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Ragnarok's FinestFollow

#277 Jan 22 2005 at 12:56 AM Rating: Good
356 posts
LilMinion wrote:
Jar/Minona, to clear up some confusion, Davonn is my brother's character, he then went away to Mizzou, and deleted his character. Destiney was originally my sister's character but went to UMSL. Legacy was my character I got it to about 20 then quit it, I got hooked on Taru so I played Destiney and loved it more and more each level. \(^o^)/ I hope that clears up some confusion Jar & Minona.

I got your tells, and I understand now, Sorry for the mishap ^^
#278 Jan 22 2005 at 2:18 AM Rating: Good
well after reading some of the posts here i guess i have to type something too ^o^ here are some ppl i met in vana

silverwulf great friend of mine always checking how high my pld is atm really dont remember how we met but im lucky i have met him , and his bro woffthekiller ^^

destiney dont remember how we crossed paths but we did des is what i usually call him and he always brings a smile to my face when he messages me even though im busy tanking in bibiki bay
~.~ j/k

bennettz what can i say about good ole benny ... he's helpful
skilled and he never ever let me down i owe him alot i would have never achived lv70 without him ....thanks benny T.T

elithorn leader is the Ls ladyluck. it's a good LS never gave me any drama and got some promising members it's a small LS
but were 1 small but happy LS

genkotsu a trust worth and dependable friend of mine i know anybody else who knows him will say the same thing about him

NEOGOHAN ............... no words can express how much i
look up to this guy always there to help ppl in need never to complain or give up willing to die with no complaints "if he did die" and always aiming to better himself as a mnk even though he's an uber mnk ^^

PJ & axiom officers the 1st bunch of ppl i hanged out with in my early days as a young pld
radian and to the rest i cant remember ~.~

to all the ppl i know in this game thanks for being friends


#279 Jan 22 2005 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
im not that great des stop lying im really rude and i hang des by his feet upsidedown all the time im really mean to taru's :p
#280 Jan 22 2005 at 2:55 AM Rating: Good
352 posts
OMG I got mentioned by someone I *didn't* drop this thread's name too! =D

...>_> <_< Not that I've ever...done that...Cuz I haven't...nope.

Sue me I'm a recognition ***** ._.;

Yeh Dest is a guy. >_>

...what else do you want from me? Fireworks? *stares at people reading post*

You're all evil.[j/k =P]
*tosses up fireworks*
*goes back to leveling subjobs)
#281 Jan 22 2005 at 6:39 AM Rating: Good
245 posts
I guess its time I put a few names down ;)

First and foremost its got to be Reps, somewhat a perfectionist :p he won't level without the best gear and without doing the best he can, if only more people would follow this example. Been friends for about 4 years no (christ time flies), really couldnt ask for a better friend. Started the game at the same time and done nearly everything together.
Without Reps I wouldn't be where I am in FF today. Always a lvl or two ahead of my throughout and the first guy I'd ask about the new items for our PLD's. Alas who would have thought 2x PLD can't party together ¬_¬. Now he's a trigger happy ranger who I enjoy trying to match damage with as a mere SAM (and fail lol).

Now with Reps there's always Ysabell :) As they say, behind every good man there's a great woman, well in this case behind every good rng there's a great rdm. She the best rdm I've ever partied with, does a hell of a lot more than any other rdm i've seen, and not to mention does a fine job of whm too! A great person to be around and always, always willing to help.
Also at times the blondest brunette I know :p /hug

Dritz / (Kamaitachi)
Back in force! with a new POL ID and currently kicking *** as WAR/NIN. First met him as a DRG back in the day on his first char who really really impressed me. Taken on as a replacement into the party and suddenly we were chaining 4 and 5's! Altho somewhat a suicidal puller lol it was nonstop and great fun. Been a fantastic new friend to meet on this game, willing to help with anything. This guy took me through rank 4 and 5 without any hesitation. A quality you wouldn't expect from a brand new friend. Great Stroper puller too :D Never has ordelles been so fun.
Glad to have you back mate, looking forward to kicking some more *** at the Promy's soon ;D /salute

Leader of my first proper linkshell which Dritz got me into, met a lot of good people, such as Regolith who you mihgt see kicking about as monk these days (oh the bad jokes just don't stop). But back to zef! Also a welcome return to see him back - managed to get the old team back together, me, reps, ysabell, dritz, zefren and proceeded to do a promy on our first try. Who woulda thought a THF can make a WHM :D. A great guy who of the same mentality as Dritz is willing to help anybody if he can.

This guy is quite simply unstoppable. With RDM and PLD under his belt he solo's just about anything! Huge respect for him he's taught me so much even when he was half my level. I didnt know you could teleport to outposts! Nor did i know you could get extra mog space from the Bed quests! (your supposed to tell me these things reps!). Now i hate to be a stuck record, but once again Azra is one of the nicest people to meet, willing to help you whenever, whatever. I look forward to catching up with you mate, so hard to find a good tank these days.
Also if you need a guide, this is your man - you need a map? He's got it! Also with his playstation hax! he somehow out-pulls any gil seller/botter! big respect for you Az, something i have zero talent for.

a mate of several years from the same game as reps, an upcoming DRK you should look out for. Hates me helping him out with anything! can't give him anything for free he has a real sense of self achievement and wants to make his own path in FF, great guy and looking forward to Ballista with this northern fairy ;)
P.S If you ever party with him, he talks less than Reps! Might get a WS or TP report btu nothing much else lol!

The little fella me and Reps took pity on when he was a mere lvl 20 RDM needing a trip to Jueno, (you all know how impossible that journey seemed). Great guy and mad crafter! "Its not what you know, its who you know" and dammmnn does Blacke know people. Offering me all the high level synths from his friends :D. Speaking of which you promised me some Adaman armour for my pld for that trip! Good guy, once again, willing to help out. And also very lucky! not many people get their G1 paper on first 2 mins! (i needed skillups too >< )

Calalean & Lellya
A great pair, married (as i later found out) :D had great party with Calalean and was a small set for a while, real shame i couldn't really commit the hours at the time :( One of the best WHM's i'd partied with ever (OMG YOU HAVE ERASE!), altho i understand he's currently a crazy RNG.
Lellya who i met when she'd just started off virtually in Valk, someone very happy to join me reps and ysabell and get the hell out of the dunes! was weird having a "Cal says hello" from her, small world eh? :)
I can honestly say Lellya is one of THE nicest people you can meet, willing to help me out with anything, setting aside a time to do AF's etc, such selflessness rarely seen.

This list is getting quite long !

Special mention of Shuffles, a crazy high level taru ranger who's helped me many times with my AF's
Stunner, part THF, part RNG. And by no means is he a blind elvaan :p (soz bud just kidding!}
Xchemical, once the same level PLD, now he's just rocketed through the levels.

I'll tie it up here, there really are many others that deserve a mention, but it would just too long (and pointless?) to list them all here, but the ones that stand out in my mind need a mention here.

Sorry to anybody i've missed but this thing is like an essay now that no one will bother reading.

A thankyou to all of you for putting up with my bad jokes, and showing off my legs constantly, {subligar} {samurai}! altho i know Ysabell loves my legs really and will miss then when i finally get to 54 and can wear some pants!

I'll end with this picture :p (she's gonna kill me)

And a quick game of "Spot the Roff"

aha not over yet! if you've read this far, thanks :)
and finally Happy Birthday to Reps :D I sent you lots of birthday presents to your inbox :p

edit: Forgot something very special! my bad

Reps' Mullet
This little fella deserves a mention, serving Reps through thick and thin, keeping him warm and as a source of jokes throughout our FF history. Great for his PLD serving emnity +5 but giving a few problems with RNG :p

oh and *bump*

Edited, Sat Jan 22 06:46:18 2005 by bretteh
#282 Jan 22 2005 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
574 posts
If your not partying with these people you are insane....

Roffler... lol what can I say... great guy, great leader... just watch out for the subligar :p

Reps.... he kills enemies quicker than you can say "Holy #$%@!$# Brit Batman!" great fun to be around as well.

Ysabell.. I have never seen a more dedicated mage . EVER. PERIOD. her dedication is unbeleivable.. blm/whm/rdm/sum????!!! and good at all of them.. It's people like her that make tanks like me look good.

Zefren... you know where I stand.. Great friend.. Whm again after a year of thf.. I personaly think he's a closet whm :D

Unholydose... Known as Unholy to all his friends, he is the man in real life... After doing over 132 days in the war zone I owe him my complete gratitude... you were never forgoten and WELCOME BACK!!!!

There are others and only time will tell if they are (or can stay) RAGNAROKS FINEST!!!
#283 Jan 22 2005 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
two more to add:

Vedrice Helped me get the Ifrit's Cauldron coffer w/o needing any payment, and showed me how cool BST can be at high levels. /cheer

Dskyi's PT Three very nice tarutaru that gave me the Ifrit's Cauldron key... /bow

Just some examples of how helpful people can be here.
#284 Jan 22 2005 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
574 posts
I told Reps "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" but he was off line so now I will say it here so that everyone can hear and it is around untill this damn website goes offline....



When you /sea give Reps a big Happy birthday please!!
#285 Jan 23 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
:D I had the best parties this weekend and while partying in Garliage Citadel I found most of hte people I had partied with over the levels there. XD It was great. I need to add a few of them to my list now ^.^

Wulongpie - Oh we've known each other a long time. Great rdm, great friend. Great fun! Mithra Power!

Leiona - Cool person, great to be around.

Affinity/Jobie - Great friend. We help each other out when we can. I've been kind of busy lately tho ^^; Don't worry Aff! I haven't forgotten you or your ls.

Arcon - :p Hey Promyvion-Dem was fun. Now we've got to do the rest ^.^

I've got some repeats too -

Slusher - YAY SLUSH! Lol you're determined to help us out huh? Me n Shemi definately appreciate the help. Prethanks for G1

Xxcidxx - Lol Cid Thanks for helpin me get Dragoon. That was an amusing fight ^.^ Also prethanks for G1.

I think thats it for now. Updates later.

#286 Jan 23 2005 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good
Better do my shout-outs now:

First off, to everyone who was in the old Heavenly Knights LS, you guys got me into the game. You all know who you are. boma, wiccatu, seraphx, olhado, Enkil, and everyone I haven't listed.

Also to my new LS, OOSG. you guys pwn.

A couple more here...

Valcor-helped me do a bunch of stuff, thanks again d00d.

Ezentyr-Knows as much as I do about douglas adams, and made the jungle a lot less boring for me.

Thorferd- A newbie I knew a looooong time ago, who showed me how NOT to tank (lol). for that I'm grateful.

If I missed anyone, it's because my list of ppl who have helped me is just too fuggin long. :D
#287 Jan 25 2005 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
125 posts
I've got to add Dommingo. As RDM60 he helped a random party (of random people) do the WAR, PLD, RDM x 2, and BRD AF1 quests all in a row. (Sorry this is so long overdue!)

Also like to thank Strifey for busting up the Wandering Ghost twice in Gusgen for me and another MNK to get our AF1.
#288 Jan 25 2005 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
ALYZA! she soloed the wasps for me in Ifrits Cauldron ^^
#289 Jan 25 2005 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
455 posts
ALYZA! she soloed the wasps for me in Ifrits Cauldron ^^

; ; *cry*
#290 Jan 26 2005 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
158 posts
Salvation LS - Teh noob loves you guys.

Everyone in that ls is recommended to be partied with at any given moment.

#291 Feb 01 2005 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
Snafina: Best RDM ever, always there if I need help! Always! Never says no to any request for help. A great person to know and play withˆˆ

All TSHoT/DVAS LS members: The reason I have most of what I have, and have done most of what I have done, along with the following......

(The original LiberiFatali members that I can actually stand to
share an LS with, unfortunate that most people aren't like them
there.)These guys have been helping me practically since I
started and they are great people to be around.

Liadel: Who I'm trying to marry ; ; <3 Liadel (for obvious reasons)
My Summoner hunnybunny :)

Other Random People I Owe Thanks Too That I Can Remember::
Farathin/Sweetangel/Mikalo/Ducasni/ KIGAMI!!!!! (come back
you fool!) Juibb-Palinmage-Qoomage-Drizzt-Tirinai
#292 Feb 01 2005 at 8:58 AM Rating: Good
356 posts
MamimiSameji wrote:
Snafina: Best RDM ever, always there if I need help! Always! Never says no to any request for help. A great person to know and play withˆˆ

All TSHoT/DVAS LS members: The reason I have most of what I have, and have done most of what I have done, along with the following......

(The original LiberiFatali members that I can actually stand to
share an LS with, unfortunate that most people aren't like them
there.)These guys have been helping me practically since I
started and they are great people to be around.

Liadel: Who I'm trying to marry ; ; <3 Liadel (for obvious reasons)
My Summoner hunnybunny :)

Other Random People I Owe Thanks Too That I Can Remember::
Farathin/Sweetangel/Mikalo/Ducasni/ KIGAMI!!!!! (come back
you fool!) Juibb-Palinmage-Qoomage-Drizzt-Tirinai

It's Tahkuyne!!!!!!!!
*hands tahk some elvaan sweets* :D
#293 Feb 01 2005 at 11:10 PM Rating: Good
352 posts
*waves at Tahkuyne*
*turns up volume on stereo*
*rocks out to "White Feathers" by L'Arc~en~Ciel*

*begins wondering when he'll ever get his AF3 done...*
#294 Feb 02 2005 at 2:51 AM Rating: Good
So many names come to mind. These are definitly some of Ragnarok's Finest:

Best of the best...

Zarathustraa- A killer Dark Knight and a great friend. I owe Zarathustraa both my arms and probably a leg. Back in the day, before I knew how to make gil, Zarathustraa spent about a week camping Stroper Chyme with me. He needed another Snipper's Ring, and I desperitly need a Scroll of Utsusemi: Ni. After 40 claims and 0 drops, my fragile ninja spirit was crushed. Zarathustraa, later that week during a Genkai 1 run, claimed Old Two-Wings and got his hands on a Bat Cape. A few days later he handed me a Scroll of Utsusemi: Ni for free. He also surprised me with an Eris' Earring on another occasion.

Azureal/Deacon (Retired)- Where to begin? Chandler was in my very first exp. party. We kept in touch ever since then. He headed up two friendly linkshells. He crafted me a leather bandana, my lucky bandana, a long long time ago. I still have it.

Gwenn- I've only been a member of GwennsLovelyLS for a few months now, but Gwenn is definitly a player I look up to. Gwenn is always on top of his game, making him an amazing leader. In the few months I've been a member, I've made several friends and completed several goals I set for Neoburai, many of them I assure you would not be completed today if it weren't for the great work ethic of Gwenn and his lovely linkshell.

Honorable Mentions...

Kyjun, Morningstar, Cloudstear, Tetsume, Aliza, Wysard, Jikaz, Higure, Bulletknight, Lavik, Izam, Higure, Darkmedic, Derival, Gojitta, Hawkeyee, Tenkun, Vanurai, everyone in GwennsLovelyLS, all the former SybilCrusaders & SibylCrusaders/current members of SybilConquistadors, and former members of DarkGenisis & DarkEra/current members of Recurrence.

Edited, Wed Feb 2 02:52:18 2005 by Neoburaixx
#295 Feb 02 2005 at 4:47 AM Rating: Decent
awww, i saw my name in here somewhere ^^

hmmm, I must say, everyone in DVAS rules.

Special mention of Tahkuyne who helped me out so much by Duoin so many things with me :D and makin sure i was fed lotsa friskies and given lotsa milk XD
#296 Feb 02 2005 at 6:53 AM Rating: Good
Toyer - Spents 10+ hours with me getting EN coffer key.
Danielson and Amiel - Helped me with my af1
Sharkie - Got me my PLD job. I owe he much.

Most important. My brother Carbon. everytime I need something. He is there doing it with me. Af's, power leveling :) anything.
#297 Feb 02 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
2,112 posts
^ omg for anyone that spends 10hrs with you getting the edm coffer key is nuts but I'll give him props to.
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#298 Feb 02 2005 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
356 posts
Aurani wrote:
Special mention of Tahkuyne who helped me out so much by Duoin so many things with me :D and makin sure i was fed lotsa friskies and given lotsa milk XD

Heaven knows, you would probably find some one to burn that cat food if you made it yourself :P

#299 Feb 02 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
352 posts
*is still lurking for some reason...*

God I love getting out of class early >.>

#300 Feb 02 2005 at 11:52 PM Rating: Excellent
;_; /em frantically searches for his name...
*wonders why people hate him...*
but, whatever, ***** that! d('.')b

best pplz

(Basically all the ppl from BIA, Tantulas, and DarkMist)
=) laterz
#301 Feb 03 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
I meet a lot of great people in all these pickup parties that I form to fail in Promyvion-Holla. ^_^

I think I've mentioned some of these people in another thread, but I'll mention them here too, 'cause they deserve it. As always, this is merely a partial list of the awesome people I've met. I'm sure I'm forgetting a truckload of people.


and MINONA! ^_^


Edited, Thu Feb 3 12:41:37 2005 by Eekiki
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