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Shocking perspective on Gil Seller's MotivationFollow

#1 Oct 13 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
As this seems to be a massive issue for so many I decided to do a little research. I trucked over to IGE and discovered that they consider Ragnarok to be one of the "best paying" serves (which I would assume to mean they pay more because there are fewer people here selling it so the market is tighter. I guess that's a good thing :/)

But here's what I discovered by entering known Jeuno AH prices for NM drops and items....
These prices are based on IGE's 'calculator' for what they pay for gil at any given moment. You stick in how much gil you have to sell, choose your server, and hit 'calculate' and this is what you get........

kraken Club = 10 Million Gil = $650.00
Peacock Charm = 7 MIllion Gil = $455.00
Eurytos Bow = 4.5 Million Gil = $292.50
Sniper's Ring = 500,000 Gil = $32.50
Ochudos Kote = 650,000 Gil = $42.50
Emp Hair Pin = 300,000 Gil = $19.50
Leaping Boots = 280,000 Gil = $18.20

Or to just base it on raw Gil..

1,000,000 = $65.00

This is what the Gil sellers on our server are 'earning' for their time and effort. Do you really think you are going to stop people from Camping these mobs when we're talking about being able to make a mortgage payment even here in the US with a couple of Kraken Clubs a month? So for $12.95 and a month's effort you can turn $1,300 on a couple of Krakens.. or hell just farm normally and do nothing BUT farm once you hit 60ish. I bet 10-20 Million a month would be pretty easy to earn if it was 100% of your effort.

Still think you're going to beat these guys on a "its not right" argument? Not when we're talking about very real sums of money. Square is the only one who can fix it, and to them a handful of people making a few bucks isn't worht risking a couple thousand people getting upset over the solutions they employ to end it. They aren't losing money off the gil sellers, they are in fact making $13 a month off them just like they are you..and frankly if you want to be blunt.. THOSE people aren't leaving when they hit 40 or get bored....they're working it until the servers turn to dust.

Oh and just to be clear.. this is what IGE PAYS the sellers...they then turn around and double that amount as near as I can tell when selling it to the public. So there is yet another me a sales job (a fair analogy) where your 'boss' gives you a 50% comission?

Edited, Wed Oct 13 16:11:12 2004 by airamis
#2 Oct 13 2004 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
While it's true SE has the most power to stop it, wouldn't a good way for users to stop it is by not buying gil? They are only making money off of this because there is a market for it. If the market would cease to exist, then they would be out of jobs, just like with anything else. Though I know stopping people from buying gil is about as unrealistic as stopping people from selling it. Some get so wrapped up in the game and having to have the best items that they forget it's just a game and here for fun.
#3 Oct 13 2004 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
Some get so wrapped up in the game and having to have the best items that they forget it's just a game and here for fun.

best comment on the subject EVER.

Mostly because I think it goes both ways. First it strikes at the heart of the "i must have" attitude many players have about certain items. it's an obession. I would expect it it if the whole community was made up of "fashion maven" 16 year old girls (no offense) who simply can't wear the same clothes this month because they aren't HIP anymore. But there are a lot of 20+ and even 40+ gamers out there feeding the monster.

Also, it strikes to another side of this. This is a GAME. It amazes me how many people are taking this up as a crusade. How many people are crying "illegal" and "immoral" and "a matter of right and wrong". Just out of curiosity I'd love to see a poll of those same people detailing how much time they've donated to their local homeless shelter, legal aid, Red cross, or other charities trying to solve REAL problems and address REAL issues of right and wrong. Or for those who are just trying to "Tell 100 people and those people tell 100 people so we get the word out and make people aware", how many hours have you spent this month talking to your friends about Second Harvest? Or Donating Blood? Or maybe sending $5 off to Hurricane victims.

Its so very easy to crusade about the percieved 'injustice' we're all suffering at the hands of the profiteers when the most we have to do is rant on a forum or complain in our LS or /TELLs. its safe, we dont have to make any real effort and we all feel oh so just and righteous when doing it.

No question that this is bringing down the enjoyment of the game for some. No question that it's a violation of the EULA, and no question that it is, at some level, a form of 'cheating'. But much like so many things in the 'real world' this is out of the general populations hands, it has to come from our in game 'government'. But we also all need to get over our selves..this whole discussion/argument/debate/whatever is starting to take on the elements of a moralistic crusade...and frankly if you have THAT much of your emotions, time, and energy wrapped up in this game...then maybe you need a little perspective..because IT IS A GAME. Life is that thing outisde that is passing you by.


(man I am SO gonna get rated down for this lol)

Oh and just one more thing... Tiffie is right...its a cycle. You stop people from buying..then no one will sell.. but take a look at something like drug traffic in Amercia.. you want to stop it.. convince people to stop using drugs and the sellers wont have customers and the problem goes away. Its simple...but its never going to happen.

Edited, Wed Oct 13 16:57:59 2004 by airamis

Edited, Wed Oct 13 16:58:33 2004 by airamis
#4 Oct 13 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
989 posts
Heh, when Jaffla gave me 3.8 million gil, I sold 2.8 million of it for $525. Way before the gil farmers plummeted the prices.

#5 Oct 13 2004 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
ROFLMAO... I love it. The gil sellers are wrecked your REAL income. Now THERE's something to rally against...

Much Kudos and a rate up for honesty!
#6 Oct 13 2004 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
440 posts
Just out of curiosity I'd love to see a poll of those same people detailing how much time they've donated to their local homeless shelter, legal aid, Red cross, or other charities trying to solve REAL problems and address REAL issues of right and wrong. Or for those who are just trying to "Tell 100 people and those people tell 100 people so we get the word out and make people aware", how many hours have you spent this month talking to your friends about Second Harvest? Or Donating Blood? Or maybe sending $5 off to Hurricane victims.

FYI, I'm a poor college student. If I had the money ta donate ta a good cause, then I would, but I worked all summer at a crappy retail job just so i could have enuff money ta get by on the bare essentials this year.

Since you're obviously referring ta me in all but name, ya must know that I've been very vocal against the gilsellers because I care about this game, and the (great majority of legit) players that play it. As a result, i dont want ta see it go down the tubes as a result of the greed of a small but influential minority (the gil-sellers and those who buy significant amounts of gil from them.) That is why i spend time raising awareness of gilsellers on forums and in-game. Not because im on sum sort of "crusade," but because i care. And if ya dont think the effort that I and others who care about the issue put into writing posts on here, & informing our friends and ls-members in-game, is worth nething, then you've already resigned yourself ta apathy, which might as well be defeat.

Besides, the "what about THIS greater problem" argument is a slippery slope. If we all spent our time addressing greater problems, the lesser ones would fall by the wayside & neva be solved. But i wont get too much into that :)

As for your comments about the "government" (squenix) in the game having ta do something bout it, im a firm believer in a lassiez-faire policy when it comes ta issues such as this, because "government" intervention would do nothing. Squenix would ban the gilsellers, & they would simply buy new accounts ta take their place. If change is ta come about, it must come from an informed community: a community that knows ta /blist add Pasco & Nozokimi in Jeuno; a community that doesn't support gilsellers wit their hard-earned in-game or RL currency; and a community that cares enuff ta spread the word.

So, in conclusion, yes, it is only a game. But its a game that many of us have put months of playtime and hundreds of dollars in monthly fees/software/hardware into. Its a game where we have made many good friends. And its a game that we all have a lot of fun in. I simply dont wanna see all of that lost, and if you wanna fault me for caring, then go ahead.
#7 Oct 14 2004 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
This problem has been around for as long as MMORPGs have been around though. There is no doubt that gil sellers can take away from legitimate player's fun. And making people aware is a good thing. But there are by far way more legitimate players then those buying and selling in game money, items and characters. I even found on ebay people who will level your character for you for a fee.(Though why you can't pay someone to take care of your plants when you are out of town is beyond me. ;) )

It's a battle that the legitimate players are never going to win. As I stated above, as long as there is a demand for it, people are going to make money off of it.

I understand caring about the game. I do as well. I have met a lot of great people since I started playing and I'd hate to have them leave because of fustrations from problems such as this. Though I found the better way to combat the problem is to do my best to make it fun for legitmate players in whatever way that I can. I'll help anyone who wants to get a high priced item try to aquire it by drop if I can. If I get one, I always give my ls first dibs on using it before I sell it. I figure I can sell it in a few months when they are done with it. I do what I can to keep people from feeling as if they have to resort to buying gil. I had a ls friend who wasn't able to farm due to lack of time and tried to send him half of my farming take everytime I could, just so he could use the little bit of time he had in game to level.

Most of us know a few people who are struggling to keep up because they don't have the time required to raise gil and level. Maybe if those of us who have a little more free time are more willing to help our friends, we may stop someone from purchasing gil and thus steal yet another customer from these sellers.
#8 Oct 14 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,058 posts
First, my post wasn't directed "at" anyone, but rather to what I percieve from reading the majority of threads on this issue where people are starting to call for the "moralistic" approach or the "it's illegal" approach. Both gross overstatements of the problem.

As for being a poor college student who can only afford the "bare essentials" it doesn't jibe with the...

So, in conclusion, yes, it is only a game. But its a game that many of us have put months of playtime and hundreds of dollars in monthly fees/software/hardware into.

....Comment. And we won't go into the "I can pay $13 a month for a game, but not send $5 one time as a gestures of support for a real problem" issue. Mostly becaues I really wasn't aiming any of this directly at you ( but you opened a door so I had to take a shot, sorry).

But my point was more to the energy and effort (read TIME) being put into this comparitively small matter that some people seem to be addressing as a personal crusade. Never mind the hundreds of hours being put into actual playing. its all entertainment, and yes there is a force at work here that is impeeding our entertainment to some degree.

I compare it to ticket scalpers. Its wrong, (in the case of scalping it really IS illegal) and it harms people in pursuit of their entertainment enjoyment by placing that entertainment out of their reach in some cases or causing the cost of that entertainment to rise. But it's still an CHOICE item. Not a requirement. yes it's fun, but the world still turns without it.

As i've constantly stated, I think it is bad, but its not going away. period. Not with the kind of $ to be made from it.

I think, fundamentally at least, Tiffie and I are on roughly the same page in terms of what should be done and how you can do it.
I dont have a problem with the education of people you play with, or avoiding activities that encourage the sellers. But it's the rapidly escalating rehtoric that I'm seeing (not just here but all over the 'net) that seems to be trying to elevate this to some Global crissis we may never recover from. THAT is what my comment was directed it, the people who are approaching Fanatical status on the subject. Because once that happens, any credibility they may have had was lost.
#9 Oct 14 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
104 posts
Props to airamis!! Great way to clearify things for us.

I personally do not see who gil selling will harm the game. Everywhere you go in the game, there is an exchange of gil. Some gil is gone for good (chocos, boat rides), other gil is exchanged between players. Gil sellers just set up another exchange of gil. I do not believe this will harm the economy, or the friendships formed by those who play the game. Rank 10 is still considered a high accolade among all of us who actually play.

The main point of playing, is to play. I hope that there are people who actually enjoy the story plot (i know this one is a stretch), music, and actual gameplay. Gil is NOT the point of the game. I know it plays a huge part with geting certain items, but it only adds to the fun.

Please continue to play normally, and try not to fret over issues that do not directly affect you.
#10 Oct 14 2004 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
989 posts
airamis wrote:
ROFLMAO... I love it. The gil sellers are wrecked your REAL income. Now THERE's something to rally against...

Much Kudos and a rate up for honesty!

Haha, man when he paid me that much gil I couldn't help myself. I compared...$525 towards my car, or 2.8million gil...That's a lot of freaking money for a couple hours of playing ffxi...yes $525 to lvl his ghey character 3 levels. Then Dargonesti did another 3, and got paid the same (but in Canadian it was like $1,045,251 CAN or something close to that)
#11 Oct 15 2004 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
151 posts
For the record, I heart Cydille.
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