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Teleport Prices - What do you think?Follow

#27 Apr 15 2005 at 3:26 AM Rating: Good
351 posts
I vote yes. the price would have to be within reason. When I feel like I need to get somewhere, I want to get there right away, not stand around shouting constantly. Most of the time Ill sit for 5-7 mins shouting my price at standard and raised.

No response, I walk or choco or fly.

And besides, no whitemage should -ever- have an income based only on teleports. I look at teleports as a service to the community, and when I whip out my whitemage, and I see someone raising prices, I offer them significantly cheaper.

Ok let me show you a RL example to this. May not be the best but I hope you see the point.

I work at UPS's main air hub In louisville KY. this hub caters about 110+ aircraft coming in, parking, get unloaded, reloaded and sent back out in the span of 6-7 hrs during the night. How do you think UPS afforded such a hub? By delievering packages from one person another. moving goods from one place to the next and so on. UPS has no product to sale, only services.

Do you think they gonna keep the same price for shipping w/ and make a profit w/ the same price they did when the compay started in 1905? No, they obviously cant. Why because the economy changed, supplied used chaned in price thus reflecting UPS's prices over time.

Now WHMs have othe means of getting money through farming, BCNMs, and maybe NM hunting.

If the price of their spells and such (the cost of being a WHM)go then so should the prices of regular charged services.
#28 Apr 15 2005 at 5:43 AM Rating: Default
66 posts
Off topic:

Constructive reasons? Does someone need a "constructive reason" to go someplace and just enjoy it? Sometimes people just want to go have fun and Quests and Missions aren't the ONLY constructive things you can do. Farming's constructive.. make money for better gear, equip, or for those expandables when you help people on aforementioned quests and missions. (And yes, farming CAN be level dependent, but so are quests and missions). Sometimes just sitting around relaxing is, ironically, constructive.. for your health and peace of mind. All depends how you look at things. ^.~

Granted.. people don't NEED to go there.. but they DO because they can. I don't even know why we're arguing about this.. People go places because they can, whether it's "constructive" or not.. Of course the main levelling areas are going to be frequented the most.. Mea, Holla, Dem, Altep.. Teleport-Yhoat's harder for lower levels to travel to or from, so they're less likely to have, let alone use, and Teleport-Vahzl, yes, is primarily used for missions and quests.. but again.. not the only reasons and people still go there.. quest/mission or not. What's the point of this argument again? Dunno..

All I know is that I've been thinking about not only prices changing but the price tiers changing as well, for a while and some of the comments made in this thread set me to thinking about them again. YES... YOUR comments were some of them, Vayne, I admit it.

While others made comments and points too, yes, I decided to refute yours. Why? Because they were the ones I had differing opinions on. I've raced people through Meriphitaud mountains, so yes, I refuted that point. I've done a lot of exploring, so yes, I refuted your point about nationality. And I especially voiced my opinion on the "pointless" areas because I believe, quest/mission or not, no area is truly pointless or to be taken for granted.

BUT I still tried to be polite and friendly as I refuted them.. but time after time you took them as personal attacks. I'm sorry you felt that way. At no point did I say "Vayne is an idiot." or anything of the sort or make any personal accusations (unless you want to take "obviously someone doesn't travel from Bastok to Konschtat etc.." as one), yet you INSIST on accusing me of attacking you. Do you think I saw this thread and said "There's Vayne! I'm going to make her life hell!"?? I've got better things to do than tear people apart for no good reason. And trust me.. if I wanted to attack you, you'd know it loud and clear. I disagreed with your points, YES. Did I disagree with others? Yes, and on those points either I or someone else said something sharing my views, JUST AS I WAS DOING WITH YOUR POINTS. But I wasn't calling you a horrible, stupid, mean, etc.. person cause I chose to refute YOUR points. It's life.. people will disagree with you. Learn to deal with it. Again.. it's nothing personal.. it's just different views.

As far as my posting being off-topic, they were no more so than your comments about "pointless" areas. You want to say teleporting to certain areas is pointless other than for quests or missions? (Not sure why it came up.. but maybe you were thinking of potential price changes and the costs to go there..)Well, I countered that people do frequent the areas for more than missions or quests (and that's their choice, I know, and not what you do, but yes, people DO frequent areas, which was a point I was trying to make) so yes, they'd be spending even more gil on teleports out there if prices raised. And yes.. I also brought that all into the tiers of prices (500 standard, 1000 altep, 1500 vahzl) and how, if we're discussing prices of teleports, perhaps we should review the tier pricing as well. So, yes, while it's not a "should teleport prices be raised? yes or no?" answer, the tier pricing IS still on the topic of teleport pricing, and I think it's something that should be considered too.. Revamp the entire teleport price system? Part of it? None of it?

Now come on.. peace.. as I said.. these posts were never meant as a flame war.

I have one more thing to add.. and it's a personal observation based on personal experiences and is in no way meant as an attack on anyone.. please read it, then the paragraph following:

THE REASON I disagree wholeheartedly with any place being called "pointless" because, IMHO, people who call places "pointless" except for quests and missions has lost their sense of wonder, exploration, and adventure. People I've seen who lost their sense of wonder and exploration and lived only for exp, rank, and quests quickly became bored and bitter. Some quit, some stayed for whatever reasons (usually for friends), but I have seen it a lot, and it's truly sad.

That is NOT directed at anyone in particular, cause I've lost my sense of wonder and exploration at times too, (just managed to find it again.. dang moogle keeps hiding it >.>) as have some of my friends. It's sad to see my friends lose their sense of wonder, sense of exploration, sense of adventure... when I see they've lost those, I know they're thinking of quitting. And many have.. Yet another reason I explore is to share the neat things I find with them. Like the sharks in Buburimu Penninsula.. The nice little spot by a waterfall in Jugner Forest.. The fishing birds and owls in Carpenter's Landing.. And numerous other little neat things I know of :3

Anyway.. I'm dropping this. No more.. over.. done. It was never meant to be started, and I've tried to steer this back to topic, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. Again Vayne, I'm sorry if you took my posts as personal attacks. They were never intended as such, and I'm sorry you saw them that way. This is my last post on this off-topic topic.
#29 Apr 15 2005 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good
Once in a while I'll sit in Jeuno and do a tele service for like 30 min or so. Then it gets really boring.

As for the prices going up, prehaps something not so dramatic as 500 to 800. Perhaps hiking each teleport by 100 gil would be better for now, then in a month or so raise it by 100 again. Even to new lvl 20's 600 gil for an inland teleport isn't all that bad.
#30 Apr 15 2005 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
Just to clear some things up:
Farming's constructive.

Never said it wasn't. I even SAID it was an exception. I'm just saying its pointless to argue Vazhl is worthwhile to port to for farming since you could go to lots of other places, makeing those areas just as worthwhile. I.E. it's not a unique reason.
Sometimes just sitting around relaxing is, ironically, constructive.. for your health and peace of mind.

You could also not play FFXI and read a book. But both aren't gonna get you anymore conquest points or boost your fame.
but they DO because they can.

I hear this so much. A level 60 paladin can go off to an XP party with a set of opaline gear as their only equip too.
What's the point of this argument again? Dunno..

You were trying to prove to me why someone would teleport to vazhl and yohat just as frequently as mea, holla, dem, and altep. Farming doesn't count since you can farm in lots of places.
THE REASON I disagree wholeheartedly with any place being called "pointless" because, IMHO, people who call places "pointless" except for quests and missions has lost their sense of wonder, exploration, and adventure.

Gah! I MEANT, in GAME terms, they're useless except for the stated reasons. I do my share of adventuring, but the pleasurable means of killing time does NOTHING to improve my in-game status, and thats my point. Regardless of entertainment and personal satisfaction, no in-game progress is being achieved, and this fact is the essance of my view of this issue.
I've tried to steer this back to topic, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

IMO, threads evolve as new points are introduced into the subject. I introduced the concept of teleport frequency to select areas in order to explain my view on price increases in those areas. Again, mea, holla, dem, and altep are the only places I can see large amounts of animosity towards price increases of because they're frequently asked for, whereas vazhl and yohat I doubt many would care since they're less frequently requested, as NEED to teleport to those areas is more limited.
This is my last post on this off-topic topic.

I wouldn't say that, lol. Just in case you may think of something more to add.

Edited, Fri Apr 15 10:07:24 2005 by ShyFox
#31 Apr 15 2005 at 9:20 AM Rating: Good
Vayne, I hate to jump in this, but please quit posting on this thread. Your comments have nothing to do with the original subject and you feel like arguing over completely pointless topics.

Also, if you don't know reasons to visit places like Yhoat and Xacarbard, maybe you should learn a little more about the game. Or better yet, start a new thread called "Why the hell did they put these pointless zones in the game?!?!11?!!?"

Edited, Fri Apr 15 10:22:37 2005 by VawnLakshimi
#32 Apr 15 2005 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
Vayne, I hate to jump in this, but please quit posting on this thread. Your comments have nothing to do with the original subject and you feel like arguing over completely pointless topics.

Nothing? I just said in my previous post WHY they were relevant. here, I'll say it again:

I introduced the concept of teleport frequency to select areas in order to explain my view on price increases in those areas. Again, mea, holla, dem, and altep are the only places I can see large amounts of animosity towards price increases of because they're frequently asked for, whereas vazhl and yohat I doubt many would care since they're less frequently requested, as NEED to teleport to those areas is more limited.

Then along those lines, Rhirhi tried to argue against that. But, because I wasn't satisfied with her arguements, I defended my beliefs. Satisfied? Of course not, you're spiteful of me. If anything I said was undue I appologize, but so far I still stand by my opinions.

Also, if you don't know reasons to visit places like Yhoat and Xacarbard, maybe you should learn a little more about the game. Or better yet, start a new thread called "Why the hell did they put these pointless zones in the game?!?!11?!!?"

I would, but so far it seems nobobdy does. And I find you're assumption that I'd use such poor punctuation in a non-synical manner insulting.
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