you left out option 3 - farm yourself crosseyed to get them. The implication in your post is that if a player doesn't get the drop but has the item, they buy gil. Not always the case.
You could also try what I did.. I don't own leaping boots or Emp Hairpin for my RNG... but I DID get Winged Boots. Why?
Two reasons, it took me until level 24 to get enough gil to buy the stupid things. and the Second I figured some crafter somewhere had to go out and farm/buy leaping boots and then take a chance of a failed synth (and possible loss of 300K boots) to make the Winged boots and then put them in the AH for about 10K More than the leaping boots. They were the ONLY pair in Jeuno when I bought them.
COULD they have been made by a gil seller? Sure..but do you really think a seller is going to sink the gil required to level a craft highenough to make Winged Boots? I dont.
I'm going to agree with Niekon about the "mindset" thing whole heartedly. In fact, here's a post I put on our LS forums a little while ago...
There is something else that everyone needs to take into their heads. IGNORE THE NIKE COMMERCIALS.
Here's what i mean. I'm referring to the old Air Jordan commercials that said "It's gotta be the shoes." The idea of course was that if you paid $200 for AJs at footlocker instead of $15 for Keds at K-Mart you would somehow gain the amazing abilities of an NBA superstar. Because, as we all knew, it was reallyhis footwear that made MJ unstoppable, it had nothing to do with talent.
My point is this ( and I'll use to very high demand Items for Ranger to illustrate it).
Archers Knives give +10 Ranged Accuracy and DMG 11
Hawker's Knives give +11 Ranged Accuracy and DMG 12
The difference here is that Archers will run you anywhere from 25-40K each. Hawkers on the other hand have been averaging 280k-350k each.
The math is pretty simple, if 10 Ranged Accuracy is worth 30k, that's 3K per point of accuracy. So how do you justify a ten fold increase in cost for what amounts to 3k worth of accuracy? Simple, price fixing and the "Gotta be the shoes" attitude. We're told by so many people that you MUST have an item and you MUST do this to be "the best". Bunk.
I never had an Emperor's hairpin and I've played in parties that had another ranger in them and I've hit just as often as they have despite it. So why would I spend 300k on one?
I played with another RNG just a few days ago who had NO + Ranged Accuracy or +AGI items at all..and yes he hit less than I did...but I would not call the difference "dramatic".
My point is that we all want the in game equivalent of "bling bling" and the gil sellers all have it. If people would just get educated to the fact that a 25k crafted item is often just as good as a 300K NM Drop item, you'd squash the sellers immediately. But the reality we're all facing is that Sqaure isn't going to do it, people aren't going to stop buying the drops at AH (unless they get over the fact that, no they DONT need a 7 million gil Peacock Necklace to play the game), and the sellers aren't suddenly going to decide that what they are doing is 'wrong' and stop.
There is an old marketting addage that claims that no matter WHAT the product is, if you can convince people they MUST have it you will sell millions of them at any price you choose. THe gil sellers might be a pain in the butt..but they know their Economics 101 better than 90% of people playing the game.
Edited, Tue Oct 12 14:06:11 2004 by airamis