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#1 Oct 14 2004 at 12:14 AM Rating: Good
892 posts
I'll start this saying this is a rant...

Has anyone else noticed the rapid decline in proper understandable English both in game and elsewhere online by people who speak English as a first language?

Seriously I'll read posts or thing people say in game and want to scream about the horrid usage of language. Sometimes I actually have to think about what people are trying to say to be able to understand them.

You were raised speaking and writing the language but you can't anymore? Just drives me nuts. Now watch I'm going to get a ton of people yelling at me and get rated down for saying they can't write/speak in proper english.

Oh well... ranting over...
#2 Oct 14 2004 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
Agreed. Rate up.
#3 Oct 14 2004 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
944 posts
FYI only people with 3.01 or higher karma can rate so I'll rate up for you.

WanderingBard wrote:
You were raised speaking and writing the language but you can't anymore? Just drives me nuts.

Well, with the EU version out, this isn't true for a lot of people now.
#4 Oct 14 2004 at 1:21 AM Rating: Good
892 posts
Well someone who does not know English well talks in a far differernt way than someone who knows it but does not use it properly. I think people are using "Leet" and the ever popular "homie" speak and creating their own language with it. I'm more refering to this than people who can't speak english properly. I'm talking about the stuff that you read and you can tell they know the language but are speaking some unknown version of it.

I try and help the European players as best I can, but because they often speak little to no English it's hard to do so. I was able to speak enough spanish to help one person out though. Made me feel like those classes in High School were something less than a total waste of time.
#5 Oct 14 2004 at 7:50 AM Rating: Good
356 posts
Rate up because, many people in my linkshell and in parties talk like english is their 4th language. -_-
One of the main reasons partying isnt #1 on my list is because I get such a headache trying to read everything they say,
mispelled macros, especially.

Imagine being a ranger(me) and having someone with a Pull macro who says it after Every kill, even when they are at 25%mp, standing up running in circles, AND the macro is all mispelled. like "pul plase"

*head explodes*

btw you should post this in the main. :P
#6 Oct 14 2004 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
You know it's sad when you play with people who speak English as a second language and you can understand them more clearly then those who speak it as a first. I understand typos and grammatical errors are going to occur, especially in the heat of battle. But most of it just seems to be laziness. Somehow the extra half of second someone saves by typing 2 instead of to makes a huge difference.
#7 Oct 14 2004 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
440 posts
I used to have a friend who was studying to become a professor of linguistics. She claimed that, according to certain modern theories, the *true* language is not what is catalogued in your typical dictionary, but instead what people speak and type on a daily basis. Therefore, words like "irregardless" and "h4x0r" are, in fact, considered legitimate words by many experts in the field.

Just some food for thought :)

Oh, and FYI, I actually can type correctly, as you can see. I'm just normally lazy.
#8 Oct 14 2004 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
I agree with the Macros the Drg in my party the other day had a pulling macro that went something like this: "Imma fall on you head <t>" Yes he was from the U.S. So I commented that a Lamma falling on the creatures head must be painful. Everyone found it funny except for him...

Minona... I'd think about it but I don't feel like getting flamed by all the people who talk like that. Less of them will see it if I post it here.

Edited, Thu Oct 14 14:38:02 2004 by WanderingBard
#9 Oct 14 2004 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
1,058 posts
The worst offenders I've seen seem to be DRG. Things like the above and "Imma Jump on you head FOO!" are pretty common. Maybe it's just a Dragoon thing and we just dont understand.
#10 Oct 14 2004 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts
Well there's many people in FFXI whose main language isn't English. Near 1 or 2 people I meet in a party weren't from US... or maybe its just my server.... You must be meeting lots of people to get you this mad.... Well at least everyone's practicing english chatting around all day....

Note: First language Spanish =p Hola! Everyone I meet can't speak spanish near perfect.
#11 Oct 14 2004 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
well i'm italian and all my english i know is from subtitled movies, this is not US only game so dont blame ppl beacuse they dony speak proper english, i do type fast and sometime my words are dumb
#12 Oct 14 2004 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
I don't think the issue is with those who do not speak English as a first language. If it's your second language, I'll never knock you no matter how bad it may be since I struggle trying to learn more then one language. I think this is directed more towards the people who use slang and shortcuts when typing their words to the point that you really can't understand what they are saying.

But on the note of the game being played by people of many different languages, wouldn't it be nice if the autotranslate worked for all languages? I love the idea of playing with people that aren't from this part of the world, but it gets fustrating when communication is hampered since not everyone is able to learn a second language for one reason or another. It sometimes causes us to break off into groups of those who speak the same language as us and defeats the purpose of everyone getting to play on the same servers.
#13 Oct 14 2004 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Just as Tiffie stated... we're not aiming this at folks who are learning English as a 2nd language... we're going after those where English is their primary and probably only language known.

But it's true... I see convo's scrolling by all the time where people are talking in some sort of strange unknown language that I think is English... but not quite sure...

"I dun no wha u r talkin abt..." O_o
"n1 need pt?" o_O
and then there are the macros from hell that just annoy the hell out of me... a cross between AOL-chatrooms & kiddie-scripters >_<

Here is a clue for those doing it... STOP!!! You have a brain... use it.
If not, then get your **** back in school and learn how to communicate in a manner that most people will understand... or else get used to using the auto-translate function because I will ditch that party if you start speaking like some degenerate.
#14 Oct 14 2004 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
440 posts
If not, then get your **** back in school and learn how to communicate in a manner that most people will understand... or else get used to using the auto-translate function because I will ditch that party if you start speaking like some degenerate.

Someone's being a tad elitist. If a person is friendly and a good player, why should you or I care whether or not they conform to the standards of academic English? They're typing in a game, not for some book report, so get off your bloody high horse and stop judging people by the way they type.
#15 Oct 14 2004 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
773 posts
Speaking of English, as Odd as this Sounds, I was being yelled @ for *Using Auto-Translate in my Macros.

5 People were En, 1 was Jp. Dw Proceeded to "..." and other random crap evertime I used a Macro, with Autocomplete. That there seems utterly rude and moreso, Just plain Stupid.

just a Case sample on the Other side of the spectrum, and a Rant. I Thought being Scolded for using Auto-complete was quite Different.
#16 Oct 14 2004 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
892 posts
To anyone that engligh to them is a 2nd or 3rd language, or who knows how many, this is not about you. It is about the people whos primary language is English yet cannot communicate in a logical, coherent or easially readable way. If you can't speak the language properly because it's not your native language I give you more credit for learning more than one language than myself. I'm just complaining about all the people who most likely only speak English but are for some reason or another still almost impossible to understand. I should be spending more time worrying about the battle than puzzling over your macro or what you just said in party chat in case it might be something important.

On another note about autotrans... yeah... having it in more than two languages would be really nice. I'll often try to talk to Spanish speaking individuals and my spanish is veryveryvery bad. So being able to autotranslate with them or anyone else that uses a language that you yourself cannot understand either well or at all would be very nice.

And like Tiffie said above, many of the people that speak English as a second language speak it as well if not better than some who speak it as a primary language.

Edited, Thu Oct 14 21:48:50 2004 by WanderingBard
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