas. Anyone can go to Sancuary of Zi'Tah just for the hell of it.

Edited, Wed Apr 13 03:04:53 2005 by ShyFox
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