I was thinking about this last night, and I am curious as to what all you guys would change to make this game better? What I would change is a laundry list of big and small thing,s but I will only post the major ones, hopefully I won't **** off too many people. In no particular order:
1) Better checking systems for solo and parties. By that I mean in a party, the mob should con to the average of the party. I was in a party the other night where I wasn't the highest level, but was the puller. So of course what cons IT to me, was VT to out Tank. The Rdm got severly pissed that we were only getting 170+ exp. Maybe it's just me, but as long as my exp is going UP, I don't seem to mind that much.
2) No more NMs. Here is where everyone will jump all over me. I think EVERY NM(sans BCNM, KSNM) should be gotten rid of. THe "rare drops" that everyone camps for, should drop off of regular mobs, instead of 1 mob every 2-3 hours. Example, the Emperor is a Damselfly in Valkurm, so it should be gone, and all Damselflies should have like a 1% drop rate of the hairpin. Since there is an abundance of flies, eventually everyone would have a hairpin(or boots, or peacock charm, etc) and some of this gil selling would stop.
3) This is another thing that will get me bagged on, but my idea on this can go 1 of 3 ways:
a> This game should have been released at the same time on all systems. Being that it was released in JP a while before NA, the JPs had time to get all their crafts up, and they were price setters. It was them who decided that Leaping Boots should be 250k(thats what they were when I started last March).
b> Segregated servers. Would we really have a problem with Chinese Gil Sellers if Chinese had their own servers? I will be the first to admit, some of the BEST parties I have been in were JP, but I would gladly sacrifice that to get prices of things back down to what they used to be, and get rid of these CGFs. Nothing beats seeing Maviont, Araubaud, etc. in Valkurm, then 30 minutes later, seeing them in S. Gustaberg.
c> This is another one that would **** people off. Either abolish the PC version, or give them their own servers. Why? Simple, you can't create a voking bot on a PS2 version. Bots are, to my knowledge, strictly PC. Correct me if I am wrong.
4) Here is a lovely idea. Anyone play Final Fantasy VIII? You got a salary based on your SeeD rank. Why in the hell are we not getting a weekly salary from our Government that we are doing missions for? Hell, base it on Rank, like a Rank 10 could get 100k a week, and a Rank 1 could get 10k per week.
5) Don't like idea #3? Here is the solution. Stricter GMs. Let's face it, these guys are douchebags. I have so many theories about these tools it isnt even funny. Regardless here is my idea: In dealing with Bots, CGFs whatever, a "no tolerance" rule. All these people can't be proven on a whim, but if enough Players called a GM on one player(Maviont), then his account should get flagged. Being that they can oversee transactions, chat logs, etc. a flagged account should be watched a bit closer. If they see large amounts of gil transferred from these players(using term loosely) that isn't from the AH, then BAM, perma ban on the spot. If some tool is voking a mob for 5 minutes without attacking, then that should be all the proof you need.
6) Dragons should only be allowed out in battle.
7) You should be able to use either your job's, or your subjob's 2 hour. Wouldn't that be nice?
8) Even Too Weak mobs should give you at least 1 exp. That would be more incentive to farm the materials you need, knowing that if you kill 10,000 crawlers, you could level up and make your money. That would really help out on those days when partying at your level isnt happening.
9) Headset support only in Party chat. Since **** is moving very fast anyways, this would be a good idea. Unless you get some know it all tool that just wants to spout out how great he is, then you can turn your headset off and go back to typing.
10) No multiple characters. I know people have their mules(I even have one), but that should be abolished. Bots, Gil sellers, etc. You know they have multiple mules, and thats how they hoard all their cash, so mules should be gotten rid of.
Many of my ideas will prolly upset you if you are 75 THF who sees NM hunting as what gets your rocks off. Just another peeve I have is seeing someone level 75 in AF2(by Af2 I don't mean the 2nd piece of your Artifact gear, I mean the full set of AF from Dynamis) hunting a low level hgih profit NM. I am going to tell you this: You don't need the money. Say what you will about taking another job, to get into Dynamis you need over a million gil. So you were obviously not strapped for cash. Personally, I don't see the need in still playing the game. When I get my Ranger to 75, and I get Rank 10, that means there is no more story, and nothing else to do. I knew I was going the Ranger route long befroe I got this game, so it's all I wanted to do. I have absolutely no desire to try a Mage job, or level a Dragoon up to 75. I swear, Aces is cool, but my god I don't think he has a job thats "under" level 50.
Edited, Fri Apr 15 10:04:12 2005 by TrueCrimsonshadow