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Server attacks and the real worldFollow

#1 Apr 16 2005 at 12:33 PM Rating: Good
24 posts
Hi there. I'm sure many of you have read this already, but in case you missed it, check this out.

It seems that China really doesnt want Japan to have that UN seat. Though I dont get how attacking FFXI is going to help that. /sigh
#2 Apr 16 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
453 posts
I dont get what you mean. Wherre in the atricle is FF attacked. I didnt see it.
#3 Apr 16 2005 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
2,638 posts
Hes just supposing its a chinese attack on FFXI servers.....

Maybe they are, maybe they are not...

Keep in mind the attacks also started near the period where deleted accounts can be reactivated, it could be banned players, it could be chinese, it could be someone playing EQ, someone playing WoW, or someone (or a few people) thah got fired by SE recently, it could be a kid doing it for the heck , etc...
#4 Apr 16 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Well since putting together information was a little too difficult for you Clubby, read this

Current theories suggest that the Chinese protests over Japanese textbooks, which are accused of distorting Japanese wartime practices, may have influenced hackers from China or Hong Kong to launch a DDoS assault on the Final Fantasy XI servers. If this turns out to be true, it would be a peculiar irony, as most of the game's loathed "gilfarmers" are based out of China and Hong Kong. These gilfarmers monopolize an area where valuable items or materials are "farmed" and then sold to "gil wholesellers" who in turn sell it to game players, boosting the in-game inflation rate to astronomical levels.

The point of the link in the OP was to show "why" someone would want to attack the servers, as political unrest between two neighboring nations is a somewhat serious thing. Let me be more clear when I say, this is merely food for thought. I never claimed the link to be absolute 100% fact.

Thanks for the rate down though.

Edit: Thank you Shy for your post :D
Edit again: for link, quote.

Edited, Sat Apr 16 14:38:49 2005 by RhoneDarkstar
#5 Apr 16 2005 at 1:53 PM Rating: Good
654 posts
I don't think you deserved a rate down for this.

Over here in Southeast Asia, almost every piece of news is about the unrest between Japan and China. There have also been alot of reports of cyberattacks on Japanese servers, even that of their national police agency sometime in the past week. The timing of that was also about the same time that the FFXI servers began being odd.

The reports also stated that there were Chinese websites explicitly encouraging their general public to perform such acts on Japanese servers, so it isn't surprising that someone would draw such conclusions.

Then again, though, it's all mostly speculation until SE can do a proper IP trace and get past the masked IPs used to execute the DDoS attacks that they experienced. And, even then, I highly doubt that we'd see any kind of specific details regarding it from SE themselves.

Thankfully, the servers seem to be stable this weekend. :)
#6 Apr 16 2005 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Thanks Kysha! I agree with you. It's very troubling to hear, as I have family in that part of the world too.
#7 Apr 16 2005 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
6,947 posts
With regards to the protest, I think it is somewhat telling that the American television News media has given it so little weight in their coverage.

In fact, prior to reading this article, I was unaware of the degree of violence associated with this event (other than "a protest where some windows were broken and some angry people assembled").

I am curious, though, about the remark in the second link,

Current theories suggest that the Chinese protests over Japanese textbooks, which are accused of distorting Japanese wartime practices, may have influenced hackers from China or Hong Kong to launch a DDoS assault on the Final Fantasy XI servers.

While I admit already that the general populace (myself included) in the west is hearing significantly less about these events than those in the east (As Kysha said, it's all over the news there), I am wondering just where these 'current theories' are from, and by whom espoused?

This is certainly the first time I have heard of such a connection being suggested, so I am wondering who's current theories these are.

While I do not intend in any way to discount the very real possibility of a relation between these events, I am also generally cautious of drawing convenient connections between events when it seems to support a view that someone has an interest in promulgating.

My concern, I guess, is just that it is often too easy for some people to find any reason to hold hate and prejudice.

There are already too many people who have a categorical "hate teh chinese" attitude simply as a result of the gil selling issue.

Some people don't seem capable of (or inclined to) real critical thinking, and happily accept any additional support or validation for their prejudice.

Instead of recognizing that a bad apple doesn't spoil the barrel, some people are even eager to believe that a bad apple spoils all apples everywhere, and welcome any news which gives them more reason to believe so.

It is for this reason alone that I hope it eventually comes to be shown that the attacks on SE have nothing to do with China, simply because no race or nation deserves to be reviled based on the regrettable actions of a few prominent representatives.

  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #8 Apr 16 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
    24 posts
    Dang you Ten! I just logged out and I saw your reply.
    Anyways, I have 2 more links if you guys wanna take a look

    Lots of articles on the current situation
    Found at the bottom of the page of the above link. Talks about the attacks on Japanese websites.

    Credit for these links belongs to Mysterhappy of GameFaqs.

    P.S. - Ten, I happen to be chinese. I wouldn't go bashing my own people for no reason.
    P.S.S. - I hear you like subligear. Want a free pair? The galka I got them from promised he only jogged in them once >_>
    P.S.S.S. - No I dont sell gil. ><

    Edited, Sat Apr 16 16:46:33 2005 by RhoneDarkstar
    #9 Apr 16 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
    6,947 posts
    Thank you for the additional links, and for taking the trouble to log back in.

    I happen to be chinese. I wouldn't go bashing my own people for no reason.

    Of course! And I never meant to suggest that you were bashing at all... I just needed to express my concern that it is too-common a problem where people (not necessarily you) will draw conclusions where they find it convenient to do so, in order to support what they have chosen already to believe.

    hear you like subligear. Want a free pair? The galka I got them from promised he only jogged in them once >_>

    Thank you for the generous offer, but at this time, I will wear no other subligar until I have obtained my white lacy panties from wherever they come from in the CoP areas that I do not yet have access to.
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #10 Apr 17 2005 at 2:49 AM Rating: Good
    654 posts
    A piece of news which I've read lately, which is slightly more related to Internet issues:

    Japan suspects cyber attack

    Just FYI and general knowledge regarding the whole issue. ^^

    As a side note; I most definitely agree that most of this FFXI / DDoS from China thing is merely speculative for the most part. Conspiracy theories are always getting cooked up in our heads, though. o.O;
    #11 Apr 18 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
    Current theories suggest that the Chinese protests over Japanese textbooks, which are accused of distorting Japanese wartime practices, may have influenced hackers from China or Hong Kong to launch a DDoS assault on the Final Fantasy XI servers.

    Slightly Off-Topic here:
    Okay... Hearing about this just made me sick over my own culture and disgusted over the flaw of Japan's education system.
    I have never been to school in Japan so I consider myself fortune enough to learn about this wartime tragedy in high school here.
    I really didn't know Japanese textbooks rewrote history and it's just sickening that Japan won't apologize to Mainland China.
    The Rape of Nanking(Nanjing) was one of the worst crimes Imperial Japan has committed. During WWII, more Chinese were killed then Jews. I learned South Korea got their damages payed for but what the f_ _ _ ... not Mainland China!?

    Ironically, Taiwan doesn't care about this. Smiley: banghead
    because Taiwan hates Mainland China...

    And yes, I know I'm bashing my own cultural over this but the education system is f _ _ _ up for being ignorant.

    #12 Apr 18 2005 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
    1,092 posts
    Wow. That history books thing is really getting out of control ( and im not talking about FFXI here ) for something that has been there for a while now. Desinformation have been around for centuries, and is being practiced in many Western gouvernments/organizations ( just look at Americans media system, or worse, christians' bible ). Medias say want they want to say, as well as history books.

    I'm not denying Japanese's "fault" in this, but if they dont want their children to read stuff about war, murder and rape, well I dont think it's wrong to skip the details. Does Europe still blame Germans for WWI and II ? No, because Germany is totally different of what it was back then, and because they got over it. War is war, and I'd be surprised to hear that Chinese never tortured anyone in their history.

    I've never heard about those atrocities untill the recent events, and I'm stuck wondering the consequences of that. Will Chineses get pissed at Canadians because those atrocities are not even in our history books ( well, none of the ones i used in school )? Even if they were, I believe most 15 years-old would think : "Woa, thats horrible, now , whats for lunch today? "

    Back on topic : "Mafiaboy", the kid that attacked and e-bay a few years ago using the same DDoS attacks, happens to live in a town no so far from mine. If you dont remember well, it caused billions of dollars of loss. He did it for no reason at all, just for the kicks and giggles. I think what is happening in FFXI is the same too. Just a pissed off kid, with too much freetime.
    #13 Apr 18 2005 at 9:37 PM Rating: Good
    654 posts
    It's one thing not to want to include such negativities into textbooks, even though it's blatantly masking the truth... However, denying the past does imply a lack of respect for the past, for people who have suffered under the regime. This, is what I believe the main gripe of the Chinese people really is.

    In Singapore, where I'm from, there is a somewhat similar sentiment - although toned down very much more - about Japanese and their wartime practices of the past. At one point, we were under Japanese control, and alot of our people suffered brutally under their rule.

    To this day, there remain people who refuse to buy any Japanese product, watch any Japanese programmes, or to have to do anything with the Japanese culture.

    Of course, these are mostly people who have directly experienced the aftermath of the Japanese Occupation here (i.e. the older generation). Most of the younger generation, however, tend to behave in the exact opposite manner - and find themselves caught up with Japanese trends. I personally blame Kimura Takuya (but just a little, cos he's so darn cute).

    I, on the other hand, believe - live and let live. Yes, I won't deny the past, but what's the point in dwelling anymore? But, I guess without this 'acknowledgement' of the past from Japan, the Chinese people will not take things lying down. It's such a pity to see things in this state.

    (I apologize for rambling, I went off a tangent.. As I usually do when discussing matters of this nature.)

    FFXI-wise: Yesterday, at about 5:30 (Japan Standard Time), searches began failing once again, and the Auction House was unusable. However, this was fixed in a matter of minutes and probably went by unnoticed to most. Perhaps they've brought the situation under control; which is good news. :)

    Edited, Mon Apr 18 22:40:36 2005 by Kysha
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